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Explanati @ Watching a video explaining the characteristics of descriptive and narrative texts. Instruction Watch the explanation video to understand the characteristics and features of descriptive and narrative texts. (Ol arele-leit-Vasiileome) i Pelee Cua oe Hello everyone, on this video we'll work on the characteristics of descriptive and narrative texts. A descriptive text makes you picture in your mind what is being described Descriptive texts have adjectives and adverbs to create a vivid impression of a person, place, phenomenon, thing, or event. They use comparisons and they seek to engage the reader’s five senses Narrative texts seek to tell stories or past events and entertain the readers by means of describing and telling. Now let’s see some examples of a narrative text. Let's see the story “What superpower would you most like to have?” by Ryan Cartwright! It was raining. It always rained after craft club. Alice hated that because it meant her artwork either got wet or crumpled as she tried to stuff it in her bag for protection. She looked at Jack who was inspecting his creation intently. In this paragraph we can see that it begins by stating the setting: it was raining. It always rained after craft club. After that, we know that Alice does not like that because her artwork gets wet or crumpled. Another example of a narrative text that uses descriptions is this segment of the story. Alice looked at her poster again. She was quite pleased with it really. It was a picture of Wendy sewing Peter Pan’s shadow back onto his feet. She wasn’t too happy with the way Wendy had turned out but using black net curtains as the shadow was a great idea. Jack's door hanger was a picture of Superman flying through space. He’d run a bit short of time and so had cut out Superman’s face from a magazine. Only after he stuck it down, did he notice the man he had cut out had a beard. Jack snorted as. he saw it. In this segment, we can see that to create a vivid impression of the situation that Alice is going through, the author uses several images. For example, the author sets the scene: Alice looked at her poster again. And the author shows how Alice was feeling: She was quite pleased with it really. Then, the author describes Jack's door hanger by saying that it was a picture of Superman flying through space. The author says that the door hanger had a picture of Superman's face from a magazine, but the picture was a man with a beard. To sum up, descriptive texts use both adjectives and adverbs to picture the image of a person, place, or event in the reader's mind. On the other hand, narrative texts use descriptions to tell stories and past events to amuse the readers. pra hd DEN fos coos Use both Use adjectives and descriptions to adverbs to tell stories and picture the past events image of a person, place, or event in the reader's mind ‘Taken and adapted from Cartwright, R. (2013). “What superpower would you most like to have". In: Waiting at the bus stop. Recovered from hort-story-waiting-at-the-bus-stop/

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