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He believes that one should target becoming success conscious rather than failure conscious.

And that
comparing and measuring everything may limit our expectations and even goals, as success may become
out of reach (ordinary) if it doesn’t fall within our comparisons and measurements.

In fact, in the example of Henry Ford’s success story, extreme modesty and reluctance were examples of
how some people drove success away, which is why one should be willing to invest time into what he or
she believes in. As an illustration, a yearlong of attempts and failures was worth the trial for Henry Ford
and for the mankind’s history as well.

Because of Ford’s determination, his engineers tried their best, and even though, it was a strike of luck,
had he not believed in the idea they’d have dropped it long before they even tried it.

Given the common facture in all the previous examples that the writer stated, one notices that desire is
a pillar of the principles of success. In fact, it’s what makes us the masters of our fate, and the captains
of our soul, as we control our thoughts.

Eventually, once one has a clear idea and a desire behind it, his or her energy can help bring their
thoughts into reality by adapting things to their benefit, and influencing people around them to believe
in their ideas. Sometimes, that can even bring people to back one’s idea and dreams and help realize
them, which is what makes some figures stand out and lead the way of success.

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