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Name: Agung Mangapul Beston Siagian,

Student Number: 7267873,

Date: 10 March 2021.

. Part A:
 Psychological components:
The perception of consumers is greatly affected by psychological
components. In addition, psychological components such as understanding and
the behaviour of individuals make important changes in consumers' behaviour.

 Personal factors:
personal components include target customer characteristics, client
purchasing capacities, customer purchasing capacity, customer purchasing
constraints and the consumption budget. The purchasing behaviour of customers
is shaped by all factors.

 Social components:
Social components include clients' family, client friends, client communities
and the type of customer's social interaction. Social components directly
influence clients' buying behaviour since social standards and social taste need to
be preserved when purchasing products online.

. Part B:
 Social changes (Variables)
 Variable in culture/community.
 Other environmental variables such as economic variables.

. Part C:
 Require (Need) Identification,
 Search for Information,
 Alternative for Evaluation,
 Buying (Purchase) and delivering,
 Post-purchasing activities.

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