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Justine Revilla Mirando


E -Value-ate

1. On your Own Create a table summary of the various educational philosophies

Fill-in its componentsas to its importanceas shown in the example below.

Classical Philosophy
Philosophy Aim Proponent Teacher Learner
1 Idealism Truth Thomas Hill Teacher Learner will
Green, will be the value truth
Josiah one who and seek for
Royce, insp[ire answers to
Benedetto students to life.
Croce and value truth
Charles and seek
Sanders reality.
2 Realism aims to Thucydides, Able to Learners will
prepare learners fo Niccolò understand learn to have
r real and practical Machiavelli, the self
life. Thomas physical control.and
Hobbes, world and yhink
Jean- teach practically
Jacques students
and Max

3. Søren Help Develop

Existentialism Discover who and Kierkegaard learners to unique way of
what we are and Friedrich find and learning.
Nietzsche know their
4.Pragmatism Charles Motivates Students
Improvement Sanders theirselves learn self
Peirce, and motivation
William students and seek
James, and improvement
John Dewey s
Modern Philosophies
1. To ensure that  Mortimer Think and Explore

Perrennialism students acquire Adler, teach different
great ideas. rationally fields. To
and build develop their
the critical thinking.
skills of
2. Foster active and John Dewey They can Learner will
Progrressivis relevant learning find .ways be active and
m to make interested.
g and
3. Humanism Create a citizenry  Abraham Help Know their
who able to speak Maslow, Carl learners to capabilities
and write with Rogers, and know their and way of
eloquence and James F. T. capabilities learning
clarity. Bugental and
Post Modern Philosophies
1. Practiced and St. This may Will be able
Medievalism express Augustine help to express
architecture, teacher to ideas through
engineering, arts, teach music arts,
music etc. students to etc
their ideas.
2 .The End of Understand Niccolo Teach the Learn the
Medievalism- Christianity in a new Machiavelli importance importance of
the light. of morals having
Renaissance and values. values.
3 The To employ and John Locke, Know and Learn the
Enlightenment celebrate reason. Charles teach the learning
Montesquieu value pf importance.
, and Jean- learning

2. On your Own. Choose from among the philosophies do you think is suitable for
you and applicable to the 21st century learners? Answer in 3 to 5 sentences.

Idealism is the philosophy which I think suitable and applicable for me and to
the 21st century learners is progressivism were education focuses more on
the child. As 21st century learners have so many questions and ideas that
through experience and some life experimentation answers will arise. And
also because child or individual mostly learn by doing or experience.

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