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‘After investing 20 years of my life in academics | still wonder sometimes as to what | have been doing all these yearsas a teacher. Depending upon my frame of mind | do get different responses but nothing concrete. Many a times when | introduce myself as a Chartered Accountant working for management institution teaching students, people are taken a back and with their reaction even | am now forced to introspect whether | did the right thing or not. People do ask me what do | do asa teacher and my simple answer as always been that | study and imparts behavioral training to my students. | try to best of my ability help students become self-aware by making them to understand their thinking patterns and accordingly help them change themselves. Many a times | have seen people making a faces exclaiming none can change another person. Such @ person doesn’t exist. All this kept me wondering what | was doing in the teaching profession was a thankless job. ‘Those who can, DO. Those who can’t, TEACH. Last week we had Final Research Project Viva for our graduating PGDM scholars. | was one of the faculty cum director on the panel. We started viva bit early as most of the students were already placed with different organizations. One after the another student walked in and when it was my turn to ask question | restricted myself to ask what behavioral difference they experience in themselves now specially when they are working. It was really pleasant experience to see the confidence and hear such great experiences from the young minds. | thought of summarizing their views from our point of view to frame the answer tothe question | started with “What do I do as a TEACHER?” | asa teacher make my student fee! IMPORTANT and SPECIAL. asa make them LISTEN to me and my colleagues from 9:00 to 4:00 with break in between | asa teacher make them work harder than they could possibly think they can |asa teacher makes their class presentations feel like winning a match \asa teacher share feedback honestly \ allow them to IMAGINE & COMPOSE their THOUGHTS, | study their behavioral strength and work with in further strengthening them i make them understand the importance of words THANK YOU and SORRY | spend time with them to hear their side of the story | make them sit without using any GADGETS for at least 45 minutes at a stretch and the process do make them READ and WRITE hold their 100% attention in my class and that’s not an easy task \ believe in them and sincerely appreciate and value their efforts I make them believe in their potential In return for my SMALL efforts what | get from my students is very PRECIOUS. TEACHING gives the privilege of touching so many lives and rewards with unexpected gifts. las a TEACHER hold myself responsible for bringing the best in evolving life of my student. As a TEACHER if | fail to understand my STUDENT'S then | cannot teach them. To understand one has to be KIND and EMPATHETIC. Despite all this when people try to judge me by what | do. I can hold my head up high and pay no attention for their ignorance. | have come to believe that never talk deeper on topics or anything intellectual with people who spend most of their time in meaningless chatter. They won't understand and consider you a fool. Or with those who are already fulfilled having accomplished their dreams. They will prefer to SHARE than to LISTEN. My heartfelt appreciation for all my passing out MCA and PGDM students for their exemplary behavior and participation. | thank you all A Vinod Kr Sharma 17° April 2017

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