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Umesh Maiya
Dr G Shankar Government Women's First Grade College and Post Graduate Centre, Ajjarakadu


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International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research
ISSN 2394 - 7780
Volume 6, Issue 2 (XXXVI): April - June, 2019


Shradha Shetty1, Sowmya2, and Dr. Umesh Maiya3

Student and P. G Co-ordinator3, Dr. G. Shankar Government Women’s First Grade College and PG Study
Centre, Ajjarkadu, Udupi

The present study has been made with the view to analyze the impact of advertisement on consumer buying
behavior. This study looks at the relationship between advertisement and buying behavior of the consumers. The
objectives of this study were to understand the power of persuasion in advertisement to buy a product and
identify the most preferred advertisement media. The study clearly tells the importance of advertisement to the
businesses as well as its influence on the consumers. The random sampling method was used by researchers for
distributing questionnaire. The total samples collected were 150 covering in and around Udupi, Mangalore,
Bangalore and Mumbai city.
Keywords: consumer buying behavior, power of persuasion, advertisement

Advertising is a marketing communication that employs an openly sponsored, non-personal message to promote
or sell a product, service or idea. Sponsors of advertising are typically businesses wishing to promote their
products or services. Most advertisement is directed toward groups rather than individuals, and advertising is
usually delivered through media such as television, social media and newspapers. Advertising is a very old form
of promotion with root that go back even to ancient times. Advertising creates a personal and efficient method
of reaching a particular audience. Advertising reminds customers of benefits from the business product and
 To study the impact of advertisement on consumer buying behavior
 To understand the power of persuasion in advertisement to buy a product
 To identify the most preferred advertisement media by the people
The random sampling method was used by researcher for distributing questionnaire. The total samples collected
were 150 covering are around Udupi, Mangalore, Bangalore and Mumbai.
Tools used for study
For the present study researchers used primary data. Primary data has been collected through structured
questionnaire. Secondary data was collected from internet, journals, articles and books. For scaling purpose
likert’s 5 point scale was used for certain questions. For analysis and interpretations, researcher used simple
statistical tools and some of the simple and relevant data are presented in the tabular form. Chi-square test was
used for testing the hypothesis.
H0: There is no significant impact of advertisement on consumer buying behavior
H1: There is significant impact of advertisement on consumer buying behavior
Kumar and Gupta stated that all marketing starts with the consumer. So consumer is very important to a
marketer. Consumer decides what to purchase, for whom to purchase, why to purchase, from where to purchase,
and how much to purchase. In order to become a successful marketer, he must know the liking or disliking of
the customers. The study of the consumer preference not only focuses on how and why consumers make buying
decision, but also focuses on how and why consumers make choice of the goods they buy and their evaluation
of these goods after use.
Barban (1987) defined advertising as a paid, non-personal communication through various media by business
firms, non-profit organizations and individuals who are in some way identified in the advertising message and
who hope to inform persuade member of a particular audience.

International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research
ISSN 2394 - 7780
Volume 6, Issue 2 (XXXVI): April - June, 2019

Consumer buying behavior has been defined as the mental, emotional and physical activities that people engage
when selecting, purchasing using and disposing of products and services in order to satisfy need and desires
(Schifman & Kanuk-2009).
5 Common Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior:
Consumer behavior can be broadly classified as the decisions and actions that influence the purchasing behavior
of a consumer. What drives consumers to choose a particular product with respect to others is a question which
is often analyzed and studied by marketers. Most of the selection process involved in purchasing is based on
emotions and reasoning.
The study of consumer behavior not only helps to understand the past but even predict the future. The below
underlined factors pertaining to the tendencies, attitude and priorities of people must be given due importance to
have a fairly good understanding of the purchasing patterns of consumers
1. Marketing Campaigns
Advertisement plays a greater role in influencing the purchasing decisions made by consumers. They are even
known to bring about a great shift in market shares of competitive industries by influencing the purchasing
decisions of consumers. The Marketing campaigns done on regular basis can influence the consumer purchasing
decision to such an extent that they may opt for one brand over another or indulge in indulgent or frivolous
shopping. Marketing campaigns if undertaken at regular intervals even help to remind consumers to shop for not
so exciting products such as health products or insurance policies.
2. Economic Conditions
Consumer spending decisions are known to be greatly influenced by the economic situation prevailing in the
market. This holds true especially for purchases made of vehicles, houses and other household appliances. A
positive economic environment is known to make consumers more confident and willing to indulge in
purchases irrespective of their personal financial liabilities.
3. Personal Preferences
At the personal level, consumer behavior is influenced by various shades of likes, dislikes, priorities, morals and
values. In certain dynamic industries such as fashion, food and personal care, the personal view and opinion of
the consumer pertaining to style and fun can become the dominant influencing factor. Though advertisement
can help in influencing these factors to some extent, the personal consumer likes and dislikes exert greater
influence on the end purchase made by a consumer.
4. Group Influence
Group influence is also seen to affect the decisions made by a consumer. The primary influential group
consisting of family members, classmates, immediate relatives and the secondary influential group consisting of
neighbors and acquaintances are seen have greater influence on the purchasing decisions of a consumer. Say for
instance, the mass liking for fast food over home cooked food or the craze for the SUV’s against small utility
vehicle are glaring examples of the same.
5. Purchasing Power
Purchasing power of a consumer plays an important role in influencing the consumer behavior. The consumers
generally analyze their purchasing capacity before making a decision to buy and products or services. The
product may be excellent, but if it fails to meet the buyers purchasing ability, it will have high impact on it its
sales. Segmenting consumers based on their buying capacity would help in determining eligible consumers to
achieve better results.
Understanding, analyzing and keeping track of consumer behavior is very critical for a marketing department to
retain their position successfully in the market place. There are various other factors too that influence consumer
behavior apart from the four listed above.
Table-1: Personal profile of the respondents
Age(in years) Number of respondents Percentage
18-28 105 70%
29-39 33 22%
40 and above 12 8%
TOTAL 150 100%
Source: Field Survey Data
International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research
ISSN 2394 - 7780
Volume 6, Issue 2 (XXXVI): April - June, 2019

The total respondents for the survey are 150 among them 105 respondents belong to 18-28 years age group,33
respondents belong to the age group of 29-39years and the remaining 12 respondents belonged to the age group
of 40years and above. The above table also indicates that the highest percentage (70%) of respondents belonged
to 18-28years age group advertisement medium.
Figure-1: Respondents view towards most preferred advertisement media.

Source: Field Survey Data

In reference to the above figure 75% respondents most preferred advertisement media is is television, 18%
respondents prefer social media platform of advertisement,6% respondents most preferred advertisement
medium is print media, and remaining 1% prefer email, there are no respondents who prefer radio as
advertisement media.
Table-2: Perception towards influence of advertisement on shopping trend of consumers
Opinion Frequency Percentage
YES 141 95.3%
NO 7 4.7%
Source: Field Survey Data
According to above table 95.3% respondents think that advertisement influences their shopping trend and 4.7%
respondents think advertisement doesn’t influence their shopping trend.
Figure-2: View on how long the input of advertisements last in the minds of respondents

Source: Field Survey Data

International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research
ISSN 2394 - 7780
Volume 6, Issue 2 (XXXVI): April - June, 2019

The above figure indicates that 41.60% respondents think advertisements inputs stays in their minds for few
hours, 33.60% think advertisement input stays in the minds of the respondents for a day, 16.10% respondents
think advertisement input lasts in their minds for a week, 6% respondents think that advertisement inputs will
remain in their minds for more than a month, and the last .70% respondents think advertisement inputs will last
in their minds for a month.
Table-3: Perception towards factor influencing the purchase of product
Factors Frequency Percentage
The advertising was interesting 108 72.5%
Curious about the product 61 40.9%
Wanted to imitate the actors in the advertisement 2 1.3%
The price was low for the product 59 39.6%
Suggested by other people about the product 27 18.7%
Source: Field Survey Data
This table indicates that 72.5% of respondents are influenced to purchase the products by the interesting
advertisements, 40.9% are influenced by their curiosity about the product, 39.6% are influenced by the low
price of the products, 18.7% are influenced by suggestions about the products by other people, 1.3%
respondents are influenced to purchase the products because of their intention to imitate the actors in the
Table-4: View towards most remembered aspect of advertisement
Aspects Frequency Percentage
Color 18 12%
Slogan 26 17.3%
Theme 114 7.6%
Punch line 31 20.7%
Celebrity 20 13.3%
Source: Field Survey Data
The table clearly indicates that 20.7% respondents mostly remember the punch line of the advertisement,17.3%
respondents remember the slogan of the advertisements most of the times, 13.3% respondents most remembered
aspect of advertisement is the celebrities in the advertisement, 12% out of total respondents mostly remember
the colors used in the advertisements, and the remaining 7.6% respondents remember the theme of the
advertisement most of the time.
Table-5: View of respondents on convincing power of advertisements towards purchasing of new products
Opinion Frequency Percentage
Strongly agree 37 24.7%
Agree 71 47.3%
Neutral 33 22%
Disagree 9 6%
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Source: Field Survey Data
The above table depicts that 47.3% (37) respondents agree that advertisements convinces them to purchase a
new product,24.7% (71) respondents strongly agree that advertisements convinces them to purchase the
product,22% (33) respondents are neutral about the above statement,6% (9) respondents disagree with the
above statement, no respondents strongly disagree to the above statement.
H0: There is no significant impact of advertisement on consumer buying behavior.
H1: There is significant impact of advertisement on consumer buying behavior.
Chi-square value Table value Significance
17.4 9.49 Highly Significant
Since, chi-square value (17.4) is more than table value (9.49), H0is rejected.
The chi-square analysis thus reveals that there is significant impact of advertisement on consumer buying
behavior. Therefore, Null hypothesis ‘there is no significant impact of advertisement on consumer buying
behavior’ is rejected and alternative hypothesis is accepted.
International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research
ISSN 2394 - 7780
Volume 6, Issue 2 (XXXVI): April - June, 2019

Advertisement acts as a motivator in purchasing of products or services of the particular business.
Advertisements are one of the important tools used by businesses to promote/to deliver the information about
their products or services. Advertisements must not be misleading since it might have negative impact on the
consumers. Effective advertisements also help businesses to increase their sales numbers. The purpose of this
research was to study the impact of advertisements on consumer buying behavior. Based on the analysis made
by us, it can be concluded that advertisement has significant impact on consumer buying behavior. This
research paper can be helpful to know the most preferred advertisement media, influence of advertisements on
shopping trends, most remembered aspects of advertisements and much more.
 Prabakaran (2012).Impact of Advertisement on Consumer Buying Behaviour. Journal of Marketing and
Communication Vol-8,2.
 Sunderaraj R. (2018). Impact of Advertisement on Buying Behaviour of Consumer in Sivakasi. ICTACT
journal on management studies, Vol-4,3.


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