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1.when do scottish people celebrate the burning clavie ?

, january 11

2. What's the burning of the clavie all about ? a fire festival unique to Burghead, which greets the
New Year. The significance of the 11th January dates back to the 1750's

3.when is pancake day happen in england ?

Shrove tuesday on february

4.what do people do on pancake day ? Everyone goes down to the road, next to the beach where
they skip. Yep, they jump over long ropes up to 15 people to one rope well.And they have pancake
races. This is quite common in the UK, running with a frying pan and tossing a pancake at the same

5.describe how the cheese rolling competition was carried out ? round cheeses in round boxes,
percent rolling down a hill and people run after them and try and catch them. The hill is very steep,
so people often fall over. If you take part in this, you need to be very fit and wear your oldest cheese

6.where does the snail championship took place ? Norfolk

7.what will you get if you win the snail championship ? the winner gets a lot of lettuce

8.Where does the black pudding championship took place ? Lancashire

9.describe what is the world gurning championship is ? The World Gurning Championship is a
competition to pull the ugliest face. It sounds ridiculous, but this is an ancient British tradition and
the crab fair itself dates back to 1267. The man who won the title of Best Garner the most in recent
years, had all his teeth taken out so he could make terrible faces more easily. the gurning championship a ancient tradition or a modern compatition ? Tradition

11.the burning the clock festival happens ? 21 december

12.notting hill carnival is located in ? London

13.the burning of the clavie happens in ? Skotlandia old is the up hilly a festival ? 130 years

15.where is the location of the special pancake bell that will be ringed at ? Scarborough

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