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Tentative Crisis Management Plan

 Giving of face mask for less fortunate family

 Encourage people in the barangay to wear face shield if possible
(consider everyone including yourself as carrier and contagious, in
that way, you can prevent possible infection. Prevention is better
than cure)
response  Always wash hands
 Always use alcohol if available
 Stay home
 Stay hydrated
 Boost immune system by taking vitamins and eating healthy

 Lessen mass gathering (meetings, celebrations, and assemblies)

 Make announcements virtual as much as possible to prevent mass
gathering. (This will prevent possible transmission of the virus whenever
there's meeting or gathering. Announcements can be made through text
message, messenger, and Facebook posts.)
 Make sure that all members of the BHERT are well informed and aware
of every situation in the barangay.
 If the barangay will have a positive case, impose lockdown immediately
in certain Sitios affected. (this action will prevent the spread of the virus
Crisis in the entire barangay protecting many households)
response  Make sure that the barangay has an allotted fund for the crisis. (if ever
there will be a case in the barangay and the sudden lockdown will be
imposed, the barangay will be able to sustain the needs of the affected
 Supply vitamins to the affected families to boost their immune system
 Make sure that the contact tracers are safe and provided with PPE
 If there is any positive case in the barangay, bring him/her immediately
in the isolation facility. Let's discourage home quarantine because the
infected can possibly transmit the virus to their near neighbour.
 disinfect the barangay

Post  Make sure to disinfect the whole barangay especially the isolation facilities.
Response  Continue the health protocols until we can ensure the safety of everyone.
 Continue to distribute vitamins

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