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In order to conquer new challenges and win them, one can gather a plan and ideas from his

or her
previous failure. One can also learn from others’ experiences, as the “No” in form of setbacks that life
gives us, may bring in even better gains later.

In fact, Setbacks can be a blessing in disguise, they teach us lessons which we need learn to achieve the
desired success in anything in life. They teach us to keep on keeping on. What makes life quite strange,
and often imponderable, is how simple experiences can held the answer to one’s destiny in life. That’s
what makes experience in life as important as life itself.

Even more, one has to analyse their past experiences and extract the lessons from them, that’s how
defeat can be converted into stepping stones to opportunities that can lead to success. At times, one
may look all over for an answer to some important questions when the answer is in one’s own mind.

Seeing that when riches begin to come they come so quickly, in such great abundance, that makes one
wonder where they have been hiding during all those lean years.

The writer explains how riches come from a state of mind with definiteness of purpose, and often with
smart work rather than long and hard work.

And being that Mr. Hill wrote the book for people that seek the rules that made some figures stand out
in life and are willing to stake everything on those rules, he encourages one to ask: what does
“impossible” really mean?

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