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Review Article

Relationship Between Periodontics and

Prosthodontics: The Two-Way Street

Yung-Ting Hsu DDS, MDSc, MS Abstract

Visiting clinical assistant professor, The interdisciplinary approach has been a trend for
Department of Periodontics and Allied a comprehensive dental treatment. Within modern
Dental Program, Indiana University, dentistr y, periodontics and prosthodontics share
Indianapolis, IN, USA an intimate and inseparable relationship in multiple
aspects, including treatment plan, procedures execution,
outcome achievement and maintenance. By controlling
Nan-Chieh Huang DDS, MDSc, MS inflammation and preparing sites for proper prosthetic
Resident, Department of prosthodontics, prostheses, periodontists no doubt can provide a solid
Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA foundation for successful prosthetic outcomes. On the
other hand, prosthodontists could construct proper
restorative margin, shapes and contacts that benefit the
Hom-Lay Wang DDS, MSD, PhD harmony of periodontium and prosthesis. This article
Professor and Director of Graduate
was aimed at addressing the key relationship between
prosthodontics and periodontics. The impacts of
Periodontics, Department of Periodontics
healthy periodontium on longevity of prostheses were
and Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry,
addressed. In addition, how the restorative factors such
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, as biologic width violation, retraction techniques and
USA. Research Advisor, Eng. A.B. Research defective restorations, influenced on periodontal/ peri-
Chair for Growth Factors and Bone implant tissues were also discussed. This systematic
Regeneration, King Saud University Riyadh, review also comprised the association between the
Saudi Arabia presence of residual cement and the occurrences of
peri-implant diseases. In short, frequent and efficient
communications are essential between periodontists and
prosthodontists through the entire treatment procedures
Corresponding author: to ensure an overall successful treatment since both
Hom-Lay Wang, DDS, MSD, Ph D. specialties share a common goal: to create pleasing
Professor and Director of Graduate esthetic with a harmonious stomatognathic system.
Department of Periodontics and Oral Keywords: Periodontics, restorative, prosthodontics,
Medicine implant, biologic width, inflammation
University of Michigan School of Dentistry
1011 North University Avenue
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1078, USA.
Tel: (734) 763-3383
Fax: (734) 936-0374
C omprehensive dental therapy is founded on team
works. Of all disciplines within modern dentistry,
periodontics and prosthodontics have the strongest and
E-mail: the most intimate connections. For prosthodontics, peri-
odontal health plays an important role on the longevity
of restorations. On the other hand, defective prostheses
may contribute to progression of periodontal diseases. To
achieve successful treatment outcomes, periodontists and
prosthodontist should cooperate in treatment plan, per-

04 Volume 4, Number 1, 2015

Review Article

formance and maintenance. on periodontal/peri-implant inflammation

This review attempted to address the key remained inconclusive5-7, mucogingival proce-
relationship between periodontics and prosth- dures may also benefit esthetic outcomes and
odontics. The interaction between periodontal oral health maintenance.
health and prosthetic factors were discussed as Regular periodontal maintenance is a key
well as the recent hot issues related to dental to reduce the incidence of tooth or implant loss
implants. following prosthetic therapy. Due to limitation
of routine home cares, regular professional
maintenance therapy plays a key role on reduc-
The impacts of periodontal/implant tion of periodontal inflammation induced by
health on prosthetic therapy plaque accumulation, especially in the subgin-
Prior to treatment plan, tooth prognosis gival space. For those patients who had history
should be addressed both on individual tooth of periodontitis, regular supportive periodon-
and the overall dentition. Several periodontal tal therapy is even more beneficial to prevent
prognositication systems have been introduced further disease progression. Previous studies
based on either periodontal stability1 or certain showed that sites with treatment but without
parameters2-4, such as furcation involvement, maintenance had a 2 times higher tooth loss
tooth mobility, the severity of bony destruc- than the sites with regular maintenance after
tion, etc. Through identifying the etiology and periodontal treatment2,3. A recent study even
contributing factors of periodontal diseases, showed a 3 time higher tooth loss in the irregu-
these prognositication systems indicate the lar compliers comparing with patients with
possibility of tooth sustainability in short term regular maintenance over a 5-year observation
and long term. As an integral portion of den- period. Besides, the results also showed that
tal practice, determination of individual teeth the majority of these teeth were missing due
prognosis allows a virtual approach on interdis- to periodontal origins. In other words, regular
ciplinary conversation for treatment strategies. compliance of periodontal maintenance is the
Overall prognosis is beneficial to communica- key to prevent the recurrence of periodontal
tions between lay people and professionals. diseases and to maintain the integrity of treat-
Active periodontal/peri-implant diseases ment outcomes8.
and contributing factors should be eliminated
or controlled prior to prosthodontic construc- The impacts of prosthetic factors
tions. The signs of active periodontal inflam- on periodontal/ peri-implant health
mation include pocket formation, the presence Prostheses should be carefully designed
of bleeding on probing or suppuration, and and performed, in harmony with the surround-
tissue changes of gingiva. Without control- ing periodontium, to maintain periodontal/
ling the existing periodontal inflammation, a peri-implant health. Defective restorations
cascade of adverse events of periodontal de- contribute to disease progression by increasing
struction would take place and cause persistent accumulation of dental plaque and retention
inflammation, bone resorption and eventually of food debris. Invasion of biologic width may
tooth loss. In other words, function and lifes- also result in periodontal inflammation.
pan of the prosthesis will be compromised if
periodontal diseases remain uncontrolled after Biologic width
delivery. In addition, periodontal inflamma- The dimension of dentogingival complex,
tion results in soft tissue changes in terms of called "biologic width (BW)", is a cuff-like
texture, color, size and gingival consistency. It barrier that acts as a protective physiological
then leads to impaired esthetic outcomes by seal around natural teeth. It possesses a self-
deteriorating the harmony between periodon- restoration capacity and dynamic adaptability.
tium and prosthesis. The compositions of BW include junctional
In addition to inflammation control, perio- epithelium and connective tissue attachment.
dontists could offer a hand for soft and hard The mean distance of epithelial and connective
tissue management to prepare sites for success- tissue components are 0.97mm and 1.07mm,
ful prosthetic treatments. Surgical procedures, respectively. However, the dimension is dy-
such as ridge and bone augmentation as well as namic in particular the epithelial attachment,
sinus lifting, could be performed for future im- varying from individuals9. Similar to natural
plant sites to correct existing ridge deformities. teeth, a consistent width of peri-implant mu-
Although the effects of mucogingival defects cosa was found adhering to the surface of the

Journal of Prosthodontics and Implantology 05

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implant abutment. Histologically, it prevents esthetic demands or sites with bone removal19.
further supragingival plaque formation via a Hence, communication prior to treatments
zone of healthy connective tissue separating between periodontists and prosthodontists
the inflammatory cell infiltration and alveolar is essential to determine the treatment time-
bone crest10,11. frame, feasibility of surgery and the locations
The violation of BW has been widely of restorative margins.
discussed as a contributing factor which jeop- Most researchers believe that BW is one of
ardizes periodontal health12,13. BW invading the causes of early implant bone loss20,21. Dur-
could result from several reasons, such as ex- ing the initial phase of implant healing, peri-
tensive caries, subgingival restorations, short implant bone remodeling is from the process
clinical crown, and teeth fracture. From hu- of BW reformation to allow a stable soft tissue
man autopsies, Vacek and coworkers reported barrier22. In addition, the locations of micro-
greater length of epithelial attachments around gaps and smooth/rough-surface interfaces may
restored teeth than non-restored teeth 14. In be associated with the length of peri-implant
the group with supracrestal amalgam restora- BW23,24. Thus, one of the strategies to prevent
tions, BW violation would also lead to signifi- early implant bone resorption is control of
cant increases of gingival recession and crestal biologic width and microgap. In 2006, Laz-
bone loss12. Resulting from the breach of BW, zara and Porter introduced the concept of
histologically, attachment loss will be found to "platform-switching" for inward horizontal
reestablish the certain dentogingival junction repositioning of the implant-abutment junc-
around restorations and lead to periodontal tion25. Via connecting the implant fixture with
destruction. Clinically, the signs of BW viola- a narrow-diameter abutment, the inflammato-
tion consist of pain, gingival inflammation, lo- ry cell infiltration could be limited around the
calized gingival hyperplasia, pocket formation, implant neck with platform-switching design,
and loss of periodontal apparatus. Therefore, instead of further apical migration. Previous
further corrective procedures should be con- studies suggested that platform-switching may
sidered prior to restorative treatments if any benefit tissue preservation. On the other hand,
qualms about BW violation, including orth- limited effects of platform-switching on hard
odontic extrusion and surgical crown length- tissues have been claimed by some authors26-31.
ening procedures. The clinical significances of effects on marginal
Surgical crown lengthening could be per- bone preservation may be questioned. In con-
formed via multiple techniques: gingivectomy, clusion, the available data remained contro-
apically positioned flap surgery (APF), APF versial and further longitudinal studies are still
with osseous reduction. From periodontal needed.
point of views, several parameters should be
taken into account for the feasibility of this
surgery: esthetics, possible exposure of furca- Proximal relationship
tion involvement, remaining bony support Embrasure types, referring both horizontal
and crown/ root ratio for the future results. and vertical dimensions of the interproximal
In spite of individual and sites variations15, a spaces, show impacts on the presence of inter-
minimum of 3mm distance from bone to the proximal papilla. Loss of interproximal papilla
restorative margin has been suggested by most results in impaired esthetics and promotion
researches13,16. The ferrule effect for the future of food impaction, aggravating periodontal
prosthetic design should also be a key factor destruction. As for the distance from contact
in determination of the surgical plan17,18. Post- point to the alveolar crest, the maximum of the
operatively, final prostheses should only be distance should not exceed more than 5mm to
delivered once the tissue maturation was com- preserve the interdental papillae in natural den-
pleted. A minimum of 6-8 weeks of healing tition32. This concept has also been confirmed
period is highly recommended following surgi- by a retrospective study examining the vertical
cal crown lengthening that without bone re- dimension between single implant restora-
section. From a total of 85 teeth of 25 patients, tions and a natural tooth33. The demands for
Bragger and coworkers found that 12% of teeth implant-support prosthesis are more strict: a
sites showed further apically marginal dis- minimum of 3mm of inter-implant distance is
placement between 6 weeks to 6 months post- suggested to maintain the alveolar crestal level,
operatively16. As a result, 6 months of waiting preventing the possible papillary loss; whereas
period should be taken in those sites with high papillary loss would be expected if the verti-

06 Volume 4, Number 1, 2015

Review Article

cal dimensions between two implants is more ating 100 patients, Jeffcoat and Howell classi-
than 3mm34,35. fied overhang into 3 sizes: small (<20% of the
Contact types between prostheses may interproximal space), medium (20-50%) and
also play a role on periodontal health. The rela- large (>50%). A significant marginal bone loss
tionship between open contacts and periodon- affiliated to the restoration occupied more than
tal destruction has been a controversial issue 20% of interdental space46. Vice versa, removal
since last century. To verify the impacts of of overhang may also benefit the reduction of
open contacts on periodontium, Jenberg and pocket depth and clinical attachment gain47.
colleagues conducted a cross-sectional study To sum up, restorative overhang should be
enrolling 104 patients with unilateral open prevented by the proper uses of matrix bands
contacts. In addition to greater prevalence of and wedges. Meanwhile, inadequate crown re-
food impaction, the sites with open contacts duction for the restorative material should be
presented greater pocket depth and clinical avoided to prohibit the overcontoured crown.
attachment loss although there was no signifi-
cant difference for gingival index, bleeding and The location of restorative margins
calculus index between contact types36. More- Restorative margin locations should be
over, another cross-sectional study reported established based on several factors, including
an increase of bone loss (2.4%) in the patients extension of caries, retention/resistance forms,
with initiate periodontitis37. However, another and esthetics. Using free gingival margin as
classic study failed to approve the trend from a the references, the supra- and subgingival res-
total of 1040 contacts. On the other hand, the torations have their own pros and cons. With
authors suggested the increasing pocket depth respect to periodontal health, the supragingival
may be in relation to the presence of food im- restoration is the most favorable design since it
paction38. In spite of an indirect relationship is easy to be cleaned48. In spite of better esthet-
between open contact and periodontal inflam- ics, subgingival restorations were associated
mation, it could be speculated from these stud- with greater periodontal inflammation in the
ies that food impaction contributes to increas- sites with keratinized gingiva less than 2mm49.
ing pocket depth and clinical attachment level. In addition to tissue biotype, subgingival
Thus, clinicians should avoid to place open restorative margins may be harmful to peri-
contacts between fixed prostheses. Meanwhile, odontium/ peri-implant tissues because of the
through proximal cleaning should be addressed following reasons. First, the margin has higher
to patients. risk of BW invasion, enhancing further peri-
odontal destruction. From 59 patients, New-
Restoration contours comb investigated a total of 75 anterior veneer
Adequate crown contours could provide crowns with subgingival margins. A strong pos-
protection of gingival margins, allow cleans- itive correlation was found between gingival
ing action of the musculature and facilitate the inflammation and the subgingival extension of
access for oral hygiene39. Indeed, overcontour restorative margins50. The limited access is an-
may have negative influence on periodontium other possible cause when restorative margins
since it increases plaque retention40,41. Utilizing are placed subgingivally. In particular amalgam
acrylic facings as standard overcontour, Sackett or composite resin fillings, it is difficult for
and Gildenhuys compared tissue changes at operative dentists to polish restorations and
42 pairs of experimental and control sites (ad- thereby produce rough surfaces underneath
jacent teeth) over a period of 42-49 days. 59% gingiva. Rough surfaces are more prone to ac-
of mandibular test sites and 70% of maxillary cumulate dental plaque and, therefore, induce
test sites showed significant gingival inflamma- periodontal inflammation 51. Likewise, over-
tion in relation to overcontour. Besides, more hang and improper restorative margins could
than 50% of these sites had increasing amount be ascribed to the progression of periodontal
of gingival sulcular fluid compared with their destruction due to the inclination of plaque
controls42. accumulation43. Even though subgingival ce-
Restorative overhang is also considered as mentation margin is a common procedure on
a contributing factor of periodontal diseases. the implant in esthetic zone, moreover, it is
As a prevalent type of restorative defects43, fill- difficult to discover the excess cement residu-
ing excess may aggregate the plaque accumula- als around subgingivally placed implants. In-
tion which potentiates gingival inflammation vestigating the amounts of undetected cement
and worsen the periodontal status44,45. Evalu- following cleaning, Linkevicius and coworkers

Journal of Prosthodontics and Implantology 07

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found significantly greater cement remnants ing periodontal destruction as a co-destructive

were linked to deeper subgingival margin factor along with inflammation59,60. Previous
positions. The lack of perpendicular fiber at- studies also demonstrated a significant role of
tachment around dental implants may even tooth mobility on progression of periodontal
facilitate the apical migration of cement excess diseases61,62. A cross-sectional study examined
and worsen the tissue inflammation52. Further- the signs of TFO and severity of periodontitis
more, the efficacy of proper oral hygiene main- from 333 maxillary first molars of 300 patients.
tenances is questioned for extensively subgin- In comparison with teeth without TFO, the
gival restorations. The penetration depths of group with TFO had significantly greater prob-
plaque control methods for homecare is within ing depth, greater clinical attachment loss and
1-3mm subgingivally, such as mouth rinsing53, less bone support63. In the late stage, chronic
toothbrush54,55, and interproximal cleaning56. TFO may cause tooth migration and loss of
In regards to subgingival irrigation, American vertical dimension, enhancing impaired esthet-
Academy of Periodonotology (AAP) posi- ics and the need of oral rehabilitation64,65.
tioned paper suggested a 3mm of subgingival Occlusal overloading also causes biome-
penetration or 50% of the probing depth57. chanical implant complications and marginal
To prevent periodontal destruction, in bone loss around dental implants66,67. By cre-
conclusion, supragingival restorative margins ating supra-occlusion, Miyata and coworkers
are highly recommended at the sites with less investigated the effect of occlusal overload
esthetic concerns. For the site that the sub- on peri-implant tissue in a series of studies. It
gingival margin is required, certain principles showed that the excess occlusal force could ini-
should be bear in mind including conservative- tiate marginal bone resorption even under the
ly subgingival extension of restorative margin, circumstance of healthy peri-implant tissue. In
sufficient width of keratinized gingiva (at least addition, the disease may not be reversed once
2mm of keratinized gingiva including 1mm of it progressed68,69. With the persistence of exces-
attached gingiva), smooth restorative surfaces sive force, loss of osseointegration is possible
with proper finished margin and the avoidance and end up with implant failure70. Other clini-
of BW breach. Adequate daily home care needs cal manifestations of biomechanical implant
to be addressed to patients and regular profes- complications include fracture of prosthetic
sional maintenance is necessary. components and loosening of attachment or
abutment screw 71,72. In addition to implant
Trauma from occlusion overloading, several factors may contribute to
As a functional unit, the tooth and its sup- biomechanical implant complications, includ-
porting structures bear the brunt of occlusal ing bone quality73, implant designs74,75, pros-
forces on the crown. In response to occlusal thetic design76,77 and parafunction78,79. To deal
forces, the attachment apparatus may experi- with mechanical complications, check occlu-
ence tissue changes, including injury, repair sion is the first step to verify the etiologic fac-
and adaptive remodeling of the periodontium. tors. All possible contributing factors should
Several factors are relative to trauma from oc- also be controlled or eliminated before repair
clusion (TFO) including occlusal disharmony, or replacement of loosening/ fractured com-
parafunction (i.e. clenching and bruxism), and ponents. Non-surgical or surgical intervention
occlusal schemes. Although the role of TFO may be considered in the treatment of mar-
plays in periodontal/ peri-implant diseases re- ginal bone loss. Ultimately, the patient is highly
mains controversial, clinicians should perform recommended to wear the occlusal splint to
prosthetic treatments with caution to avoid prevent the recurrence of biomechanical com-
failure following TFO. plications67.
As a result of excessive force or reduced
periodontal supports, teeth under TFO or oc- Gingiva retraction technique: the
clusal trauma showed following clinical charac- effects on soft tissue
teristics: tooth pain, increasing tooth mobility, An acceptable impression was needed to
sensitivity to percussion, fremitus, occlusal avoid improper marginal adaptation that may
wear and even tooth fracture. The radiographic cause periodontal tissue inflammation or the
changes consist of PDL space widening, dis- risk of recurrent caries. Management of the
ruption of the lamina dura, root resorption and gingival tissue is essential for obtaining accept-
peri-apical or furcation radiolucency58. Some able impression especially for subgingivally lo-
researchers believe it may aggravate the exist- cated restorations80. Various gingival displace-

08 Volume 4, Number 1, 2015

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ment methods, such as mechanical, chemo- and higher prevalence of peri-implant inflam-
mechanical and surgical are available. Ruel and mation93. Moreover, modifications on implant
coworkers reported that gingival displacement abutment and cementation techniques were
methods may cause 0.1-0.2 mm gingival re- also introduced to limit the amount of cement
cession and the destruction of the junctional extending into the gingival sulcus of implant-
epithelium that took 8 days to heal81. Chemical retained crowns 94,95 . Fortunately, most of
agents as well as the mechanical force of retrac- the cement-associated peri-implant diseases
tion cords could trigger temporary gingival could be solved following complete removal
recession and gingival inflammation82,83. It has of residual cement92. Recently, the use of zinc
been shown that the different time intervals of oxide-eugenol cement is advocated since the
the chemical retraction agent placement could subgingival residuals could be dissolved in the
cause different degree of tissue inflammation sulcular fluid93. Further studies are still needed
changes in the beginning84. Hence, the proper to prevent the peri-implant inflammation in-
manipulation different gingival retraction tech- duced by residual excessive cement.
niques such as materials and time-control are
the key factors to avoid permanent tissue dam- Conclusion
age while impression-taking process is made. The relationship between prosthodontics
Recently, cordless techniques have been and periodontics is intimate and inseparable.
introduced as an alternative to displacement Robust supporting periodontal/peri-implant
cord methods because of several advantages, tissues provide solid foundations for predict-
such as time-saving, ease of application, less able prosthetic therapy. In addition, regaining
pressure generation and enhanced patient stable periodontal conditions should rely on
comfort while being minimally invasive85,86. establishment of proper contact types, occlusal
Acar and colleagues evaluated the clinical per- scheme and quality prosthesis. Frequent and
formance and impression quality on the cord- efficient communications are essential between
less and conventional displacement systems. periodontists and prosthodontists through the
The results demonstrated that all methods can entire treatment procedures, including plan,
give the comparable and clinically acceptable treatment procedures and maintenance, since
impression qualities except for the nonimpreg- both specialty share a common goal: to create
nated cord group87. Furthermore, a random- pleasing esthetic with a harmonious stomato-
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Journal of Prosthodontics and Implantology 11

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