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KItches vocabulary

Sometimes we get confused with kitchen, and we

say kitchen, some of us don't know how to
pronounce it, some words in English.nuke is the
verb for microwave, for example: i nake my food
microwave.Then we have the stove, the oven, this
part It is where we open the door. After the word
bake, it is where we bake, example: can you cook a
cake for me, please, that makes me happy. Next:
comes the word grill and roast, where we bake and
grill. Then there is the toaster where, according to
Roune, it has its magic. According to her, "this is
something magical that should never be missing in
your kitchen." Then comes the word toaster, ping!
instantly. After the kettle. If you drink coffee, a
machine is recommended. "You love coffee, I love
coffee." After we have the coffee maker, that has its
magic once in the morning. Then we have the
refrigerator and freezer in Where it is cold to store
food, in the refrigerator we keep fruits and
vegetables. The sink is where we wash the fruits
because we can get a surprise! On the fruits, what is
the problem? Flies on the fruits, they fly on the
KItches vocabulary

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