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Oratorio de Noél CHORFARTITUR () 28 ; : 32 1. Prelude — tacet - Hee Camille Saint-Saéns 1835-1921 ne 2. Récit et choeur 4 > Récit 68 (ii Oy 4 8 te eis sol a Chocur Allegro: soprano ‘ in ai-tis-si-mis De % Ato g Gl-ri-a in aetis-oms De - 0, Tenore Glo-ri-a in al- tis - si-misDe - 0, Basso : Glo- tea in al-tis -si-mis De - 0, 87 93 96 gloti-a in al-tis-si-mis De- o, glow -a in al-tis-si-mis De-o, ¢ in tr - mw pax ho -mi- al - bus, bo + > mae vo-lun- ta - tist Mm - 9, ump -anwouna ay nd nay “HE ak wnp + unuouny = oy | omy 1 = Wt + aa) ump - unum mm ; wy ouridos Me - a4 ump - unsung MB ed mC) youesdos = ie 42 = a ve * opoururos o1es2poy Any Jo IY “p yon — ITY *€ isn - a: son eeu 09 snq + ome tu > og amd ee) ts + of Tar BIL sit ait” ° fo aq suas-ay-e ut fo = aq sigs e418 ut B-u-019 of ‘sat syste ur fo + aq sym-y-ag- ye uy + of 29 ee oe eee at Chri-smis, Chri - stus! - sth Chi = stust Qui. in 50 53 3 THO 00 py 59 5. Duo — racer Allegro moderato Soprano Alto Tenore Qua-re —fromu-e- mint gen - tes, qua- re fremu-e-rimt gen - fremu-erunt gen - tes, fre-mure-runt gen-tes, fremuerunt gen - fre mue-runt gen-tes, tes, qua-re == fre-mue-runt gen - tes, fremu-e-runt gen - tes, qua-re — 2 2 fre-mu-e- runt : po - pusti fre - mu-e-runt : : po - puli medi-ta - tisunt et po-pu-li me-di-ta - ti sunt in-a-ni-a, — medi-ta-ti fre-mu-e-runt gen = tes, et po puli medi-ta - ti sunt in-a » ni- 28 Ft sunt in-a- nia, medi-ta - ti sunt in-a-ni-a? Qug-re —fre-mu-e-rant gen - tes, medi-ta- ti sunt in-a-ala? Que. te ue runt sa + n+ a? Qua + re, ue oe, hee re = ib ot a? Qua-re fre-mue-runt gen - tes, Pitt lento 35 137. 4p 3 12 P popu-li medi - ta- tount in - a - ni-a? medi - ta tisunt in- a - ni- a? 2 qua: 162 1 3 42 qua- re? 2p. 3 12. ‘qua - re? qua - re? medi - ta - tisunt in- a 55 Vilna 1 58 60 63. =P Glo-ti-a Pa- ti, glo-ri-a Fi-fl-o, glo-l-a Spi-n-t1- i Sm-cto, Si-aut tee Glo--a Pa-ti, go-ri-a Fi-li-o, go-i-a Spi-ri- tu-i__ San-cto, Glo-ri-a Pa- tri, loti-2 Fi-li-o, glo Glo-ti-a Pa- tri, glo-ri-a Fi-Il-0, glo-ri-a Spi- ri tr-I__ San-cto. Si-cut ——= _ — 66 69 : 73. = ek-pi-0, et muncet semper, et In. sae — et sem - peret_in_sae- cu- en et ins et sem- penet in sae- cu- _——— et sem * pet et in sae - cu- 87 4am a se om eee 7. Trio — racer 8. Quatuor - tcet 9. Quintette et Chceur Allegretto 26 Z wtomenle Soprano 25 Alto Tenore Basso 29 : ans Al-le tu = ia, is ign 8 Alle - tu- im Alle =u - ia, sia Alsle- da Alle te eee ae Sy As “oo 3) lus i, 0 Al-le- ue i, 0 AD le-s == ia 67 Violino t 70. 2 “Ture (Tenore « Basso) ft Bal B-gre-di ‘4+ tu utsplondorju-stus Si - on, et Sal-va-tor e- jus ut 74 crux (Soprano ¢ Alo) %6 73.19 Fe Jam-pas ac -cen - da - tur. Alle iu - ia 10. Choeur Maestoso és 5 Soprano Tol- +t bo -sti-as, et Alito Tol - li - to ho - sti-as, Tenore Tol - li - te ho - sti as, Do-mi- num Basso Tol- li -te ho-sti-as, ct ad- 0-12 -te Do-mi-mum in a - th-o Z 9 U1 n-cto ee - -jus. Tee - ten-tur coe - I, et ex - Wl- tt tr - rm, mom le mat mm an me m-onb fer = ay = swe onb. Sm - m= og ak wey -onb qu - yw og gers m= Xe 9H - 000 am; uy - ay wma We =a amy + way + ey wma "I ro : Som oi Mo mo my coms aw = ms ty aa aay, Ma aH MH ae =m Ly Bhs hy ns ae SS 8B 08 sr ue maw = ma - ye - on we - qu-onb —, me = mo = re 4 Ry op Ty WU - an ue-ronb “m - yurog a Mal wm - ok ue-meonb u- m0g at Z| *y ST 8

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