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Lee G.


Strategic iViariceting Pianning for

Radically New Products
In this article, the author outlines an approach to marketing planning for radically new products, disruptive or dis-
continuous innovations that change the dimensionality of the consumer decision. The planning process begins with
an extensive situation analysis. The factors identified in the situation analysis are woven into the economic webs
surrounding the new product. The webs are mapped Into Bayesian networks that can be updated as events unfold
and used to simulate the impact that changes in assumptions underlying the web have on the prospects for the
new product. The author illustrates this method using a historical case regarding the introduction of videotape
recorders by Sony and JVC and a contemporary case of the introduction of electric vehicles. The author provides
a complete, numerical example pertaining to a software development project in the Appendix.

T hese are times of unprecedented technological

change. Stuart Kauffman (1995) equates this techno-
logical revolution lo the Cambrian explosion during
which three times as many phyla' existed as remain today.
vivors are hybrid adaptations may make some of the new
possibilities more obvious. The newest proposed hybrid
(one that uses gasoline to generate hydrogen to power a fuel
cell) might have been less obvious if designers thought only
The rapid creation (and extinction) of so many fundamen- of pure forms or incremental evolution.
tally different life forms 550 million years ago provides How do managers achieve perspectives on the rapidly
lessons and frameworks to help view the current tumultuous changing times that enable them to innovate? How can
times. The strict Darwinian notion that evolution progressed people plan responsibly for such innovation? These ques-
by the "gradual accumulation of useful variation" would tions underlie my efforts here. It may be that, in the face
have early multicellular organisms slowly diverging. Con- of such turbulence, the most valuable strategic assets are
trary to this picture, fundamentally different phyla emerged the mental models and tools people use to think about the
in a brief moment of geological time—a punctuated equilib- future (Amit and Schoemaker 1993). I describe a frame-
rium (Eldredge and Gould 1972; Gould and Eldredge 1993). work and method for planning for radically new products.
Only after the lOO-million-year extinction period did evolu- I begin by defining what I mean by "radical change."
tion proceed by variations that produced new families Then I describe a planning process that begins with an ex-
within the surviving phyla. Vertebrates are the only current tensive situation analysis. The situation analysis pays par-
phyla that appeared after this epoch. ticular attention to environmental change that comes from
So, in periods of technological revolution, gross varia- political, behavioral, economic, sociological, and techno-
tion in the means developed to serve common goals might logical sources. These environmental forces are studied
be expected. Such gross variation appeared in the early evo- from the points of view of the company, the business
lution of bicycles (Dodge 1996) and automobiles. In the ecosystem (Moore 1996) or value network (Christensen
early days of automobiles, for example, Kirsch (1997) 1997), and the infrastructure. This stage produces a criti-
points out that steam, electricity, and internal combustion cal-issues grid that helps planners stay divergent enough
engines all sought their niches before the hybrid electrlfied- in their thinking that the major potential threats and op-
gasoline engine became dominant. Understanding the molar portunities are more likely to be identified. The stake-
differences of the early forms and recognizing that the sur- holders and factors identified in the situation analysis
then are woven into the economic webs surrounding the
'The laxononiic hierarchy goes kingdoms, phyla, classes, or- new product by asking the question, "Who or what does
ders, families, genera, and species. Thus, I(X) phyla then compared each factor influence?"
with the 32 surviving phyla indicates the huge variation generated The influence diagrams, or webs, are the visual
during this period. schemes of Bayesian networks. A Bayesian network is a
directed acyclic graph in which the arcs connecting nodes
reflect the conditional probabilities of outcomes, given the
Lee G. Cooper is Professor of Marketing, Anderson School, UCLA. This
research is supported by grants from the Intel Corporation and software range of factors and assumptions considered. To move
donations by Microsoft. The author gratefully acknowledges Ihe assistance from the visual scheme to a complete Bayesian network
of Troy Noble, Sara Appetton-Knapp, Laura Baron, and ongoing hetpful involves a combination of knowledge engineering (i.e., a
discussions wilh Professor Gerard Rossy. Will Barnard, Pam Becker, Troy process of translating existing expertise into conditional
Noble, Linda Sonne, Jonathan Weiss, Christian Wiest, and Ted Yu devel- probabilities between nodes in the network) and specifica-
oped the electric vehicle case reported in this article. Their assistance also
IS gratefully acknowledged. The Project Action Web site (http://164.67. tion of focused research projects to develop estimates for
164.88) contains the details and networks behind all the examples in this the unknown arcs. At first the numbers can be crude, di-
article. rectional approximations of the underlying processes. The
Bayesian nature of the network enables planners to im-

Journat of Marketing
Vol. 64 (January 2000), 1-1 Strategic Marketing Planning / 1
prove the accuracy of the networks as their experience and •Atptia ctiange is a varialion measured on a fixed scale. In this
expertise grows, to update information as events unfold, conlext, this kind of change amounts to repositioning a brand
in an existing framework, sui:h as a perceptual map. The di-
and to simulate the impact that changes in assumptions
mensions do nol change, nor is there any implied change in
underlying the web have on the prospects for the new whal people value. Rather, Ihe atiempl is to realign the brand
product. image to capture existing values better. An advertising cam-
paign to lend Oldsmobile a sportier image would be an ex-
ample of an alpha change.
What Is Radical About Radically •Beta change is a variation measured on a changing scale. A
New Products? beta change occurs when values change with a corresponding
Many of the topics that are relevant for radically new change in ideal points in a product map. For example, when
children tlnally leave home, parents can indulge their desire
products are also relevant for more traditional new prod-
for sportier cars. Without any change in brand positioning
uct planning. Often planners do not bother to think (i.e., alpha change), sportier cars are preferred because the
through some issues the company has done il be- consumer's values have changed.
fore, the pattern of industry or ecosystem competition is •Gatnma change is a variation that can be measured only by
set and will not change with the addition of a "new and adding a new perceived dimension to product positioning that
improved" version of an existing product, or an intra- rcdctlnes the products and ideal points in a perceptual map of
structure already is established that enables the smooth a market, if General Motors introduces an electric vehicle,
flow of commerce in this arena. In 1997, 25,261 new consumers must consider recharging stations; rethink car-
products were launched, according to Market Intelli- pooling notions; and reset expectations about acceleration,
trip distance, and reliability. These factors change the dimen-
gence Service (see Fellman 1998). The vast majority of
sions of the problem, which is the defining characteristic of
these are what the marketing literature calls continuous gamma change.
or dynamically continuous innovations (Engei, Black-
well, and Miniard 1986) or what the technology manage- Products are radically new from a consumer perspective
ment literature calls sustaining innovations (Bower and when gamma change occurs. Even gamma changes come in
Christensen 1995). These correspond to the gradual ac- widely varying degrees. A single dimension reflects the least
cumulation of useful variation expected by Darwinian change I consider radical from a consumer perspective. A
evolution. technological revolution that reshapes where and how peo-
Radical innovations are similar to the new phyla cre- ple work or how they live their family lives engages many
ated in long jumps across ecological landscapes. The new dimensions of experience and expression. Be it one- or
species of the new phyla either find a viable niche in a many-dimensional, gamma change should cause planners to
new ecosystem or value network or die. Steam ships rethink what are often considered settled questions about the
found a niche in river transport (where their competitive environment and infrastructure.
advantage over sailing ships was clear) more than 30
years before they ever tnade a successful challenge to
sailing ships in oceanic transport. The ocean shipping Understanding the Competitive
companies listened lo their best customers, who wanted Environment
more capacity al cheaper rates per ton than the steamers
initially could provide. They put more sails on larger An Open-Systems Model for Marketing and the
ships and ignored the coming "sea change." Similarly, Firm
transistors flourished in inexpensive portable radios be- A firm is analogous to a living system or an organism at-
fore they were used to create the consumer electronics in- tempting to navigate its course through a mixed economy.
dustry. The makers of large console radios listened to As do all living organisms, a firm has a semipermeable
their best customers, who wanted more fidelity and boundary between itself and tbe competitive environment.
greater range, and ignored the inferior goods that the Its receptivity to resources and resistance to threats are man-
early transistor radios represented to them. Christensen aged actively by the boundary.
(1997) provides many examples of how outstanding com- The marketing function can be thought of as one that
panies that listen to their best customers and invest sub- regulates the How of resources (in both directions) across
stantially in new technologies arc blindsidcd by discon- the organizational boundary. This broad mandate for mar-
tinuous innovations and ultimately lose their markets. keting inherently emphasizes the importance of understand-
These are examples of discontinuous or disruptive inno- ing the environments that surround an organization and, par-
vations that change the dimensionality of the consumer ticularly, of anticipating radical change. The turbulence
decision process and revolutionize product markets. To inherent in times of radical change affects the marketing
understand what I mean by this, radical change must be function (i.e., boundary management). Emery and Trist
studied from a consumer's perspective. (1965, p. 26) use open-systems theory to explain how an or-
The framework for classifying change comes from ganization interacts with elements in a turbulent environ-
Golembiewski, Billingsley, and Yeager's (1976) work, in ment: "In these [turbulent environments), dynamic pro-
which they expand on the traditional understanding of cesses, which create significant variances for the component
change. Instead of assuming that change is a single, unifled organizations, arise from the field itself. The 'ground" is in
concept, Golembiewski, Billingsley, and Yeager distinguish motion." In an environment with this much uncertainty,
three distinct types of change: Emery and Trist believe that certain social values will

2 / Journal of Marketing, January 2000

emerge as coping mechanisms. To succeed in this environ- the digital economy, transaction costs are dropping toward
ment, an organization must form organizational matrices or zero, with startling implications for optimal firm size. It
"relationships between dissimilar organizations whose fates should not be surprising then that providing a whole product
are, basically, positively correlated" (Emery and Trist 1965, in high-tech arenas requires a network of original equipment
p. 29). An organization must also strive for institutional suc- manufacturers (OEMs), operating system vendors, indepen-
cess by working toward goals that fit its character and mov- dent hardware vendors, independent software vendors, sys-
ing in a direction that converges with the interests of other tems integrators, distributors, trainers, and service organiza-
organizations (e.g., suppliers or alliance partners) in the ma- tions—smaller organizations whose fates are basically
trix. Radical change and turbulent fields go together. The di- correlated.
rection of causality may not be clear, but some of the orga- A similar conclusion ahout the evolution of industry or
nizational consequences are. The emphasis in the following ecosystem structure can be reached by considering the the-
discussion on issues of forming interorganizational al- ory of competitive rationality (Dickson 1992), resource-
liances, setting standards for an industry, and/or issues of advantage theory (Hunt and Morgan 1995, 1996, 1997), or
product compatibility largely arises from Emery and Trist's the extensive work in the strategic management literature on
implications for organizations whose fates are, basically, the evolution of networks and alliances (sec Gulati 1998;
positively correlated. I observe this in the networked in- Madhavan, Koka, and Prescott 1998; Mitchell and Singh
terorganizational structure binding high-technology firms. 1996; Ramfrez 1999; Ruef 1997; Schendel 1998). Zajac
In the "old days," the high-tech industry was structured ver- (1998) notes that "networks and alliances" was the single
tically: a single company provided hardware, peripherals, most popular topic among the 300-plus papers submitted to
operating systems, applications, marketing, sales, training, the Academy of Management's Business Policy and Strat-
and service. IBM did this for mainframes, and DEC did it in egy Division in 1997. Kauffman (1988, 1995) presents an
the minicomputer market. In the current era of explosive analogous theory that reflects the increasing complexity of
technological progress, there are networks of companies, economic systems over time. His basic image is a web of
each producing the component that it produces best but hav- added-value transformations of products and services
ing its fate codepcndcnt on other firms in the web. Intel cre- among economic agents, akin to a biological analog of
ates central processing units and motherboards; Rambus de- Porter's (1985) added-value chain. Technological evolution
signs memory chips; Microsoft creates operating systems generates new products that must mesh coherently to fulfill
and software applications; Trilogy provides systems integra- jointly a set of needed tasks. The networked actions afford
tion; Dell provides final assembly, marketing, and distribu- opportunities for agents to earn a living and thus maintain
tion; UPS and FedEx ship; and other firms provide service demand for those very goods and services. Key questions
and training. This is what is meant by organizations whose are, ( I ) What is the web in any given economy? (2) What
fates are positively correlated. This also occurs when Proc- technological and economic forces govern the transforma-
ter & Gamble sits down with Unilever, Clorox, Nestle, and tion of webs over time? and (3) Do evolutionarily stable
Johnson & Johnson to set standards for Internet advertising strategies (i.e., competitive equilibria) emerge, or must
(Beatty 1998). companies run harder and harder just to stay in place?- The
Although Emery and Trist's (1965) notions of turbulent emphasis in the theory is on the coevolution of the business
fields were based on general systems theory (von Berta- ecosystem (Moore 1996). The shift is highly appropriate be-
lanffy and Rapoport 1956), cybernetics (Ashby 1956), and cause of the network, or web, of efforts that is needed to de-
some organization theory of the time (Schon 1971), the liver a whole product or for typically competitive firms to
same conclusions can be reached by several other theoreti- confront uncertainty together (as in the case, cited previ-
cal paths. Transaction cost economics (Coase 1937, p. 386) ously, of consumer firms setting standards for Internet ad-
asserts that a firm will tend to expand to the point at which vertising). The firms must evolve together if consumers' and
"the costs of organizing an extra transaction within the firm firms' needs are to be met.
becomes equal to the costs of carrying out the same transac- I begin the process of building the economic web, or
tion by means of an exchange on the open market." There- business ecosystem, surrounding a radically new product
fore, the vertical dinosaurs ruled the computer landscape by focusing on the second question and articulating the
when the expertise was narrowly held. To get things done, broader environment in which the radically new product
IBM had to invent the hardware and software and create a must operate.
manufacturing process, as well as processes for distribution,
installation, and servicing. The search costs to find buyers
and sellers were huge, as were information, bargaining, de-
2This game-theory paradigm takes its name from Lewis Car-
cision, and enforcement costs (see Robertson and Gatignon roll's Red Queen, who makes her cards run harder and harder just
1998; Shapiro and Varian 1999). Optimal firm size was un- to stay in the same place. James Moore (1996) cites Intel as a prime
derstandably large. But to maintain its dinosaur status when example of an organization thai has succeeded at playing the Red
expertise was more widely available, IBM had to be nearly Queen Game. Geoffrey Moore (1995) credits this success as the
the best of breed in all the separate functions. The downsiz- driving mechanism behind much of the dynamics of the whole
high-technology business ecosystem. The phrase that captures this
ing and outsourcing trend of the 1980s accelerated a perhaps
competitive strategy is, "You must eat your own children or your
inevitable process by ensuring a ready supply of experts and competitor certainly will." This theme is analogous to dynamic dis-
innovators to compete for each element in the value chain. equilibrium theories (Dickson 1992, 1994; Hunt and Morgan
As the transaction costs drop, the optimal firm size drops. In 1995).

Strategic Marketing Planning / 3

The next section provides an illustration of the use of the
Environmental Forces critical-issues grid and Bayesian belief networks to illustrate
When thinking about the different environments in which a
the economic web in a real hut historic case. The case is
company operates, five basic environmental forces deserve
based on a historical analysis of the pianning undertaken by
attention: political, behavioral, economic, social, and tech-
Sony Corporation for the U.S. introduction of BetaMax
nological. Each of these forces affects different aspects of
videotape recorders (VTRs).
the product development process. Political forces appear in
form of government regulations and actions, legal prece-
dents, or international agreements, to name a few. For ex-
ample, a political issue that would affect the developmetit of
Planning for Sony's BetaMax
high-defmition television (HDTV) is the decision by the '"We don't believe in market research for a new product un-
U.S. govemment whether to auction off the HDTV spec- known to the public ... so we never do any. We are the ex-
trum or simply give spectra to existing broadcasters. Behav- perts"' (Lyons 1976, p. 110). Although there are good rea-
ioral forces come from the consumer: how consumers tradi- sons to believe that traditional marketing research is less
tionally interact with products and how these interactions valuable for radically new products than for sustaining in-
might change with the introduction of something radically novations (Christensen 1997), to a business executive of the
new. These issues are common in areas such as electronic 1990s these words sound like corporate suicide. But these
banking, in which firms must overcome consumer distrust are the words of Akio Morita, the legendary cofounder of
to succeed. Tokyo Communications, who was responsible for many
successful product launches for the firm that later became
Economic forces stem from the consumer and the struc- the Sony Corporation. This philosophy provides insight into
ture of markets. Any product that alters the ways in which the history of Sony's introduction of the BetaMax VTR.
consumers purchase goods and services inevitably will en-
Because Morita did not believe in scientific market re-
counter economic forces. Internet airline ticket auctions
search, he positioned Sony's products by deciding what the
provide a good example of how a new method of com-
best uses would be and then selling those reasons to con-
merce can aftect traditional guidelines of what makes a
sumers. This approach worked well in Japan for the Beta-
good deal. Economic forces are aiso in play in the negotia-
Max but was much less successful for the BetaMax intro-
tions over alliances, as well as issues of the scale and scope
duction in the United States. Morita regarded the primary
of operations.
function of the product as freeing people from a preset tele-
Products that affect the way people interact with one an- vision programming schedule. By using the BetaMax, con-
other often encounter social forces. E-mail is a prominent sumers could "time shift," or watch their favorite programs
example, as entirely new rules of etiquette and conduct have at whatever time was the most convenient rather than only
been invented to deal with the societal changes this product when the network decided to air the show. Sony also
has caused. planned eventually to introduce a video camera for con-
Of these five, technological forces receive the most pub- sumers to record home movies when VTRs formed a large
licity in the media. Every day, people can read about how enough installed base, but Morita regarded this use as sec-
computers with faster processors, bigger hard drives, and ondary to time shifting. The company's biggest concern
more memory are enabiing people to do more faster. This about the BetaMax introduction was whether consumers
type of rapid progress dramatically changes consumers' ex- would he willing to spend the $1,400 then necessary to pur-
pectations of what new products can do and how much con- chase a VTR. Table I shows how the issues considered by
sumers are willing to pay for them. Sony would fit into the critical-issues grid.
The blank cells in the critical-issues grid illustrate how
Critical-issues Grid the planners at Sony overlooked social issues and how they
The critical-issues grid provides a tool for identifying the might affect the diffusion of the BetaMax. On closer in-
key issues that may affect the product planning process. The spection, these are crucial omissions. One of the biggest so-
grid places the five environmental forces in rows in the ma- cial changes brought about by the VTR was the ability of
trix and three points of view (company, husiness ecosystem, people to stay at home and watch movies together rather
and infrastructure) as column heads. The company is part of than to go out to a theater, which was favored by the demo-
the business ecosystem, and the ecosystem is part of the graphic shifts as the baby boomers began having babies of
larger infrastructure. Thus, these points of view are compa- their own. Sony did not consider the possible consumer de-
rable to the ground-fioor view, the 1000-foot view, and the mand for full-length feature films on videocassette, though
10,000-foot view. But similar to the depth of fieid of differ- its "Video Flight" equipment had been used for this purpose
ent camera lenses (telephoto, portrait, and wide-angle), since the eariy 1960s. Instead, Sony beiieved that the major
these different points of view bring different issues into fo- demand for prerecorded cassettes was in the area of histori-
cus. As stated in the introduction, the goal of the critical- cal events (e.g., Time-Life programs). When Sony chose to
issues grid is to keep strategic marketing planners thinking make its product incompatible and its tape iength 60 min-
divergently enough that fundamental issues are elicited. utes and decided not to enter into OEM agreements, it did so
Similar aims might be achieved by the traditional strength, without considering the potentially enormous impact of
weakness, opportunity, and threat analysis, by means of movie rentals and sales. In another major oversight, Sony
techniques such as STRATMESH (Dickson 1994) or dis- did not plan how to deal with copyright issues until Univer-
covery-driven planning (McGrath and MacMillan 1995). sal Pictures brought a lawsuit against the firm. Sony could

4 / Journal of Marketing, January 2000

Sony's Critical-Issues Grid for Videotape Recorders

Environments Company Business Ecosystem Infrastructure


Behavioral Time shift

Economic Can product be priced low OEM and licensing agree- Manufacturing capacity
enough? ments


Technological Picture quality and record- Compatibility with other

ing time VTRs

have saved much time and money by anticipating this con- ventory cost structure encouraged a "one-format" standard
fiict of interests and attempting to work out an agreement (such as movie rentals) in a way that home movies and time
with Universal and others before the issue led to lawsuits. shifting did not? And the technological environment raised
Table 2 shows how the grid could have been filled in to in- issues pertaining not only to picture quaiity for the company
crease the likelihood that Sony considered these (and other) but also to compatibility among products within the nascent
issues. industry and to plug compatibility of all the products with
Copyright issues dominated the political landscape. The television sets.
company faced lawsuits, as did others in the industry. The When these issues are included in the grid, it is possible
ability to infiuence copyright legislation in the United States to move to the next step of the planning process, which is to
is an important consideration. The behavioral environment determine how they fit together and affect one another.
had unanswered questions about learning to use home elec- Sometimes storytelling, as in scenario planning, helps artic-
tronics and what broadcasters could do to make taping eas- ulate what affects what (see Schoemaker 1995; Schwartz
ier (i.e., standards). The economic environment brought for- 1996). The web for Sony distills 13 critical issues or factors
ward issues regarding OEM licensing agreements and their from the grid that affect Sony's ability to meet consumer
effects on overall manufacturing capacity. The biggest un- needs: tape length, ease of manufacturing, production ca-
explored territory was the social environment. Would the pacity, licensing agreements, OEM agreements, strategic al-
movement toward nesting encourage industries whose in- liances, price, quality, copyrights, demographics, time shift

Improved Critical-Issues Grid for Videotape Recorders

Environments Company Business Ecosystem Infrastructure

Political Copyright infringement Lawsuits brought by Univer- Legislative copyright deci-

sal, Disney, and so forth sions

Behavioral Time shift Can people buy tapes from Do the networks have to
other companies? change anything to make
taping programs possible?

Economic Can product be priced low OEM and licensing agree- Manufacturing capacity
enough? ments

Social Will people watch movies in Can people rent movies? Do demographic shifts favor
theaters or at home with one use versus another
the videocassette recorder? (cocooning)?

Technological Picture quality and record- Compatibility among manu- Plug compatibility with tele-
ing time facturers visions

Strategic Marketing Planning / 5

demand, home movie demand, and video rental/sales de- which all the market's needs can be met by one format af-
mand. Regarding tape length, Sony initially was committed fects the likelihood that one format will endure.
to a one-hour tape length. Although this adversely affected I do not wish to overstate the diagnosticity of a histori-
video rental/sales demand, it was fine for making home cal example. Demonstrating the same potential for 20-20
movies. One hour was generally enough to tape regular tele- hindsight, however, Arthur (1988) comes to a different con-
vision shows but not specials. The technology required to clusion. He uses the Beta versus VHS format as an illustra-
make longer tapes also made manufacturing more difficult, tion of path dependence (i.e., how early random events can
so Sony had a manufacturing advantage with a shorter tape lead a random walk process to lock in a particular standard).
length but a disadvantage regarding fulfilling the customers' Although his general framework provides a powerful con-
needs. Sony introduced its two-hour format in March 1977, ceptual model that drives much of the thinking about eco-
six months after JVC came to market with a two-hour nomic webs, I believe the critical-issues grid provides a
recording time (see Cusumano, Mylonadis, and Rosen- framework that takes some of the randomness out of the
bloom 1992). Regarding ease of manufacturing, note that process or at least widens the scope of potential conclusions.
the manufacturing process directly affects production ca-
pacity and price. If manufacturing is difficult, production
capacity should be lower and price higher. If it is easy, larger Bayesian Networks
production capacity and a less intensive process should lead Bayesian networks were developed (Pearl 1986) in an at-
to a lower price. tempt to devise a computational model of human reasoning,
As shown in Figure 1, these factors weave together into or of how people integrate infonnation from multiple
an economic web. Instead of dealing with the critical factors sources to create coherent stories or interpretations. A l -
either separately or as if these factors all interconnect, build- though Bayesian networks are inherently more accurate than
ing an economic web simply asks the strategic planning people, their mandate closely parallels the roles such net-
team to determine what influences what. In this example, works are designed to play in this planning method. From
OEM and licensing agreements affect the likelihood of the multiplicity of issues highlighted in the critical-issues
forming strategic alliances. Alliances affect ease of manu- grid, the planning group is charged with creating scenarios
facturing and production capacity, as well as possibly infiu- that represent plausible futures.
encing the quality of the final produci. Product quality and The human reasoning process (and the associated story-
tape length affect the difficulty of manufacturing. Alliances, telling process) is represented as a process that links judg-
production capacity, and ease of manufacturing affect price. ments on a small number of propositions {e.g., statements
Price, product quality, tape length, and production capacity or assertions) at a time, such as the likelihood that compa-
affect the extent to which consumers' needs are met. The ex- nies will be allowed to export strong encryption technol-
tent to which consumers' needs are met also is determined ogy, given the current composition of Congress and the
by the need for home movies, video rentals, and time shift- White House, or what happens to encryption export policy
ing. Although demographic shifts affect all three of these if the composition of Congress changes. Quantitative map-
needs, copyright issues only affect video rental/sales and ping of stories told with such elements relies on rather sim-
time shifting. An analogous set of factors infiuences JVC's ple judgments. Are two propositions, Xj and Xj, dependent
ability to meet consumer needs (not pictured). The extent to or independent? Does x, influence Xj directiy, or is the in-

Bayesian Network for Sony's BetaMax.

Home Movie Nead ^ C Video Salas/Renlai Need ^ ( Time Shilt Need

Bela Ease o< Manufacluring )| fcf Bela ProducUon Capacity

6 / Journal of Marketing, January 2000

fluence indirect, through a third proposition X|^? Pearl FIGURE 2
(1986) asserts that people tend to judge such two- or three- Hypothetical Bayesian Network
place relationships of conditional dependency with "clarity,
conviction and consistency." This avoids the inaccuracies
in syllogistic reasoning that are well documented in the so-
cial cognition literature (Wyer and Carlston 1979). Simple
conditional judgments also avoid the "conjunction fallacy"
(Tversky and Kahneman 1983), in which people judge the
joint occurrence of two events as more likely than that of
either one alone (a clear violation of the laws of probabil-
ity). The scenario is sketched into a graph in which the
nodes represent certain propositions and the arcs link
propositions that the scenario says are directly related. The
functionality of the mapping requires consistency and com-
pleteness, linguistically and probabilistically. Linguisti-
cally, this amounts to telling stories that have a beginning,
middle, and end. The probabilistic requirements are dis-
cussed next.
These types of maps are called directed acyclic graphs
(dags). Such maps use concepts of conditional indepen-
dence and graph separability to make it easier to compute
the implication that a change in one state or conditional
probability has for all other nodes in the graph. Two propo-
(3) / J ( X | X2 X3 X4 X5
sitions, Xi and Xj, are conditionally independent, given some
subset S, if S separates Xj from Xj (all paths between Xj and
X, are blocked by S). In the Sony example in Figure I, prices Thus, instead of needing to assess the awkward joint
are conditionally independent of licensing because all the probability that a series of states probabilistically assumes
inlluence of licensing on prices is reflected in the alliances (and possibly encountering the conjunction fallacy), only
node (i.e., alliances separate licensing from prices). simpler conditional and marginal probabilities are required.
The utility of this framework stems from the simplicity If the experts in the planning process understand the rela-
of the computational building blocks. The basic equation for tion, elicitation is a matter of knowledge engineering. If un-
conditional probabilities says that the probability of event x; known, there is implicitly a rather well-specified research
occurring, given that event Xj has occurred (/^Ixjlxj]), is the question to address. Crude directional indications can be en-
ratio of the (joint) probability tbat both events occur (pfx; tered and the precision can be improved as research results
Xjl) to the (marginal) probability that event x. occurs (;5[Xj]): are found.

Implementing the Bayesian Network

Simple algebra shows that the joint probability (/JIX, XJ]) For the historical case, to determine conditional probabili-
is the product of the conditional probability (/'Ixjlxj]) and ties for each node, I looked back to determine tbe external
the marginal probability (/^Ixj]). The principle is easily ex- environment at the time of the BetaMax launch and Sony's
tended (by the chain rule for joint distributions) to represent internal corporate thinking. Forexample, in determining the
a complex joint probability of a series of events (X], X2, ..., probability that Sony would license its products or enter into
X,,) as the product of conditional probabilities and marginal OEM agreements, I assigned fairly low probabilities on the
probabilities: basis of documentation of Sony's reluctance in these areas.
In determining the probabilities for environmental factors,
sucb as various demographic scenarios or legal copyright
decisions, I based my assumptions on the historical realities
With only one term on the left of the conditioning bar of of the time. A demographic example is the high probability
each component, this formula helps ensure that a complete that baby boomers would want more in-home entertainment
and consistent quantification of the events (nodes) and rela- as they settled down and had children.
tions (arc) of any arbitrary scenario map can be found. When the probability of eacb parent node was deter-
Separability helps simplify computations by asserting mined, I determined conditional probabilities for each off-
that if S; is the complete set of parent nodes that have direct spring node depending on the outcome of the parent node.
links to an event Xj, only the conditional probabilities For nodes that are dependent on the outcomes of many other
p[XjlSjl must be assessed rather than all the expressions on nodes, it is necessary to determine probabilities for many
the right side of the conditioning bars in Equation 2. Pearl possible outcome states. In the case of home movie demand,
(1986) provides an example of a simple map involving six probabilities for bigh versus low demand depend on price
nodes, as is depicted in Figure 2. (two possible outcomes), demograpbics (three possible out-
Separability means the joint probability, /?(X] XT X^ X4 X5 comes), and tape length (two possible outcomes). This cre-
Xg), is found from ates 12 different conditional probabilities depending on the

Strategic Marketing Planning / 7

exact scenario that occurs.-^ As the number of influences on the implications for decision making. If someone writes a
any given node increases, the number of conditional proba- traditional planning document, it is outdated before it is
bilities that must be evaluated grows multiplicatively. But as read. A planning document developed from this approach is
in the two examples that follow, by simply focusing on the as dynamic as the turbulent times in which people live and
major links, manageable networks result. Using general work today. A traditional planning document is dead when
conceptual frameworks such as the three Cs (company, cus- the project moves into implementation. With this approach,
tomers, and competitors); Porter's (1980) five forces; Dick- implementation can be woven into the strategic planning
son's (1994) five environments mental model, or document.
STRATMESH; or the political, behavioral, economic, so- I have used this approach to strategic marketing plan-
cial, and technological environments can heip structure the ning in ten contemporary projects with teams of M B A stu-
network into separable chunks that ease the task of eliciting dents and am undertaking a second industry project (under a
conditional probabilities. nondisclosure agreement). The MBA teams studied the po-
By inputting all tbis information into a Bayesian net- tential market for electronic shopping agents and the issues
work, it is possible to track the events that lead to different surrounding the introduction of OleanT*^, enhanced televi-
market outcomes. The two most interesting scenarios to sion, DVD^M versus Divx^"^, smart cards (Swatch Access II
track are that which leads to the 50-50 split expected from Network^"), Internet-based payment services, satellite-to-
the random walk that Arthur (1988) assumes and that which personal computer connectivity (Adaptec's Satellite Ex-
foresees high nesting and high demand. The random split press^"^), video on demand, personal computers on a chip
scenario derives from assuming a high emphasis on product (National Semiconductor), and electric vehicles.
quality and no nesting by the baby boomers' relatively low In each of these projects, the economic web fell directly
demand for home movies, time shifting, and video out of an understanding of the stakeholders and the environ-
sales/rentals. In these conditions (and the other default val- mental issues that bind them together. In the case of electric
ues), the Bayesian network indicates that VHS and Beta vehicles, the stakeholders cluster into consumer and ecolog-
each have a 20% chance of becoming the enduring format. ical groups, those representing interests in petroleum and
There is a 54% chance they both will endure and a 5% electricity, political stakeholders, and car manufacturers, as
chance that neither will. Contrast this with the scenario that is shown in Table 3. Even a high-level, critical-issues grid
assumes high nesting and high demand. With these two as- has multiple issues in each cell, as is shown in Table 4.
sumptions (and the default values used in the random walk The stakeholders and issues form an 89-node Basyesian
scenario), the same network gives VHS an 88% chance of network whose aggregate structure appears in Figure 3.
becoming the enduring format and Beta less than a 2% The network represents the decision by an existing car
chance. The detailed probabilities are available from the manufacturer to introduce an electric vebicle product. More
Project Action Web site (http://l64.67.l64.88). The details specifically, the root node labeled "supply" asks whether
for a smaller numerical example pertaining to software de- the electric vebicle manufacturer will be able to produce
velopment appear in the Appendix. adequate supply given four main factors: consumer de-
Five things are gained from this undertaking: ( I ) a mand, manufacturing investment, government require-
process that makes explicit the often implicit assumptions ments, and government assistance. Consumer demand is in-
that underlie the planning process and broadens the scope of fluenced by clusters of issues pertaining to education and
the assumptions considered, (2) a visual overview backed by information (public education, company marketing and
a complete quantitative statement of the likelihood of promotions, and Consumer Reports support), the value
events, (3) guides to where research projects are needed to proposition (safety, performance, aesthetics, and total cost
fill in the uncertainties in the planning process, (4) a method of ownership), and social acceptance (age range accep-
for combining subjective (engineered) expertise with more tance, driving pattern changes, human interaction changes,
objective research results, and (5) a Bayesian network that and trendiness of electric vehicles). Manufacturer's invest-
allows for better understanding of bow changes in scenario ment is affected by manufacturer economics (fixed and
assumptions affect the likelihood of important planning variable costs), partnerships/alliances, and success of com-
events. petitors (hydrogen fuel cells, fiywheels, and internal com-
As time unfolds, events tbat underlie network issues bustion engines). Government requirements are affected by
sbould occur. Pending legislation on copyright is enacted. lobbying (constituents, environmental lobbying, and corpo-
Industry standards are adopted. Speculation becomes cer- rate lobbying), global regulations (emissions credits and
tainty. The Bayesian nature of the network allows for easy global economics), and domestic regulation (regional and
updates of the conditional probabilities and revelation of national laws). Antitrust laws, patents, and the likelihood of
subsidies affect government assistance. Many of these
'Although Bayesian networks allow for continuous relationships nodes have more detailed nodes that account for the factors
between events or issues, I simplified this example to have only that underlie them. Instead of a simple list of assumptions,
di.screte states. Discrete states were used in the dozen examples to the Bayesian network shows the planning team's idea of
date and are likely to be more appropriate in the early applications how the assumptions interrelate. If the major flywheel de-
of this planning tramework. The Hugin Web site (http://www. signers quit the competition, that node could be changed to has tutorials to help users work through the numerics
reflect the narrower competition. The planning document
and tree software tor developing networks of less than 200 nodes.
The largesi network undertaken so far was substantially smaller does not need to be discarded as out of date, and planners
than this limit. are not left wondering what such an event means. The

8 / Journal of Marketing, January 2000

Stakeholders in Electric Vehicles
Stakeholder Groups Parties Interests

Consumers Individual, rental, corporafe fleet, public •Performance

transportation •Total cost of ownership

Ecological Environmental Protection Agency, Sierra •Environmental protection

Club, World Population

Petroleum Petroleum companies, foreign governments •Maintain demand for petroleum

of petroleum exporting countries

Electric Battery manufacturers, public utilities •New sources of revenue

•Technological gains
•Efficient use of available capacity

Political Local, national, and foreign governments •Decrease or maintain demand for petroleum
(depending on perspective)
•Serve constituents

Car manufacturers World manufacturers, new ventures •Profitable production

•Servicing consumer demand

Bayesian network provides a clear portrayal of how such Courtney, Kirkland, and Viguerie (1997) discuss the pit-
an event affects the overall scheme. This largely hierarchi- falls of setting strategy in the face of uncertainty. They pro-
cal structure helps organize thoughts and introduces the vide a useful framework of four levels of uncertainty. Level
separability that simplifies the elicitation of conditional I is "a clear-enough future" (p. 69). They claim that standard
probabilities. practice at least implicitly assumes Level 1 uncertainty. If
One clear limitation of the Bayesian network is its in- Level 1 is a reasonable assumption, this Bayesian approach
ability to reflect feedback loops. These are dags and cannot to planning will work extremely well (as will many other ap-
feed back on themselves. Positive feedhack in markets oc- proaches). At Level 2, "the future can be described as one of
curs when, for example, an increase in an installed base a few alternate outcomes or discrete scenarios" (p. 69). Here,
leads to an increase in tbe value of a software product to that though outcomes are not certain, probabilities for whole sce-
base, wbich leads in turn to a further increase in the installed narios may exist. The Bayesian approach will work here, as
base. The problem is that Bayesian networks deal only with will scenario planning. At Level 3 a "range of futures" exists.
the first-order effect—an increase in an installed base leads The "range is defined by a limited number of key variables,
to an increase in the value of a software product to that base. but ... [t]bere are no natural discrete scenarios" (p. 70). With
In a positive feedback situation, there is a second-order ef- this level of uncertainty, scenario analysis begins to wane in
fect and tbe potential for a nonlinear evolution of the sys- value. Scenario generation (Schoemaker 1995; Schwartz
tem. Representing such nonlinear evolution in Bayesian 1996) builds general stories of possible futures. When the fu-
networks is a difflcult and serious problem. The solution ture unfolds in a way that does not correspond to the exact
may be to construct a second-order Bayesian network model scenario assumptions, the scenario planners are left to either
that predicts the next cycle of interaction between changing start over or guess at the underlying network. The Bayesian
demand and changing supply. This potential approach re- approach, however, combined with policy simulations
quires much more thought and study. (Bankes 1993, 1994; Lempert, Schlesinger, and Bankes
Another limitation deals with the compounding of errors 1996) still can provide valuable quantitative insights to the
that can occur when multiplying probability estimates. Con- strategic questions. At Level 4 ("true ambiguity"), "multiple
sider, for example, if there are just four probabilities wbose dimensions of uncertainty interact to create an environment
true values are .5. Overestimating them each by 10% leads that is virtually impossible to predict" (Courtney, Kirkland,
to a product that is overestimated by more than 46%. One and Viguerie 1997, pp. 70-71). Strategic decisions still must
way to cope with this inherent limitation is to perform com- be made. A lot of strategic marketing planning begins as a
putational sensitivity analysis experiments on the networks vague, subjective process. The methods discussed here also
(Bankes 1993, 1994; Lempert, Schlesinger, and Bankes can start with subjective generalities, cataloging what little is
1996) to find the policy variables that most influence final known or knowable at that point in time. When, in the early
outcomes and then to invest the resources needed to increase stages of strategic marketing planning, the relations are sim-
the accuracy (or at least unbiasedness) of the probabilities plified and vague, the output is limited in accuracy. The re-
that are most influential.'' sulting probabilities should be read as directional indicators
of the impact of the underlying influences or critical factors.
•*For more information on computation modeling for policy However, this approach provides a coherent underlying
analysis, see mechanism for becoming more precise as more is learned.

Strategic Marketing Planning / 9

Critical-Issues Grid for Electric Vehicles
(Business EcosystemA/alue
Company Networks) Infrastructure

Political •Department of Energy hybrid •Federal Clean Air Act •Hybrid electric vehicles Propul-
electric vehicles Propulsion •New York 2% law sion Program
Program •Utility deregulation driving 20% •Federal Tier II Emissions Stan-
•Antitrust cost decrease in electricity dards
•Tax incentives •Energy Policy Act of 1992 •Federal motor vehicle safety
•Law requirement •Clean Cities partnership standards
•Battery patents •Executive Order 12844 stepping •Emergency response prepared-
up federal fleet alternative-fuel ness (education of groups
vehicle purchases about electric vehicle dangers)
•Regulatory pressures •Subsidies for refueling stations,
regulatory bodies set rates for
electric companies
•Policies to stimulate the devel-
opment and deployment of
electric vehicle infrastructure
support systems

Behavioral •Will people use electric vehicles •Are other means of transporta- •What role will stakeholders
for commuting only and have a tion as low cost and conve- have in promoting product ac-
second car for longer trips? nient? ceptance?
•Can cars be produced that are •Will industry research convince •What public education will be
as safe as traditional vehicles consumers of safety/reliability of developed to promote accep-
(battery and flywheel are major electric vehicles? tance of products?
elements of safety)? •What will be the added value of
•Will cars perform (speed and charging stations (automatic
acceleration) at a level of satis- billing, load management, vehi-
faction to consumer? cle security)?
•Availabitity of vehicle purchas- •How will tow trucks deal with
ing sites and acceptability of ve- dead battery situations?
hicle cost/performance (refuel- •Will refueling facilities be conve-
ing and maintenance) niently located—at home, office
•Car design and distance of or other central point?
commute •Will carpool lane rules be
•What will be the daily refueling adapted to include more lenient
process? How will that affect allowance for electric vehicle
lifestyles? commuters? Will carpooling de-
crease if size of cars is smaller
due to lower performance mo-
•Will electric vehicles change
driving patterns (e.g., refueling
time requirements, battery dri-
ving range)?

Economic •At what demand will technology •What demand will be required •Will incentives exist for third
costs be low enough to allow to provide incentive for car com- parties to build refueling sta-
greater production and reason- panies to produce the electric tions?
able pricing to consumers vehicles (minimum efficient •Will recycling offer cost advan-
(break-even costs)? scale)? tages?
•Will companies offer teasing op- •What type of manufacturing and
tions in addition to sales (e.g., distribution network will exist for
Toyota already is offering a pur- parts and maintenance?
chase price of $42,000 or a •Will import tariffs favor domestic
three-year lease price of $457 sales of electric vehicles and
per month)? promote higher prices?
•Existing purchase commitments •Will utility companies offer af-
by local governments and pri- fordable recharging (e.g., dis-
vate fleet operators will encour- count tor off-peak hours)?
age electric vehicle manufactur-
ers to make products available

10 / Journal of Marketing, January 2000

(Business EcosystemA/alue
Company Networks) Infrastructure
Social •Will people widely accept usage •Will electric vehicle users have •Will people have greater inter-
of electric vehicles (socially ac- fewer interactions because of action due to need to refuel at a
ceptable or preferred)? less carpooling (assuming central location?
•Will people use electric vehicles smaller cars)? •Do demographics or living
for ttie same purpose as previ- •Will environmental factors trends favor the use of electric
ously using other vehicles (e.g., speed up acceptance of electric vehicles (e.g., short commutes,
shopping, traveling, commut- vehicles? concentration near cities, sin-
ing)? gle-person households)?
•Can people refuel at other peo-
ple's houses and reroute elec-
tricity charges to themselves?

Technological •Will adequate technology be •Advancements in battery tech- •Compatibility of refueling sta-
available to provide safety (e.g., nology that will increase energy tions (standards are evolving
crashworthiness, containment, storage capacity are expected per agreement among major
material structure)? through the research and devel- OEMs)
•Can batteries be developed to opment efforts of the Advanced •Will adequate battery recycling
improve available range of elec- Lead-Acid Battery Consortium facilities exist?
tric vehicles (overall vehicle effi- and the United States Ad- •Will adequate electricity supply,
ciency, hybrid-electric vehicle vanced Battery Consortium. service, and maintenance exist?
technology)? •Will standardization of parts •What technological parameters
•Will larger cars be made with and supplies occur? (voltage/amps) are necessary
electric motors? •Will partnerships exist between at recharging stations/homes?
•Should the engine be entirely refuelers and manufactures? •Can utility companies support
electric or a hybrid? •How quickly will battery technol- large electric vehicle population
ogy be improved (Nickel Metal recharging needs?
Hydride, Lithium Ion)?

Basic Structure of the Bayesian Network for Electric Vehicles

Electric Vehicle

Consumer demand Manufacturer investment, Government Govemment

research and requirements assistance
development, and capital

J Education and
i information

vatue I Partnerships and Global

proposition alliances regulations

Societal Success of Domestic

acceptance competitors regulations

This approach provides what is needed: a place to start, a di- nents needed lo make strategic marketing planning a vital
reclion for improvement, and a way lo update continually a proces.s that is able to confront the complexities of these tur-
dynamic planning document. These are lhe hasic compo- bulent times.

Strategic Marketing Planning /11

Appendix actual," and "very good actual"; the actual bug-infestation
report ("actual bugs"), witb states "none actual," "light ac-
The ACME Software Exampie tual," "medium actual," and "severe actual"; the bug-infes-
This Appendix works through a preliminary example of the tation status after allocation of additional effort, witb states
Bayesian networks discussed in the article. The basic situa- that correspond to the available actions (see the following);
tion pertains to a fictional company, ACME Software. the state of the software at scheduled release time ("state of
Approximately six montbs before tbe scheduled release Release 1.0"), with the states from "actual development
of a highly touted new software application, ACME Soft- progress" plus "rotten," "bad," and "poor"; the observation
ware is concerned about allocating sufficient resources to of tbe development progress; and the observation of bugs.
ensure tbat Release 1.0 is bug-free. Tbe head of software de- Tbere is also an action/decision node, "allocation of ad-
velopment can review nightly builds, but as functionality is ditional teams," tbat models the decision to invest in extra
maturing toward the final product, new opportunities for development squads to deal with bug reports, witb actions
bugs are created. If major bugs are reported, the head of de- "no," "little," "moderate," and "heavy" investment.
velopment can assign additional teams to the bug-eradica- Because the intluence diagram has only one decision
tion effort. node, evidence can be entered inio any cbance node, and tbe
An influence diagram is tbe visual map of tbe factors Hugin software used to implement tbis example will calcu-
isolated in a critical-issues grid. For this example, the situa- late the expected utility of the decision options. That is,
tion is depicted in Figure AI. Three kinds of nodes appear in managers can speculate about how well they tbink develop-
this diagram: chance nodes, action/decision nodes, and util- ment is proceeding and how likely bugs are and assess for
ity nodes. The chance nodes summarize the variables or fac- tbose speculated conditions wbat the utilities are for each
tors whose influences I am trying to track. Decision nodes action they could take regarding allocation of additional re-
capture the decisions that managers or other parties can sources to development.
make that affect the outcomes. Utility (or cost) nodes reflect
Hugin Software Inputs
the value of outcomes.
There are six chance nodes in this example; the actual To analyze a problem sucb as tbe ACME situation, decision
state of the software development ("actual development makers can translate tbe situation into the Hugin software
progress"), with states "fair actual." "average actual," "good package. As in Figure Al, multiple node shapes can exist.

ACME Software Influence Diagram

Actual development progress

Observed development progress

Actual bugs after allocation

Actual bugs

Allocation to additional teams

Observed bugs

12 / Journal of Marketing, January 2000

Elliptical nodes, such as "actual bugs," represent chance given a specific decision. For tbe utility node "additionai al-
nodes. These nodes represent events that occur in the deci- location to teams," the associated costs are estimated as fol-
sion problem but have multiple possible outcomes that the lows: none 0, little -2, moderate - 3 , and beavy -4.
decision maker cannot control directly. For example, "actual For tbe market value of tbe various outcomes, the fol-
bugs" represents tbe actual level of bugs six montbs prior to lowing states of Release 1.0 are estimated: rotten - 1 . bad I,
tbe software's release. The likelihood of each state occurring poor 5, fair 8. average 10, good 12, and very good 13. To
is measured in terms of probability, summing to 1. If a complete the example, tbe conditional probabilities in tbe fi-
cbance node has no nodes directed into it, such as "actual nal two cbance nodes, "actual bugs after allocation" and
bugs," it is called a "parent node," and its probabilities are "state of Release 1.0," must be estimated. The conditional
based solely on each state's likelihood. For this case, the probabilities in any chance node reflect tbe combinations of
values of bugs are as follows: none actual .4, light actual .3, the states for all the nodes pointing directly in it. "Actual
medium actual .2, and severe actual .1. bugs after allocation" has states "none after," "light after,"
However, because tbe level of bugs observed is influ- "medium after," and "severe after." Tbe conditional likeli-
enced by the actual number of bugs, the probability of each bood of these stales given the direct influences on them
observed bug level, given tbe actual bug level, must be esti- must be estimated from research or prior knowledge, as in
mated. For example, tbe conditional probability matrix in Table A3.
Table AI might be estimated (on the basis of research or The final set of conditional probabilities refiects the state
prior experience). of software of Release 1.0 given the actual state of progress
Table AI sbould be read so that the cell entry reflects the
probability of observing tbe row condition given ibe column
state. Given a medium level of actual bugs, tbere is a .1 TABLE A2
probability of observing no bugs, a .2 probability of observ- Conditional Probablilities of Actual Development
ing light bugs, a .5 probability of observing medium bugs, Progress
and a .2 pri)bability of observing severe bugs. The . I proba-
bility of observing light bugs when there are no actual bugs Very
reflects tbat bugs may be observed in error or become "fea- Fair Average Good Good
tures" of the final release. Note tbat the Hugin software's Actual Actual Actual Actual
use of conditional independence enables the decision maker
Fair observed .8 .3 1 0
to limit the consideration of node influences to those di- Average observed .15 .6 2 .1
rectly connected to a given node or parent nodes. All other Good observed .05 .1 6 .4
inlormation leading into the parent nodes already is re- Very good observed 0 0 1 .5
flected in the chosen probabilities.
The marginal probabilities reflecting tbe iikeiihood of
tbe state of progress in overall software development must TABLE A3
be estimated (on the basis of research or prior experience), Conditional Probabilities of Actual Bugs with
as follows: fair actual .2, average actual .4, good actual .3, Allocation of Teams
and very good actual .1. The conditional probabilities of ob-
served progress, given the actual progress, also musl be es- None Light Medium Severe
titiiated (on the basis of research or prior experience), as in Actual Actual Actual Actual
Table A2.
No Allocation of Additional Teams
Rectangular nodes represent decisions thai are con-
None after 1 0 0 0
trolled entirely by a decision maker. These decisions take Ligbt after 0 1 0 0
place within the context of the situation. For example, the Medium after 0 0 1 0
decision node "additional allocation to teams" represents the Severe after 0 0 0 1
decision by ACME to increase its manpower commitments
by none, little, moderate, or heavy amounts. Diamond- Little Allocation of Additional Teams
None after 1 .8 0 0
shaped utility nodes contain values lor tbe utilities for each
Light after 0 .2 .8 0
possible outcome. Tberefore, decision nodes interact wilh Medium after 0 0 .2 .8
uncertain chance nodes to create a level of expected utility Severe after 0 0 0 .2

Moderate Allocation to Additional Teams5

TABLE A1 None after 1 1 .8 0
Conditional Probabilities of Actual Bugs Light after 0 0 .2 .8
Moderate after 0 0 0 .2
None Light Medium Severe Severe after 0 0 0 0
Actual Actual Actual Actual
Heavy Allocation to Additional Teams
None observed .9 .2 .1 0 None after 1 1 1 .8
Light observed .1 .5 .2 .1 Light after 0 0 0 .2
Medium observed 0 .2 .5 .3 Moderate after 0 0 0 0
Severe observed 0 .1 .2 .6 Severe after 0 0 0 0

Strategic Marketing Planning /13

in development and the actual state of bugs after additional make a heavy allocation of additional development teams. In
allocation of developmeni teanis. These appear in Tahle A4. a similar fashion, the eon.sequences of observing any condi-
These conditional probahilities, costs, and market values tions can be propagated through the network to help indicate
reflect essentially the default conditions (i.e., the best baseline the best actions to take and the likely market consequence.
guess of what is going to happen). If the network is compiled This example can be extended by adding a later decision
(using the "Compile" button) at this point, the marginal prob- point on delaying the release date by one or more months.
abilities associated with each stale of the chance nodes and
the utilities associated with each possible action under the de-
fault conditions are revealed. The probabilities and utilities
appear in Table A5. Note that the maximum utility (8.20) is Default Probabilities and Utilities
associated with the decision not to allocate addition teams to
the development effort. Much of the value of this approach
lies in the ability to update understanding as new information
A tione Actual
becomes available. Say fair deveiopment progress is observed
,3 LigW Actual
but so is a severe bug level. This evidence can be entered eas-
.2 Medium Actual
ily into the probability table and propagated through the net-
work (using the "'Sum Propagate" button). The probabilities .1 Severe Ajrtual
and utilities appear in Table A6. Note that the maximum util-
ity is much lower {4.81) and is associated with the decision to Actual Bi^s After Allocation _
..,. ^,,, .72 NcneAftea-
1 .16 U ^ t After
I .03 MtJcJium After
t .03 Severe After
Conditional Probabilities of Bugs with Actual
Allocation of Teams
Actual Deveiopment Progress
Actual m 2 fairAclual
Actual Actual Actual Very IBI .4 Average Actual
Fair Average Good Good ^ .3 GocxJ Actual
No Bugs After Additional Allocation I .1 Very Good Actua!
Rotten 0 0 0 0
Bad .05 0 0 0 Observed Development Progress
Poor .1 .05 0 0 1^ ,31 Fair Observed
Fair .7 .1 .05 0
Average .1 .7 .1 m .34 Average Observed
Good .05 .1 .7 .2 • .27 Good Observed
Very good 0 .05 .15 .7 I .08 Very Gcod Observed

^dditior lal Allocation

Rotten .05 0 0 0
Bad .1 0 0 0 ,44 No Observed
Poor .7 .05 .05 0 ,24 (Jghl Observed
Fair .1 .1 .1 .05 AB Medium Observed
Average .05 .7 .7 .15
.13 Severe Obsen/ed
Good 0 .1 .15 .7
Very good 0 .05 0 .1
State of Release 1.0
ter Additional Allocation J0\ Rotten
Rotten .15 .05 0 0
.04 Bad
Bad .7 .1 .05 0
Poor .1 .7 .1 .05 09 Poor
Fair .05 .1 .7 .1 .18 Fair
Average 0 .05 .1 .7 .34 Average
Good 0 0 .5 .15
.23 Good
Very good 0 0 0 0
.10 Very Good
Additional Allocation
Rotten .9 .15 .05 0 of Allocattori
Bad .1 .7 .1 .05
a.2O No Allocation
Poor 0 .1 .7 .1
Fair 0 .05 .1 .7 7.29 Little Aliocalion
Average 0 0 .05 .1 7.04 Moderate Allocation
Good 0 0 0 .05 6.26 Heavy Aliocalion
Very good 0 0 0 0

14 / Journal of Marketing, January 2000

The Project Action Web site ( dis-
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in this Appendix. Amii, Raphael and Paul J.H. Schoemaker{ 1993). "Strategic Assets
and Organizational Rent." Strategic Management Journal. 14
(1). 33-46,
Arthur. W. Brian (1988). "Self-Rein forcing Mechanisms in Eco-
nomics," in The Economy as an Evolving Complex System, SFI
TABLE A6 Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Philip W, Anderson.
Probabilities and Utilities Assuming Fair Kenneth J, Arrow, and David Pines, eds. Reading. MA: Addi-
Observed Progress and Severe Observed Bugs son-Wesley Publishing Company, 9-31,
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sis," Operations Research, 41 (May-June), 435-49.
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.23 light Actua! Modeling," Ctiance. 7(1). 50-57.
.31 Medium Actua! Beatty, Sally (1998). "P&G. Rivals and Agencies Begin Attempt to
.46 Severe Actual
Set On-Line Standards." The Walt Slreel Journat. (August 24),
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[Actual Bugs After Attocatioft 73 (January/February). 44—53.
i^^ ,39 None After Christensen. Clayton M. (1997), The Innovator's Dilemma: When
New Technotogies Cause Great Firms to Fait. Boston, MA:
llB -^ Light After
Harvard Business School Press.
•^ ,21 Medium After
Coase, Ronald H. (1937). 'The Nature of the Firm." Economeirica,
81 .14 Severe After 4 (4), 386-405.
Courtney, Hugh, Jane Kirkland, and Pairick Viguerie (1997),
I Actual Development Progress "Strategy Under Uncertainty," Harvard Business Review, 75
(November/Decennber). 67-79,
.52 Fair Actual
Cusumano, Michael A,. Yiorgos Mylonadis, and Richard S. Rosen-
.39 Average Actual bloom (1992), "Strategic Maneuvermg and Mass-Market Dy-
I .10 Good Actual namics: The Triumph of VHS over Beta." Business History Re-
: — Very Good Actual view. 66 (Spring), 5 1-94,
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