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Cancer is a deadly disease that chooses its victims indiscriminately,

regardless of age, gender, or social position. Innumerable stories are

surrounding the mishap, most of which remain untold.

The Fault In Our Stars is a best-seller true-to-life fiction novel written by

John Green, which was first published in January 2012. Green creates a

narrative out of grief and hopelessness. He takes a dark subject like

cancer and turns it into the theme of a tragedy with such wit and zeal

that we are immersed in the lives of characters who could very well be

real. Many people have experienced the heartbreak of dealing with

individuals who fight the good fight, and many of those scars remain a


It's a narrative of romance and wrath, emotion and comedy, friendship

and bravery, as Green builds the personalities of a group of adolescents

who dare to bring both laughter and tears. The stories of every individual

give us a sense of their personality and audacity, as well as their

aspirations. Behind that robust attitude, there’s depression and

hopelessness, which they struggle hard to guard against their family and

mates by showing only smiles and strength whenever possible.


The plot revolves around Hazel Grace, a sixteen-year-old girl who has

terminal illness and has accepted her fate. Her parents never let her

realized of her being a dying cancer patient, rather they encouraged her

to live life to the fullest, just like any other human being. They encourage

her to engage in morale booster sessions, where she has an encounter

with Augustus Waters, a cancer survivor. Initially, Augustus is drawn to

her attention in an uneasy way as she tries to avoid him in her wittiest

and sarcastic style. He realized that she was the one he had thought

about for a long time. Eventually, their chemistry breeds over the

exchange of their favourite books. Hazel offers Augustus a novel called An

Imperial Afflictions by Peter Houten which engraves Augustus due to its

sudden finish. Hazel informs Augustus about her unsuccessful attempt to

reach Peter. The only clue they knew was that he was based in

Amsterdam. Later, Augustus contacts Peter and arranges a meeting with

him. Hazel, her mother, and Augustus travel to Amsterdam to meet and

discuss the abrupt ending—what happens to the other characters once the

girl stops writing? But God had some other plans for Augustus and


John Green sheds light on cancer in a way that sends a tremor of

intended awareness, an incandescent memorial to individuals who have

fought and lost the struggle, as well as the devastation done to those

closest to them. The narrative pierces the shroud of secrecy and grabs

you from the start. It has so many profound implications that it makes

you delve within yourself and contemplate intensely about life, death, and

everything else in between. The Fault in Our Stars forces you to look at

the world from a different angle, not a good or negative one. The courage

and humour, the enthusiasm and hopelessness, all keep you on an

emotional journey. It's a heart-breaking lovely tragic tale presented in a

very basic yet very sophisticated manner.

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