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Why Do Men Go Bald and What Can You Do About It?

Main cause of balding

Age and hair loss
Other balding causes
Medication and balding
Bottom line
If your hairline is receding or your crown is thinning, you may wonder why this is
happening and what exactly is causing your thinning hair. You may also be wondering
what, if anything, you can do to reverse this trend.

Read on to learn more about the reasons why men lose their hair and the treatments
that may help slow down the balding process.

What causes baldness in men?

The vast majority of men who go bald do so because of a hereditary condition known
as androgenetic alopecia, more commonly known as male pattern baldness.

According to the American Hair Loss Association, 95 percent of hair loss in men is
caused by androgenetic alopecia.

This inherited trait that tends to give guys a receding hairline and a thinning
crown is caused by genetic sensitivity to a byproduct of testosterone called
dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

So, how exactly does this hormonal byproduct cause hair loss?

Well, hair follicles that are sensitive to DHT have a tendency to shrink over time.
As the affected hair follicles get smaller, the life span of each hair becomes
shorter. Eventually, the affected follicles stop producing hair, or at least the
type of hair you’re used to.

With male pattern baldness, hair loss typically follows a predictable pattern. The
two most common patterns of hair loss include the following:

Hair starts to thin on top of the head and around the temples. This pattern may
eventually leave a “horseshoe” of hair around the sides and back of the head.
Hair starts to recede from the front of the hairline, pushing the hairline further
back on the head.
The degree and progression of balding in men is assessed by the Norwood
classification system. It has seven stages that measure the severity and pattern of
hair loss and balding.

At what age do men start losing hair?

If you find that your hair is thinner than it used to be, you can draw some comfort
from the fact that you’re not alone. Male pattern baldness affects the majority of
men at some stage in their lives.

According to the American Hair Loss Association:

Approximately 25 percent of men who have hereditary male pattern baldness start
losing their hair before the age of 21.
By the age of 35, approximately 66 percent of men will have experienced some degree
of hair loss.
By the age of 50, approximately 85 percent of men will have significantly thinner
Other causes of hair loss in men
Although male pattern baldness is the leading cause of balding, it isn’t the only
condition that can trigger hair loss.

With male pattern baldness, you typically don’t have other symptoms aside from
thinning hair. But with other hair loss causes, you may notice you have other
symptoms, too.

Also, with most other causes, there isn’t always a predictable hair loss pattern
like there is with male pattern baldness. Instead, hair loss is more likely to
happen all over, or in a few spots.

The following conditions can cause varying degrees of hair loss. Some types of hair
loss may be permanent, while others may be reversible:

Alopecia areata. This condition causes your body’s immune system to mistakenly
attack healthy hair follicles, which leads to hair loss. Hair typically falls out
in small patches on your head, but it can also affect other parts of your body. For
instance, you may find a bald spot in your beard or in your eyelashes or eyebrows,
too. The hair may or may not grow back.
Telogen effluvium. Excessive shedding of hair can sometimes happen about 2 to 3
months after some sort of shock to the system or stressful event. Hair loss may be
triggered by an accident, surgery, illness, drastic weight loss, or some kind of
psychological stress. Hair usually grows back within about 2 to 6 months.
Nutritional deficiency. Optimal levels of iron and other nutrients are essential
for good overall health, as well as healthy hair growth. Protein, vitamin D, as
well as adequate intake of other vitamins from your diet are also important to
maintain healthy hair. A deficiency in one or more of these nutrients may cause you
to lose more hair than normal.
Medications that may cause hair loss
Hair loss from certain medications is usually temporary and once you stop taking
the medication, hair growth will likely resume. Some of the known drugs associated
with hair loss include:

chemotherapy drugs
acne medications such as isotretinoin (Accutane)
antifungal drugs, in particular voriconazole
anticoagulants such as heparin and warfarin
blood pressure medications such as beta blockers and ACE inhibitors
cholesterol-lowering drugs such as simvastatin (Zocor) and atorvastatin (Lipitor)
antidepressants such as sertraline (Zoloft) and fluoxetine (Prozac)
What are the most effective treatments?
Hair loss treatments, for male pattern baldness in particular, range from products
you rub into your scalp to more invasive treatments aimed at restoring hair growth
or replacing lost hair.

Here are some of the more popular and effective treatment options for balding.

There are both prescription and over-the-counter drugs approved for the treatment
of male pattern baldness.

The two medications proven to treat or stave off further male pattern hair loss are
finasteride (Propecia, Proscar) and minoxidil (Rogaine, Ioniten). Finasteride comes
in a pill form and is only available by prescription. Minoxidil is a topical
treatment that’s available over the counter.

It can take at least 6 months for either treatment to start showing results.

Laser treatment
Low-level laser therapy can be used to help invigorate circulation in the scalp and
to stimulate hair follicles. Although this is a fairly new treatment option, it has
been deemed safe and tolerable. It is also a less invasive option compared to hair
transplant surgery.

Although research is limited for laser therapy and hair growth, some studies have
shown encouraging results.

For instance, a 2013 studyTrusted Source that included 41 men between the ages of
18 and 48 found a 39 percent increase in hair growth for participants who had laser
hair surgery.

Hair transplant surgery

The two most common hair transplant procedures are follicular unit transplantation
(FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE).

FUT involves the removal of a section of skin from the back of the scalp where hair
is still growing. This section of skin is then divided into hundreds of tiny pieces
called grafts. These grafts are then inserted into parts of the scalp where hair
currently isn’t growing.

With FUE, the surgeon takes individual healthy hair follicles out of the scalp and
then makes small holes, where hair isn’t growing, and puts the healthy follicles
into these holes.

Can baldness be prevented?

Male pattern baldness is commonly an inherited condition. It’s very difficult to
nonsurgically reverse any of the hair loss that’s seen with this condition.

However, preventing further hair loss at the first sign of thinning is possible.
Finasteride and Rogaine are two known treatments that might prevent further hair
loss seen with androgenetic alopecia.

Once you discontinue use of these medications, the hair loss may resume. Talk to
your doctor about if these medications may be right for you.

To keep your hair healthy and to prevent hair loss from other causes, try the

Try doing regular scalp massages, which may help stimulate hair growth.
Quit smoking. Older researchTrusted Source suggests that smoking may be associated
with hair loss.
Manage stress through exercise, mediation, or deep breathing exercises.
Eat a well-balanced diet rich in protein, iron, and vitamins.
Switch medication. If you think your medication may be causing hair loss, talk with
your doctor about other options that may work better for you.
The bottom line
If you have a bald spot or a receding hairline, it’s likely due to your genes.

In 95 percent of cases, balding is due to androgenetic alopecia, more commonly

known as male pattern baldness, which is a hereditary condition. It can affect men
of all ages, and may even start before the age of 21.

Although you can’t prevent male pattern baldness, there are ways to slow down hair
loss. Some options include medications such as Finasteride (Propecia, Proscar) and
minoxidil (Rogaine, Ioniten), laser therapy, and hair transplant surgery.

If you’re concerned about going bald, be sure to speak to your doctor or

dermatologist. They can work with you to figure out the treatment options that are
right for you.

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