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Msaid Al Mohamed.

Societal changes between 1400-1550

The early modern period in Europe was a time when many great changes
occurred in Europe. Many of which changed the social situation in Europe. Of the most
important Things that made positive societal changes were the invention of the printing press,
the crusaders and new warfare. and. These changes took place in the early modern period in
Europe and had a great effect on the social situation.
In 1440 Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. Although this invention can
not attribute this invention to a single person, but Gutenberg was the main contributor to it.
The printing press is considered one of the most important inventions in history and of the
main contributors to the great change in the social situation in Europe for the following
reasons. First, the printing press allowed people to print scriptures and writings easier and
faster than handwriting this led to books becoming cheaper and literature spread across
Europe. People became more educated and started to think more rationally than ever. They
started to question the church which was one of the main reasons of the church’s power
declination. Nonetheless, the church’s declination changed the social situation in Europe so
much because the church was their most powerful ruler at the time. For example, feudalism
replaced the church, and this changed the social situation in terms of people were being able to
hold lands in exchange for service or labor. In conclusion, the printing press was a particularly
important factor in changing the social situation in Europe at that time.
The crusaders played an important role in changing society in the early modern period
as they opened countless opportunities for European people. For example, after the crusaders
Europeans started trading with the east this led to the revival of many cities such as Venice
which became a trademark because of trading with east. Important traded products were spice,
fabric, and gunpowder. Furthermore, the crusaders led to Muslims teaching Europeans
important things that led to huge changes. For example, Muslim shared the compass with
Europeans which later on led to the exploration of the new world. Despite the fact that this was
a tragedy for Native Americans, Europe benefited so much of this due to gold and silver, this
meant Europe is getting richer which will make the social situation better. For example, the city
of Potosi was the main producer of gold at that time and the production reached 10 million.
Later on, silver replaced gold until gold production reached only 1.5 million. In conclusion,
Crusaders played a major role in changing social situation in Europe.
By opening and expanding the trad with the east. One of the most important goods was
gunpowder. Gunpowder was invented in China and brought by Muslim merchants to Europe.
Gunpowder allowed the inventions of artilleries, canons, and musketeers. Although, gun
powder had positive effects such as making wars easier and faster. Its consequences on society
are far worse. For example, an estimation death percentage because of gunpowder in the 100
years war is 37% of the population in Britain and 29% in France. Gunpowder also sucked the
budget of both France and Britain as it was expensive. In conclusion, gunpowder contributed by
a large factor in changing society in Europe in early modern period.

To conclude, Europe had many societal changes in the early modern era. Most
important of which were the invention of the printing press, the crusaders and finally the new
warfare system which is mainly gunpowder.

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