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Resin bonded bridges: IN BRIEF

• Gain a contemporary understanding

techniques for success of the role of resin bonded bridges in

replacing missing teeth.
• Learn how to improve survival and
aesthetics of resin bonded bridges.
K. A. Durey,1 P. J. Nixon,2 S. Robinson3 and M. F. W.-Y. Chan4 • A ‘quick reference’ summary of things
to consider clinically and technically, to
improve outcome.

Resin bonded bridges are a minimally invasive option for replacing missing teeth. Although they were first described over
30 years ago, evidence regarding their longevity remains limited and these restorations have developed an undeserved
reputation for failure. This article provides a brief review of the literature regarding bridge success and continues to high-
light aspects of case selection, bridge design and clinical procedure which may improve outcome.

INTRODUCTION By using a RBB it is possible to provide a both general practice and hospital settings
Resin bonded or resin retained bridges fixed replacement for missing teeth which reported that a high proportion of prac-
(RBBs/RRBs) are minimally invasive fixed is essentially reversible and does not com- titioners used unfavourable techniques.8
prostheses which rely on composite resin promise the abutment tooth. This is espe- It seems reasonable to assume that with
cements for retention. These restorations cially important for young patients who improved education and careful planning,
were first described in the 1970s and since may be more likely to experience endo- outcome could be improved.
this time they have evolved significantly. dontic complications as a result of exten- The aim of this article is to re-evaluate
The first type of RBB was the Rochette sive tooth preparation. the role of RBBs in fixed prosthodontics
Bridge, which relied on the retention Despite this recognised advantage, the and provide a guide for practitioners with
generated by resin cement tags through role of RBBs as definitive restorations regard to case selection, bridge design and
a characteristic perforated metal retainer.1 remains somewhat controversial due to a clinical techniques in order that successful
However, longevity of this type of restora- lack of long term prospective data regard- outcomes may be achieved.
tion was limited and in an effort to address ing success. The majority of information
this, methods of altering the surface of is based on the results of longitudinal FACTORS AFFECTING SUCCESS
the metal retainer to enhance microme- studies, many of which have been poorly Case selection
chanical retention were developed.2 The controlled, used a variety of cements and
term ‘Maryland Bridge’ resulted from the preparation techniques making it difficult i) Patient factors
development of a type of electrochemi- to isolate factors affecting outcome.4 Restoration of missing teeth aims to
cal etching at the University of Maryland. Recent systematic reviews have esti- improve oral function, aesthetics and
More recently bridge retention has been mated the five-year survival rates for restore occlusal stability. However, inter-
enhanced by the development of resin bridgework as 87.7% for resin bonded vention should be considered carefully as
cements which bond chemically to both prostheses4 and just over 90% for con- in some cases it may be detrimental to the
the tooth surface and the metal alloy. ventional bridges depending on design.5 remaining dentition.9-11
From a clinician’s perspective, the main Although these rates are lower than the General factors such as the health, age of
advantage of RBBs is that, in compari- 94.5% success 6 reported for implant the patient, their expectations, local factors
son to conventional bridge preparations, retained single crowns over the same five related to dental health and the missing
they are conservative of tooth structure.3 year follow up, resin bonded bridgework tooth itself need to be taken into account.
has the advantages of being less invasive, For example in older patients with reduced
requiring a shorter total treatment time manual dexterity it may be appropriate to
Specialist Registrar in Restorative Dentistry, 2,4Con-

sultant in Restorative Dentistry, Leeds Dental Institute,

and less financial commitment. accept a shortened dental arch rather than
Clarendon Way, Leeds, LS2 9PU; 3Senior Lecturer in In contrast to these favourable esti- replacing a lost posterior unit. If a tooth
Clinical Dentistry, University of Queensland, University
of Queensland, Turbot Street, Brisbane, Australia mations of RBB success, Hussey et al.7 must be replaced, a RBB may be preferable
*Correspondence to: Dr Kathryn Durey reported high failure rates when they used to a removable partial denture (RPD) espe-
the number of recement fees claimed to cially where there is a history of signifi-
Refereed Paper gauge the success of RBBs in NHS gen- cant periodontal disease or dental caries.9
Accepted 16 June 2011
DOI: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2011.619 eral practice. Additionally, a recent study As they are minimally invasive, RBBs can
© British Dental Journal 2011; 211: 113-118 of RBB designs employed by dentists in also provide a temporary option for young


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patients who have suffered the early loss

of an anterior tooth. This situation would
otherwise condemn the patient to years
of denture wear until growth has ceased
and an implant or definitive bridge can
be considered.
RBBs have the advantages of taking
minimal clinical time12 and rarely requiring
a b
anaesthetic, therefore they may be appro-
priate for patients who are apprehensive of
dental treatment or unable to commit to
more involved treatment involving mul-
tiple appointments. However, the patient
should still be dentally motivated and
caries and periodontal disease should be
under control before embarking on fixed
prosthodontics. In addition, managing c d
expectations with regard to aesthetic out-
Fig. 1 a) Older patient with a history of successfully treated periodontal disease and
come and longevity should be considered dissatisfaction with partial denture. b) Remaining teeth lingually tilted with increased
an important part of treatment planning.13 mobility. c) Provision of multiple (5) cantilever RBBs mimicking root exposure and staining of
If expectations are unrealistic, patient sat- natural teeth. d) Note novel bucco-occlusal retaining wing used on lingually tilted molar tooth
isfaction with the final result is likely to
be low.
there has been significant tooth wear. to have undergone some resorption and
ii) Abutment tooth selection Additionally, the alignment or angulation have reduced length however, they may
When selecting abutment teeth, investi- of teeth may affect the degree to which a also be ankylosed and so are well placed
gations should be carried out to ensure retainer can be extended. Crowding may to act as abutments.
endodontic and periodontal health. reduce access and rotations may mean that
Periodontal support should be assessed full wraparound is difficult to achieve. An iii) Occlusal features
considering bone levels and root configu- unconventional approach may be neces- When planning for RBBs, a detailed assess-
ration. Although a history of periodontal sary, for example in Figure  1, where a ment of both static and dynamic occlusal
disease and reduced bone support does buccal retaining wing has been used on a relationships is crucial to optimise success.
not exclude bridgework (Fig.  1), the use lingually tilted molar in an effort to avoid A wax up on articulated casts gives a valu-
of abutments with active periodontal dis- the undercut lingual area that proved dif- able view from the palatal aspect aiding
ease should be avoided as increased func- ficult to access. the assessment of the amount of interoc-
tional loading may increase the rate of If periodontal support and coronal con- clusal space available for the retainer
periodontal destruction.14 dition are favourable, any teeth, including wings and pontics.13 It is important that
Coronally, there should be sufficient retained deciduous teeth,15 can act as abut- the pontic is not involved in guidance dur-
enamel available for bonding. The denti- ments over an appropriate span. Deciduous ing mandibular excursive movements.16 If
tions of hypodontia patients are frequently molars can make particularly good abut- this is unachievable, guidance should be
associated with a degree of microdontia ments as they are multirooted and have a shared with other natural teeth.
reducing the amount of tooth structure large coronal surface area which allows If there is insufficient space for an aes-
available. Surface area may also be com- full extension of the retainer wing. The thetic pontic, adjustment of opposing teeth
promised if teeth are restored or where roots of retained deciduous teeth are likely could be considered. Alternatively space

Fig. 2 Hypodontia case demonstrating two cantilever RBBs to replace UL 3 and ULE. Note the extent of coverage of metal retainers,
characterisation of porcelain work and ovate style pontic to achieve good aesthetics


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may be gained with localised anterior be maintained separately to restorative

composite build ups to adjust guidance treatment, either with removable ortho-
patterns or by cementing the restoration dontic retainers or orthodontic bonded
at an increased OVD on the retainer.17 wire retainers. If a fixed-fixed design is
With both of these options the occlusion required, contact in excursive movements
would then be allowed to re-establish over and intercuspation should be on the
a period of months through passive erup- retainer only.19
tion.18 Cementing restorations high does
not appear to increase the risk of abut- i) Retainer wing coverage
ment teeth proclining or the restoration The surface area covered by an RBB retainer Fig. 3 Upper central incisor following
lengthening of clinical crown height using
debonding,19 however, the authors suggest has been shown to affect retention. It is electrosurgery
that this technique should be used to make accepted that 180° wraparound retainers
only modest and controlled changes to constitute the ideal design, but this must
the occlusion. be balanced with the demand for aesthet- eventually leads to fatigue failure.27 Base
Parafunctional forces increase the likeli- ics. Retainers on posterior teeth may be metal alloys are highly rigid and therefore
hood of restoration failure, especially where extended to include coverage of the palatal can be used in thin section without risk
the occlusion has not been accounted for. and lingual cusps and a proportion of the of flexing, making them ideally suited for
Any habits should be identified during the occlusal surface (Fig. 2) to increase the sur- use in RBB retainers. In vitro research has
assessment phase and the patient should face area and improve retention. If neces- shown that base metal retainers of less
be counselled to avoid habits like nail and sary, the surface area for bonding can be than 0.7 mm thickness have less resistance
pen biting. Where bruxism is suspected the maximised by crown lengthening, either to dislodgement28 and therefore 0.7  mm
prescription of a night guard or occlusal with conventional periodontal flaps or with as a minimum dimension should be stipu-
splint should be considered.2 electrosurgery (Fig. 3). Electrosurgery is par- lated in the technical prescription. Where
ticularly relevant for young patients who there is insufficient interocclusal space to
Bridge design have short clinical crown heights, a substan- accommodate a retainer of this thickness,
It has been widely reported that RBBs tial proportion of whom present following teeth can be reduced to create space or the
are more successful as cantilevers than orthodontics wearing retainers which can be bridge can be cemented high as previously
as fixed-fixed restorations.20-23 Despite associated with gingival hyperplasia. If teeth described.17,18 Clinicians should verify
this evidence a high number of dentists are restored, fillings should be replaced with adequate thickness of the metal retainer
continue to use fixed-fixed designs and fresh composite restorations, which will before cementation to ensure sufficient
double abutments.8 bond more favourably to the resin cement rigidity, for example using an Iwansson
Resin bonded bridges with multiple abut- enhancing retention of the bridge.26 crown gauge (UnoDent Ltd, Witham,
ments are more likely to debond due to the Essex, UK).
differential movement of abutment teeth, ii) Technical features A locating tag or seating lug should be
especially where occlusal contact involves Any flexing of the metal bridge retainer extended over the incisal edge of anterior
the natural tooth surface. In these cases exerts stress on the cement lute that teeth (Fig. 4) to help to locate the retainer
occlusal force leads to the tooth and the
retainer being driven apart causing failure
of the cement lute.19 Where two abutment
teeth have been used it is unlikely that
both retainers will debond simultaneously.
When only one retainer fails, the bridge
is likely to remain in situ promoting the
development of caries beneath the failed
There are, however, some situations in
which a fixed-fixed design may be the
most appropriate. These include large
pontic spans and where abutment teeth
are small and sufficient surface area for
retention can only be gained by using one
abutment at either end of the span. It has
also been suggested that fixed-fixed RBBs
can provide a form of orthodontic reten-
tion, particularly where teeth have been Fig. 4 Extension of retainer wing into existing palatal access cavity to improve resistance
de-rotated.25 However, it is the view of the and retention form. Also note incisal seating lug
authors that orthodontic retention should


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correctly and resist cervical displacement

of the retainer during cementation. It can
be removed with a bur after cementation
and the metal polished as needed.

iii) Aesthetics
The aesthetics of a RBB are determined by
the retainer wing, the porcelain work and
a b
how the soft tissues are managed. Metal
connectors may shine-through translucent
incisors causing them to appear grey and
in fact Djemal et al.19 reported that the
metal of the retainer was the most com-
mon reason for patient dissatisfaction with
their RBB.
Greying can be reduced to a degree
by the use of opaque cement and careful c d
retainer design, avoiding extending the
Fig. 5 a) Young patient presenting with developmentally missing lateral incisors. Note the
metal to within 2 mm of the incisal edge, central incisors are barrel shaped and the canines diminutive. b) Ridge preparation at the
where the enamel becomes relatively more pontic site, note the central incisors and canines have been built up using composite resin
translucent. In cases where the retainer to improve dimensions. c) Resin bonded bridges in situ replacing the lateral incisors. d) The
emergence profile created following ridge preparation and use of an ovate pontic gives a
cannot be disguised by opaque cements, it pleasing aesthetic result
may be necessary to reconsider the choice
of abutment tooth or place composite labi-
ally as a veneer. retention,29 however, most authorities now degradation and reduced bond strength
The shade of the porcelain should be advocate minimal preparation, within with time. In contrast, Panavia (Karrary
conveyed to the technician by means of enamel,30 or no preparation at all.17,19 Co. Ltd, Osaka, Japan) demonstrates pro-
a shade map, which can include details Vertical grooves are the particular fea- longed high bond strengths. This is due
of characterisation features if appropriate ture which has been identified as reducing to formation of a chemical bond between
(Fig. 2). The shade should be taken in natu- stresses on the cement bond31 and increas- the phosphate group of the cement mon-
ral light at the beginning of the appoint- ing resistance to debonding forces.29,32 omer and the oxide layer of the metal
ment when the teeth are hydrated. A good However, preparation involves irrevers- retainer. Sandblasting to create micro-
quality digital photograph with the chosen ible damage to abutment teeth for what mechanical interlocking should be car-
shade tab in situ can be a valuable aid for is reported to be only a limited benefit,19 ried out before cementation to further
the technician. and even when minimal preparation is enhance retention.
intended, dentine exposure is likely during RBB cementation requires an uncontam-
iv) Pontic design preparation.24 Bond strength to dentine is inated, etched and primed enamel or den-
Several alternatives for pontic design have lower than that that can be achieved to tine surface to generate maximum bond
been described based on the pontic-ridge enamel which may affect bridge retention. strengths. In vitro research has shown
relationship. The most commonly used Additionally dentine exposure increases that achieving uniform and ideal etching
of these is the modified ridge lap pontic, the chance of sensitivity between appoint- of enamel surfaces is variable, especially
which allows reasonable aesthetics and ments and the risk of caries if the area is on lingual surfaces of lower posterior
facilitates hygiene. In aesthetically criti- not sealed adequately at cementation. teeth where moisture control is difficult.33
cal areas, the authors’ preferred alterna- A situation in which more extensive Audenino et al.34 found that the use of rub-
tive to this is the ovate pontic, which has preparation can be justified is when teeth ber dam during cementation reduced the
a convex profile to the soft tissue fitting are restored. Preparation may be devel- risk of the restoration debonding; however,
surface helping to create a good emergence oped into restorations to produce longi- in contrast, Marinello et al.35 reported the
profile (Fig. 2). When designing the pontic, tudinal grooves, occlusal rests and boxes isolation method used had no significant
it is important to relate the gingival level on posterior teeth, and into access cavity effect on bridge outcome. It is the experi-
to that of the adjacent natural teeth. restoration on anterior teeth. This helps to ence of the authors that, if patients are
promote axial loading and creates resist- compliant, adequate moisture control can
Clinical techniques ance form (Fig. 4). be achieved in the upper anterior region
i) Need for tooth preparation using the cotton wool rolls and saliva ejec-
ii) Cementation tors. Elsewhere in the mouth rubber dam
The need for tooth preparation for RBBs is Developments in resin cements have is advisable and a split dam technique
a subject of debate. Previous research used helped to increase restoration longevity. can be utilised to facilitate seating of
more extensive preparations to enhance Early composite resin materials exhibited the restoration.


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iii) Ridge preparation

A disadvantage of all bridgework is its Table 1 Factors related to success of resin bonded bridges
inability to replace soft tissue. In cases
Case selection
with vertical ridge defects, pink porce-
lain36 or composite may be used to rep- • Patient selection: are they motivated/compliant?
licate the gingival margins. However, the • Does the space need to be restored? What options are there for restoration?
amount of soft tissue this can replace is • Abutment tooth quality: is the tooth periapically and periodontally healthy? Is there periodontal
limited as the restoration becomes bulky support adequate? Is there sufficient enamel surface area for bonding and how translucent is
and compromises oral hygiene. Matching the enamel?
gingival shade and characterisation is • Tooth position: is spacing and alignment of natural teeth favourable? How large is the pontic
also challenging. span and will the abutment(s) support this span length?
When there is adequate ridge height, • Occlusal assessment: is there sufficient space for a pontic of the right shape and size and the
retainer, or does this need to be created?
soft tissue management aims to create a
• Parafunctional habits: are there any habits that can be eliminated or do they need to be
realistic emergence profile and interden-
managed as part of the treatment plan?
tal papilla. This can be done clinically by
• Expectations: has enough information been provided? Are the patient’s expectations realistic
defining the pontic site with a high speed with regard to aesthetics and longevity?
bur or electrosurgery37 immediately before
Bridge design
impression taking (Fig.  5). Alternatively,
the master cast may be relieved in the lab • Retainer of 0.7 mm thickness
and the soft tissues adjusted at fit. If the • Full retainer extension as allowed by aesthetic demands
clinician is unable to alter the cast them-
selves, the depth of relief required (taking • Minimal ICP contact
in to account the compressibility of the • Careful management of excursive contacts to avoid undue forces on pontic
tissues clinically at the pontic site), should
• Use of an ovate pontic were aesthetics are important
be conveyed to the technician.
Where electrosurgery has been carried Clinical techniques
out and the patient is wearing a RPD, this • Replace existing restorations with composite
can be relined to help to maintain the gin-
gival contour between appointments. If • Ensure adequate clinical crown height or crown lengthen to increase bonding area if necessary
there is any relapse, electrosurgery can be • Create space for the restoration: opposing tooth adjustment, preparation of abutment tooth or
repeated or the pontic modified at bridge fit. cement at increased OVD
• Preparation: for unrestored teeth use minimal preparation, on restored teeth, extend preparations
DEALING WITH FAILURE into restorations to increase resistance form

Biological reasons for failure include car- • Assess shade accounting for opaque cement and possible grey shine through of retainer wing
ies and periodontal disease but these occur • Prepare the pontic site to improve gingival profile when needed for aesthetics
relatively rarely.4 To prevent complications
• Excellent moisture control during cementation and use of a resin cement with a phosphate
oral health education, encompassing oral monomer eg Panavia
hygiene instruction and advice regard-
• Protect the final result: provide a night guard or orthodontic retention if required
ing diet and the use of fluoride, should be
provided at the treatment planning stage
and finalised following bridge cementa- If a bridge debonds there are two an occlusal perspective: have they devel-
tion. Where a fixed-fixed design has been options: remake or recement. If a one oped a new parafunctional habit or has the
used, patients should be warned of the risk off event such as trauma has resulted in occlusion changed in ICP or lateral excur-
of one retainer debonding and to report decementation, recementing the restora- sion as a result of restoration or tooth wear
this immediately if they feel that the bridge tion may well be appropriate. However, of adjacent or opposing teeth?
is loose. studies have shown that once a bridge has If the decision is made to recement
The most common technical reason debonded it is more likely to fail again39 a RBB, the metal retainer should be air
for RBB failure is debonding.5 Although and recementing for a second time is gen- abraded and any cement residue removed
authors have reported that debonding does erally ill advised as replacing the bridge carefully from the tooth before attempting
not appear to affect patient satisfaction19,38 has been found to have a higher success this. Where the restoration is cantilevered,
and there is usually limited damage to rate.35,39 This is probably because in the recementation is usually straightforward.
abutment teeth, it is an inconvenience. majority of failed cases, there is an inher- Where there is a fixed-fixed design and
Other technical problems which may ent problem with bridge design which may only one side is loose, attempts can be
necessitate remake of the bridge include have been present at initial cementation made to remove the retainer that is still
structural damage and shade match dete- and/or developed since. With this in mind, in place with the help of an ultrasonic
rioration which can be a result of natural the restoration itself should be examined scaler. Alternatively, depending on the
tooth discoloration or porcelain changes. and the patient should be reassessed from length of span, the debonded retainer can


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