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Good morning everybody and welcome to DMA news. We’re from the news studios
with the latest headlines, today is June 24, 2021, let's start with a lot informative
content and entertainment for all of you, so we are going to start with the informative
flash: 2022
Diana: 1.- Welcome back, the fight for the vote continues, although the political party
PERÚ LIBRE continues to lead with a small advantage in the votes at 100% according
to ONPE.
2.- In addition, the electoral juries rejected the request for invalidity of 800 records
processed, considering that there was no reliable evidence like: footage,
eyewitnesses or official versions of those involved. Even so, the uncertainty of the
presidential election continues, because the period of time to present nullity
evidence was extended.
3.- Pedro del Castillo said that it could exist acts of corruption, due to the constant
irregularities in the deadlines established in the annulments of records process,
incurring in crime of sabotage and corruption
3.- On the other hand, Keiko said that she was an honest person and that she had
not lied to the country. Finally, she said that she was not going to leave her country
because she was respectful of the laws.
Diana: 1.- Continuing with the news, we are going to see our report on The
vaccination process against covid 19 in our country. Vaccination in our country
began a few months ago with people over 80 years of age.
2.- Many elderly people told the reporters his version about vaccine and their said
that is a myth the negative effects about the vaccines in the people. In other words,
they said that they are folk tales and inventions of the people.
3.- Today the Deputy Minister of Health said that: The country is advancing rapidly
with the vaccination process and that if it continues with the vaccination rhythm it
would be possible to vaccinate people over 40 years old at the end of August.
4.- Beside, at this time, he also said that it will depend on the number of doses that
continue to arrive in the country and the work of doctors and nurses.
5.- The question is: When will the government finish vaccinating all of us? If you want
to leave a tweet or comment on our social networks, leave a comment and then it will
appear on your screen.

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