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[06/03 05:58] J.K.

Sebalu AC, CPT: *Warm Up of the week*

•3 min treadmill walk incline 10 speed 5 + 10 lunges/leg

•3 x (1km bike at level 5 + 20 bodyweight4fx squats)

•3 x (300m on rowing machine + 30 crunches)

_Do one cardio exercise then do one bodyweight exercise on a mat close to the machine_

[06/03 07:42] J.K.Sebalu AC, CPT: *This week's nutrition challenge*

No white potatoes, fries, bread, pasta or rice....replace with salad. Sweet leaf salad, spinach salad,
rocket salad, baby leaf get my drift lol

[06/03 14:11] J.K.Sebalu AC, CPT: meat, just replace the rice/fried plantain (you can boil or bake
them in the oven though) with salad and cooked greens

[06/03 14:41] J.K.Sebalu AC, CPT: anyway nutritional discipline is what we should be looking for on
this week's journey.

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