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Preeclampsia: An update


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Jean François Brichant Vincent Bonhomme

Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège University of Liège


Available from: Vincent Bonhomme

Retrieved on: 20 February 2016
(Acta Anaesth. Belg., 2014, 65, 137-149)

Preeclampsia : an update

G. Lambert (*, **), J. F. Brichant (**), G. Hartstein (**), V. Bonhomme (*, **) and
P. Y. Dewandre (*, **)

Abstract : Preeclampsia was formerly defined as a mul- p­ atients. Antenatal corticosteroids should be adminis-
tisystemic disorder characterized by new onset of hyper- tered to less than 34 gestation week preeclamptic women
tension (i.e. systolic blood pressure (SBP) ≥ 140 mmHg to promote fetal lung maturity. Termination of pregnancy
and/or diastolic blood pressure (DBP) ≥ 90 mmHg) and should be discussed if severe preeclampsia occurs before
proteinuria (> 300 mg/24 h) arising after 20 weeks of 24 weeks of gestation. Maternal end organ dysfunction
gestation in a previously normotensive woman. Recent- and non-reassuring tests of fetal well-being are indica-
ly, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecolo- tions for delivery at any gestational age. Neuraxial anal-
gists has stated that proteinuria is no longer required for gesia and anesthesia are, in the absence of thrombocyto-
the diagnosis of preeclampsia. This complication of penia, strongly considered as first line anesthetic
pregnancy remains a leading cause of maternal morbidity techniques in preeclamptic patients. Airway edema and
and mortality. tracheal intubation-induced elevation in blood pressure
Clinical signs appear in the second half of pregnancy, but are important issues of general anesthesia in those
initial pathogenic mechanisms arise much earlier. The ­patients. The major adverse outcomes associated with
cytotrophoblast fails to remodel spiral arteries, leading to preeclampsia are related to maternal central nervous
hypoperfusion and ischemia of the placenta. The fetal ­system hemorrhage, hepatic rupture, and renal failure.
consequence is growth restriction. On the maternal side, Preeclampsia is also a risk factor for developing cardio-
the ischemic placenta releases factors that provoke a gen- vascular disease later in life, and therefore mandates
eralized maternal endothelial dysfunction. The endothe- long-term follow-up.
lial dysfunction is in turn responsible for the symptoms
and complications of preeclampsia. These include hyper- Key words : Hemodynamic ; hypertension ; manage-
tension, proteinuria, renal impairment, thrombocytope- ment ; preeclampsia ; pregnancy.
nia, epigastric pain, liver dysfunction, hemolysis-elevat-
ed liver enzymes-low platelet count (HELLP) syndrome,
visual disturbances, headache, and seizures. Despite a
better understanding of preeclampsia pathophysiology
and maternal hemodynamic alterations during pre- Introduction
eclampsia, the only curative treatment remains placenta
and fetus delivery. Preeclampsia remains a leading cause of ma-
At the time of diagnosis, the initial objective is the ternal and fetal morbidity and mortality (1, 2). De-
­assessment of disease severity. Severe hypertension spite a better understanding of its pathophysiology
(SBP ≥ 160 mm Hg and/or DBP ≥ 110 mmHg), throm- and some improvements in the ability of monitoring
bocytopenia < 100.000/µL, liver transaminases above
twice the normal values, HELLP syndrome, renal failure,
persistent epigastric or right upper quadrant pain, visual
or neurologic symptoms, and acute pulmonary edema are
G. Lambert, M.D. ; J.F. Brichant, Ph.D. ; G. Hartstein, M.D. ;
all severity criteria. Medical treatment depends on the se- V. Bonhomme, Ph.D. ; P. Y. Dewandre, M.D.
verity of preeclampsia, and relies on antihypertensive (*)  University Department of Anesthesia & Intensive Care
medications and magnesium sulfate. Medical treatment Medicine, CHR de la Citadelle, Liege, Belgium.
does not alter the course of the disease, but aims at (**)  Department of Anesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine,
CHU Liege, Belgium.
­preventing the occurrence of intracranial hemorrhages
Correspondence address : Geraldine Lambert, University
and seizures. The decision of terminating pregnancy and ­Department of Anesthesia & ICM, CHR de la Citadelle,
perform delivery is based on gestational age, maternal 4000 Liège. Tel. : +32 42256111.
and fetal conditions, and severity of preeclampsia. Deliv- E-mail :
ery is proposed for patients with preeclampsia without Funding and support : This review paper is in relation with
the 2012 SARB Grant awarded to the authors by the Society for
severe features after 37 weeks of gestation and in case of
Anesthesia and Resuscitation of Belgium.
severe preeclampsia after 34 weeks of gestation. ­Between This work was also supported by the Department of Anes-
24 and 34 weeks of gestation, conservative management thesia & Intensive Care Medicine, CHU Liege, Belgium. The
of severe preeclampsia may be considered in selected authors have no conflict of interest to disclose.

© Acta Anæsthesiologica Belgica, 2014, 65, n° 4

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138 g. lambert et al.
the hemodynamic alterations in this population, the two measurements at least four hours apart. Protein-
only curative treatment remains fetus and placenta uria is defined as the excretion of at least 300 mg of
delivery. Medical treatment aims at avoiding mater- protein in a 24 hour urine collection. Alternatively,
nal complications such as seizures, hemorrhagic a urine protein (mg/dL)/creatinine ratio (mg/dL)
stroke, renal failure, or pulmonary edema. Adequate ≥ 0.3 has good sensitivity (98.2%) and specificity
timing of delivery is of paramount importance, as (98.8%) as a diagnostic tool (3). Conversely, a posi-
well as the optimization of obstetric analgesia or an- tive qualitative dipstick test for proteinuria provides
esthesia during delivery. Preeclampsia is also a risk too variable results to be considered as a reliable
factor for developing cardiovascular diseases later diagnostic tool of proteinuria. It can be used if no
in life, and an adequate long term follow up is there- other method is readily available. In that case only,
fore advised. This review will focus on recent de- a 1+ dipstick result is considered as the cut-off for
velopments in the definition of preeclampsia and the diagnosis of proteinuria.
severe preeclampsia, pathophysiology of the dis- Since recently, in recognition of the syndromic
ease, recent advances in hemodynamic monitoring, nature of preeclampsia, proteinuria is no longer
and progresses in the medical, obstetrical, and considered as mandatory for the diagnosis of pre-
­anesthetic management of those parturient patients. eclampsia (4, 5). Consequently, in the absence of
proteinuria, preeclampsia can be diagnosed as new-
onset hypertension associated with (Table 1) :
– thrombocytopenia < 100.000/µL,
– elevated liver transaminases ( > twice the normal
Hypertension during pregnancy is defined as a sys-
tolic blood pressure (SBP) ≥ 140 mmHg and/or a
– impaired renal function (with serum creatinine
diastolic blood pressure (DBP) ≥ 90 mmHg and is
> 1.1 mg/dL or doubling of serum creatinine
classified into four categories : preeclampsia, chron-
­level in the absence of any other renal disease),
ic hypertension, chronic hypertension with super-
– pulmonary edema,
imposed preeclampsia, and gestational hyperten-
– new-onset visual or cerebral disturbances.
sion. Hypertension is considered to be mild,
moderate or severe when SBP is ≥ 140, 150 or
Severe preeclampsia was usually defined as pre-
160 mmHg or DBP is ≥ 90,100 or 110 mmHg, re-
eclampsia associated with any of the following :
Preeclampsia was usually defined as new-onset hy- – severe hypertension (i.e. SBP ≥ 160 mmHg and/
pertension (i.e. SBP ≥ 140 mmHg and/or DBP or DBP ≥ 110 mmHg),
≥ 90 mmHg) and proteinuria (> 0.3 g/day) arising – thrombocytopenia < 100.000/µL,
after 20 weeks of gestation in a previously normo- – impaired liver function with liver transaminases
tensive woman. Elevated BP should be recorded on higher than twice the normal values,

Table 1
Diagnostic criteria for preeclampsia (4)
Blood pressure • ≥ 140 mmHg systolic or ≥ 90 mmHg diastolic on two occasions at least 4 hours apart after 20 weeks of
gestation in a woman with a previously normal blood pressure.
• ≥ 160 mmHg systolic or ≥ 110 mmHg diastolic can be confirmed within a short interval (minutes) to
facilitate timely antihypertensive therapy.
Proteinuria • ≥ 300 mg/24 h urine collection.
• Protein/creatinine ratio ≥ 0.3 (each measured as mg/dL).
• Dipstick reading of 1 + (if other methods not available).
Or in the absence of proteinuria, new-onset hypertension with the new onset of any of the following :
Thrombocytopenia • Platelet count < 100 000/µL
Renal insufficiency • Serum creatinine level > 1.1 mg/dL or a doubling of the serum creatinine concentration in the absence of
other renal disease.
Impaired liver function • Elevated blood concentrations of liver transaminases to twice normal concentration.
Pulmonary edema
Cerebral or visual symptoms

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preeclampsia 139
Table 2 Eclampsia is defined as generalized tonico-clonic
Severe features of preeclampsia (any of these findings)[4] seizure that is not attributable to another cause, and
• SBP ≥ 160 mmHg or DBP ≥ 110 mmHg on two occasions at least occurring within the course of preeclampsia. Ec-
4 hours apart while the patient is on bed rest (unless anti­hyper­ lampsia generally spontaneously resolves within
tensive therapy is initiated before this time).
• Thrombocytopenia (platelet count < 100 000/µL) approximately 60 sec, or within less than 3 to 4 min.
• Impaired liver function as indicated by abnormally elevated blood Eclampsia has a recurrence rate of about 10% with-
concentrations of liver enzymes (to twice normal concentration), out appropriate treatment.
severe persistent right upper quadrant or epigastric pain unre­spon­
sive to medication and not accounted for by alternative diagnosis,
HELLP is the acronym for Hemolysis, ­Elevated
or both. Liver enzymes, and Low Platelets count. It is a com-
• Progressive renal insufficiency (serum creatinine concentration mon complication of severe preeclampsia (10-
> 1.1 mg/dL or a doubling of the serum creatinine concentration
20%). Even if HELLP should be suspected when
in the absence of other renal disease).
• Pulmonary edema. confronted with clinical signs such as epi­gastric or
• New-onset cerebral or visual disturbances. RUQ pain, nausea, and vomiting, the ­diagnosis of
HELLP syndrome relies on laboratory findings.
These include microangiopathic hemo­lysis with
– severe and persistent right upper quadrant (RUQ) schizocytes, increased lactate dehydrogenase
or epigastric pain not accounted for by any other (LDH) (twice the normal value), bilirubin > 1.2 mg/
diagnosis, dL, low haptoglobin, liver transaminases > twice
– renal insufficiency defined as serum creatinine the normal values, and platelet count (PC)
> 1.1 mg/dL or a doubling of serum creatinine in < 100.000/µL (Table 3).
the absence of other renal disease, PRES is the acronym for Posterior Reversible En-
– massive proteinuria > 5 g/day, cephalopathy Syndrome, and is commonly seen in
– pulmonary edema, patients with eclampsia.
– new-onset cerebral or visual disturbances,
– fetal growth restriction (FGR).
Epidemiology, morbidity, and mortality associ-
ated with preeclampsia.
However, recent studies have demonstrated
minimal to no influence of the severity of protein-
uria on pregnancy outcome in preeclampsia ; man- Preeclampsia complicates 5 to 8% of all preg-
agement of FGR is similar in pregnant women with nancies. This represents 8.5 million cases a year
or without preeclampsia (4, 6). Therefore, massive worldwide. This pathology remains one of the three
proteinuria (> 5 g/day), and FGR are no longer cri- leading causes of maternal death. The majority of
teria of severe preeclampsia (Table 2). Diagnosing these maternal deaths are related to cerebral hemor-
severe preeclampsia is of paramount importance, rhage that is secondary to poorly controlled hyper-
insofar as it has a major impact on medical treat- tension (SBP > 160 mmHg) (1, 2). Renal failure,
ment and timing of delivery as compared to pre- pulmonary edema, liver failure or rupture, seizures
eclampsia without severe features. Recently, and (eclampsia), disseminated intravascular coagulation
according to the dynamic character of preeclampsia, (DIC), retinal detachment, cortical blindness, ab-
the American College of Obstetricians and Gynae- ruptio placentae, and hemorrhage represent other
cologists (ACOG) has discouraged the diagnosis of complications of preeclampsia. All contribute to
“mild preeclampsia”, and proposed the diagnosis of preeclampsia-associated maternal morbidity and
“preeclampsia without severe features”. mortality. Five percent of severe preeclamptic pa-
Gestational hypertension is defined as SBP
≥ 140 mmHg and/or DBP ≥ 90 mmHg after 20 ges-
tation weeks in the absence of proteinuria, or any of
the aforementioned systemic findings, and resolv- Table 3
ing before 12 postpartum weeks. Diagnosis criteria for HELLP syndrome
Chronic hypertension corresponds to hyperten- Hemolysis •  lactate dehydrogenase > 600 UI/L
•   bilirubin level > 1.2 mg/dL
sion existing before pregnancy, or appearing before • schizocytes
20 gestation weeks, and persisting more than 12
Elevated liver transaminases •  twice normal value
postpartum weeks. •  ASAT > 70 UI/L
Superimposed preeclampsia is new-onset protein-
Platelet count < 100 000/µL
uria appearing after 20 gestation weeks in a previ-
ously hypertensive woman.

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140 g. lambert et al.
tients are admitted to an ICU. Finally, preeclampsia ferent hemodynamic states have been described in
is known to increase the risk of developing a cardio- preeclamptic patients. These range from low cardi-
vascular disease later in life by a factor of 2. ac output (CO) with increased systemic vascular
Regarding the fetus and the neonate, pre- resistance (SVR) to a hyperdynamic state with in-
eclampsia is responsible for 5% of stillbirths in creased CO associated with an increased stroke vol-
­infants without congenital abnormalities, accounts ume and a moderate increase in SVR (10-15). These
for 8-10% of the overall preterm birth rate, and for different hemodynamic situations might be related
15-20% of the overall FGR and very low birth to the early or late onset of preeclampsia, as well as
weight (VLBW) (7). to its severity (16). Use of cardiac output, and not
only blood pressure, as an endpoint when treating
severe preeclampsia might improve the hemody-
Pathophysiology of preeclampsia namic management of these patients (17, 18). The
routine use of invasive hemodynamic monitor-
a.  Abnormal placental development ing (arterial line, pulmonary artery catheter, or de-
vices estimating CO from the invasive arterial pres-
As opposed to normal pregnancy, preeclamp- sure waveform such as LiDCO® (LiDCO Group
sia is characterized by an immunologically-initiated PLc, London, UK) PiCCO® (Pulsion Medical Sys-
impaired trophoblast invasion of the spiral arteries tems, Munich, Germany), or Vigileo® (Edwards
between 8 and 16 gestation weeks. This abnormal Lifesciences, Irvine, CA, USA)) is not common
invasion of placenta nourishing arteries leads to a practice for preeclampsia management. Invasive
failure of their remodeling. Failed remodeling im- techniques estimating CO do not have any proven
pairs the transformation of small high resistance benefits on maternal outcome, and may be associ-
muscular arteries into large capacitance vessels. ated with adverse events (19). Echocardiography
Consequently, the utero-placental blood flow pro- may provide useful information but necessitates a
gressively fails to meet the needs. Placental isch- trained operator, and does not allow continuous
emia ensues, with oxidative stress, inflammation, measurement (20). Recent non-invasive techniques
apoptosis, and structural damage (8). based on pulse wave analysis for continuous assess-
ment of CO and SVR might be associated with a
b.  Angiogenic imbalance better hemodynamic management and a better risk/
benefit profile (17, 18, 21). Their impact on overall
As a consequence of placental ischemia, sec- outcome needs to be evaluated on a larger scale.
ondary mediators are released. During normal preg-
nancy, placental growth factor (PlGF) and vascular d.  Eclampsia
endothelial growth factors (VEGF) are potent pro-
angiogenic substances. They enhance the vasodilat- Eclampsia occurs in 0.5% of preeclamptic pa-
ing properties of prostaglandins (PG) and nitrous tients without severe features, and in 2-3% of severe
oxide (NO), and promote endothelial health. In pre- preeclampsia. This corresponds up to 10/10000 de-
eclampsia, several anti-angiogenic factors are pro- liveries in developed countries, and up to 157/10000
duced. They are responsible for angiogenic imbal- deliveries in developing countries (22). Eclamptic
ance, impaired vasodilation and an endothelial seizures contribute substantially to maternal mor-
dysfunction. The soluble fms-like tyrosinekinase bidity and mortality. Several prodromal symptoms
(sFlt-1) antagonises VEGF and PlG. Soluble endog- such as severe headache, altered mental status,
lin (sEng) antagonises TGF-β, and blocks NO. This blurred vision, and hyperreflexia with clonus may
imbalance between pro and anti-angiogenic factors precede the onset of seizures. However, in 40% of
produces generalized endothelial dysfunction, mi- eclampsia cases, no prodromal signs are present.
croangiopathy, and vasospasm. These rise to the Two different pathophysiologic mechanisms may
various signs and symptoms of this multisystemic underlie these neurologic symptoms. Vasospasm
disease, which become clinically evident after 20 associated with hypertension and cerebrovascular
gestation weeks (8, 9). overregulation might induce localized ischemia and
cytotoxic edema. Alternatively, loss of cerebral au-
c.  Hemodynamic alterations in preeclampsia toregulation, hyperperfusion, and increased blood
brain barrier (BBB) permeability may induce hy-
The underlying mechanism of hypertension in pertensive encephalopathy, and vasogenic ede-
preeclampsia remains somewhat controversial. Dif- ma (23, 24). Reversibility of neurologic signs and

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preeclampsia 141

radiologic findings is in favor of the latter hypothe- lecular weight heparin (LMWH) have shown effi-
sis. Radiologic findings have been described as the cacy at preventing preeclampsia. Restriction of
posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome dietary salt and restriction of physical activity in
(PRES). A recent study has evidenced PRES in al- addition to bed rest during pregnancy have no effect
most every eclamptic patient. Furthermore, PRES on preeclampsia prevention (4). Statins, by stimu-
has been identified in multiple areas of the brain in lating hemoxygenase expression, inhibit sFlt-1 re-
a series of cases where severe hypertension was not lease and promote VEGF. Studies to explore a pos-
a constant feature (25, 26). sible benefit of statins are currently being carried
out (9).

Risk factors, prediction and prevention of pre-

eclampsia Management of preeclampsia

Several factors are associated with an in- The only etiologic treatment of preeclampsia
creased risk of preeclampsia : antiphospholipid syn- is fetus and placenta delivery. Timing of delivery
drome (risk ratio (RR) : 9.72), past history of pre- must take into account the gestational age, severity
eclampsia (RR : 7.19), pregestational diabetes of preeclampsia, as well as maternal and fetal con-
(RR :3.56), multiple gestation (RR : 2.93), nullipar- ditions. Current treatments aim at avoiding maternal
ity (RR : 2.91), family history of preeclampsia complications such as cerebral hemorrhage, pulmo-
(RR :2.90), body mass index (BMI) > 30 before nary edema, and eclampsia. Treatment is essentially
pregnancy (RR : 2.47), age ≥ 40 years (RR :1.96), based on antihypertensive therapy and magnesium
pre-existing hypertension (RR : 1.5), pre-existing sulfate (MgSO4).
renal disease, and pregnancy interval > 10 years (27, During the last 6 years, guidelines aiming at
28). Use of risk factors as predictive tools for pre- improving outcome of women with preeclampsia
eclampsia has only modest success. Biomarkers of have been published by several scientific societies.
preeclampsia and its severity have also been pro- They provide a robust common basis with minor
posed (8, 29). Placental expression and serum levels between-societies differences (4, 6, 7, 27, 32).
of sFlt-1 in preeclamptic women are increased dur- At the time of diagnosis, the initial objective is
ing active disease, as compared with normal preg- to assess the severity of the disease. In addition to
nancy. Serum levels of sFlt-1 are directly correlated blood pressure and proteinuria measurement and re-
with the severity of the disease. PlGF is low during cording, clinical signs of severity must be searched
preeclampsia. This is due to its binding to sFlt-1. A for. Neurological symptoms such as headache,
plasma sFlt-1/PlGF ratio ≥ 85 is associated with ad- blurred vision, or altered mental status must be con-
verse outcomes and delivery within two weeks of sidered, as well as epigastric pain or RUQ pain,
presentation (30). The sFlt-1/PlGF ratio could allow nausea and vomiting, oliguria, and dyspnea. Labo-
classifying the severity of the disease. Similarly, B- ratory evaluation must assess platelet count, schizo-
natriuretic peptide has been suggested as a marker cytes count, serum creatinine, liver transaminases,
of preeclampsia. Preeclamptic patients have higher bilirubin, LDH, haptoglobin, and coagulation tests.
levels of natriuretic peptide than non preeclamptic Fetal assessment relies on fetal heart rate, fetal
patients. Larger prospective studies are needed to weight, amniotic fluid volume, biophysical profile,
determine if elevated concentrations predict devel- and umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry.
opment of preeclampsia and its complications (31).
Up to now, the use of these biomarkers as parts of a a.  Management of preeclampsia without severe
screening test remains investigational. features
Women at high risk of preeclampsia should re-
ceive low dose aspirin daily from gestation week 12 Recommendations for the management of pre-
to 37. Its prophylactic effect may be the result of the eclampsia without severe features before 37 weeks
inhibition of thromboxane production. Studies indi- of gestation are mainly based on expert opinion.
cate a small reduction in the incidence and morbid- Fluorinated steroids should be administered in pa-
ity of preeclampsia, with no difference in bleeding tients before 34 weeks of gestation, in order to favor
complication rates. Conversely, neither nutritional fetal maturation. Antihypertensive treatment re-
supplements (such as calcium, folic acid, vitamins mains controversial in patients with mild to moder-
C and E, fish oils, or garlic), nor drugs such as pro- ate hypertension (33). Prevention of eclampsia with
gesterone, nitric oxide donors, diuretics, or low mo- MgSO4 is not recommended in preeclamptic pa-

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142 g. lambert et al.
tients with no severe features. Bed rest does not im- nal dysfunction, liver disease, coagulation disor-
prove outcome. Preeclamptic patients with no se- ders, preterm rupture of membranes (PROM), and
vere features should be closely monitored. preterm labor.
Monitoring includes several evaluations of maternal In case of uncontrollable severe hypertension,
condition and fetal well-being. Maternal condition eclampsia, pulmonary edema, disseminated intra-
is assessed through inventory of clinical symptoms, vascular coagulation, abruptio placentae, non-reas-
at least twice weekly. Blood pressure should be suring fetal status, or fetal demise, it is recommend-
measured frequently, and lab tests should be per- ed to proceed to delivery as soon as possible after
formed weekly, including platelet count and liver maternal stabilization.
enzyme levels. Fetal well-being should be assessed Expectant management of severe preeclamp-
daily by the mother herself (screening of fetal move- sia can be considered in pregnancy between 24 and
ments), fetal heart rate monitoring, at least twice a 34 gestation weeks, with controlled hypertension,
week, and ultrasound scanning to evaluate amniotic moderately and transiently abnormal lab tests and
fluid volume, fetal growth, and umbilical artery ve- fetal weight above the 5th percentile.
c.  Antihypertensive treatment in preeclampsia
b.  Management of severe preeclampsia
Antihypertensive therapy of non-severe hyper-
Women with severe preeclampsia must be ad- tension : a controversy
mitted to a maternal high dependency unit, a labor
The purpose of treating severe hypertension is
and delivery ward, or a regular intensive care unit.
to prevent complications such as intracranial hem-
Severe preeclampsia is an indication for
orrhage, hypertensive encephalopathy, and pulmo-
prompt delivery in women with gestational age
nary edema. There is no worldwide consensus re-
above 34 weeks. Before 24 weeks, it is recommend-
garding the management of non-severe hypertension,
ed to terminate the pregnancy immediately. In
insofar as the evidence of an improvement of mater-
women with severe preeclampsia between 24 and
nal and neonatal outcome by treatment is lack-
34 weeks, steroids are recommended to favor fetal
ing (33). Society of Obstetric Medicine of Australia
maturation. In that case, delivery must be delayed
and New Zealand (SOMANZ) guidelines consider
for 48 hours, whenever possible.
that antihypertensive treatment can be initiated
In selected women who are cared for in spe-
when blood pressure ranges from 140/160 mmHg
cialized units, expectant management of preeclamp-
SBP and/or 90/100 mmHg DBP (27). National In-
sia can be considered. Expectant management in-
stitute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)
cludes antihypertensive treatment in patients with
guidelines recommend treating hypertension when
severe hypertension, and MgSO4 to prevent eclamp-
SBP > 150 mmHg and DBP > 100 mmHg (7), and
tic seizures.
the last ACOG task force report on hypertension in
However, it must be kept in mind that, while
pregnancy recommend treating women with SBP
expectant management of severe preeclampsia im-
≥ 160 mm Hg or DBP ≥ 110 mm Hg (4). In 2010, a
proves neonatal outcome, it is not associated with
Cochrane review concluded that the benefit of treat-
any benefit to the future mother.
ing mild to moderate hypertension was unclear (33).
Delaying delivery in women with severe pre-
Oral labetalol, nifedipine or nicardipine, methyldo-
eclampsia can be associated with several complica-
pa, and clonidine can be used for the treatment of
tions such as ICU admission (27.6%), HELLP syn-
non-severe hypertension (Table 4). Angiotensin-
drome (11%), recurrent severe hypertension (8.5%),
converting-enzyme (ACE)-inhibitors and angioten-
pulmonary edema (2.9%), eclampsia (1.1%), and
sin receptor (AR)-blockers are contraindicated.
sub-capsular hematoma of the liver (0.5%). Regard-
ing fetal and neonatal complications, delaying de-
Antihypertensive therapy of severe hypertension
livery can lead to non-reassuring fetal heart rate
(50%), fetal growth retardation (37%), prenatal Treatment is recommended for SBP
death (7.3%) and/or abruptio placentae (5.1%) (34). ≥ 160 mmHg and/or DBP ≥ 110 mmHg with a
Contra-indications to expectant management ­target between 130 and 150 mmHg for SBP, and
beyond 48 hours include fetal growth retardation ­between 80 and 100 mmHg for DBP (7). General
(< 5th percentile), severe oligohydramnios, reverse agreement exists on the need to avoid precipitous
end-diastolic flow in the umbilical artery as assessed decreases in blood pressure, which could affect ute-
by Doppler ultrasound, new-onset or increasing re- ro-placental blood flow. A decrease of 10 to

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preeclampsia 143
Table 4
Example of oral antihypertensive agents
Drug Dose Action Contra-indications Secondary effects
Labetalol 200-1200 mg/d in two to three β-blocker with vascular Asthma Bradycardia, bronchospasm,
divided doses α-receptor blocking ability headache, nausea
Nifedipine 20-120 mg/d of a slow release Calcium channel antagonist Aortic stenosis Headache, flushing, tachycardia
Nicardipine 60 mg/d in three divided doses Calcium channel antagonist Aortic stenosis Headache, flushing, tachycardia
Clonidine 225-450 µg/d in three divided α2-agonist Dry mouth, sedation, bradycardia
Methyldopa 0.5-3 g/d in two to three divided α2-agonist Dry mouth, sedation, bradycardia

20 mmHg every 10 to 20 min has been suggested by in PC > 100.000/µL usually occurs at day 3 post
some authors (35). The most frequently recom- nadir, or day 6 postpartum.
mended medications for the treatment of severe
­hypertension during pregnancy are hydralazine, e.  Prevention and management of eclampsia
­labetalol, calcium channel blockers and clonidine
(Table 5). Treatment of eclamptic seizures consists in the
Among antihypertensive medications that are administration of MgSO4 (Table 6), and in the treat-
considered to be safe in this context, no evidence ment of hypertension (Table 5). The Collaborative
supports one drug over another. Consequently, Eclampsia Trial showed a 67% reduction of recur-
choice should be based on the clinician’s experience rent seizures in eclamptic women treated with
and available resources. However, nitroprusside, di- MgSO4, as compared with those treated by phenyt-
azoxide, ketanserin, chlorpromazine should be oin. There was a 52% reduction in recurrence as
avoided. MgSO4 is not considered as an effective compared to diazepam. For women with eclampsia,
treatment for very high blood pressure (although MgSO4 should be continued for at least 24 hours
this is indicated for prevention and treatment of after the last seizure (39).
­eclampsia) (36). Delivery is the only curative treatment. So far,
any other treatment is palliative. Expectant manage-
d.  Management of HELLP syndrome ment of eclampsia to prolong gestation for fetal
benefit is associated with a substantial increase in
Corticosteroid administration to favor fetal maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. De-
maturation reverses HELLP-associated laboratory laying delivery for 24-48 hours in order to allow the
abnormalities in subgroup of patients, and might administration of corticosteroids prior to 34 gesta-
prolong pregnancy for 3-14 days. However, there is tion weeks has been reported in one retrospective
no evidence for a maternal or perinatal corticoste- study, but the safety of such an approach has not
roid-related improved outcome. Expectant manage- been proved. Induction of labor is sometimes pos-
ment of HELLP syndrome beyond 48 hours remains sible after maternal stabilization, and in case of an
an experimental approach, and is not recommend- expected delivery within 24 hours. Cesarean section
ed (37). Medical treatment of HELLP syndrome re- can be considered before 32 gestation weeks, or in
lies on antihypertensive treatment and MgSO4. case of unfavorable cervix. MgSO4 is the corner-
Platelet transfusion should be considered if PC falls stone of the prevention and treatment of eclampsia.
below 20.000/µL, in case of bleeding, and to achieve Its use is associated with a 50% reduction of ec-
a PC of 40-50.000/µL in case of caesarean sec- lampsia episodes in severe preeclampsia. It also re-
tion (6). Randomized controlled trials have provid- duces the risk of maternal death. The number need-
ed evidence of improvement in platelet count with ed to treat (NNT) to observe 1 beneficial effect is 50
corticosteroids, but no improved overall maternal for severe preeclampsia patients, whereas it rises to
outcome. In clinical settings where an improvement 100 for patients with preeclampsia without severe
of platelet count is considered useful, corticoste- features (40). In case of severe preeclampsia arising
roids could be used (38). Worsening of hemolysis, in the postpartum period, the administration of
thrombocytopenia, and liver dysfunction is com- MgSO4 is also recommended for at least 24 hours.
mon during the first 24-48 postpartum hours. A rise The effect of MgSO4 is likely multifactorial, includ-

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144 g. lambert et al.
Table 5
Antihypertensive agents used for severe hypertension treatment
Drug Dose Action Contra-indications Secondary effects
Labetalol IV 20 mg/10 min + 5-20 mg/h β-blocker with vascular Asthma Bradycardia, bronchospasm,
α-receptor blocking ability headache, nausea
Hydralazine IV 5 mg/20 min + 0.5-10 mg/h Vasodilator Flushing, headache, nausea
Nifedipine PO 10 mg/ 30 min Calcium channel antagonist Aortic stenosis Headache, flushing, tachycardia
Nicardipine IV 0.5 mg + 1-5 mg/h Calcium channel antagonist Aortic stenosis Headache, flushing, tachycardia
Clonidine IV 15-40 µg/h α2-agonist Dry mouth, sedation

Table 6 the patient to a higher risk of renal failure. The in-

Rules for the administration of magnesium sulfate travenous administration of fluids to increase plas-
• Loading dose : 4-6 g over 30 minutes ma volume or to improve renal perfusion is not rec-
• Infusion : 1-2 g/hour for 24 hours ommended in women with normal renal function. In
• If recurrent seizure, 2-4 g over 5 minutes case of oliguria, variable invasive monitoring has
been proposed to guide fluid therapy. This invasive
monitoring may be associated with several compli-
ing both vascular and neurological mechanisms. cations. Echocardiography and pulmonary ultra-
Magnesium is a calcium antagonist and induces va- sound, allowing interstitial fluid imaging (B lines),
sodilation. In addition, MgSO4 may decrease blood may provide useful information to guide fluid ther-
brain barrier (BBB) permeability and limit vasogen- apy in this situation, where the risk of renal failure
ic edema (41). In addition, MgSO4 has anticonvul- must be balanced against the risk of pulmonary
sant properties, which may be related to its N-meth- edema.
yl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptor
antagonist activity. The adverse effects of MgSO4 g.  Timing of delivery
consist in flushing, palpitations, nausea, vomiting,
sedation, respiratory depression, and cardiac ar- For women with chronic hypertension and no
rest (42). These side effects follow a dose-response additional maternal or fetal complications, delivery
relationship and occur more frequently in patients before 38 0/7 gestation weeks is not recommended.
with impaired renal function. Close monitoring of For women with mild gestational hypertension
the patellar reflex, oxygen saturation, respiration or preeclampsia without severe features, and no
rate, urine output, blood pressure, heart rate and other indication for delivery, expectant manage-
level of consciousness is recommended to detect ment with maternal and fetal monitoring is suggest-
toxicity. Routine serum magnesium measurement is ed until the 37 0/7 gestation week. At or beyond 37
not necessary. In case of toxicity, calcium gluconate 0/7 WG, delivery rather than continued observation
administration is recommended (1g over 10 min- is suggested. Delivery should be planned within 24-
utes). MgSO4 must be continued during labor or C- 48 hours.
section, and during the first 24 postpartum hours. In case of severe preeclampsia at or beyond 34
Despite theoretical concerns about potential syner- 0/7 gestation weeks, and in case of unstable mater-
gistic cardiac depression, the simultaneous adminis- nal or fetal conditions, irrespective of gestational
tration of MgSO4 with calcium channel blockers is age, delivery is recommended soon after maternal
not contraindicated (43). stabilization. In case of severe preeclampsia before
fetal viability (24 gestation weeks), delivery after
f.  Fluid management maternal stabilization should be performed. In that
case, expectant management should not even be
Pulmonary edema is a potential complication considered. When gestation is less than 34 0/7, with
of preeclampsia. Decreased colloid osmotic pres- stable maternal and fetal conditions, expectant man-
sure, increased capillary permeability, increased hy- agement can only be undertaken at facilities with
drostatic pressure, and cardiac diastolic dysfunction adequate maternal and neonatal intensive care re-
may all contribute to this complication (11, 44, 45). sources. In any case, for women with preeclampsia,
Preeclampsia is also regarded as a hemodynamic a decision of delivery should not be based on the
state of depleted intravascular volume, submitting amount or change in the amount of proteinuria.

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preeclampsia 145

HELLP syndrome before fetal viability is an usually considered safe for neuraxial techniques.
indication of delivery, shortly after maternal stabili- Some authors consider a platelet count of 50.000/
zation. When those patients are at or beyond 34 ges- µL as acceptable for spinal anesthesia (32).
tation weeks, it is recommended to proceed to deliv-
ery soon after initial maternal stabilization. In b.  Neuraxial analgesia for labor
between gestational age of fetal viability and 33 6/7
gestation weeks, it is suggested to delay delivery for Unless contraindicated, preeclampsia is con-
24-48 hours, but only if maternal and fetal condi- sidered to be a medical indication for epidural or
tions remain stable and allow completing a course combined spinal epidural analgesia (CSE) during
of corticosteroids for fetal benefits. labor. These techniques not only provide optimal
analgesia, but also give better maternal hemo­
h.  Mode of delivery dynamic control. In addition, an in situ epidural
catheter during labor may avoid the risks associated
For women with preeclampsia, the mode of with general anesthesia, should an emergency
delivery should be determined by the fetal gesta- ­cesarean section become necessary during labor.
tional age, fetal presentation, cervical status, and
maternal and fetal condition. Caesarean delivery is c.  Neuraxial anesthesia for cesarean delivery
therefore not mandatory. Cervix ripening with in-
duction of labor should be considered when possi- Unless contraindicated, neuraxial anesthesia is
ble. After 32 gestation weeks, a 60% vaginal birth the technique of choice for cesarean delivery. Neur-
rate is achievable (46). axial anesthesia provides satisfactory hemodynamic
stability, and avoids the risks associated with gen-
eral anesthesia in preeclamptic patients. These risks
Anesthesia and analgesia for the preeclamptic include the potential presence of a difficult airway,
parturient and severe hypertension associated with tracheal
­intubation. For many years, the fear of profound
a.  Coagulopathy and regional techniques ­hypotension caused by the sympathetic blockade in
patients with increased vascular resistance and
The risk of spinal hematoma associated with a ­depleted intravascular volume precluded the use of
coagulopathy has always been a concern in pre- spinal anesthesia, and favored the use of epidural
eclamptic women. Preeclampsia is associated with anesthesia. However, numerous studies have dem-
an increased incidence of thrombocytopenia, and onstrated that spinal anesthesia in preeclamptic
potentially other coagulation abnormalities. On the women is associated with less hypotension, less
other hand, spinal hematoma is less frequent in par- ­vasopressor requirement, and minimal changes in
turient women as compared to the general popula- CO (51-53). It has also been demonstrated that re-
tion. The very few cases reported in obstetrics are gional anesthesia for cesarean section in preeclamp-
associated with HELLP syndrome (47). Several tic women is associated with a two times higher
studies have addressed the incidence of thrombocy- stroke-free survival rate, as compared to general
topenia and coagulopathy in preeclampsia, and anesthesia (54). Therefore, spinal anesthesia can be
demonstrate a maximal 10% incidence of thrombo- safely used in this population (55). Combined spi-
cytopenia (< 100.000/µL) in preeclamptic patients. nal-epidural anesthesia is also an appropriate tech-
Increase in prothrombin time (PT), partial thrombo- nique for these patients (56). Epidural anesthesia is
plastin time (PTT), or decreased fibrinogen have the technique of choice when a cesarean ­section is
only been described in severe preeclampsia associ- required during labor under epidural analgesia.
ated with a thrombocytopenia below 100.000/µL.
These data lead to the conclusion that, in preeclamp- d.  General anesthesia for cesarean section
sia, the sole monitoring of platelet count, and re-
serving PT, PTT and fibrinogen monitoring for pa- In case of contraindications to neuraxial
tients with thrombocytopenia, is a safe policy (48, ­anesthesia (i.e. pulmonary edema, coagulopathy, al-
49). Guidelines suggest that monitoring platelet tered consciousness following eclamptic seizures),
count in preeclamptic patients (as opposed to nor- ­general anesthesia may be required for cesarean de-
mal pregnancy) reduces maternal anesthesia com- livery. General anesthesia may lead to several diffi-
plications (50). A stable platelet count > 75.000/µL culties. Intubation can be complicated by airway
in the absence of other coagulation abnormalities is edema, while a severe hypertensive response may

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146 g. lambert et al.
result from laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation. feeding. Conversely, clonidine is best avoided in
Opioids (remifentanil, fentanyl, sufentanil) must be the nursing mother. The use of methyldopa is con-
used in combination with antihypertensive drugs troversial during that period (Table 7). The choice
(labetalol, esmolol, MgSO4) in order to blunt the of the antihypertensive agent should be based on the
blood pressure response to this noxious stimula- clinician’s familiarity with the drug. The use of fu-
tion (27). For women treated with MgSO4, monitor- rosemide may decrease the need for other antihy-
ing neuromuscular blockade is necessary, insofar as pertensive therapy, but more data are necessary be-
MgSO4 potentiates and prolongs the effects of non- fore recommending this treatment (63). When blood
depolarizing muscle relaxants. pressure is adequately controlled for at least 48 h,
medication can be reduced progressively. Resolu-
e.  Uterotonic agents in preeclampsia. tion may take several weeks. During the postpartum
period, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
For patients with preeclampsia, slow adminis- should be avoided.
tration of 3 IU of oxytocin is recommended as the
first line uterotonic measure. It must be followed by b.  Thromboprophylaxis
an infusion at the lowest effective rate, in order to
avoid acute vasodilation, tachycardia, increased Preeclampsia is a risk factor for thrombosis,
cardiac output, and fluid retention (antidiuretic hor- particularly if additional risk factors are present
mone (ADH) effect) (57-59). Carbetocin is associ- (BMI > 30, age > 35, multiparity). Unless contrain-
ated with the same side effects as oxytocin (60). dicated, postpartum thromboprophylaxis with low
Given its vasoconstrictive effects, ergometrine is molecular weight heparins should be given, particu-
usually considered to be contra-indicated in pre- larly in case of antenatal bed rest for more than four
eclampsia (61). days, or after caesarean section (6, 27).

c.  Medical follow-up

Management during the postpartum period
Women with a history of preeclampsia or
a.  Management of postpartum hypertension e­ clampsia are at higher risk (approximately two-
fold) of early cardiac, cerebrovascular, peripheral
In women with preeclampsia, blood pressure arterial disease, and cardiovascular mortality (64).
usually decreases within 48 hours after, but may For women with a history of preeclampsia, yearly
rise again after 3-6 postpartum days. Preeclampsia assessment of blood pressure, lipids, fasting blood
may also appear up to 4 weeks after delivery. It is glucose, and body mass index is suggested (4).
therefore recommended to closely follow blood
pressure after delivery (62). Antihypertensive treat-
ment is suggested if SBP remains above 150 mmHg Conclusion
and/or DBP persists above 100 mmHg, on at least
two occasions at least 4-6 hours apart. Persistent Preeclampsia remains a leading cause of ma-
SBP of 160 mmHg or DBP of 110 mmHg or higher ternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Despite a
should be treated within 1 hour. As opposed to dur- better understanding of the pathophysiologic mech-
ing pregnancy, some ACE-inhibitors (captopril and anisms underlying the disease, the only curative
enalapril) are considered to be safe during breast- treatment is delivery. Medical treatment does not

Table 7
Example of treatment of postpartum hypertension
Drug Dose Action Contra-indications Secondary effects
Nifedipine 20-120 mg/d Calcium channel antagonist Aortic stenosis Headache, flushing, tachycardia
Oral labetalol 200-1200 mgL/d in two or β-blocker with vascular Asthma Bradycardia, bronchospasm,
three didvides doses α-receptor blocking abiblty headache, nausea
Propanolol 120-240 mg/d in three β-blocker Asthma Bradycardia, bronchospasm, nausea
divided doses
Captopril 50 mg/d in two divided ACE inhibitor Pregnancy, renal artery Hyperkaliemia, angioneurotic
doses stenosis edema, reduced lactation?

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