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It must program and promote training and education about corporate values and the integrity of a

business, in this way it helps a good work environment and that each person is integral and
committed to their work

A human resources manager is responsible for hiring employees within an organization, in addition
to acting as a mediator between employees and their superiors. In general, your role, and that of
the department as such, is to keep track of staff.


1. What is integrity, and how can a business maintain it integrity?

Business integrity is the ability to act with honesty, responsibility, consistency between moral
worth. and remains in a company, fulfilling commitments, always being honest, that there are
ethical values, treating people with respect and maintaining trust

2. What can businesses do to succeed?

To maintain the success of companies, they must strengthen corporate values, business integrity,
this will improve the corporate culture, customers will be satisfied, avoid legal problems, have
employees with integrity, guarantee growth and sustainable profits and better performance.

3. Why do you think some businesses fail?

because they act illegally, they are not honest and responsible

4. How can your Company overcome the competition?

The company can overcome the competition by being authentic in its service, having organization,
respect and a very important commitment to work, business integrity.

5. What makes a good sales person?

A good salesperson knows the product or service they offer, guarantees it, is honest and sincere.

6. What strategies do yoy thinkare good for sales?

be effective, meet customer needs, deliver what you promise

7. How do you gain more customers?

I get more clients when I am close, when I agree with them, when I know their needs, when I
guarantee what I sell, when I am I do not tell lies

8. How do you lose customers?

I lose a client when I do not have business integrity, I am dishonest, a liar and without

9. At what times do you appreciate people being honest with you?

In any situation I appreciate that people are honest with me, for example if I lend money, I hope
that the other person is honest with me and does not steal from me.

10. What kind of problems does dishonesty cause?

it causes business losses, customers, friends and even family to leave. will no longer have

1. As a famous business person, you are offered a $200,000 endorsement to promote a

product that you dislike and would NEVER use. Do you endorse it? Why?

I do not endorse a product that I do not know, that I would never use and that I do not like
because it would be to lie and cheat, it goes against my professional integrity, it is a dishonest act.

2. You are working on a very profitable construction project. The problem is you know
that by the end of the project the surrounding nature will be irreversibly damaged. If
you report this, the entire project may be shut down and you will lose 20% of your
revenues for the year. Do you report the problem? Why?

Yes, I report the damage because it is part of my commitment to do my responsibilities well and
thus avoid irreversible damage

3. Your company is in the process of selecting a new supplier for some specific goods
which are needed. There are two candidates and they are both very good but as the
purchasing manager, you must make a decision. When you come home at night you
find a box full of expensive goods which has arrived with a card that reads. “enjoy the
goodies” and it is signed by one of the candidates. What would you do?

I would not accept any gift, because that is bribery and manipulation, then I would leave the
selection process.

4. You're backing into a tight parking space in the work car park and you accidentally
dent someone's car. Nobody has seen you. Do you leave a note taking responsibility?

Yes, I would leave a note committing myself to the expenses, I would not be able to leave without
assuming my responsibility because it would be a dishonest action

5. A colleague wants to copy and swap some expensive software that your company
needs. You know it's illegal. Do you do it?

I would not do it because it is illegal, it goes against my ethical and professional values and it
would not be an action that demonstrates my professional integrity

6. You know you are attractive and so does your prospective customer. Do you lightly flirt
to get a major new account for your business?

jajjjaja no I would not be flirtatious, I would only try to expose you the economic benefits that I
would obtain if you agree to work with my business
7. You are in a head to head battle with your competitor. The situation has turned worse
lately as they have improved the quality of their products and services. You are
worried sick because with such tough competition your company’s profit figures have
decreased dramatically. Someone who works for the competition has called you and
has told you he/she can sell confidential information that might help you compete
against the other company. What would you do?

I would look for other alternatives such as, for example, expert advice to assess the situation and
provide tools to improve

8. You see some great content for a presentation, you know it is copyright protected - do
you use it in your work presentation to make you look good?

I can mention the quote and the author in this way I help the presentation of my work and I am
not robbing the author.

9. Your budgets are tight, you procure some business services, the vendor forgets to
invoice you… six months go by. Do you remind them to send the invoice?

Yes, of course, I would call to get the invoice and cancel

10. The situation calls for you to lie for your boss. Do you do it?

I do not tell lies in favor of any person, it is not professional or personal ethics
What is the most shoking advertisement you have seen?

The most shocking advertisement I have seen was an advertisement for an aesthetic center in
Pitalito Huila, where they showed the before and after of a person who managed to lose weight by
consuming some pills.

What makes an ad memorable?

An ad is memorable when it has a meaningful logo, the type is understood, the colors are
attractive, the message is clear and precise.

Describe an advertisement that you have seen or heard on television or radio? what was it, about
what? how long did the commercial last? made you want to buy the product?

For example, it can be a message that is heard on the local radio of the municipality of Guadalupe
that is published every 2 hours and has a duration of 1 minute where it invites people to prevent
covid, which endangers the health of all. and health is everyone's commitment and responsibility

How has internet marketing changed?

Marketing has evolved with the Internet. People do business with people they know, like, and
trust. for example sales pages, email marketing

do small, local businesses need digital marketing? because? why not?

If digital marketing is important in small companies because it helps to grow, to give users more
confidence in the brand, it generates better sales

What are the key elements of a marketing plan?

what are some of the marketing strategies?

In your opinion, what are the most effective marketing and promotion strategies?

Social networks are a promotional strategy that guarantees influence on the behavior of the client
or prospect using tools such as advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing and
personal sales.

explain the relationship between marketing and culture

Culture is essential to complement and give greater impetus to a marketing strategy, since it
manages to take advantage of local traditions and artists such as actors, singers, painters, cultural

what is traditional marketing

traditional marketing uses more classical methods to promote the sale item, such as face-to-face
personal contact or advertisements through the press, radio or television

what is digital marketing?

digital marketing uses the internet to sell a product or service through platforms such as
instagram, facebook, email

Both are important, it depends on what you want to sell and the group of people you target

Traditional marketing

It has an undeniable power of reach. The number of people who reach the television, radio and
press, without a doubt, is its great potential.

It is totally focused on the product talking about its characteristics and benefits.

It is independent of the existence of the internet, we can experience it just by going to a shopping

Digital marketing

Its reach is growing more and more due to the access that people have to the internet and digital
platforms: it is getting bigger and better.

It is always changing: It is not the same to see the Google page 5 years ago than today, the
experience of seeing the ads has improved.

It focuses on the user of the product or service to be promoted, on knowing the customer and
knowing their interests and needs.

The results of their strategies are easy to measure, access to the information gathered is

You can do it yourself without third-party approval, just learn how tools like Google Ads or
Facebook Ads work.

Marketing strategies offline vs online terminology.

What are some of the cultural differences between the oonline marketing strategies that work in
the USA and latin American Contries?

The culture of the United States is more consumerist, the vast majority of purchases are made
online, they are more confident when buying and in Latin countries there is still mistrust of online
shopping, many people are unaware of this means and possibility. for example in Colombia, not
everyone has access to the internet to see advertising and buy

Steps to start a new business in Colombia

1. First, the company must have a name.

2. Next, you need to create a charter document. In order to do this, you must first decide what
type of corporation you want to create. The document must also include information on the board
of directors, the legal representative, the economic activities to be carried out, the business
structure and the capital.

3. Then the incorporation document, along with the other pertinent registration forms and the
photocopies of the identification of all those involved (owners, partners and legal representative),
must be presented to the Chamber of Commerce for registration.

4. After registration, the next step is to acquire a previous taxpayer identification, known as Pre-
RUT from DIAN (the national tax and customs office). The Chamber of Commerce can usually help
you with this.

5. Then, the legal representative of the company must open a bank account of the

6. The bank will deliver to the company a certificate that it must take to the DIAN
offices in order to register and obtain the final NIF or NIT, as it is known.

7. Then you must return to the Chamber of Commerce to update and formalize
your registration with your new tax identification number.

8. Finally, you must go back to DIAN to order your invoice numbers. To issue an
invoice in Colombia it is necessary to have a set of previously approved invoice
numbers, which the DIAN will provide you. T
Note: It is a very good idea to hire a competent accountant to help you navigate the
minefield of different taxes and tax laws, to ensure that you do not incur penalties
along the way.

It is important when creating a company: first to have a business card, a professional website and
a logo.

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