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Name of student: Hilda Marina Martinez Padilla

Social Media Marketing Advocacy and Advertising

Professor: Robert Lyman
Brand or Company Analysis and Campaign Brief

Brand or Company Analysis and Campaign Brief

This requests a Facebook campaign for PlayStation’s marketing and advertising department

Four sets of ads divided in two sets.

Company mission and description

Our mission is to be a company that inspires and fulfills your curiosity. Our unlimited passion for
technology, content and services, and relentless pursuit of innovation, drives us to deliver
ground-breaking new excitement and entertainment in ways that only Sony can.
Creating unique new cultures and experiences. Everything we do, is to move you emotionally.

Goal of advertising and links

Receive 15,000 visitors per month from potential customers by click on ads

Ad size, format and assets

Our main focus will be to create simple and short videos ads that going to be visible on facebook’s

Timing and budget

Receive Advertising will be effective from October 1st to 31st. Budget is according to Facebook’s line
guides to reach the selected number of visitors.

Receive Main focus should target teenagers age 12-18 so we will set the first to set of ads for that and
another ad paid of ads to target adults ages 18-30.

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