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Emerging Business Trends on the Backdrop of Covid 19

It’s very clear that Corona virus have taught us many lessons, an invisible factor affecting the lives and
livelihood of all mankind. People stayed together at home and now the lockdowns are protested since
the livelihood of a layman is majorly suffered. No vaccines or no any perfect remedies are available,
however now we have to live with the disease. It has been reported by economic times and in few
imminent webinars that 190 million jobs were distracted while 130 million new jobs are expected to
arise. Now, interestingly how this may happen. On one aspect we are speaking about the jobs lost
abundantly while on h other hand, we are predicting plenty of new job creations. In the backdrop of
COVID 19, the traditional or conventional jobs and businesses will be ruined forever. We have to adapt
the change in lifestyle of social distancing; in fact it’s better to say physical distancing. The workplaces
have shrink, offices are moved o homes. Work from home, virtual learning, touch-less deliveries, limited
people at service stations are expected viz, beauty parlours, transportation, hotels and hospitality and
much more.
When the demand for offices diminishes, the rents for offices may also come down, virtual learning give
rise to IT support businesses

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