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Cats are noted for purring when content and for snarling, howling, or

spitting when in conflict with another of their kind. The so-called “big
cats” (genus Panthera), especially the lion, often roar, growl, or shriek.
Usually, however, cats are silent. Many cats use “clawing trees,” upon
which they leave the marks of their claws as they stand and drag their
front feet downward with the claws extended. Whether such behaviour
is for the purpose of cleaning or sharpening the claws or simply to
stretch is debatable, but the behaviour is innate; kittens raised in
isolation soon begin to claw objects.

The larger cats are strong, fierce, and extremely dangerous when
hungry. Because of their large size, they occasionally attack humans.
Although tigers and leopards are most noted as man-eaters, lions and
jaguars can also be dangerous. In North America the puma, also
known as the cougar or mountain lion, tends to avoid contact with
humans, but a few attacks occur annually, especially in areas where
development encroaches on areas of high puma density, such as the
western United States. Similarly, attacks on livestock often necessitate
removal of problem animals.

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