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Week 2 notes – Project Scope Management

A relationship between time, cost and quality

 Scope clearly defines what is going to happen in the project

 Define what is not included in the scope
 Define what is going to be delivered and also what we are going to do to deliver that

Difference between product and project scope

 Features of the product

 Work performed to deliver the product

The client can sometimes not be the actual client or stakeholder

 The often want more and they want the best, the often want more than the scope
 Constantly be aware of the scope and inform the client if it is outside the scope
o Either renegotiate the scope with the added cost
o Or agree that this work doesn’t need to be done

Defines the work to be included and excluded

1. Strategic – what is the business rationale for this project

2. Stakeholder – what do different stakeholders expect of the project
3. What will it involve us doing
4. Capabilities- do we have the people and, resources and systems to do what is necessary
5. Impact – what do we do as a result of this project
6. Outputs – how will the client know when you have achieved milestones or completed the

Handover criteria – all of the stuff you handover at project completion

Hard and soft criteria for success

E.g. deadlines , performance specs, Quality standards, costs and resource constraints

E.g. a coop attitude, a positive image, commitment, appreciation of risk level Open comms and

Product breakdown structure (PBS)

 Helps define the work into smaller chunks

 All of the products to deliver the project
 Hierarchy of components
 Helps to be set out in a chronological order
 Assists the identification of product milestones, performance targets, top down estimates of
schedule and budget, payment points, make versus buy analysis

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

 Formal and systematic way of defining the scope breakdown into smaller parts
 Each work package is a performance and control element
 At the bottom of a leg of your WBS there may be a milestone, e.g. Market Research

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