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Egalitarian Investment

Monthly Report - June 2021


This month we were proud to

The Launchpool Labs
announce the Launchpool
lite-paper was published,
Web3 Techstars Accelerator,
with community questions
a blockchain-focused,
answered via an AMA on
chain-agnostic accelerator
based in London.

To celebrate the start of live Launchpool were Blue

trading on Kucoin, a 10,000 Diamond sponsors of DeFi
$LPOOL prize pot was shared Summit - the largest
between active $LPOOL traders. dedicated DeFi conference.
You asked.
We delivered.
After months of planning, we were incredibly excited to share the news
that the Launchpool Web3 Techstars Accelerator is here!

Techstars began with three simple ideas—entrepreneurs create a better

future for everyone, collaboration drives innovation, and great ideas can
come from anywhere. Techstars has invested in more than 2,500 companies
with a combined market cap of more than $200B.

The accelerator will work with 10 startups each year, where projects will
receive funding, mentorship from Techstars, Alphabit, and Launchpool,
access to resources, and exposure to a minimum viable community.

Applications for the Launchpool Web3 Techstars Accelerator will open on

September 13, 2021 and be accepted through December 1, 2021. The first year
of the accelerator will operate March 2022 through June 2022.

Stay tuned for more developments.

Say hello to the first community-centric blockchain incubator that
empowers everyone to be their own VC!

Launchpool Labs is a bespoke product of Launchpool, aimed at incubating

and supporting very early stage projects and teams, taking them from
ideation or prototype to minimum viable product level.

Labs will have greater control over all of the different aspects of incubated
projects. The aim is to further ensure that projects develop successfully both
pre and post launch, while looking at long-term commitments from all

Labs honours past and future engagements - as the community of

Launchpool Labs is formed by the longest serving members of our
Launchpool community, and therefore we are looking at rewarding that
ongoing support.

Read the full litepaper here:

Launchpool were proud Blue Diamond sponsors of the DeFi Summit virtual
festival from June 14th-18th.

DeFi Summit was a week long virtual event focused on bringing builders &
developers together in a connected space for presentations, round table
discussions, demos and workshops.

Head of Launchpool Labs, Roxana Nasoi, took part in various discussions

across the week, talking about the Launchpad landscape, the future of fair
launches and the continued building of the full Launchpool ecosystem with

Launchpool also presented DeFi Demo Day; a dedicated day where DeFi
projects demonstrated their product, pitch their ideas, and shared with the
10,000 LPOOL Prize Pool

To celebrate Launchpool being listed on KuCoin, 10,000 LPOOL was

distributed to KuCoin users who met certain requirements.

200 users received 5 LPOOL each for depositing or withdrawing at least 50

LPOOL to KuCoin and having a trading volume of 50 LPOOL or more.

The top 30 users with the highest LPOOL trading volume shared a prize pool
of 7,000 LPOOL.

Users who had a trading volume of 100 LPOOL or more and added
LPOOL/USDT & LPOOL/BTC trading pairs to their Favorites List evenly split a
2,000 LPOOL prize pool.
Mining Events

June 2021 @Nifty_Pays NiftyPays

$0.07 250k 1.67m+

Launchpool AME price Allocation Size Total $LPOOL staked

$NIFTY is currently awaiting token distribution

Niftypays is a decentralised NFT liquidity ecosystem. It will allow NFT holders to use their NFTs as collateral or stake their idle
NFTs to earn rewards from different partner projects listed on the platform. Apart from being the core utility token of the
platform, $NIFTY is also a governance token providing delegated voting power to holders of our tokens. There is also a
swap and burn mechanism, ensuring deeper liquidity and solvent buying pressure on the market for $NIFTY token. @IagonOfficial Iagon_Official

$0.025 250k 1.96m+

Launchpool AME price Allocation Size Total $LPOOL staked

$IAG is currently awaiting token distribution

As the presence of impactful technology increases, Iagon focuses on the delivery of Decentralized, Cloud Computing and
Artificial Intelligence services. In order to develop the Iagon platform, we continuously use cutting edge technologies,
including machine learning, big data, data mining, decentralized and distributed systems, as well as blockchain
technology. @Defi_11 Defi_11

$0.10 400k 1.50m+

Launchpool AME price Allocation Size Total $LPOOL staked

$D11 is currently awaiting token distribution

DeFi 11 is a defi powered gaming ecosystem for fantasy sports, NFT virtual hybrid world, marketplace, predictions and
betting. The entire platform runs as a chain agnostic solution with a decentralised mobile application. It has a deflationary
token model for $D11 tokens, the value for what is pumped up with every game being played on the application. @Baanx_BXX Baanx _BXX

$0.10 500k 1.75m+

Launchpool AME price Allocation Size Total $LPOOL staked

$BXX is currently awaiting token distribution

The Baanx Group of companies is building the future of financial services. We bridge the gap between fiat and digital asset
technology to create an API platform your company can utilise fast. Our platform enables you to create disruptive, cutting
edge digital products your community can engage with; at a fraction of the cost of traditional banking.
In June, Launchpool provided 2-3x the
amount of investors with allocations than
the average launch platform.

Number of investors per AME:

749 1,099

1,043 905
Comments from the Community

The $LPOOL community is top notch.

This is why you guys are
We thoroughly enjoy our
amazing, you listen to the Wow, so many great things
association with them and
community and do what’s best happened in launchpool this June
appreciate that they prioritize
for us, can't say that about any month - keep it up guys.
long-term vision over short-term
other project
price movement.
- Sierra (Telegram)
- CryptoGoku (Telegram)
- CCAI_Official (Twitter)

I have never seen such energy,

That’s Huge! This ecosystem just
enthusiasm, patience of answering
gets bigger and better all the
our questions and co-operation
time. So glad @BTC_proxy was
from admins. Great people make a
part of this.
great company.
- @BTC_Proxy (Twitter)
- Raj (Telegram)
The NiftyPays team did extensive research on
multiple pre-IDO platforms and launchpool was
cherry picked among all others. Our decision is
backed by weeks of research and data out there
in public domain. We are confident this
partnership will be mutually beneficial.
Launchpool was the chosen launchpad with it’s
#FairLaunch4All approach that puts small
investors first. Iagon is created from the people
and for the people. We are decentralizing cloud
storage and challenging the monopolistic power
over data that the 5 tech giants dominate. This
is a similar approach to Launchpool.
Why would someone not choose Launchpool?
We are highly impressed and are appreciators
of the Launchpool community and team, your
efforts and support.
Launchpool and Baanx align in our values. Baanx
wants to create a fairer world where everyone
has access to digital friendly payments and
related services, Launchpool wants to create a
fairer platform for investors in the crypto world.
Launchpool has had some great projects in the
past and a very diverse community. The
Launchpool team are great too!
Wrapping up
After the price action in May, June was a tentative month for projects. After months, often years of
development, it is understandable that projects decide to hold back their token sale or delay their
token distribution, waiting for optimal market conditions.

This is practiced across the market, and is intended to improve returns for investors, and to
increase the likelihood that projects raise the treasury they require to deliver their roadmap.

With market conditions as they are, we have taken the decision to slow the rate with which we
launch projects from the launchpad. We are doubling-down on our commitment to bring only high
grade projects onto the pad. TLDR? AME frequency down, quality up.

Launchpool, however, is much more than launchpad. As the market moves sideways, we move
forwards. We are building, building, building. We have pulled forward the timings on our roadmap,
and each day we share updates on Launchpool Labs and Launchpool Web3 Techstars
Accelerator. These products are proof that Launchpool is here for the long term, delivering
early-stage investment opportunities for our community not found anywhere else.

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