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Paogiess ire ieee srg Building our Own Functions + We create a new function using the def keyword followed by optional parameters in parentheses + We indent the body of the function * This defines the function but does not execute the body of the function def print_lyrics(): oe GP aE ee MPR tat Coe Cae a cee) POSE GP ee TOME TC CAE Wb a (cs a tak” \ ee) Paogiess ire ieee srg print lyrics(): J printtt'ma lumberjack, and I'm okay Panes ee eMac Roe eke es x=5 print (‘Hello’) Cae set ane stort Oe OSE AGR aE MWB Rr ter) Se Mea Sc Nae) ee} Sea Gr eC Tere Cart Means eee Cae) va print ('¥o') if eee ar print (x) ire ieee Definitions and Uses * Once we have defined a function, we can call (or invoke) it Mur laa Rom Lod * This is the store and reuse pattern Paogiess Baran Paogiess ire ieee srg x=5 print ('Hello') def print_lyrics(): See ACR ar MMR tt aE Sa Tea sae) SRC AGr ats ee VeMe Ee Ca Mea So eSB Camby print('Yo') print_lyrics() eas print (x) Lal-il[e) Yo I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay. | sleep all night and | work all day. v Paogiess ire ieee srg Arguments + An argument is a value we pass into the function as its input aera UT nCes Co) A) + We use arguments so we can direct the function to do different kinds of work when we call it at different times + We put the arguments in parentheses after the name of the function big = max('Hello world’) Argument ire ieee Paogiess Parameters Poe Cr ie CCE a Peep) ae peek On CPE OD) A parameter is a variable which we use Cortese ae sas Tam nm iUl ares Colao ai alo g ea LS) print ('Bonjour') Pron “handle” that allows the code in the function to access the arguments fora ace poe errata) particular function invocation. coer pee Orin) BOTY peor Gs a) PSs >> cose tter-CoBr IB) Paogiess ire ieee srg Return Values Often a function will take its arguments, do some computation, and return a value to be used as the value of the function call in the calling expression. The return keyword is used for this. def greet(): Per Mas CS BR Hello Glenn Hello Sally print(greet(), "Glenn") Porta Cras 16 Tea) ire ieee Paogiess Baran Return Value + A “fruitful” function is one that produces a result (or return value) SR MhU lea CLC a1) the function execution and “sends back” the result of the function Foe ae Crier Cta et) 5 Pree earn pats oe reeset roa Pers Ee total Orn PCr ECS >>> print (greet (‘en’), 'Glenn') Hello Glenn >>> print (greet (‘es'), 'Sally') Hola Sally >>> print (greet ('£r'), 'Michael') Serrano pood Paogiess Baran Arguments, Parameters, and Results Poo SK me rt Tas: CURR ME (oa EB) eles >>> print (big) w ire ieee Cae tren Sed , , Sey i Hello world’ >| gor x in inp: | ——> | 'W wa blah Sey rele -ias poo a eens Paogiess ire ieee srg Multiple Parameters / Arguments + We can define more than one def addtwo(a, b): Feyenoord Ct ad definition petateasE eI Cel , x = addtwo(3, 5) + We simply add more arguments print (x) when we call the function 8 Cea N-Male Clam Ul -M alla) el-lar- ale Rote (-e of arguments and parameters Paogiess ire ieee srg Void (non-fruitful) Functions ° When a function does not return a value, we call it a “void” function bode at Talo COLA Mae Col UTA] APTL UP Mm UTA el (ogy bam ooo iV are Colne MnTo Lm e Paogiess ire ieee srg To function or not to function... + Organize your code into “paragraphs” - capture a complete thought and “name it” + Don’t repeat yourself - make it work once and then reuse it + If something gets too long or complex, break it up into logical chunks and put those chunks in functions + Make a library of common stuff that you do over and over - perhaps share this with your friends... Paogiess ire ieee Baran Summary Cece (O lait tn) Cav areit(elatc} SUNCOM PiU MiP LaTer Ce lRIS)) + Built-In Functions + Void (non-fruitful) functions — Type conversion (int, float) + Why use functions? — String conversions Oe rT) Paogiess ire ieee srg Exercise Rewrite your pay computation with time-and-a-half for overtime and create a function called computepay which takes two parameters ( hours and rate). Enter Hours: 45 inl Cm ate l oa) Pay: 475.0 475 =40*10+5*15 ” nae atte oie ted srg Acknowledgements / Contributions eee Ter gee ca) r ene De rucro ny oer) ‘and made available under a Coe ee cme eee Pee ees ere ee eur ea ee eet etd Contributors on this page as you republish the materials, Ce ee Seine ay Ce oe EOC os

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