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Gabriela Alarcón Sánchez

Massacres in Colombia
The history of Colombia has been characterized by for being very violent thanks to armed
groups such as the FARC and the ELN. In 2016 the former president of Colombia Juan
Manuel Santos signed a peace agreement with the FARC that helped the violence decrease
for a time.
However, in recent months the massacres in Colombia have been growing exponentially
without explanation. The government says these "collective homicides" are carried out by
drug traffickers. On the other hand, experts affirm that these massacres occur due to
disputes between illegal groups for control of the economy and politics in some territories
of the country.
So far in 2020, Colombia has seen 64 massacres defined as the murder of three or more
people in a single act of killing, according to Indepaz. The situation is worrying because the
government has not taken measures to stop these acts. Also abuses by the authorities
towards society have also been seen, such as the murder of a woman by an army soldier
without any reason.
The problem with this situation is that many innocent people have been murdered without
any justification, the deaths are increasing every day and the government of our country
does nothing to get to the bottom of the problem and find all the people who are behind
them. massacres that affect an entire country
It is clear that something must be done to solve this problem since innocent people are
dying every day. For this reason, here we will analyze, discuss and propose two
possible solutions to put an end to the problem of massacres in our country showing
the advantages and disadvantages that each would have.
One possible solution to the massacres in Colombia is increase the presence of the state
in practically forgotten territories that are where these events occur. The benefits of this
would be that the population of these places would feel more protected and massacres
could decrease. However, a disadvantage of this is that the armed groups will retaliate
against the authorities, on the other hand, it would be a large investment for the state.
An alternative solution is to give incentives to people who know who are responsible for
these massacres and who can provide information to find them and pay for their crimes. An
advantage of this is that the murderers could fall faster and thus be captured by the
authorities but nevertheless the disadvantage of this would be that they could give a lot of
false information and also generate a fear in society of being discovered if they come to
give information about those responsible for the crimes.
In my opinion, the best solution would be to increase the presence of authority in these
places so that they can protect society and if a massacre occurs, to find those responsible
more quickly. This should be a government task since its function is to protect the society
of the country.

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