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Speaking final activity Module 2

1.What do you usually eat for breakfast?

usually for breakfast I always drink coffee with milk and eat arepas, eggs, empanadas, bread, I don't
eat fruits for breakfast.

2.What makes people/couple stay together?

I think what makes people stay together is the trust, the love that they have for each other, that
connection that they have when they are with the right person, that they feel good being anywhere
after they are with that person.

3.Describe your personality and physical appearance

my personality is introverted but happy, understanding, kind, affectionate, loving.

my physical appearance, I have light brown eyes, wavy hair, my skin color is light brown and my
height is 1.62 m tall.

4.What are you wearing today?

I am wearing a yellow shirt, earrings, a necklace and shorts.

5.What did you do last vacation? Where did you go? Tell us about it.
last covid vacation I was able to do a lot, I only met with friends, went out with my family and spent
good times together.

6.What should I have or pack when traveling?

You should bring personal hygiene items, underwear, clothes, shoes, some accessories and have a
list of places to visit
7.What is the most difficult subject you study? And what is the easiest one? Why?
the most difficult subject, accounting, because it is something new that I am learning, I have to study
it more to understand it.
the easiest subject, ethics, because I have been studying it since I was in school.

8.Talk about the last movie you watched

In the last movie, people turned into zombies for no reason, the protagonist spent several days
without going out until he found a survivor and planned with her to find the help of helicopters that the
state would send.

9.Where were you last weekend?

I had to play a volleyball game and the rest of the day I was at home watching movies.

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