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Special type of clothing

Our group consider the Caporal clothes, it is used for folkloric festivities in central

highlands region, such as “los caporales” in Salasaca Tungurahua, but also in other

celebrations in the same regio, for example carnival and inty raymi. (Cyntia Vega)

A type of music

Our group consider, Pasillo, this type of music is played in small events, for example

serenades or urban concerts, although is also played in principal inter-andean festivities,

such as “Fiesta de las flores y las frutas” in Ambato. (Heidi Latorre).

A special dish

Our group consider, hornado, this dish consists a roasted pork with “mote”, onions and

potatoes, is usually eaten for a small family celebration, but it is essential during the

carnival in higlands provinces, it is one of the most popular dishes in this country.

(Isabel cudco)

Also we consider Fanesca, this dish consists a soup with all of type of legumes, such as

lentils, beans, pea, etc. and is typical on the day of the dead, and its preparation varies

from each family. (Brian uquillas).

A traditional dance

Our group consider “San Juanito”, it is danced in most types of cultural events in

indigenous populations, as a form of gratitude for Pacha Mama, but is more recognized

in catholic festivities during the eucharist, for example The feast of Corpus Christi, and

Saint Peter and Paul festival in Otavalo. (Luis Cayambe)

A special event

Our group consider “Mama Negra”, it is a festival in Latacunga, it takes places at the

end of September, a man perform the “Mama negra” and dresses as a woman and paint

his face black, being accompanied with band of musicians and different parades with

religious figures to celebrate in honor of Vigen de la Marced. (Tamia Saltos)

Also we consider Inty Raymi, it takes place in June 24th, in this event we gather with

people from pre-hispanic nationalities, this celebration includes hear folkloric music,

wear colorful dresses and share food to celebrate a new time with winter solstice

(Cristhian Caliz)

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