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Quiet Success Thoughts


Searchable Database
Choice Selections
A Little Humor

Especially for Youth, Parents

Potential Missionaries, Youth Leaders

A single thought will change a lifetime.

Successful people follow successful patterns.

Work to get a string of successes behind you.

David L. Olpin
Quiet Success Thoughts e-Journal,
A 140-page Pass-Along Kiwanis Fundraiser

Isn’t it true that EVERYONE wants to be successful?

Then what is Quiet Success Thoughts and how will it benefit you?
This e-journal is a compilation personally drawn from the very best thinking of
hundreds of LDS and world influential people.

It reflects their very individual views of exacting principles of success

as lived in their own lives---
so that YOU too can realize your own “quiet successes.”

It is a data searchable reference right on your own computer---

handy to quick-find any needed subject or source.

Or you can print it into your own hard copy version. (a $25 value).

Guaranteed---the several thousand Quiet Success Thoughts herein

will definitely inspire, motivate, guide and even entertain you.

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developing youth leaders and providing many significant scholarships
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(But you and a lot of other good friends and family will miss a wealth of information)

And THANK YOU very much for your interest and support.
Dave Olpin

Quiet Success Thoughts e-Journal

1 3
Quiet Success Thoughts

David L. Olpin

1 4
Quiet Success Thoughts


 By Authors, alphabetically

 Anonymous,

 Proverbs/Scriptures

 Humor

 Index

Note: use your “Finder” for a specific word or name.

As an example try: “worthwhile,” “happiness,”
or a favorite person like Kimball.

1 5
Quiet Success Thoughts Journal
400 Authors Alphabetically

AA… Three grand essentials to happiness in this

life are something to do, something to love,
and something to hope for.
--Joseph Addison (1672-1719),
A teacher affects eternity;
English essayist
he can never tell where his influence stops.
--Henry Brooks Adams
Sweet are the slumbers of a virtuous man.
--Joseph Addison
There are obviously two educations.
One should teach us how to make a living,
We are what we repeatedly do.
and the other how to live.
Excellence, then, is not an act,
--James Truslow Adams
but a habit.
A government of laws, and not of men.
--John Adams
Can there be a law without a lawgiver?
Can there be a design without a designer?
Let us . . . cherish, therefore, the means of
Reviewing the extreme complexities of
knowledge. Let us dare to read, think,
speak, and write . . . Let every sluice of
we realize that they did not come about
knowledge be opened and set a-flowing.
as the result of chance,
--John Adams
but that they were designed and
There is danger from all men. The only
--Garner Ted Armstrong
maxim of a free government ought to be to
trust no man living with power to endanger
Without the joy that comes from doing and
the public liberty.
--John Adams
from having a creative purpose,
from working with others toward a common
T he happiness of society is the end of
he (man) is less and less satisfied with
--John Adams
having more and more.
--Magda B. Arnold
Do you have a plan? Too often we as Mormons would say, "What
Most people plan their vacations is success?" and would readily answer that
better than they plan their lives. success is
--Mary Kay Ash attaining the Celestial Kingdom.
Such a statement as this gives very little
Every single person you meet has a sign guideline
around his or her neck that says, in which to work. A better goal would be a
"Make me feel important." day-to-day evaluation of your life to see
If you can do that, how close you are attuning your life to that
you'll be a success of the Savior's. Such an approach would
not only in business affect not only your business life, but also
but in life as well. your personal life and your association with
--Mary Kay Ash, your friends and family.
Mary Kay Cosmetics --Don W. Ashworth,
State Senator, State of Nevada
T he worst mistake a boss (leader) can
make is not to say "well done."
---John Ashworth
Throughout my life I have come to a firm Improve the shining moments;
realization Don’t let them pass you by.
that success to me is contributing to my Work while the sun is radiant;
Church Work, for the night draws nigh.
and my fellow men in whatever capacity I We cannot bid the sunbeams
am able to serve. To lengthen out their stay,
My motto is: Nor can we ask the shadow
“Service to God and fellow men is the To ever stay away.
pathway to success.”
A vital part of success is the early Time flies on wings of lightning;
realization of that principle in acquiring any We cannot call it back.
genuine success. It comes, then passes forward
As most Samoans who rise to become Along its onward track.
“matais” or chiefs know, service is the only And if we are not mindful,
sure way to success. The chance will fade away,
--Tufuga S. Atoa For life is quick in passing.
Superintendent, Church Schools ‘Tis as a single day.
Western Samoa
As winter time doth follow
BB… The pleasant summer days,
So may our joys all vanish
Reading maketh a full man, And pass far from our gaze.
conference a ready man, Then should we not endeavor
and writing an exact man. Each day some point to gain,
--Francis Bacon That we may here be useful
And every wrong disdain?
Money is like muck,
not good except it be spread. Improve each shining moment.
--Francis Bacon In this you are secure,
For promptness bringeth safety
Be so true to thyself, And blessings rich and pure.
as thou be not false to others. Let prudence guide your actions;
--Francis Bacon Be honest in your heart,
And God will love and bless you
Some books are to be tasted, And help to you impart.
Others to be swallowed, --Robert B. Baird, 1855-1916
And some few to be chewed and digested.
--Francis Bacon

Knowledge is power.
--Francis Bacon

1 2
I leave this incident in the lives of my I have always said there isn’t much you can
parents leave to your children more than an
who never obtained wealth or were highly education coupled with a way of life that is
educated. meaningful to our Church and the nominal
amount of capital or a base on which the
However, when their youngest son was recipient can operate. I have seen too
married, many individuals go through a lot of money
all their ten children were present with in a hurry and the fact that they inherited
them in the temple, having been properly money did not, in any way, at least a
recommended material way, guarantee their success even
and being considered worthy to be present financially. Therefore, I have set a goal of
and to enjoy the blessings that are there having my children educated properly,
promised. giving them a good home and strong
Church affiliation for a background, and I
I know of no greater mark of achievement am leaving them with substantial capital to
and I consider my parents paramount get started.
among the successful people I have known
anywhere If there is any one axiom that I have tried
--William Grant Bangerter, to live up to in trying to become successful
First Quorum of the Seventy in business, it is the fact that I have tried to
surround myself with associates that know
The secret of happiness more about business than I do. This policy
is not in doing what one likes to do, has always been very successful and is still
but in liking what one has to do. working for me.
--Sir James M. Barrie --Monte L. Bean
Founder of a number of chain stores
When a load of bricks,
dumped on a corner lot, Developing Success Habits
can arrange themselves into a house;  Always keep your promises.
when a handful of springs and screws and  Always be on time.
wheels,  Never forsake right to follow the line of
emptied onto a desk, least resistance.
can gather themselves into a watch,  It is far better to do things the right
then and not until then will it seem way than the easy way.
sensible,  It is smart to be honest; stupid to be
to some of us at least, dishonest.
to believe that all these thousands or --T. H. Bell,
millions of worlds could have been created, Former U.S. Superintendent of
balanced and set to revolving in their schools
separate orbits,
all without any directing intelligence at all. We become what we think about.
--Bruce Barton We are what we do.
We do what we choose.
It takes a strong constitution But choosing takes courage.
to withstand repeated attacks of prosperity. And this is the true joy in life and in work!
--J. L. Basford --Arthur Benjamin

I have felt for a long time that a successful G ood management means delegating
man should have just a few solid ideas or authority...
things to achieve in his life. Effective management is the art
of multiplying yourself through others.

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The jobs to delegate are the ones you do so as to feel the guiding hand of God in so
best. doing."
--Ezra Taft Benson I have also long enjoyed Kipling’s
definition of success
W hen obedience ceases to be an irritant as set forth in his poem "If"
and becomes our quest, and have felt the ending
in that moment God will endow us with "you’ll be a man, my son"
power. should be added the words,
--Ezra Taft Benson "and a good Latter-day Saint."
--William E. Berrett
If we hope to live,
Not just moment to moment, He has not acquired a fortune,
But in true consciousness of our existence, the fortune has acquired him.
Then our greatest need --Bion
And most difficult achievement
Is to find meaning in our lives. Learning is not a spectator sport.
--Bruno Bettelheim --Donald Blocher

Stake President Lewis Billings related an Volunteers are the only beings
incident where our Stake Patriarch Foster who reflect this nation’s compassion,
was giving a patriarchal blessing to a young unselfish, caring, patience and
man. just plain loving one another
When he finished the young man turned to --Erma Bombeck
shake the patriarch’s hand, brother Foster
asked the youth if he knew a certain Have the ability to make and keep friends.
person. --Louise Borneman
The youth said, “Yes! He was my
grandfather.” The Aims of Boy Scouts of America:
Brother Foster said, “That man was to develop in youth (1) a strong ethical
standing beside me telling me what I character, (2) an active, participating
should include in your blessing." citizenship including leadership ability, and
(3) personal fitness: physical, mental,
I have always liked the Prophet Joseph emotional and moral.
Smith’s definition which summarized,
is that “success is finding eternal Success means applying these basics:
happiness.” ...trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly,
courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty,
To quote Joseph Smith: brave, clean, and reverent
"Happiness is the object and design of our -- long after scouting.
and will be the end thereof, Becoming number one is easier
if we pursue the path that leads to it, than remaining number one.
and this path is virtue, --Bill Bradley
faithfulness, holiness, and keeping all the In order to get, give:
commandments of God." "Give to the world the best you have
and the best will come back to you."
For another definition, I would say, --Madeline Bridges
"For a Mormon, success is finding joy
in giving service Success is...
and have developed the principle of ". . . to come to a knowledge that the
revelation purpose of life
1 4
is not mere existence, For another person, it may mean struggling
or pleasure, bravely
or fame, against the effects of an incurable,
or wealth, debilitating physical ailment, never tasting
but the perfection of humanity the joys of “ideal“ family life,
through individual achievement important church responsibilities,
under the guidance of God’s inspiration.” and other indications of success,
--Fifth Objective but always providing an example to others
Brigham Young University of complete trust and faith in Heavenly
Some years ago, I was asked by a person --Larry H. Brim
if I expected to become a great man. Mission President
I think that is similar to the question
do you expect to become a successful man? My ideas of success, I believe, fit in among
I gave a great deal of thought to that many people’s ideas.
and came to the conclusion that my Most success oriented people are those who
definition of greatness, or success, is: really want something or have a firm
conviction of its truthfulness.
To learn in every situation in life what my These people give their all in trying to be
Heavenly Father’s will is concerning me successful
personally and to do his will to the full and they can usually say they are satisfied
extent of my ability. with themselves and their successes.

I believe that the Savior is our great Success isn’t necessarily the giant,
example in this process. monumental occurrences, which of course it
He came to this earth with a foreordained can include, but success can be gained in
mission. the small everyday things like reading
Upon this earth He had to learn line upon scriptures daily, or making a new friend.
line and precept upon precept exactly what Little things make success, too.
His mission was and perform it with
perfection. As for me, any amount of success I may
I believe that each of us, similarly, has a have gained has been through considerable
foreordained mission here upon this earth. amount of help from others who have loved
And that is our responsibility to learn what me or cared about me enough to help me
that mission is line upon line and precept succeed.
upon precept and carry it out following the
example of the Savior. Sweet success makes every bit of struggle
One who accomplishes that is truly great in worthwhile.
my opinion --Curt Brinkman
and truly successful. Boston Wheelchair Marathon Winner

It will be noted that this definition is For Mormon mothers, I believe success will
completely independent of the person’s be measured by the accomplishments of
circumstances. her family:
For one person, success and greatness in Has she helped her husband to feel
life may include the things that are rewarded in his daily work?
generally associated with success: wealth, Has she allowed him the honor of leading
a wonderful family, performance of great his family?
and important responsibility in the building Has she worked with her husband to keep
of the Lord’s Kingdom, etc. God's commandments?

1 5
Has she helped her children to feel If poverty is the mother of crime, stupidity
worthwhile? is its father
Has she taught her children to be --Jean de La Bruyere
responsible, respectful, and grateful?
Has she helped them to develop their skills Success may come later than expected---
and talents? Pearl Buck said she learned more between
Has she shown them love for all people? the ages of seventy and eighty than any
Do her children seek guidance in their daily other time in her life.
affairs from our Heavenly Father?
If her family honors God and Country, The human mind does record everything
and has pride in its accomplishments, that has happened from birth to death.
I think this mother is successful. One billion seconds ago was Pearl Harbor.
--Florence T. Britsch One billion minutes ago Christ was on the
A Utah Mother of the Year earth.
One billion hours ago man didn’t exist.
Success to me is having my loved ones One billion dollars ago in government was
all remain close to God and be worthy of only yesterday.
the constant companionship of the Holy --Billy Burden
Seven Rules
Success is to have the love and respect of For Remembering Names and Faces
my family and friends.
Success is to have sons and daughters who  Get the name correctly.
are praised of men and acceptable to God.  Repeat the name out loud.
 Form a mental image of something
Success is knowledge accompanied by true suggested by the name.
humility.  Observe an outstanding feature of
--Donna Olpin Brock person's face.
A Utah Mother of the Year  Form a mental picture of the
outstanding feature of the face.
 Connect the mental picture of the name
Money doesn’t always bring happiness. and face together.
People with ten million dollars are not  Lock name/face/ together in a cadence.
happier than those with nine million dollars. --Billy Burden
--Hobart Brown
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil
W e are not endeavoring to get ahead of is that good men do nothing.
others, --Edmund Burke
but to surpass ourselves.
--Hugh B. Brown Make no little plans.
There is nothing in little plans to stir men’s
Never underestimate your power to change blood.
yourself. Make big plans.
Never overestimate your power to change Once a big idea is recorded,
others. it can never die.
-- H. Jackson Brown. Jr. --Daniel Burnham

Success is getting what you want. Time does not become sacred to us until
Happiness is liking what you get. we have lived it.
--Jackson Brown --John Burroughs

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Listen up! Nothing turns a man's ear more pleasingly
Smarten up! than the sound of his own name.
Stand tall! --Dale Carnegie
--H. David Burton
T he successful man will profit from his
Having a big heart has nothing to do with mistakes
how big your bank account is. Everyone and try again in a different way.
has something to give. -- Dale Carnegie
--Barbara Bush
L ife is the art of drawing sufficient Throwing an interception that loses a Super
conclusions from insufficient premises. Bowl
--Samuel Butler and being able to walk off the field with
your head high
BYU Women’s Conference Theme: because you understand its importance
Patience and Perseverance with respect to Eternal Life.
--Virgil Carter
CC…. Former B.Y.U. Quarterback

Freedom is nothing else The nice thing about teamwork is that you
but a chance to be better. always have others on your side.
--Albert Camus ––Margaret Carty

The man without a purpose is like a ship He is invited to do great things

without a rudder – a waif, a nothing, a no who receives small things greatly.
man. Have a purpose in life, and having it, --Flavius Magnus Aurelius
throw such strength of mind and muscle Cassiodorus
into your work as God has given you
--Thomas Carlyle Grasp the subject. The words will follow.
--Marcus Porcius Cato
Our main business is not to see what lies
dimly at a distance, Tell me thy company
but to do what lies clearly at hand and I’ll tell thee what thou art.
--Thomas Carlyle --Miguel de Cervantes

The history of the world T here are people who have money and
is but the biography of great men. those who are rich.
--Thomas Carlyle --Coco Chanel

The deepest urge in human nature is the It is chiefly through books that we enjoy
desire to be important. intercourse with superior minds. . . God be
--Dale Carnegie thanked for books. They are the voices of
the distant and the dead, and make us
T he great aim of education is not heirs of the spiritual life of past ages.
knowledge, Books are true levelers. They give to all,
but action. who will faithfully use them, the society,
--Dale Carnegie the spiritual presence, the best and
greatest of our race.
Everyone has a need --William E. Channing
for frequent honest praise.
--Dale Carnegie

1 7
For Mormons, than to succeed in a cause which will
success is living up to the covenants and ultimately fail.
I have already made. T he inherent vice of capitalism is the
unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent
Their truth is known virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of
so I must obey to have happiness and miseries.
success. --Sir Winston Churchill

Through disobedience Pessimism is the cleverness of the weak.

I will find failure and unhappiness. --Winston Churchill
--Paul R. Cheesman
Associate Professor, To every man there comes in his lifetime
Ancient Scripture, B.Y.U. that special moment when he is figuratively
tapped on the shoulder and offered the
Success is simple: chance to do a special thing, unique to him
“Come, follow me.” and fitted to his talent; what a tragedy if
--Jesus Christ that moment finds him unprepared or
unqualified for the work which would be his
W inston Churchill’s consideration of finest hour.”
success: –-Winston Churchill
Never! Many people fail
Never! because they conclude that fundamentals
Never give up! do not apply in their case.
--M. L. Cichon
We make a living by what we get.
We make a life by what we give. A Few Thoughts for Consideration:
--Winston Churchill. --The measure of pleasure is not leisure.
The measure of pleasure is
It is a good thing for an uneducated man to accomplishment.
read books of quotations.
Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations --There are many things that parade for
is an admirable work, and I Studied it success in the world, but true success will
intently. contain a blend of at least the following six
The quotations when engraved upon the essentials:
memory give you good thoughts.
They also make you anxious to read the 1. Peace of mind comes from knowing that
authors and look for more. you have been true to the most important
--Winston Churchill of your ideals and have given your best
effort in the most significant of your goals.
Socialism is a philosophy of failure,
the creed of ignorance 2. Anxiety of mind that comes from
and the gospel of envy. knowing that however much you may have
Its inherent virtue is accomplished, or however decent you may
the equal sharing of misery. have been,
--Winston Churchill there is still much more to be done
and much improvement to be made.
Churchill is quoted as saying:
I would rather fail in a cause which will 3. A career that brings not only income
ultimately succeed sufficient for family needs,

1 8
but also joy and fulfillment in the work then existed, but for posterity---unlimited,
itself. undefined, endless, perpetual posterity.
--Henry Clay
4. Ability to separate the trivial from the
significant Blest hour!
and give each its proper attention. it was a luxury ---
to be!
5. Integrity of personality and character --Samuel T. Coleridge
such that respect is highest from those who
know you best. In the moment that you carry this
conviction ...
6. Harmony with those you love. in that moment your dreams will become
--Bruce B. Clark, B. Y. U. reality.
Dean of College of Humanities -- Robert Collier

An elderly professor of mine, When you fall,

Professor Harold R. Clark, LEAP TO YOUR FEET
was once asked how long he had lived in and try again.
Provo. --Nadia Comaneci
To which he responded,
“Well, all I know is that Mount Timpanogos To understand yourself
was here is the key to wisdom
and the Salt Lake was filling. “ --Confucius

You don’t want money. Press On:

You don’t want money! Nothing in the world can take the place of
You don’t want money!! persistence.
You want INCOME. Talent will not;
--Harold R. Clark, nothing is more common than unsuccessful
BYU Professor, Money and Banking men with talent.
Genius will not;
I never read anything not worth unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
remembering. Education will not;
--J. Reuben Clark the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone
Obedience to the laws of Christ is liberty. are omnipotent.
--J. Reuben Clark --Calvin Coolidge

It’s not Every day

where you serve, in every way
but how. I’m getting better and better.
--J. Reuben Clark --Emile Coue

Government is a trust, The great gift we have is life.

And the officers of the government are The second greatest gift
trustees; is the ability to perfect that life.
And both the trust and the trustees are This is the last life we have.
created for the benefit of the people. --Steven R. Covey

The Constitution of the United States was

made not merely for the generation that

1 9
Seven Habits Brian Montgomery, who would be singing
of Highly Effective People the role of Rigoletto.
Be Pro-active Following the first act, the manager
Take initiative and be responsible. of the theater made his way t our little
group chatting in the foyer. Looking at my
Begin With The End In Mind. nametag he asked if I were the “Herr
Start any endeavor-- a meeting--a day at President” of the Mormon Church.
the office, your adult life--with a Bemused at my sudden elevation, I
mental image of an outcome affirmed that I was indeed the Herr
conforming to values you cherish. President of the Mormon Church’s Swiss
Put First Things First. He explained that Herr Montgomery
Discipline yourself to subordinate feelings, had requested our services and then asked
impulses and moods to your values. with some urgency that I accompany him,
which I did, taking my assistants, Elders
Think win/win. Steven McGhie and Scott Smith, with me.
As we made our way backstage to the
Seek To Understand, women’s dressing room, he explained that
Then To Be Understood. Miss Marina Jajic, the soprano playing the
Listen with intent to empathize, role of Gilda, had become seriously ill and
not with intent to reply. would be unable to continue her
performance. He had been about to call
Synergize the house physician but was prevented by
Create wholes “Herr Montgomery, of your faith,” he
that are greater than the sum of its parts. explained, “who insists that the President of
the Mormon Church say a prayer over Miss
Sharpen The Saw Jajic and make her well—so if you would be
Take time to cultivate the four essential so kind….”
dimensions of our character: Suddenly apprehensive, we followed
physical, mental, social/emotional, and him into a corner of the dressing room
spiritual. where Miss Jajic—an attractive, heavily
--Steven R. Covey made-up, and deathly pale young
woman—sat slumped in a corner chair
Success, it seems to me, is finally realizing looking like a Gilda who had already fallen
(and implementing this realization) that victim to the assassin’s dagger. I
great Christian paradox, “If one would find introduced ourselves to her and learned
his life, he must lose it,” lose it in service to from her labored and whispered responses
others and thereby find all that is sweet in broken German that she was from
internal harmony, that peace which Yugoslavia, spoke little German but more
surpasses all understanding. This it seems English, believed in Jesus Christ, and yes,
is all there is to life; this selflessness is the she knew he could heal her. She slumped
memory-making, eternal-life-making back against the chair, and Elder McGhie
quality of mortality; this is success. anointed her head with oil from a key-chain
--Richard H. Cracroft, vial. It was a scenario at once strange yet
Stake President familiar. Here, in a woman’s dressing room
in a Swiss opera house, an American LDS
An Evening at the Luzern Opera mission president from Provo, together with
two Mormon elders from Alpine, Utah, and
The office staff of the Switzerland Bettendorf, Iowa, were unexpectedly
Zurich Mission had taken the evening off to retracing the Lord’s pattern of the laying on
enjoy a performance of Verdi’s Rigoletto. of hands to administer to the sick in behalf
We were the guests of the LDS baritone of a deathly ill Roman Catholic soprano
1 10
from Yugoslavia who desperately needed to through his Son, Jesus Christ, whose
be made well on this important evening of representatives we are. And you will desire
her musical career. to learn about Christ’s purposes for you in
We laid on hands, anointed, and then mortality and will seek out his Church,
sealed the anointing according to the which as been restored to earth for the
ancient pattern, which I had traced several purpose of blessing you and all mankind.”
hundred times before. I had come to know I concluded the administration. Then
my gift and what I might expect. I brought someone turned the switch and the
to that moment a confidence in a long- hubbub, which apparently had never
established pattern of blessing the Saints. stopped, flowed about us once again.
As I began the sealing portion of the Marina did not take up her bed and walk.
ordinance, I was unsettled by the Instead, she mumbled her thanks, her eyes
distracting hubbub of the busy dressing still partially closed, her face pallid. As we
room, for I feared that the Spirit would not turned away, the hand-wringing manager
come with the power I had been pleading asked if I would be offended if he allowed
for in the last few minutes. Suddenly the house doctor to treat her. “No, of
someone turned off the hubbub switch, and course not,” I replied but to myself I
I felt, moving through my hands and up my thought still in tune with the Spirit and
arms, a tingling faith flowing from this confident in the well-tried pattern, “She
woman. Simultaneously I felt the old, won’t need him; she’s going to
familiar “Go”: the thrill up the spine, the recover—now.”
electric flash across the forehead, the chill Then, like Peter, my stroll across the
across my shoulder blades—signs I had water was threatened by the storms of
known well and often. I knew my role; I reality, and my spirit collided with my soul.
stepped back and let the Spirit take I nearly staggered with the realization of
command. From some recess in my soul what I—or somebody—had just promised.
the words welled up to give utterance and And the raised eyebrows of my two
translation into English of those clear but assistants said, “President, you just
ineffable impressions affirmed by the Holy promised this woman that she will sing act
Ghost in behalf of this lovely, talented and 2. What have you done?”
deathly ill woman, who looked like one who As we left the dressing room, I said
ought to be on the way to the hospital and to them, “Elders, I said only what the Lord
not into the rigors of act 2. Then I heard told me to say; let’s pray he’ll make it
myself say, “It is the will of God, Marina, happen.”
that you be healed, at once! Be healed!” We made our way back to our seats,
And then: “You will begin to regain strength reassured the others in our party, and
immediately; you will experience an requested their faith—right now—on Miss
amazing recovery; and you will not only Jajic’s behalf. I began to pray—hard,
continue your performance this evening, intensely, and invoking the
but you will sing and act magnificently.” priesthood—that the Lord would honor at
Then, the words of healing pronounced, I once the very specific promises I had made
suddenly saw on my internal video the in his name and by his promptings. In a
implications of this evening; I saw that all few minutes the manager appeared on
that had happened, including our presence stage to explain the delay by announcing
at that theater on that night, was also part that Miss Jajic had been taken seriously ill
of the Awake and Arise Pattern that, and that he had sent for her second; he
unbeknown to Marina, she was even now requested our patience. I prayed harder,
beginning to trace. The mission president my weak faith warring with my confidence
reassured himself, and I editorialized: “As in the Lord’s proven gift.
you reflect later on the miracle of this After an interminable five-minute
evening, you will understand that this wait, the manager reappeared. “I am
blessing comes by way of the power of God pleased to announce,” he beamed, “that
1 11
Miss Jajic has recovered and will be able to I leave this rule for others when I’m dead,
continue in her role as Gilda.” The curtain Be always sure you’re right ---
went up, and Marina swirled onto the stage then go ahead.
as the vivacious Gilda and sang her way --David Crockett
into our hearts. I sat all amazed and
thanked the Lord for his gracious Purposeful practice.
intervention. As we applauded her --Gary Crowton
performance, I was cheering our Father for BYU Head Football Coach
his class act in stretching his welcome
finger into our little scenario and repeating To me success would be to be able to do
his patterns. For her part, Marina your very best in everything you do.
performed marvelously, as did our Mormon --Paul Cummings
baritone, but I thought she looked a trifle NCAA Champion World Class
too convincing in her death scene. We Middle Distance Runner
learned later that she went home to bed
and collapsed for several days. DD…
The encore to that evening was just
another everyday miracle of just another Intellectual passion drives out sensuality.
child of God tracing the Awake and Arise --Leonardo da Vinci
Pattern. Marina, soon recovered and very
much aware of the miracle that had T he only possession we have is self-
occurred, began to ask Brother possession.
Montgomery during rehearsals exactly what Unhappy is the man who only reacts to
had happened that Monday evening. others.
Unwilling at first to attend church, Marina He is the servant of their whims toward
agreed to accompany the Montgomery’s to him.
a ward dinner at the Luzern chapel. You will never have a greater or lesser
Impressed by the Latter-day Saints’ dominion
welcome and by the Montgomerys’ deep than over yourself...
faith, she continued to ask questions during The height of a man's success is gauged by
rehearsals, when there was little time for his self-mastery.
him to respond. So the next week Brian The depth of his failure by his self-
and Jenny invited Marina to dinner, he abandonment...
promised, “We we’ll answer all of your and this law is the expression of eternal
questions about Mormonism.” That Friday justice.
at dinner time, two sister missionaries “just He who cannot establish dominion over
happened by” and were persuaded to stay himself
for dinner and teach Marina the gospel. In will have no dominion over others.
June 1988, two months after that very --Leonardo da Vinci
special night at the opera, Marina Jajic
awoke and arose to membership in the T he times young people have the most
Church of Jesus Christ. difficulties
--Richard H. Cracroft are when they move away from the Church.
--Bishop Allan L. Davis

Attitude is the most important thing in our

Our lives are 10% what happens to us and
90% what we do with what life gives us.
Your attitude is an advertisement of your
--Rulon G. Craven
1 12
With a great price our ancestors obtained HOW TO BECOME A SUCCESS
this freedom, but we were born free . . . a la de Jong
But that freedom can be retained only by
the eternal vigilance which has always been As an administrator in post-high school
its price. education for over sixty years, I talked to
--Elmer Davis numerous students on how to be a success.
Nearly all of them expected me to tell them
The really frightening thing about middle what sort of job paid best.
age is the knowledge that you'll grow out of But that is facing the problem from the
it. wrong end.
--Doris Day My advice to all was essentially this:

The play goes on and you may contribute  Find out what talent God, or Nature to
your verse. some, has given you. Would you be
What will your verse be? happy if you worked mainly in that
We must look at things in a different way. field? If you would, take the second
Dare to strike out. step toward success.
Carpe diem.
--“The Dead Poet’s Society” Movie  Get the best kind of professional
training available to develop your
N othing comes without a price. Nothing natural God-given talent.
great will ever be achieved without great Stay with it! Don’t give up!
men, and men are great only if they are
determined to be so.  Now go ahead and put your trained
--Charles de Gaulle talent to work.
Don’t just talk about it---do it!
Success or failure is caused more by mental Produce! Don’t worry about pay.
attitudes than by mental capacities. Good money always pays for expertise.
As Latter-day Saints we know that we all --Gerrit de Jong, Jr.
have many God-given abilities, Former Dean of College
but that it is up to us to develop them of Fine Arts, B.Y.U.
with a positive mental attitude (PMA)
in order that we may have success. The Ten Commandments
We also know that at all times the We are too inclined to think of law
Lord is at our side and wants each and as something merely restrictive --
every one of us to develop to our highest something hemming us in.
potential. We sometimes think of law
as the opposite of liberty.
As a Latter-day Saint convert, But this is a false conception. . . .
I soon came to the realization that success God does not contradict Himself.
is not only measured He did not create man and then,
in salary, as an afterthought,
security impose upon him a set of arbitrary,
and satisfaction (3s) irritating restrictive rules.
but also in He made man free --
Service, and then gave him commandments
Sacrifice to keep him free. . . .
and Salvation (3S). We cannot break the Ten Commandments.
--Jacob de Jager We can only break ourselves against them -
First Quorum of the Seventy - or else,
by keeping them,
rise through them
1 13
to the fullness of freedom under God. The wisest man
God means us to be free. is he who does not fancy that he is so at
With divine daring, all.
He gave us the power of choice. --Nicolas Boileau-Despreaux
--Cecil B. DeMille
Criticism is easy,
Some of the most dreadful mischiefs that art is difficult.
afflict mankind --Phillippe Destouches
proceed from wine (and strong drink).
It is the cause of disease, Success:
quarrels, We try and try and try and try and try
sedition, and then we get it right.
idleness, --Walt Disney
aversion to labor, All our dreams can come true
and every species of domestic disorder. if we have the courage to pursue them.
--Francois de Salnac --Walt Disney
de la Mothe Fenelon
The Success Secrets of Walt Disney
Great thoughts come from the heart. Think tomorrow.
--Marquis de Vauvenargues He always looked forward to what he
wanted to accomplish next.
L azy people are always looking for What matters is what we can accomplish
something to do. tomorrow,
--Marquis de Vauvenargues not what we’ve done today.
Build a yesterday.
It is not enough to have a good mind. Focus your efforts on tomorrow.
The main thing is to use it well. That’s how to make your dream come true.
--Rene Descartes Free your imagination.
Disney was a visionary.
I think, therefore I am. Most of us can do better than we think.
--Rene Descartes We limit ourselves.
Disney shattered these mental restrictions.
The Lord’s Plan for Success If you free your mind and let your
imagination run wild,
The Lord gives us a plan to follow. there’s no limit to what you can do,
It is outlined in His commandments. where you can go, or what you can
And all these commandments accomplish.
are designed to build stability within us. Strive for lasting quality.
We are not to excuse our failures and The real secret of his success
weaknesses. was his fanatical commitment to
We are not to say we are made the way we excellence.
are, He continually reached for that intangible
and thereby justify our sins. quality called perfection.
The Lord expects us to rise above our There are no new ideas.
weakness, You just take a good one and improve on it.
become strong There are no shortcuts to quality. But
and pattern ourselves after Him. whatever it takes to achieve lasting quality
--The Deseret News, must be done because good enough never
Church Section 1952 is.
Have stick-to-itivity...Disneyese for
fortitude, tenacity and hanging in there
until the job is done.
1 14
Dreams don’t just happen because you advancing the welfare and happiness of his
want them to. fellow man.
Stick to it until you turn your dreams into In the second part of the Prophet’s
reality. statement, "to cultivate the mind,"
Talent isn’t enough. I believe he meant that a man should be
Success comes only when talent is continually improving his mind and growing
combined with tenacity. in intelligence and knowledge throughout
--Pat Williams, Bottom Line his life.
The third and last part of the Prophet's
The secret of success concise statement, "to glorify God,"
is constancy of purpose. represents, I believe, what should be the
--Benjamin Disraeli ultimate purpose in every man’s life and
A few observations on what I feel success Since I have quoted President Woodrow
should mean to a member of the Church of Wilson and the Prophet Joseph Smith, I will
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: also quote from another great man, my
own father, Don C. Driggs. In 1929 when
To begin with, I will quote a comment Father and my brothers and I first
made by a great American organized our company, Western Savings
which I feel is relevant to this subject. and Loan Association, Father gave this
In President Woodrow Wilson’s book simple advice to us. Here are his words,
entitled "Now, boys, as we commence to build this
When A Man Comes To Himself, he makes family business enterprise, there are three
this statement: things I want you to always
"A man comes to himself when he has remember—work hard, be honest and don’t
satisfied his heart with the highest learn any tricks."
achievement he is fit for.” I believe the
measure of success of a member of the We decided to adopt this three-point
Church should be when he feels in his heart philosophy as the unwritten constitution for
that he is living his life to the best of his our business.
ability in full compliance with all the Commencing with a paid-in capital of
principles of the Gospel, and when he has $5,000 in 1929, the company has grown in
attained a level of accomplishment and assets in forty-seven years to more than a
achievement in his life’s work, his business billion dollars.
or profession that represent a full measure We attribute a large measure of this
of his highest potential and hopes. success to the fact that we have
endeavored to remain close to the Church,
Here is another quotation from an to honor our priesthood, and to follow the
individual whom I consider the most three-point admonitions given to us by our
successful man America has ever produced. esteemed father.
The Prophet Joseph Smith once said, --Douglas H. Driggs
"Man was created to dress the earth, to Chairman Western Savings and Loan
cultivate the mind and to glorify God."
This succinct statement by the great Seer
of the Latter Days really tells the whole
story in those twelve words.
I believe when the Prophet said, "to dress
the earth,"
he meant that a man should direct his full
energies, his faculties and his intelligence
toward making a better world and in

1 15
Executive ability seems to have little An unsuccessful parent is somebody who
correlation with intelligence, imagination or sees or acts as though he sees other things
brilliance. as being more important than his family
The good executive, and is constantly chasing after other things
(1) practices conservation of time at the expense of his family.
(2) has his eye fixed on new developments
(3) builds on the strengths of his Therefore, I would say that the successful
colleagues, parent
(4) starves the problems and feeds the is the one who has as his highest priority
opportunities his family
--Peter Drucker and does all that he can to make life
pleasant for them
He (Shakespeare) was the man who of all and teaches them those gentle things that
modern, and perhaps ancient poets, had cause them
the largest and most comprehensive soul. to Love the Lord.
--John Dryden --George Durrant

Happy the man, and happy he alone, He If you read the Book of Mormon,
who can call today his own; He who, secure you'll be happy.
within, can say, Tomorrow, do thy worst, --George Durrant
for I have lived today.
--John Dryden If you're not good at home,
you're not good.
To me, success is not what it seems to be, --George Durrant
judged by most contemporary standards.
Rather, it is seeking for and achieving the I was the greatest average missionary in all
companionship of the Holy Spirit to the end of England.
that one serves any of his fellow men in a --George Durrant.
more effective way as he moves along
through this life, meantime, maintaining his Before we die,
own integrity and peace of mind. we need to gather up our heritage
Beyond this, I believe for most Mormons, and offer it to our children.
success is achieving “exaltation” through --Will Durrant
such service in the Celestial Kingdom.
However, I also feel that very few Mormons I have always regarded the subject of real
give deep consideration and thought to success in life as vital.
what the nature and character of the
“exaltation” really is. Real success in life, regardless of how
The answer, for the present, at least, is accomplished in other ways is not truly
probably best found in the life of Christ as effectual unless one has hearkened to the
portrayed in the scriptures. voice of the Spirit.
--G. Homer Durham
First Quorum of the Seventy For the word of the Lord is truth and
whatsoever is truth is light, and whatsoever
The art of Leadership is light is Spirit, even the Spirit of Jesus
Develop a vision Christ.
Create a plan
Implement the plan And the Spirit giveth light to every man
Build a legacy that cometh into the world, and the Spirit
--Max Dupree enlighteneth every man through the world,
that hearkeneth to the voice of the Spirit.
--Doctrine and Covenants 84:45-46
1 16
I have often quoted Elbert Hubbard in the My Winning Game Plan
American Bible as how I feel. Says he:
I Play To WIN
A man is not educated (or successful) in life
until he is able to do at least one useful
Coach LaVell Edwards
thing well A man is not successful in life
(5th winningest active NCAA Football
until he is absolutely free of prejudice and
does not lean on carnal things for
This is YOUR most important game:
accomplishment and has universal
sympathy for mankind YOUR LIFE!
--Alvin R. Dyer, Preparation:
Council of the Twelve Coach Vince Lombardi said, “Know
your Competition.”
Prepare. Be ready for what you are
EE…. not ready for.
Decide ONCE, in advance,
There's only one thing to do--- what you will do under difficult
the right thing. conditions.
--Clint Eastwood, movie line.
You Lose When You....
 Don’t think!
Sticking to it is the genius.  Just let things happen
Any other bright-minded fellow  Don’t think ahead or prepare in
can accomplish just as much...
if he will stick like hell  View junk movies and junk videos.
and make the damn thing work.  Date before 16.
--Thomas A. Edison
 Listen to unworthwhile music.
 Do drugs, are dishonest, or disregard
Because we have failed, standards.
even a number of times,
 Let studies slide.
doesn't mean we are failures.  Use offensive language.
Edison failed 14,000 times before  Just go along with peer pressure.
he invented the electric light.  Don’t choose good friends.
What if he had given up
What happens if you lose....
just one short of that number?  There is NO greater grief or sorrow for
Failure is more often the learning yourself or your family.
 You could end up as an unhappy youth
raising babies.
I never did a day's work in my life---  You could be among the 90% of high
it was all fun.
school marriages that fail.
--Thomas A. Edison  You could give up and miss vital
education and preparation advantages
Show me a thoroughly satisfied man FOR LIFE.
and I will show you a failure.
 You WILL have a much greater difficulty
--Thomas A. Edison achieving your full potential.
 Deadly AIDS is becoming a very high
The competition looks for your
weaknesses and gets you when your
resistance is low.
 When it’s...too Late at night.
 When you’re...too much alone (as a

1 17
 When you’re...too Tired. This would apply to all facets of our life.
Stay far away from situations that you --R. LaVell Edwards
know may not be good for you. B.Y.U. Head Football Coach
“Remove yourself from those
conditions which may overcome your LaVell Edward’s Five Steps to Success
ability to resist. • Set a goal and make a plan
Be in the world, but not of the • Prepare well
world.” • Organize your time
--President Kimball • Stay focused.
So what do you do? • Never give up and you’ll always be a
Discipline and strengthen yourself. winner
Develop correct habits. Practice!!!
You Win When You.... (And it’s so "One of the best things you can say about
simple!) LaVell Edwards is that he was a better
 Study your game plan books. father than he was a coach."
(Scriptures) --KBYU-TV Documentary
 Know and execute the right plays.
Keep the commandments. T he Church is more stable than
 Get a good education. government.
 Make wise choices. Stay close to the Church.
 Do those things that will let you to Learn to live economically
continue to win. and minimize your dependency on the
 Choose the best friends (They become dollar
a part of you.) and the need for money.
 Choose the Right --William F. Edwards
 Set goals. Make plans. Former Financial Vice President of
 Prepare well. B.Y.U.
 Organize your time.
 Stay focused. Persistent people begin their success
 Never give up. where others end in failure.
 Be a winner! --Edward Eggleston

Play TO WIN Your game! Bear in mind that the wonderful things you
_____________________________ learn in your schools are the work of many
Preparation is the key to success in any All this is put in your hands as your
endeavor. inheritance
The greatest athletes are not always the in order that you may receive it, honor it,
strongest, add to it,
fastest and most gifted – and one day faithfully hand it on to your
but are those who have the ability to children.
recognize their potential and prepare to --Albert Einstein
meet that potential.
--R. LaVell Edwards, Try not to become a man of success,
BYU Former Head Football Coach but rather try to become a man of value.
--Albert Einstein
For Mormons, success is...
To have a complete understanding of who Peace cannot be kept by force.
we are It can only be achieved by understanding.
and what our potential can be. --Albert Einstein
Then to have the conviction necessary Imagination is greater than knowledge.
to work toward that potential. --Albert Einstein
1 18
I have the utmost sympathy for any person Shallow men believe in luck.
who has never had a decent chance in life. --Ralph Waldo Emerson
But the fact that society has treated him
badly does not give him the right to smash Nothing great was ever achieved
store windows and take what he wants, or without enthusiasm.
to attack or police with animal ferocity. --Ralph Waldo Emerson
This is heading toward an era of
lawlessness, which in the end can only lead The only gift
to anarchy. And anarchy is a destroyer of is a portion of thyself.
nations. --Ralph Waldo Emerson
--Dwight D. Eisenhower
Make yourself necessary to somebody.
President Eisenhower's success formula: --Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Do your best;
get some fun out of life every day; What is a weed?
put your trust in God." A plant whose virtues
have not yet been discovered
N o man has the right to live in a --Ralph Waldo Emerson
take unto himself all the good things of life, Successful is the person
social advantages for his family, who has lived well
educational opportunities for his children, laughed often
without giving something of his own talent and loved much,
and energy toward the benefit of the who has gained the respect of children,
common good. (Unknown) who leaves the world better than they
A personal theme of a recent dear found it,
friend, who has never lacked appreciation for the
--Norma Elliott, earth’s beauty,
who never fails to look for the best in
To believe your own thought, others,
To believe that what is true for you or give the best of themselves.
In your private heart --Ralph Waldo Emerson
Is true for all men –
That is genius. Do things which are difficult to do
--Ralph Waldo Emerson and they will become easy,
not because the nature of the problem has
To know even one life has breathed easier decreased,
Because you have lived – that is to have but because your ability to do has
succeeded. increased.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson --Heber J. Grant/Ralph Waldo
Make the most of yourself,
for that is all there is to you. Emerson's pattern for success:
--Ralph Waldo Emerson Learn directly from life.
Know the past through books.
Emerson’s advice: Express yourself through action.
"Simplify." "Simplify." "Simplify."
The first wealth
Our chief want in life is somebody is health.
who shall make us do what we can. --Ralph Waldo Emerson.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

1 19
First say to yourself what you would be; skills don’t develop themselves;
And then do what you have to do. projects don’t plan themselves;
--Epictetus buildings don’t build themselves.
Someone has to lay every brick
T o me, success is a triumph over all and drive every nail,
enemies in this life make everything that is made,
and to achieve Eternal Life. do everything that is done,
And the enemies are many. think everything that is thought.
They include doubt, discouragement, fear, --Richard L. Evans
ignorance, death, selfishness, laziness,
hate, Begin at home.
impatience and numerous temptations. Be successful and solvent
in our own business and professions.
In general, success is applying one’s self, Serve your communities –
keeping the commandments of God your church –
and enduring to the end! your country –
--Mark Eubank and many good causes.
Chief Meteorologist, KSL Reach out worldwide, and do something
for someone, somewhere.
W hen good men die their goodness does --Richard L. Evans
not perish.
But lives though they are gone. There is no loneliness so great,
As for the bad, so absolute,
All that was theirs dies and is buried with so utterly complete,
them. as the loneliness of a man
--Euripides who cannot call upon his God.
--Richard L. Evans
Today’s today.
Tomorrow, we may be ourselves
Gone down the drain of Eternity Given by Lloyd D. Newell
--Euripides January 2, 2000
Every time the sun sets, it rises in the
morning and sheds new light on yesterday's
The idea that we can leave shadows. Whether a new century or a new
entirely to children day, life presents countless opportunities to
the vital choices of life begin anew. No matter our age or
is unsafe. circumstance, today is a new day, and so is
Leaving such decisions to trial and error is tomorrow. Think how wonderful that is!
unsafe. While yesterday-and all of history-are
--Richard L. Evans valuable for the lessons learned, the
experience gained, the memories made,
Nothing does itself – each new day contains the promise of a
that is nothing constructive. fresh start. We take hold of this promise by
Someone has to do everything. learning from the past and living in the
Lessons don’t learn themselves; present-with bright hope for the future.
classes don’t teach themselves; A young woman devotes many hours to
food doesn’t prepare itself; researching family history, because she
dishes and other household duties don’t do believes that only by understanding the
themselves; past can we really improve upon it.
the very sick don’t serve themselves; She gains appreciation and is better able to
machines don’t make themselves; face the problems of the present by taking
words don’t memorize themselves; time to look back. Such reflection gives her
1 20
the courage and insight to set goals and For Mormons, success is understanding
persist in achieving them. that there is no greater talent in the world
If we are to begin anew, we can neither than spirituality.
ignore the past nor abide in it. We move We as priesthood brethren and sisters in
forward by remembering yesterday with its the Gospel were born to serve our brothers
triumphs and tragedies, and by living today and sisters here upon this earth.
to the fullest. Richard L. Evans offered There is a great need as never before in the
some timely advice: history of the world to be totally and
"Go ahead with your life, your plans, your absolutely pure in heart.
preparation, as fully as you can. And finally, to ask ourselves when any
Don't waste time stopping before the problem or question would come,
interruptions have started. Keep going "What would the Savior do if He were here
forward, and keep your heart comforted, and faced with this problem?"
with courage and faith in the future. The Then to have the courage and the integrity
wise keep learning, keep preparing for life, to do it.
and don't let uncertainties dissuade [them] --Vaughn J. Featherstone,
from moving forward."1 First Quorum of the Seventy
Life gives us abundant opportunities for a
fresh start. In a sense, each beginning is no He who rests, rots
different from any other. A new school --Arthur Feidler
year, a new job, a new city, friendship, or
phase of life--all take some getting used to. Twelve Qualities of Success
But when we embrace the change and
welcome the opportunity for growth, we  The value of time.
live more fully and discover interests and  The success of perseverance.
talents that might otherwise have gone  The pleasure of working.
undeveloped.  The dignity of simplicity.
Yesterday's stumbling blocks can become  The worth of character.
today's stepping-stones. And little by little,  The power of kindness.
as we go forward with purpose and hope,  The influence of example.
our new beginning will become a new way  The obligation of duty.
of life.  The wisdom of economy.
____________________  The virtue of patience.
1. Richard L. Evans, An Open Door (Salt  The improvement of talent.
Lake City, Utah: Publishers Press,  The joy of originating.
1967), 123. --Marshall Field

FF…. The force is in you.

Force yourself.
P rinciples are more important than --Harrison Ford
people are more important than Don't find fault.
organizations Find a remedy.
--James E. Faust --Henry Ford

I try to make everywhere I go a better Thinking is the hardest work there is,
place which is the probable reason
because I was there. why so few engage in it.
--Reed Farnsworth. --Henry Ford

1 21
Getting ready God helps them that help themselves.
is the great secret to success. --Benjamin Franklin
--Henry Ford
Dost thou love life?
The manager administers, Then do not squander time,
the leader innovates. For that’s the stuff life is made of.
The manager maintains, --Benjamin Franklin
the leader develops.
The manager relies on systems, Time lost is never found again.
the leader relies on people. --Benjamin Franklin
The manager counts on controls,
the leader counts on trust. B en Franklin's method for making an
The manager does things right, important decision was to draw a "T" on a
the leader does the right thing. piece of paper and put the subject at the
-- Fortune Magazine top; then proceed to list on either side
below all of the possible pro's and con's;
The Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea are ponder them, and usually allow a waiting
made of the same water. period before arriving at a conclusion.
It flows down, clear and cool, from the
heights of Hermon and the roots of the C onsistent application of principles can
cedars of Lebannon. bring achievement according to Ben
The Sea of Galilee makes beauty of it, for Franklin. They are:
the Sea of Galilee has an outlet.
It gets to give.  All human achievement rests on the
It gathers in its riches that it may pour establishment of clearly defined
them out again to fertilize the Jordan plain. objectives.
But the Dead Sea with the same water
makes horror.  The achievement of one’s objectives
For the Dead Sea has no outlet. requires a good plan and consistent
It gets to keep. effort.
--Harry Emerson Fosdick.
 Religion is a powerful regulator of
Always take a job that is too big for you. human conduct.
--Harry Emerson Fosdick
 Correct action is dependent upon
No life ever grows great correct opinion.
until it is focused,  Motives of personal gain tend to be
dedicated opposite of one’s true self-interest.
and disciplined.
--Harry Emerson Fosdick  Without honesty, there can be no
If you would not be forgotten,
As soon as you are dead and rotten,  The proper acquisition and use of
Either write things worth reading, money may be a blessing, but the
Or do things worth the writing. opposite is always a curse.
--Benjamin Franklin
 The possession of health makes all
W ork as if you were to live a hundred things easier, its absence everything
years, more difficult.
Pray as if you were to die tomorrow.
--Benjamin Franklin  Happiness springs immediately from the
1 22
 Life is immeasurably more satisfying to Wrong none by doling injuries, or
those who get along well with others omitting the benefits that are
than to those who do not. your duty.
o Moderation
 Of all human relationships, the most Avoid extremes; forbear resenting
enduring and satisfying are those of injuries so much as you think
family. they deserve.
o Cleanliness
 In the process of aging and dying the Tolerate no uncleanliness in body,
fruits of a long life well lived are most clothes, or habitation.
sensibly felt. o Tranquility
Be not disturbed at trifles, or at
Only a virtuous people are capable of accidents common or
freedom. unavoidable.
As nations become corrupt and vicious, o Chastity
they have more need of masters. Rarely use venery (sexual
--Benjamin Franklin intercourse) but for health or
offspring, never to dullness,
Ben Franklin’s: weakness, or the injury of your
Twelve Guiding Principles of Life to own or another’s peace or
“Moral Perfection” reputation.
o Humility
o Temperance Imitate Jesus and Socrates.
Eat not to dullness, drink not to --Benjamin Franklin
o Silence GG….
Speak not but what may benefit
others or yourself; avoid trifling
There is a difference between being:
“Humbly grateful” and “grumbly hateful.”
o Order
Which are you?
Let all your things have their
Do you really appreciate what you have,
places; let each part of business
or do you grumble...
have its time.
even in the face of your good fortune?
o Resolution
--G. Donald Gale,
Resolve to perform what you
Former KSLTV Editorialist
ought; perform without fail what
you resolve.
o Frugality
Make no expense but to do good
by Bill Gates
to others or yourself; i.e., waste
For high school and college graduates, here
o Industry
is a list of 11 things they did not learn in
Lose no time; be always
employed in something useful;
In his book, Bill Gates talks about how feel-
cut off all unnecessary actions.
good, politically correct teachings created a
o Sincerity
full generation of kids with no concept of
Use no harmful deceit; think
reality and how this concept set them up
innocently and justly; and, if you
for failure in the real world.
speak, speak accordingly.
o Justice
Life is not fair; get used to it.

1 23
The world won't care about your self- Television is NOT real life. In real life
esteem. people actually have to leave the coffee
The world will expect you to accomplish shop and go to jobs.
something BEFORE you feel good about
yourself. RULE 11
Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up
RULE 3 working for one.
You will NOT make 40 thousand dollars a
year right out of high school. You won't be " S uccess" for me is finding the close
a vice president with a car phone, until you relationship to God the Father as my
earn both. creator,
to Jesus Christ as my Savior,
RULE 4 to the Holy Ghost as my Companion.
If you think your teacher is tough, wait till These have objective reality and are
you get a boss. He doesn't have tenure. concerned with me in my eternal well
"Flipping burgers" is not beneath your "Success" is identifying with Christ’s True
dignity. Church on earth,
Your grandparents had a different word for contributing to it,
burger flipping; they called it opportunity. placing one’s life under its influence, and
under the influence of Christ’s true and
RULE 6 happiness-producing principles of human
If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, behavior.
so don't whine about your mistakes, learn
from them. "Success" is finding self-identity
and self-esteem
RULE 7 under the scope of the above through
Before you were born, your parents weren't fullest development of one’s natural talents
as boring as they are now. They got that and producing contribution of worth to
way from paying your bills, cleaning your other people.
clothes and listening to you talk about how "Success" is developing an active and
cool you are. So before you save the rain concerned love
forest from the parasites of your parents' for other people
generation, try "delousing" the closet in starting with one’s wife,
your own room. or husband,
RULE 8 parents
Your school may have done away with and family,
winners and losers, but life has not. In but also moving out to all people and to all
some schools they have abolished failing life.
grades; they'll give you as many times as This love when developed and manifested
you want to get the right answer. This gives creative luster to daily work,
doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to as well as to long-range goals.
ANYTHING in real life. This love gives meaning and vitality
to one’s place and contribution in the local
RULE 9 community
Life is not divided into semesters. as well as society at large.
You don't get summers off and very few It gives a strong motivation
employers are interested in helping you to imbue his dealings with all other people
find yourself. Do that on your own time.
1 24
with integrity, morality and concern. It isn’t family home hour,
It’s family home evening.
"Success" means to me that in the pursuit -- Brent A. Gines
of the above,
some inevitable failures The Church sustains life, but not lifestyles.
also bring with them --Brent A. Gines
the capacity to repair,
to repent, I have always regarded that Constitution
to rejuvenate as the most remarkable work
and to try again. known to me in modern times
The pursuit of the above when met to have been produced by the human
with even modest success, intellect,
rewards with a wonderful measure of real at a single stroke (so to speak),
joy. in its applications to political affairs.
--Dr. Crawford Gates --William E. Gladstone
Music Director Rockford Symphony
Orchestra ______________________
Rockford, Illinois

I’ve always thought of myself

as being about twenty.” The following you may find interesting.
--Urvin Gee, Patriarch (age 95) It raises the question--
What are you doing to do with YOUR life
The purpose of the Constitution that will be meaningful?
was to avoid a dictatorship
--Newt Gengrich John Goddard

Edward Gibbon, in 1788, set forth in his In 1940, as a young man of fourteen,
famous book, John Goddard decided to do something
“Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,” significant with his life, so that when he
five basic reasons why that great arrived at his life’s end he could say he had
civilization withered and died: “no regrets.”
 The undermining of the dignity He wrote the following list of personal
and sanctity of the home, challenges and then proceeded to complete
which is the basis for human society. them.
 Higher and higher taxes: Recently it was reported by Life Magazine,
the spending of public money for free as a follow up from the original article
bread and circuses for the populace. written in the early 1980’s, he was more
 The mad craze for pleasure, than ninety percent complete.
and sports and plays becoming more
exciting, Explore:
more brutal and more immoral.  Nile River, Africa
 The building of great armaments  Amazon River, South America
when the real enemy was within –  Douro River, Spain
the decay of individual responsibility.  Colorado River, U.S.
 The decay of religion,  Yangtze River, China
whose leaders lost their touch with life,  Niger River, Africa
and their power to guide the people.  Orinoco River, Venezuela
 Rio Coco, Nicaragua
Obedience to the gospel
will make us successful. Study Primitive Cultures:
--Brent A. Gines  Congo
1 25
 New Guinea  Explore Okefenokee Swamp and the
 Brazil Everglades
 Borneo
 The Sudan Visit:
 Australia  North and South Poles
 Kenya  Great Wall of China
 The Philippines  Panama and Suez Canals
 Tanganyika  Easter Island
 Ethiopia  The Galapagos Islands
 Algeria  Vatican City (Saw the Pope)
 Alaska  The Taj Mahal
 The Eiffel Tower
Climb:  The Blue Grotto, Capri
 Mt Everest  The Tower of London
 Mt Aconocagua, Argentina  The Leaning Tower of Pisa
 Mt. McKinley  The Sacred Well of Chchen-Itza,
 Mt. Huascaran, Peru Mexico.
 Mt Kilimanjaro  Climb Ayers Rock in Australia
 Mt. Ararat, Turkey  Follow River Jordan from Sea of Galilee
 Mt. Kenya to Dead Sea
 Mt. Cook, New Zealand
 Mt. Popocatepetl, Mexico Swim in
 Mt. Matterhorn  Lake Victoria
 Mt. Ranier  Lake Superior
 Mt. Fuji  Lake Tanganyika
 Mt. Vesuvius  Lake Titicaca, S. America
 Mt. Bromo, Java  Lake Nicaragua
 Grand Tetons  Become an Eagle Scout.
 Mt. Baldy, California  Dive in a submarine.
 Carry out careers in medicine and  Land and take off from an aircraft
exploration (premed, treat illnesses carrier.
among primitive tribes.  Fly in a blimp, balloon and glider.
 Visit every country in the world  Ride an elephant, camel, ostrich and
 Study Navaho and Hopi Indians. bronco
 Learn to fly a plane  Skin dive to 40 feet and hold breath
 Ride a horse in Rose Parade two and a half minutes underwater.
 Catch a ten-pound lobster and a ten-
Photograph inch abalone.
 Iguacu Falls, Brazil  Play flute and violin.
 Victoria Falls, Rhodesia  Type 50 words a minute.
 Sutherland Falls, New Zealand  Make a parachute jump.
 Yosemite Falls  Learn water and snow skiing.
 Niagara Falls  Go on a church mission.
 Retrace travels of Marco Polo and  Follow the John Muir trail.
Alexander the Great  Study native medicines and bring back
useful ones.
Explore Underwater:  Bag camera trophies of elephant, lion,
 Coral reefs of Florida rhino, cheetah, cape buffalo and whale.
 Great Barrier Reef, Australia  Learn to fence.
 Red Sea  Learn jujitsu.
 Fiji Islands  Teach a college course.
 The Bahamas  Watch a cremation ceremony in Bali.
1 26
 Explore depths of the sea.  Visit a movie studio.
 Appear in a Tarzan movie.  Climb Cheops pyramid.
(He now considers this a boyhood  Become a member of the Explorers’
dream) Club.
 Own a horse, chimpanzee, cheetah,  Learn to play polo.
ocelot and coyote.  Travel through the Grand Canyon on
 Become a ham radio operator. foot and by boat.
 Build own telescope.  Circumnavigate the globe. (Four times)
 Write a book.  Visit the moon. (“Someday if God
 Publish an article in National wills”)
Geographic Magazine.  Marry and have children. (Has five
 High-jump five feet children)
 Broad-jump 15 feet.  Live to see the 21st century. (He did at
 Run mile in five minutes. 75)
 Weigh 175 pounds.
 Perform 200 sit-ups and 20 pull-ups.
 Learn French, Spanish and Arabic.
 Study dragon lizards on Komodo Island. _______________________
 Visit birthplace of Grandfather Sorenson
in Denmark. America, the land of unlimited possibilities.
 Visit birthplace of Grandfather Goddard --Ludwig M. Goldberger
in England.
 Ship aboard a freighter as a seaman. A strong leader must be able to foresee
 Read the entire Encyclopaedia change
Britannica. and work toward it,
 Read the Bible from cover to cover. whether in politics or business.
 Read the works of Shakespeare, Plato, --Mikhail Gorbachev
Dickens, Thoreau, Rousseau, Grandma Moses began painting
Hemingway, Twain, At the age of 74
Burroughs, Talmage, Tolstoy, And continued
Longfellow, Keats, To the age of 102
Poe, Bacon, Whittier and Emerson. (Not
every work of each)
 Become familiar with the compositions
of Bach,
Beethoven, Debussy, Ibert,
Mendelssohn, Lalo,
Milhaud, Ravel, Rimsky-Korsakov,
Respighi, Rachmaninoff, Paganini,
Stravinsky, Toch, Tchaikovsky, Verdi.
 Become proficient in the use of a plane,
motorcycle, tractor, surfboard, rifle,
pistol, canoe, microscope, football,
basketball, bow and arrow, lariat and
 Compose music.
 Play Clair de Lune on the piano.
 Watch fire-walking ceremony.
 Milk a poisonous snake. (Was bitten by
 Light a match with 22 rifle.
1 27
Practice means to perform, over and over Focus/Concentration
again in the face of all obstacles, some act They concentrate just a little bit more
of vision, of faith, of desire, Practice is a than ordinary players.
means of inviting the perfection desired.
--Martha Graham Teachability
They learn from their mistakes and
He can successes
who thinks he can. ---as well as those of others.
--Heber J. Grant
Clear Vision
Do things which are difficult to do They perceive opportunities
and they will become easy, that others do not see.
not because the nature of the problem has
decreased, Courage
but because your ability to do has They seize opportunities
increased. that others let slip away.
--Heber J. Grant/Ralph Waldo
Emerson Persistence
They do not quit easily
The common denominator of success---
the secret of every man who has ever been Motivation
successful— They want deeply, long, and consistently.
lies in the fact that he formed the habit of --B. Eugene Griessman, Ph.D.
doing things
that failures don't like to do. In the end you can only teach what you
--Albert E. N. Gray are.
--John Groberg

I expect to pass through this world but
once, any good thing therefore that I can Don’t hurry, don’t worry. You’re only here
do, or any kindness that I can show to any for a short visit. So be sure to stop and
fellow creature, let me do it now, smell the flowers.
let me not defer or neglect it, --Walter C. Hagen
for I shall not pass this way again.
--Stephen Grellet Get an education,
make your mark
Common Denominators and become prepared to be useful to the
of High Achievement Lord.
--David B. Haight
Self Discovery
They discover their strengths
and weaknesses
and work within those limitations.

They become really good at what they do.

Time Consciousness
They understand how precious time really

1 28
THE LORD’S FORMULA Men give me some credit for genius.
FOR SUCCESS All the genius I have lies in this:
When I have a subject in hand,
"Search diligently, pray always and be I study it profoundly.
believing, Day and night it is before me.
and all things will work together for your I explore it in all its bearings.
good, My mind becomes pervaded with it.
if ye walk uprightly and remember the Then the effort which I make,
covenant the people are pleased to call the fruit of
wherewith ye have covenanted one with genius.
another. It is fruit of labor and thought.
Doctrine & Covenants 90:24. --Alexander Hamilton

A long-standing criterion for a successful There are three basic relationships,

individual is: the strength of which constitute success to
"One who does what he likes to do well me.
enough that society will pay him well Those relationships are:
enough to keep him out of jail and the With self
poorhouse." With others
With the Lord
A Simple Code For Living...
Each of these relationships involves
You are the descendants of great and good standards
forebears. and measures of considerable content.
You will be the ancestors of generations to To spell them out is beyond my present
come. purpose or capacity.
Are you willing to live upon the glories of
the past, I will simply say that unless one feels good
or are you going to make significant about himself---his purposes, plans, efforts,
contributions to the beauty, goodness and contributions---
truth of the future? he cannot by any sensible measure be a
That all depends upon you, how well you: success.

 Develop and use the God-given talents A good conscience is to be prized above all
with which you were born and give else in relationship with self.
creative and enduring service to your
God and your fellow men. One cannot really feel good about himself
unless his relationships with those dearest
 Honor and cherish the blood and the to him and with other human beings is
name which your parents gave to you wholesome and sound
and pass them on to your children, and based on integrity to one’s own
untarnished by the sins of the principles and respect for those of others.
generation through which you pass.
Consequently, my relationship with my
Then the future will rise up and call you family and my fellow men is one of the
blessed indispensable indicia of success to me.
and you will inherit an immortality which is
real and of great worth. Good conscience and happy relationships
--Wayne B. Hales with loved ones and others are not really
Professor Emeritus, Dean Emeritus possible without a friendship with the Lord
Former Stake President, B.Y.U. and companionship with His Spirit.

1 29
To be worthy to be a friend of Christ is The Gospel is not an idea alone but an
really my most exalted ambition, and I still activity.
speak of it reticently because it is too
personal to be discussed. Since the basis for thinking is laid down
in learning skills, success to a Mormon
In these relationships are my own would be performance
measures of success. to the point of perfection.
Obviously, there is no point at which one I believe the reason man is blessed with an
with my limitations could conceive himself active drive is to keep him alive, for when
to be a success we cease to be active, we die.
by those standards. Success to a Mormon is raising a family
I am content to announce that I believe I in unity and love and watching the lessons
am learning. you teach to your children being taught to
--Marion D. Hanks your children’s children and watching your
First Quorum of the Seventy descendants continue getting together in
family reunions.
In view of the Constitution, in the eye of
the law, there is in this country no superior, In reporting on the Day of Judgment that
dominant, ruling class of citizens. There is our descendants are active in the Church is
no cast here. Our Constitution is color- not only success and happiness now but for
blind, and neither knows nor tolerates eternity.
classes among citizens. In respect of civil --Alma Heaton Associate Professor
rights, all citizens are equal before the law. Department of Recreation Education,
The humblest is the peer of the most B.Y.U.
--John Marshall Harlan W e may affirm absolutely that nothing
great in the world has been accomplished
A Harvard Study recently indicated: without passion.
The single greatest success factor for --Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
regardless of economic level, The very essence of leadership
is the mother is that you have to have a vision
and what she teaches the child You can't blow an uncertain trumpet.
before the age of three. --Theodore Hesburgh

All societies that survive Cherish your visions and your dreams
are based on marriages. as they are the children of your soul,
--Paul Harvey the blueprints of your ultimate
Success to a Mormon would be raising a --Napoleon Hill
celestial family.
Anything that contributes to this all- Time is the least thing we have of.
important goal --Ernest Hemmingway
might also be labeled success.
I am the master of my fate.
Success to a Mormon would also be I am the captain of my soul.
keeping active. --William Ernest Henley
A Mormon believes we are born to be
active. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone;
When we cease to be active, we cease to it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave.

1 30
Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be I believe in the family
purchased at the price of chains and where there is a husband
slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God. I know who regards his companion
not what course others may take, but as for as his greatest asset
me, give me liberty or give me death! and treats her accordingly;
--Patrick Henry where there is a wife
who looks upon her husband
Show me a liar, and I’ll show you a thief. as her anchor and strength . . .
--George Herbert The cultivation of such a home
requires effort and energy,
One hour’s sleep before midnight is worth forgiveness and patience,
three after. love and endurance and sacrifice;
--George Herbert but it worth all of these and more.
--Gordon B. Hinckley
Hell is full of good meanings and wishings.
--George Herbert Brethren, we can do better!
--Gordon B. Hinckley
He that lies with dogs, riseth with fleas.
--George Herbert I read from a clipping I made the other
Great men are said to have four things in "The latest Census information . . .
common. . . indicated the annual wage for someone
They speak softly, without a degree and no high school
have the capacity for hard work, diploma stood at little more than $16,000
a deep conviction for their cause, nationally [in 1997].
a consuming belief in their ability to do it. The jump wasn't much higher for a high
--John D. Hess school diploma--$22,895 annual average
CODE FOR SUCCESS As the level of education increases,
however, so does the span.
 Find your own particular talent. The holder of a bachelor's degree earned,
 Be big on average, $40,478 that year.
 Be honest. Finally, the holder of an advanced degree
 Live with enthusiasm. typically bumped up their annual earnings
 Don’t let your possessions possess you. by more than $20,000 to a nationwide
 Don’t worry about your problems. average of $63,229,
 Look up to people when you can--down according to [these] Census figures"
to no one. (Nicole A. Bonham,
 Don’t cling to the past. "Does an Advanced Degree Pay Off?"
 Assume your full share of responsibility Utah Business, Sept. 2000, 37)
in the world. --Gordon B. Hinckley
 Pray consistently and constantly. General Conference
--Conrad Hilton)
The truest mark of your success in life
There is no true worship of God will be the quality of your marriage.
without some sacrifice --Gordon B. Hinckley
--President Gordon B. Hinckley
I believe that only to the degree
Lift your eyes that we reform young lives
and stretch your minds. will we reform our society.
--Gordon B. Hinckley And that reformation must occur
with a return to the teaching
1 31
of values in our schools, LARRY KING:
and in putting a good father Not hard?
who will stand beside a good mother PRESIDENT GORDON B. HINCKLEY:
in a home where virtue, honesty, integrity, No. Self-discipline. What does the proverb
and a reliance upon God will be taught by say?
example as well as by precept. It is easier...it is more difficult to control
--Gordon B. Hinckley the spirit
than to rule over a city.
Avoid Pornography Self-discipline is not easy.
“Leave it alone! It requires effort.
Get away from it! It requires strength.
Avoid it! It requires thought.
It is sleazy filth! It requires prayer sometimes.
It is rot that will do no good!
You cannot afford to watch videotapes of ...Our job is to make bad men good
this kind of stuff. and good men better.
You cannot afford to read magazines --Gordon B. Hinckley
that are designed to destroy you.
You can’t do it, nor even watch it on Try a little harder to do a little better.
television... --Gordon B. Hinckley
stay away from it!
Avoid it like the plague I repent every day.
because it is just as deadly, more so. --Gordon B. Hinckley
The plague will destroy the body.
Pornography will destroy the body and the In all of living, have much fun and
soul. laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just
Stay away from it! endured."
It is a great disease that is sweeping the --Gordon B. Hinckley
And over the entire world. Education is the key to success.
Avoid it. --Gordon B. Hinckley
I repeat, avoid it!”
To missionaries: Go forward.
PRESIDENT GORDON B. HINCKLEY Do your work. It’s so very, very important.
to Larry King (interview) You have on your shoulders the
...My role is to declare doctrine. responsibility
My role is to stand as an example before of teaching the gospel to a world that
the people. doesn’t want it.
My role is to be a voice in defense of the At least they think they don’t want it
truth. because they haven’t tasted of it.
My role is to stand as a conservator of And for many, many of those people you
those values are the only source of knowledge they will
which are important in our civilization and ever have of this Church.
our society. It is so very important, therefore,
My role is to lead people. that you make a good appearance.
Someday someone might well say,
LARRY KING: “Well yes, I met two of your missionaries
Is resisting temptation hard? years ago
and I’ve been thinking about it ever since
1 32
Come in and tell me what you have to Some men succeed by what they know;
offer.” some by what they do;
Go forward with faith and without fear. and a few by what they are.
--Gordon B. Hinckley --Elbert Hubbard

T here is nothing more beautiful in this Bees are not as busy as we think.
world They just can’t buzz any slower.
than a young woman who is clean in --Kin Hubbard
and word and deed. You cannot fly like an eagle
--Gordon B. Hinckley with the wings of a wren.
--William H. Hudson
The future belongs to those who prepare
for it. Upon the first goblet
--Gordon B. Hinckley he read this inscription,
monkey wine;
Say, “I will make a difference because of Upon the second, lion wine;
the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” Upon the third, sheep wine;
--Gordon B. Hinckley Upon the fourth swine wine.
These four inscriptions expressed the four
I n this life trials and tribulations are descending degrees of Drunkenness:
mandatory. the first, that which enlivens;
Misery is optional. The second, that which irritates;
--Gordon B. Hinckley The third, that which stupefies;
Finally the last, that which brutalizes.
There is nothing in this world --Victor Hugo
so satisfying as a job well done.
--Gordon B. Hinckley P erhaps the most valuable result of all
It isn’t a question of how much a man is the ability to make yourself
knows, do the thing you have to do,
but what use he makes of what he knows; when it ought to be done,
not a question of what he has acquired whether you like it or not;
and how he has been trained, it is the first lesson that ought to be
but of what he is and what he can do. learned; and however early a man's
--J. G. Holland training begins,
it is probably the last lesson that he learns
A brief moment of insight thoroughly.
is better than --Thomas Huxley
a lifetime of drudgery.
--Oliver Wendell Holmes II.…
Seize the day. Put not trust in the morrow. There can be no freedom or beauty
--Horace about a home life
W hen on the brink of complete that depends on borrowing and debt.
discouragement, --Henrik Ibsen
success is discerning that...
“The line between failure and success Happiness is the only good.
is so fine that often a single extra effort The time to be happy is now.
is all that is needed to bring victory out of The place to be happy is here.
defeat.” The way to be happy is to make others so.
--Elbert Hubbard --The Creed of Robert G. Ingersoll
1 33
Your legacy should be that  Be efficient, but take time for important
you made it better than it was things.
when you got it.  Be a life-long student.
--Lee Iococca
I suppose many Church members have
JJ… their own point of view on the meaning of
"success" and so I have mine. My view is
Act as if what you do makes a difference. blinded by that incomprehensible essence
It does. called "time" as I struggle to comprehend
--William James the vast reality of space and the meaning
of eternity.
The greatest discovery of my generation is One of the windows through which I project
that human beings can alter their lives the frail beam of mortal understanding
by altering their attitudes of mind. looks out upon
--William James the tangible record of earth’s history.
Mountains and valleys, there it is.
We hold these truths to be self-evident; Daily I sweat and stumble through this
that all men are created equal; exciting record.
that they are endowed by their creator It is preserved in the three-dimensional
with certain unalienable rights; harshness
that among these are life, liberty, of volcanic and sedimentary rocks.
and the pursuit of happiness; This record represents some kind of "time"
that to secure these rights, but of what understanding.
governments are instituted among men, Does it represent the mortal time-sense I
deriving their just powers know
from the consent of the governed. which is measured by the length of my
The Constitution of the United States ancestors’ skeletons stretching backward
--Thomas Jefferson into the immediate oblivion of yesterday?
The warm cheek, a moment’s pause, and
then the cold grave---
And for the support of this declaration that is the time I can measure.
with a firm reliance on the protection Or is earth’s history measured by some
of divine providence, eternal clock we are presently unable to
we mutually pledge to each other comprehend?
our lives, I live by laboriously prying open the stony
our fortunes, pages of earth’s preserved record.
and our sacred honor. This tangible history has been twisted bent
--Thomas Jefferson and thrust up into vast tortured layers of
Thomas Jefferson’s principles for success: The thickness of some layers can be
 Never relinquish your dream. measured in miles!
 Respect your adversaries. What kind of "time" do these realities speak
 Think rationally, but heed your heart. of?
 Be tolerant of others’ beliefs. Are they in any way units of some sort of
 Be independent, but don’t fear success?
conformity. In all things, only the passing of "time"
 Don’t give in to self-pity. allows "success" to occur.
 Do your share and much more if The word "success” may imply prior
necessary. planning and much effort, but "time" must
 Live within your means. pass so things can happen.
 Always help others.

1 34
From my view of the Gospel, SUCCESS is What a man can imagine or conceive in his
not a destination nor a resting place to be mind
sought, he can accomplish.
but instead, it is a continual struggle for Impossibles are possible
truth as thinking men
and perfection in all things. make them so.
Only the Gospel--not the philosophies of --Henry J. Kaiser
provides me with the ability to comprehend A thing of beauty is a joy forever;
success Its loveliness increases;
in dimensions of eternal time. It will never pass into nothingness . . .
--John Keats
I want to know the kind of time that
produced the reality of earth and its I am only one,
marvelous record. I cannot do everything,
I want to participate in that kind of But I will not refuse to do
"success." the something that I can do.
For me Success is simply the privilege to --Helen Keller
continue being and doing in an eternal
scheme of things Do the best you can.
and that I desire most of all. Face your deficiencies and acknowledge
--James A. Jensen them,
"Dinosaur Jim" but do not let them master you.
Curator of Geology, B.Y.U. Let them teach you patience, sweetness,
V ery few men are wise by their own When we do the best we can,
counsel, or learned by their own teaching; we never know what miracle is wrought in
for he that was only taught by himself had our life
a fool as his master. or in the life of another
--Ben Jonson --Helen Keller

Curiosity is one of the permanent We can do anything

and certain characteristics we want to do
of a vigorous mind. if we stick to it
--Samuel Johnson long enough.
--Helen Keller
To be happy at home
is the ultimate result of all ambition. To sit alone in the lamplight
--Samuel Johnson with a book spread out before you
and hold intimate converse with men
I can accept failure. of unseen generations---
Everyone fails. such is a pleasure beyond compare.
But I cannot accept someone --Yoshida Kenko 1283-1350
who doesn't try.
--Michael Jordan The question, “For Mormons, success is....”
is not an easy one to answer.
To teach is to learn twice. I spent twenty-two seasons playing
--Joseph Joubert professional baseball.
Naturally success in that field is measured
KK… by batting averages, number of home runs
and RBI's, fielding averages, ERA's and
other statistics.
1 35
Fame, notoriety and the bright lights fade and one’s fellow men.
quickly. That is success!
To me, true success in life would be to --David M. Kennedy
develop both physically and spiritually to Former U.S. Secretary Of The
our fullest and to ENDURE TO THE END!! Treasury
--Harmon Killebrew Special Representative of the First
Former Professional Baseball Player Presidency

I have been asked many times to tell And so, my fellow Americans,
students or others what I attribute my ask not what your country can do for you;
success to. ask what you can do for your country.
Such a leading question presumes I have --John F. Kennedy
been successful.
I have really never known a good definition One person can make a difference
of success, since the term seems to depend And every person must try.
on an individual’s values. --John F. Kennedy

Success always reminds me of a quote from M an is still the most extraordinary

Pope: computer of all.
“Hills peep o’er hills, --John F. Kennedy
And Alps on Alps arise.”
Every person is entitled to form his own No matter what happens,
opinion of success God wants us to be happy.
on what makes a person “successful.” Even after a storm the birds sing.
Generally it will depend on what that --Mrs. Rose Kennedy
person considers important, or in other
words, where values are placed. W e should all be concerned about the
“For where your treasure is, future
there will be your heart also.” because we will have to spend
the rest of our lives there.
It is reasonable, therefore, for an individual --Charles F. Kettering
to measure his or her success in life in
terms of how well goals, ambitions, and Oh say, can you see
desires are realized as to whether they are by the dawn’s early light,
righteous, worthy, and beneficial to our What so proudly we hailed
fellow men. at the twilight’s last gleaming?
In other words, whether they are eternal Whose broad stripes and bright stars,
values. Through the perilous fight,
O’er the ramparts we watched
For my part, I feel “successful” when I am were so gallantly streaming?
doing my very best in a worthy and noble And the rockets’ red glare,
endeavor, whether in the end the effort the bombs bursting in air
brings the results or profit others expect or Gave proof through the night
desire. that our flag was still there.
Achieving brings more real satisfaction than Oh, say does that star-spangled banner
to have achieved. yet wave
A feeling of inner peace, O’er the land of the free
of joy, and the home of the brave?
and real happiness comes --Francis Scott Key
when one is anxiously engaged in a good
in the service of our Father in Heaven
1 36
Do it, damn it!" When your spirituality slips,
--J. Golden Kimball dip into the scriptures for renewal.
--Spencer W. Kimball
I may not walk the straight and narrow all
the time, We Believe in Setting Goals
but I cross over it a lot. We live by goals.
--J. Golden Kimball In athletics we always have a goal.
When we go to school,
Heaven is a place, but also a condition; we have a goal of graduations and degrees.
it is home and family. Our total existence is goal-oriented.
It is understanding and kindness. We must have goals to make progress,
It is inter-dependence and selfless activity. encouraged by keeping records...
It is quiet, sane living, As the swimmer,
personal sacrifice, genuine hospitality, or the jumper, or the runner does.
wholesome concern for others. Progress is easier when it is timed,
It is living the commandments of God checked,
without ostentation or hypocrisy. and measured.
It is selflessness. Goals are good.
It is all about us. Laboring with a distant aim sets the mind in
We need only to recognize it a higher key
as we find and enjoy it. puts us at our best
--Spencer W. Kimball Goals should always be made to a point
that will make us reach and strain.
In all your choices --Spencer W. Kimball
select those which will bring you
closest to the Celestial Kingdom. Profanity is the attempt of a feeble mind
--Spencer W. Kimball to express itself forcibly.
--Spencer W. Kimball
People who wear grubby clothes
tend to be grubby people. Some Elements of Effective Leadership
--Spencer W. Kimball Jesus knew how to involve his disciples in
the process of life.
Humility is the mother of all virtues. He gave them important and specific things
--Spencer W. Kimball to do.
Jesus trusts his followers
Be in the world, but not of the world. enough to share his work with them
--Spencer W. Kimball so that they can grow.
If we brush other people aside
We have been told in order to see a task done
that every day is a purposeful activity more quickly and effectively,
requiring an expenditure of energy the task may get done all right,
with some sacrifice of leisure. but without the growth and development
--Spencer W. Kimball in followers that is so important.

Broaden your vision; Jesus let people know

lengthen your stride. that he believed in them
--Spencer W. Kimball and in their possibilities;
and thus he was free to help them
The price we pay for happiness stretch their souls
is keeping the commandments. in fresh achievement.
--Spencer W. Kimball In loving others,

1 37
we can help them to grow I have a dream that one day
by making reasonable on the red hills of Georgia
but real demands of them. the sons of former slaves
and the sons of former slaveowners
Jesus gave people truths and tasks will be able to sit down together
that were matched to their capacity. at the table of brotherhood.
He did not overwhelm them --Martin Luther King
with more than they could manage,
but gave them enough to stretch their Everybody can be great
souls. because anybody can serve.
--Spencer W. Kimball You only need a heart full of grace
And a soul generated by love.
I'm more concerned with my exaltation --Martin Luther King
than my relaxation.
--Spencer W. Kimball Except a living man,
there is nothing more wonderful than a
Success is not measured in achievement of book!
goals, a message to us from the dead
but in the stress and strain –from human souls we never saw,
of meeting those goals. who lived perhaps thousands of miles
--Spencer W. Kimball away.
And yet these, in those little sheets of
A man never dies as long as paper,
there is someone alive who loves him speak to us,
or thinks of him. arouse us,
--Spencer W. Kimball terrify us,
teach us,
Treat temptation as a fiercesome comfort us,
onrushing freight train. open their hearts to us as brothers.
Get off the tracks!! --Charles Kingsley
And stay far away from the train station.
--Spencer W. Kimball We act as though comfort and luxury
were the chief requirements of life,
In all your choices when all that we need to make us really
select those which will bring you happy is something to be enthusiastic
closest to the Celestial Kingdom. about.
--Spencer W. Kimball --Charles Kingsley

Success is...keeping a notebook to jot down

all the important things in your life.
--Spencer W. Kimball

The best way to avoid temptation

is to remove yourself from the conditions
that may overcome your ability to resist.
--Spencer W. Kimball

Christ works from the inside out.

The world works from the outside in.
Changed men can change the world.
--Spencer W. Kimball

1 38
The Objects of Kiwanis International Take a deep breath of life.
 To give primacy to the human and Man of LaMancha
spiritual rather than to the material
values of life. A journey of a thousand miles
must begin with a single step.
 To encourage the daily living of the --Lao-tzu
Golden Rule in all human relationships.
Wisdom is the reward you get
 To promote the adoption and the for a lifetime of listening
applications of higher social, business, when you'd have preferred to talk.
and professional standards. --Doug Larson

 To develop by precept and example, a The difference between the impossible

more intelligent, aggressive, and and the possible is a person’s
serviceable citizenship. determination.
--Tommy Lasorda
 To provide through Kiwanis Clubs, a
practical means to form enduring A Few Feelings And Words On Success
friendships, to render altruistic service I've Tried To Incorporate Into My
and to build better communities. Career

 Co-operate in creating and maintaining No matter what your pursuit in life,

that sound public opinion and high or the effort you put forth,
idealism which makes possible the there will be others who rise above you,
increase of righteousness, justice, and they deserve your praise.
patriotism and good will. This does not mean that you will step down
and give up.
Success and excellence It is all right to be satisfied or content
are not that difficult to achieve with what you have, but never with what
if you consistently do the necessary things you are.
to achieve them.
The pain of discipline When you are under the influence of anger
is always less than the pain of regret. and emotional
--Jeff Herring Knight outburst, growth is unlikely and spirituality
is impossible.
Success has always been easy to measure.
It is the distance between one's origins If you would rise to great heights,
and one's final achievements. remember you cannot climb on the
--Michael Korda shoulders of your fellow men,
but you must be worthy
LL…. to be lifted by those above you to this lofty
FIRST LAW: In every animal . . . There are two occasions in competition
a more frequent and continuous use of any when you must learn to keep your mouth
organ gradually strengthens, develops and closed: one when you lose and one when
enlarges that organ . . . while the you win.
permanent disuse of any organ
imperceptibly weakens and deteriorates it, Our true sportsmanship
and progressively diminishes its functional is usually displayed following a defeat.
capacity, until it finally disappears.
--Jan Baptiste Lamarck

1 39
Many have the will to win on the day of the Through accepting God’s Eternal Plan,
contest, but few (the champions) have the we can succeed in a cause
will to prepare to win. which will ultimately succeed.
However, there will always be
Impossible is a word only to be found TWO PREREQUISITES before success
in the dictionary of fools. ---WORTHINESS and WORK.
The only place where success
He that is over-cautious will accomplish comes before worthiness and work
little. ---is in the dictionary.
--E. Dale LeBaron,
Things do not happen. Mission President
They are made to happen.
The most important work you can do
Do the best you can. will be within the confines
Face your deficiencies and acknowledge of your own walls at home.
them, --Harold B. Lee
but do not let them master you.
Let them teach you patience, sweetness, Don’t try to live too many days at a time.
insight. --Harold B. Lee
When we do the best we can,
we never know what miracle is wrought in Happiness does not depend
our life on what happens outside of you
or in the life of another (Helen Keller) but on what happens inside of you.
It is measured by the spirit with
We must remember that a man's reputation which you meet the problems of life.
is made not because of a few outstanding --Harold B. Lee.
in his life, but because of little things. Don't be down on what you are not up on.
It is from totaling the details in a man's --Harold B. Lee
professional or business life that we form
our picture of his true character. Men do not set priorities
to guide them
Experience is a hard teacher. in allocating their time,
"She gives the test first and the lesson and most men forget
afterwards.” that the first priority should be
Success or failure in life is caused more by to maintain their own spiritual and physical
mental attitude than by mental capacities. strength.
--Vernon Law, Then comes their family,
Professional Baseball Player, then the Church,
Cy Young Award Winner and then their professions---
and all need time.
He flung himself from the room, --Harold B. Lee
flung himself upon his horse
and rode madly off in all directions. The greatest waste in all the world
--Stephen Butler Leacock is living below our potential.
--Harold B. Lee
Coaches call this a “Transition Game”:
Anticipate what comes next We cannot in any better manner glorify the
and move faster than the competition Lord and Creator of the universe than that
to get to that point and be ready. in all things, how small soever they appear
--Mike Leavitt, to our naked eyes, but which have yet
Governor of the State of Utah received the gift of life and power of
1 40
increase, we contemplate the display of his Brigham Young University under
omniscience and perfections with the Ernest L. Wilkinson
utmost admiration. (Ben was recently honored by the
--Anton van Leeuwenhoek Brigham Young Chapter of The Sons
of Utah Pioneers as a Modern
A brief comment on what I personally feel Pioneer---as a fundraiser for the
success to be: Church and for BYU. During his
Like the words of the song, career he raised nearly
"Love Is A Many Splendored Thing." $200,000,000 asserting BYU as a
so also could it be said of "success." foremost university in the world and
It, too, is so many different things to was responsible for the building of
different people, several temples.)
and its splendor can go off in many
different directions. The safest road to Hell is the gradual one—
The gentle slope,
One could say that success is having and soft underfoot,
being part of a family who are willing and without sudden turnings,
desirous of working for what they get and without milestones,
who love the Lord, their neighbor, and each without signposts.
other with all their hearts, might, mind, and --C.S. Lewis
Give me your tired, your poor,
Or, it could be said quite differently, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe
but with similar ultimate results. free.
The Savior said, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
"But he that is greatest among you shall be Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed
your servant." to me:
If being the greatest servant is an I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
indication of success, --Inscription for the Statue of Liberty
then he who is the servant of all
could be identified as the truly successful Change your attitude!
person. --Courtney Leishman
Former BYU Women’s Basketball
Jesus established the example for all of us Head Coach
to follow
if we would be as successful as He was.
For He was the servant of all.
He gave His life that each of us might live
and He paid the price which would enable
each of us,
if we are willing to live for it,
to gain exaltation in the Celestial Kingdom
of our Father in Heaven.
This can come only by our acceptance of
Christ as the Savior of the world,
and by living in accordance with the
commandments He has given.
The fulfillment of this satisfies my
understanding of what success is in every
true sense of the word.
--Ben E. Lewis
Former Executive Vice President
1 41
Lincoln echoed the monumental hope of It is rather for us
freedom for all men again on November 19, to be here dedicated to the great task
1863 in his historic and unforgettable remaining before us—
address following the one of the bloodiest that from these honored dead
battles of the Civil War. we take increased devotion
to that cause
In this battle at Gettysburg about 4,000 for which they gave
Southerners and more than 3,000 the last full measure of devotion;
Northerners were killed. The total number that we here highly resolve
of casualties---those killed, wounded, that these dead
missing, or captured was about 23,000 for shall not have died in vain;
the North and 28,000 for the South. that this nation,
under God,
Fourscore and seven years ago shall have a new birth of freedom;
our fathers brought forth on this continent, and that government of the people,
a new nation by the people,
conceived in liberty, for the people,
and dedicated to the proposition shall not perish from the earth.
that all men are created equal. --Abraham Lincoln’s Address at
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, Gettysburg
testing whether that nation
or any nations Of success Lincoln wrote:
so conceived and so dedicated "I will study and prepare
can long endure. and perhaps my chance will come."
We are met on a great battlefield of that
war. Abe Lincoln’s mother advised:
We have come to dedicate a portion of that “Be somebody!”
as a final resting-place for those You are only as happy
who here gave their lives as you make up your mind to be.
that that nation might live --Abraham Lincoln
It is altogether fitting and proper that
we should do this. This too shall pass away.
(A sign above Lincoln's desk during the Civil
But, in a larger sense, War)
we cannot dedicate—
we cannot consecrate— When you look for the bad in mankind,
we cannot hallow this ground. you will surely find it.
The brave men, living and dead, --Abraham Lincoln
who struggled here,
have consecrated it You cannot keep out of trouble
far above our poor power by spending more than you earn.
to add or detract. --Abraham Lincoln
The world will little note or long remember
what we say here, I will prepare now
but it can never forget and take my chances later.
what they did here. --Abraham Lincoln.
It is for us, the living, rather
to be dedicated here You cannot help small men
to the unfinished work by tearing down big men.
which they who fought here
have thus far so nobly advanced. You cannot bring about prosperity
1 42
by discouraging thrift. Kids do not visualize defeat.
We must retain that same attribute.
You cannot strengthen the weak If you haven't failed at something lately,
by weakening the strong. you haven't done anything lately.
You've got to fail to succeed.
You cannot lift the wage earner Trying again and again.
by pulling down the wage payer. --Art Linkletter

You cannot help the poor man A good reputation is more valuable than
by destroying the rich. money
--Titus Livius
You cannot keep out of trouble
by spending more than your income.
What It Takes To Succeed
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by Vince Lombardi
by inciting class hatred.  Second Effort.
 Hard work.
You cannot establish security  Seventy-five percent mental toughness
on borrowed money. is essential to success.
 Success is character in action.
You cannot build character and courage  Winning isn’t everything -- it’s the only
by taking away man's initiative and thing.
independence.  Play every game to win.
 If everyone plays to win and then loses,
You cannot help men permanently by doing you can justify the loss.
for them  You never know which player will win
what they could and should do for the game.
themselves.  The team that controls the ball controls
--Attributed to Abraham Lincoln the game.
 Know everything about the competition.
My great concern is not whether you have  Operate on time. There is real time and
failed, Lombardi time 15 minutes early.
but whether you are content with your  Fatigue makes cowards of us all.
failure.  There are three important things in life:
--Abraham Lincoln. family, religion and job.
 It is surprising how much confidence
If I were to try to read, a little success will bring.
much less answer all the attacks  Lombardi doesn’t have ulcers, but he is
made on me, a carrier.
this shop might as well be closed  All the training in the world is no
for any other business. substitute for a real confrontation with
I do the very best I know how— a tough competitor.
the very best I can;  Don’t give up. Force a decision.
and I mean to keep doing so until the end.  Believe in yourself and make a total
If the end brings me out all right, commitment to product, company and
what is said against me won’t amount to self.
anything.  Be as great as you want to be.
If the end brings me out wrong, --Vince Lombardi
ten angels swearing I was right
would make no difference. Know your competition.
--Abraham Lincoln --Vince Lombardi

1 43
A defeat may be a There is nothing more difficult to take in
victory in disguise. hand,
--Vince Lombardi more perilous to conduct,
or more uncertain in its success,
The quality of a person’s life than to take the lead in the introduction of
is in direct proportion a new order of things.
to their commitment --Niccolo Machiavelli
to excellence,
regardless of their chosen field of endeavor. As I analyze my experiences,
--Vince T. Lombardi both joyful and sorrowful,
with which the Lord has blessed me
All good things which exist and try to frame these experiences
are the fruits of originality. against the beautiful concepts of the
--Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Gospel,
one Gospel phrase seems to answer the
The heights by great men reached and kept subject raised.
were not attained by sudden flight, It seems to me following tells it all:
but they while their companions slept, “For Mormons, success is to be in the
were toiling upward in the night. world, but not of the world.”
--Henry Wadsworth Longfellow --Arch L. Madsen
Former President Bonneville
Not in the clamor of the crowded street, International Corporation
Not in the shouts and plaudits of the
throng, Lost,
But in ourselves, are triumph and defeat. yesterday,
--Henry Wadsworth Longfellow somewhere between sunrise and sunset,
two golden hours,
It's good to have money and the things each set with sixty diamond minutes.
that money can buy, No reward is offered, for they are gone
but it's good, too, to check up once in a forever.
while and make sure that you have not lost --Horace Mann
the things that money can't buy.
--George Horace Lorimer Hold fast the time!
Guard it,
MM… watch over it,
every hour, every minute!
There is no security on this earth. Unregarded it slips away,
only opportunity. like a lizard,
--General Douglas MacArthur Smooth,
Five Keys faithless,
to Being Successful in the Future A pixy wife.
 Technical literacy Hold every moment sacred.
 Critical thinking Give each clarity and meaning,
 Focus on core values each the weight of thine awareness,
 Appreciation for the Arts and each its true and due fulfillment.
Humanities --Thomas Mann
 Embracing diversity
--Bernard J. Machen
Former President of the University of

1 44
There is no medicine like hope; turn out to be failures in an eternal
no incentive so great and so toxic, perspective.
so powerful as expectation of something Success to me
tomorrow. requires a well-defined game plan
--O.S. Marden which is followed through.
The people that succeed
For Mormons, are highly motivated and dedicated.
Success is a combination of many things Their goal is constantly in vision,
but a good character is the foundation and they will sacrifice anything
of the kind of success that interferes with achieving that goal.
that will being you real happiness --Henry Marsh
Choose your friends wisely National and Pan Am Steeple Chase
---they will make Champion
or break you.
--J. Willard Marriott Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Businessman, Marriott Hotels
(5) Fulfillment
Success to me is a very individual thing Feeling and being significant.
which cannot be accomplished alone.
It seems to be one of the paradoxes of the (4) Self Esteem
Gospel, Having value, enthrone, importance.
in that true individual success
depends on relationships with our fellow (3) Belonging Needs
beings. Acceptance, Membership, Friendship.

For example, in athletics, I strive for (2) Safety Needs

individual success Shelter, Protection, Security.
by being the fastest runner in a race.
Some would term the victory of that race a (1) Basic Survival Needs
success, Food, Water, Sleep, Air, etc.
but the real success comes from the impact --Abraham H. Maslow
your life has on others.
Government is, or ought to be instituted
If through your efforts, people are for the common benefit, protection,
motivated to excel, and security of the people,
then your are successful. nation,
I considered being a finalist in the Olympics or community,
a great accomplishment, of all the various modes and forms of
but it has not a place government
in an eternal perspective that is best
if it fails to motivate others to come closer which is capable of producing the greatest
to our Father in Heaven. degree
of happiness and safety,
Success is when we are moving forward and is most effectually secured
in our march to exaltation. against the danger of maladministration.
When we are standing still or moving The freedom of the press
backwards, is one of the great bulwarks of liberty,
then we are failing. and can never be restrained
Therefore, to me, but by despotic governments.
true success comes only in an eternal --George Mason
frame of mind.
The earthly successes many times
1 45
When times of adversity occur, DAVID O. McKAY'S
we can either murmur, TEN RULES OF HAPPINESS
or ponder.
--Neil A. Maxwell Develop yourself by self-discipline.
Joy comes through creation--
No one in this life was foreordained to fail. sorrow through destruction.
--Neil A. Maxwell
Every living thing can grow: Use the
H owever talented men may be in world wisely to realize
administrative matters; soul growth.
however eloquent they may be in
expressing their views; Do things which are hard to do.
however learned they may be in the worldly
things-- Entertain upbuilding thoughts.
they will be denied the sweet whisperings What you think about when you do not
of the Spirit have to think shows what you really are.
that might have been theirs unless they
pay the price Do your best this hour,
of studying, pondering, and praying about and you will do better the next.
the scriptures.
--Bruce R. McConkie Be true to those who trust you.

Your life will be rich for others Pray for wisdom, courage, and a kind
only as it is rich for you. heart.
--David McCord
Give heed to God's messages through
Real success inspiration.
is the accomplishment of a person If self-indulgence, jealousy, avarice, or
to use his God-given talents worry have deadened your response,
for the benefit of mankind pray to the Lord to wipe out these
and for the upbuilding of the Kingdom impediments.
of God on earth
and to so live that when he departs from True friends enrich life.
the mortal existence, If you would have friends, be one.
he may return to God
who gave him life Faith is the foundation of all things--
and be exalted in the Celestial Kingdom including happiness.
in the presence of God the Eternal Father
and His Son Jesus Christ. Let us realize that the privilege to work
--Howard S. McDonald is a gift;
Former President of BYU that power to work is a blessing;
that the love of work is success.
Leadership is action, not position. --David O. McKay
--Donald H. McGannon
If you hold your family home evenings
Y our supreme opportunity in life is together,
fatherhood. few if any children will be lost.
--David O. McKay --David O. McKay

No other success can compensate

for failure in the home.
--David O. McKay
1 46
"We don't take sufficient time to meditate. A recent study concluded that the key
I get up early in the morning...five o'clock, element common
when my mind and spirit are clear and to successful people
rested. was not talent,
Then I meditate. but an extraordinary drive and
You can come closer to the Lord than you determination --
can imagine mental toughness.
when you learn to meditate. They decided they would achieve,
Your spirit will be taught by the spirit. and they did.
--David O. McKay --Harvey McKay

A man can give no greater lesson to his Moral Highlights

children Big shots are only little shots who just keep
than that he loves their mother. shooting
--David O. McKay
You don’t quit trying when you lose;
Sow a thought, reap an act; you lose because you quit trying.
Sow an act, reap a habit;
Sow a habit, reap a character; One mistake will never kill you.
Sow a character, reap an eternal destiny. The same mistake over and over will.
--David O. McKay
Minds are like parachutes --
It is greater to be trusted not much good unless they are open.
than to be loved.
--David O. McKay It takes a lot of spectacular preparation
to produce spectacular results.
"Whate’er thou art
act well thy part." Anyone too busy to say thank you
--David O. McKay’s inspiration will get fewer and fewer chances to say it.
from a building in Stirling Scotland
The person who wants to do something
Look at yourself in a full-length mirror finds a way;
and ask yourself if there is anything the person who doesn’t finds an excuse.
that would not be pleasing to the Savior.
If so, remove it. Bad service saves money and loses
--David O. McKay customers, Good service costs money and
saves customers.
Success is learning to enjoy the time
and associating with others Good companies make good on mistakes;
--for people are the sum of this world. bad companies just make bad mistakes.
Success is having mastered one’s self
to the point of a positive satisfaction. The human body is the only machine
Success is being able to establish a set of that wears out faster if it is not used.
priority values
and enjoying living with those priorities. For real winners there are no finish lines.
Success is when you’ve helped others Make the second effort your second nature.
And your only recognition is your joy within
for them The greatest of all weaknesses
--Gunn McKay is to be conscious of none.
Former US Utah Congressman
Do what you do best -- it’s generally what
you like best.
1 47
Unless you work in demolition, don’t burn because he “didn’t have enough sense to
bridges. close a sale.”

Stay on your toes, or else you’ll be on your Michael Jordan was cut from his high school
knees, basketball team.
begging to keep your job.
Boston Celtics Hall of Famer Bob Cousy
Do what you are expected to do and you suffered the same fate.
Do more than you are expected to do A newspaper editor fired Walt Disney
and you will thrive. because he “lacked imagination and no
good ideas.”
Anyone can steer a ship when the sea is
calm. Winston Churchill failed the sixth grade and
had to repeat it because he did not
Believe in yourself, even when no one else complete the tests that were required for
does. promotion.

If you keep thinking what you’ve always Babe Ruth struck out 1,300 times – a major
thought, league record.
you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got.
A person may make mistakes, but isn’t a
If you think education is expensive, try failure until he (or she) starts blaming
ignorance. someone else.
-- Harvey Mackay
We must believe in ourselves
Never doubt that a small group and somewhere along the road of life,
of thoughtful, committed citizens we must meet someone
can change the world. who sees greatness in us expects it from us
Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. and lets us know it.
--Margaret Mead It is the golden key to success.
-- Don Meyer, David Lipscomb
The Failure List
The fairway is like the straight and narrow
Einstein was 4 years old before he could path.
speak. The better alignment you have helps to
avoid a lot of potential problems, and the
Isaac Newton did poorly in grade school same principle applies to everyday
and was considered “unpromising.” situations.
A golfer can encounter many unexpected
Beethoven’s music teacher once said of frustrations, and is not always able to
him, “As a composer, he is hopeless.” control the circumstances affecting his
game. This is why golfer's scores can
When Thomas Edison was a youngster, his fluctuate drastically.
teacher told him he was too stupid to learn The same thing happens in life. All you can
any thing. He was counseled to go into a do is try to do your best to overcome
field where he might succeed by virtue of obstacles as they present themselves and
his pleasant personality. avoid discouragement or counter-
productive attitude and behavior problems.
F. W. Woolworth got a job in a dry goods
store when he was 21, but his employer When things don't go as well as I would
would not permit him to wait on customers like, I walk off the course and stop thinking
1 48
about golf, because I owe my family just as but in how long we keep trying.
much effort in being a good husband and We do not fail until we give up.
father as I try to be a good golfer in my Fighting one more round---
professional life. taking one more step---
tackling one more problem---
Golf isn't the most important thing in my taking one more breath---
life. trying one more time is success.
Whether or not I shoot a 61 on 18 holes
certainly isn't going to get me where I want I believe that:
to go, unless I do other things, too. Success is turning from darkness to light.
Success is lighting the path for a neighbor
Discipline and knowledge are as important to lead him to the Gospel.
in life as they are to a golfer. The ability to Success is gaining a deep and unshakable
control anger and disappointment is a vital conviction
lesson for any person to learn and apply in that you are a child of God and that He
his life if he desires to live happily. loves you.

Knowledge and using it properly is an Success is listening with compassion to a

important element of success. Just as wayward or rebellious son or daughter
knowledge of the Gospel and and being able to communicate your love to
commandments is a necessary prerequisite them.
to salvation, so is knowledge a valuable And finally, the person who succeeds is the
asset in any activity in life. one who discovers the cost of a round-trip
ticket back to our Father in Heaven and
To improve my golf, I have to always then pays the price.
improve my knowledge and its application --Roland T. Minson
to the game. 1951 NIT MVP
--Johnny Miller, B.Y.U. Athletic Hall of Fame
Professional golfer
The following ideas are meaningful to me TO AN EFFECTIVE FAMILY HOME
and express some concepts that are EVENING
providing me with direction in my life:
1. To get started, begin with a family
I believe that success is measured not in council at least the day before.
money, power, or position, but in how well Decide what the family wants to do
we serve others. Service stops selfishness and what it will take to accomplish it. Make
and secures success. assignments - who will teach the lesson,
conduct music, and give prayers, select an
I also believe that success is a fleeting individual’s talent to spotlight, plan the
thing and must be recaptured every day. activity or games, prepare the
Each day is “double or nothing.” refreshments, or plan the service project,
Past success can be lost quickly if we rest etc.
on our “press clippings.”
The game is not over and the score final 2. Involve every member of the
until death blows the whistle. family.
Success in its final sense cannot be A Family Home Evening (FHE) is
achieved until we hear the Lord say, most effective when every member of the
“Well done, good and faithful servant. family is involved. Anyone from young
Enter into thy rest.” children to teenagers to adults can pray,
I believe that success is not only measured
in how hard we try,
1 49
conduct, give lessons, make refreshments, night not family minute. Spend time
etc. Each can contribute ideas that would together with those who can.
be fun for the family to do.
7. Invite the Spirit and bear your
3. Stay organized. testimony often.
Make up a chart with everyone's Begin and close with prayer, because
name on it. Rotate assignments using the the best teacher is the Spirit. You may
chart so no one gets skipped and everyone have planned a great lesson, but without
takes part in one way or another. Find a the spirit to confirm what was taught,
system that works for your family and nothing may be learned. Frequently end
keeps you most organized. the lesson by bearing your testimony. Let
your children hear and know that you have
4. Teach a variety of lessons. a testimony of the gospel. Not only does it
FHE is a good time to teach your add to the Spirit, but it also sets an
children quality lessons. Lessons can focus example and gives your children something
on gospel principles, etiquette and to lean on.
manners, cultures from around the world,
plays and literature, dance, art, music, 8. Implement Monday night lessons all
sports, etc. It can be a time for you to week.
educate your family on the things you think Lessons learned become more
are most important and that would help permanent if put into practice. When
your family become well rounded. everyone in the family learns a lesson
together it is easier to implement that
5. Use a variety of methods to teach. lesson into the regular family routine.
Don't limit yourself to teaching in the
living room. Get out and work in the yard Family home evening can be a great time
together, teaching them work ethics, for the family to be together and to learn
gardening tips, and rules of cleanliness. important lifelong lessons. Some evenings
Get out into the neighborhood and will go smoother than others, but it's
community and teach them service, and important that you continue holding a
the joy that comes from helping others. Go regular family home evening. In the
on the mountain and take family hikes or church published Family Home Evening
nature walks. Go to the park and play ball Manual, President David O. McKay
teaching teamwork, sportsmanship, skill promised us that "families who prayerfully
and rules of the game. Just because we prepare and consistently hold their weekly
call it family "home” evening doesn't mean Home Evenings, and work together during
we always have to stay home to do it. the week to apply the lessons in their lives,
will be blessed. There will be better
6. Be flexible. feelings between husband and wife,
Not every Monday night will be open between parents and children, and among
all evening. Children may have homework children. In such homes, the Spirit of the
or finals to study for. A parent may have Lord will be made manifest."
to work late. In any case, it's okay to --Thanks to my friend Amy Mitchell
hold a FHE that does not fill the entire who gave these suggestions during a
evening. Be flexible to the needs of the sacrament meeting and I thought
family and plan your FHE to fit those needs they were quite worthwhile to pass
and time frame of everyone involved. along.
However every member of the family
should understand that family night is just
that, a night to be together as a family, to
focus on building family unity. It is family

1 50
The more we love our friends, --Margaret D. Nadauld
the less we flatter them; it is by excusing LDS Young Women General President
nothing that pure love shows itself.
--Moliere I used to say of him (Napoleon) that his
presence on the field made the difference
When performance is measured, of forty thousand men.
performance improves.
When performance is measured and Mental is to physical
reported as three is to one
the rate of improvement accelerates, --Napoleon
especially if visually compared
with another performance. Napoleon’s three rules for any message:
--Thomas S. Monson "Be clear!"
"Be clear!"
P reparation precedes power and "Be clear!"
--Thomas S. Monson Napoleon once described happiness---
“It is the highest possible development of
As knowledge increases, myself.”
wonder deepens.
--Charles Morgan Admiral Lord Nelson said that the secret to
his success was being one-half hour early
After all there is but one race---humanity. to everything he went to.
--George Moore
Act two is not the end of the play.
"Tact is the art of convincing people that --Russell M. Nelson
they know more than you do."
––Raymond Mortimer God give us grace to accept with serenity
the things that cannot be changed, courage
NN… to change the things which should be
changed, and the wisdom to distinguish the
“The Joy of Womanhood” one from the other.
Women of God can never be like women of --Reinhold Neibuhr
the world.
The world has enough women who are I do not know what I may appear to the
tough; world;
we need women who are but to myself I seem to have been only like
tender. a boy
There are enough women who are coarse; playing on the seashore,
we need women who are kind. and diverting myself in now and then
There are enough women who are rude; finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell
we need women who are than ordinary,
refined. whilst the great ocean of truth lay all
We have enough women of fame and undiscovered before me.
fortune; --Sir Isaac Newton
we need more women of faith.
We have enough greed; We have inherited a magnificent palace
we need more goodness. and we spend most of our lives in a
We have enough vanity; broom closet in the basement.
we need more virtue. Hugh Nibley claimed we are missing
We have enough popularity; 99.9999% of everything that was
we need more purity. happening around us.
1 51
The real learning will take place after this Life shrinks or expands in proportion to
world. one’s courage.
This is not the main event, but the --Anais Nin
Don't center ourselves on the things of this Before becoming a mission president,
world, I was a pilot in the U.S. Air Force.
but strive for repentance and forgiveness. Pilot training was extremely difficult, with
The only productive ones are the specialists only approximately 40% of those who
and deans and they get meeting'd to death. entered finally obtaining their "Silver
Success, unfortunately, is unobtainable. Some very smart and capable young men
--Hugh Nibley didn’t make it.
The main difference that I could see
In listening, listen for facts and principles— between them and those who succeeded
principles as the structure was desire.
and facts as the building blocks. Those who wanted to fly badly enough
--R. G. Nicholes made any sacrifice necessary in order to
achieve their goal.
A positive attitude and sincere effort will My philosophy then was the same as it is
hasten more success than any "lucky now. Anything, including Celestial Glory, is
break." obtainable if we are willing to put forth the
Many times we are affected by what others effort and make the sacrifices necessary to
think. achieve it.
If they say we can’t succeed, --G. Sterling Nixon, Mission President
often we think we can’t.
To gain real success, The greatest legacy we leave is our family.
we must believe that we can do anything, --Richard M. Nixon
unless we prove to ourselves that we can’t.
These are two thoughts on success OO….
that I formulated for me.
I would hope that others would adopt An educated person
them, thinks with precision,
and gain the happiness that can come reads with understanding,
though success. and writes and speaks with clarity.
-- Rosanne Tueler Nielsen He recognizes and appreciates beauty.
A First Attendant for Miss America He has the perspective
that comes from a breadth of knowledge
The truth about success is long overdue. and understanding,
There is nothing mysterious about it. and the self-discipline
Success can be predicted and measured to apply himself or herself
with mathematical precision to do well in the work of the world.
and will come to us Finally, an educated person is guided
in the exact degree of effectiveness by an ethic, philosophy, or religious belief
with which we live each day. that gives direction and meaning
--Earl Nightingale and a sense of inner peace to life.
--Dallin Oaks
We should all follow the admonition
of the ancient Greek philosopher NIKE, The four evils:
who said, Property, pride, power, prominence
"Just Do It!" --Dallin Oaks

1 52
Do what is right, W e have a motto in the Switzerland
not what is legal. Zurich Mission, which we consider a good
--Dallin H. Oaks definition for success:
"Your best is good enough;
Saying what SUCCESS has come to mean good enough is not your best."
to me calls for PROLOGUE OF WHAT I --Gary E. O’Brien,
Love for our Savior, Redeemer
and a desire to live in the Celestial Kingdom F or Mormons, success should be
with HIM, my family and friends! measured by the extent to which one
Thus, SUCCESS to me is finding a means lives up to his ideals and convictions
that I can keep myself motivated constantly without becoming intolerant of the beliefs
and persistently, and views of others. Integrity is one of
to learn-learn-learn by the scriptures, the highest virtues a person can possess
the arts, the sciences, and service to others one of his most
and my relationships with people. valuable attributes.
And secondly, and more difficult, success is
using this assimilated knowledge in To a Mormon, one’s attitude toward
delivering loving, responsible and dedicated education is of prime importance, and he
Service should never cease his search for truth.
to family and fellowmen. No matter how much we learn, there is
--Stella Oaks, always more knowledge to be gained.
Outstanding mother, civic leader In this connection, I am reminded of a
(Mother of Dallin Oaks) short poem that has been kept constantly
in my mind over the years.
The most important thing in education is to It reads as follows:
teach young people to think for themselves. I used to think I knew I knew.
--Albert Schweitzer But now I must confess.
The creed of the Hugh O’Brian Youth The more I know I know I know
Leadership I know I know the less.
--A. Ray Olpin
"Dammit, don’t settle for the status quo! President Emeritus, University of
--Hugh O’Brian addressing the HOBY Utah
Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership group
My Personal Creed:
The greatest power The power
is the power to choose. is within you
The greatest ability to change
is the ability to think. for good
And the most important quality that part of the world
of a leader is character. over which you have some influence.
--Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership --David L. Olpin

Leadership is... David L. Olpin

A two-way relationship Mission Statement
where leaders and followers together
achieve success To become better than I am,
by motivating one another and to spread a wide influence for good.
to set and accomplish both personal goals
and a group vision. ______________________________
-- Hugh O’Brian

1 53
OUR FAMILY’S If you wish to be a champion,
MOST IMPORTANT VALUES or whate’er you choose to be,
________________________________ just act as though you are one
and soon that dream you’ll see.
Love --David L. Olpin
To promote and maintain the love and unity
of our family members. The voice of a great choir is a powerful,
and brilliant beacon of pure light, piercing
Health deeply into a dark and troubled night,
To develop and maintain good health searching, illuminating and offering
Mental It is the prismatic spectrum of hundreds
To develop talents, abilities, knowledge, of distinctly pleasing colors blended into a
and wisdom perfect harmony.
--David L. Olpin
To develop financial resources, security, The Power of Example:
self-reliance, and avoid debt A former branch president related that a
certain sister's example in California
Support influenced him to join the Church and
To provide assistance in time of need, become a missionary.
physically and spiritually He influenced 7-8 others and they have
now baptized over 300 people in various
Professional parts of the world just because of the
To develop and promote professional example of a sister who didn't even know.
abilities --David L. Olpin

Altruism Verlan, a close friend of mine, related to

To develop spiritual and moral capabilities me that his daughter, three months old,
and render frequent altruistic service. was in the hospital to receive an IV
treatment. She was seriously dehydrating
This is success to me: and if she didn't receive it, she would lose
When I pass from this scene, her life. Without success the doctor had
my sole concern is that I want tried numerous times to give the IV into
to be proud of each of my four sons. her tiny receptive veins. Verlan and his
--David L. Olpin uncle administered to her. Still for an hour
the doctor tried and failed. Unconscious,
We will never know of ourselves she literally thrust her arm correctly into
what kind of great men and women the needle. They all wept.
we might have become --David L. Olpin
had we only been given the inspiration,
the opportunity and the perseverance in A Tongan in the Provo Pioneer Ward related
those chosen fields of endeavor. that a hurricane struck his island and a
--David L. Olpin member who could not make it to the
chapel, the only safe place, took a rickety
My mother’s secret to success: stool and touched the overhead beam and
Treat people you meet commanded that by the power of the
like they were your old friends priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ
and soon they will be. that his small shack would withstand more
--David L. Olpin than 100-mph winds.
When the storm had subsided,

1 54
his was the only building that remained He knew that the book was all that it
standing for miles around and his wife who purported to be.
was about to deliver and his family were --David L. Olpin/
without injury. Robert W. Petty MD
--David L. Olpin
The solution to most social problems of this
Soon, oh how soon nation
we fade from fragile flesh lies in strengthening the family.
to monuments of stone. --David L. Olpin
--David L. Olpin
A brother of a good friend of mine who is
One night, in the middle of the night, my an extensive genealogist related to me that
wife awakened me to tell me that Glen, our he had been very close to the spirit and
youngest son had been awakened by a had met many of his ancestors personally,
serious earache and was crying with the people from Brittany --which he didn't even
pain. know where it was.
He never cries, so I knew it had to be And further, they had come from the holy
hurting him. land in a migration over 40 to 50
I got out my anointing oil and began to generations and he had met many of them.
administer to him. On one occasion one of his ancestors came
Almost as soon as I placed my hands upon to him while he was driving up to BYU to do
his head, some work. Because he didn't have time to
I could feel him resting. do a lot of research, he was directed to go
By the time I finished the pain was gone to the library, find a certain book and on a
and he was almost asleep. certain page he would find the information
He slept through the entire night and never he needed.
had a return of his earache. He did.
--David L. Olpin --David L. Olpin

My good friend Bob (Dr. Robert Petty), a Aging is a ruthless and relentless thief who
prominent eye surgeon here in Provo, eventually takes it all.
recently related about on one of his recent --David L. Olpin
trips on his return from Saudi Arabia.
He was talking about the translation of the Immeasurable is the power of --
Book of Mormon into Arabic. The gentleman a dream,
who did the translation was a Seventh Day a plan,
Adventist and an accomplished linguist in a passion,
Arabic. and persistence.
The translation took almost five years. --David L. Olpin
He said that to put the book back into its
native tongue was interesting because in A dear friend and fellow Scouter passed
English it is very cumbersome. away recently.
But it fit so beautifully into chiasms and Brother Barney McGarry was a great man
other word structures that were totally as demonstrated by his love for his Cub
unknown to Joseph Smith and even until Scouts for whom he served in our ward for
1890. nearly twenty years as Cubmaster.
Even names used, i.e., Moronihah, His effective leadership philosophy was:
Nephihah and other names were very The greatest leader is one who, when the
common to the language. task is completed, the group says, “We did
The language was so beautiful that when it ourselves.”
he had finished some passages the tears And --“You’re only as good as your next
rolled down his cheeks. assignment.”
1 55
He cast an impressive shadow for good that I am unique.
will last for many generations. I seek for excellence.
God has given me special talents and
It’s not what you had, abilities
but who you were. that I will develop.
--David L. Olpin I draw close to His Spirit through scripture
A good brother who was being considered fasting and prayer,
for Church reinstatement from opening the way to His inspiration.
excommunication weighed heavily as he I will become more Christ-like
recounted his past. by focusing on just one of his attributes at
He said, "I have known many fearful things a time
in my life, and taking it into my life.
but none was so fearful as myself and what I do things that are hard to do
I have done, and looking at myself." so that my capabilities will increase.
--David L. Olpin I keep the Sabbath day holy---
from my work, my studies, and from my
The greatest challenges of each man play.
are to find out who he is I am frugal with my means, avoid debt,
and how he may serve his fellow man. and make the most of my resources.
--David L. Olpin I do the best I can each day,
each hour, twenty-four hours a day.
To become great, I keep my thoughts and actions clean
follow great principles. and avoid those things that would deter
--David L. Olpin my spiritual growth.
I attend my church meetings,
If you intend to do more than you do now, keep the commandments,
you must do more than you do now. and take joy in magnifying my church
--David L. Olpin callings
I develop and preserve my body and mind
Practice does not make us better from self-abuse, wastage, weakness, and
if we only practice our mistakes. pollution.
Only will intense long-term practicing of I am honest in my dealings with my
correct methods. fellowman,
--David L. Olpin and gain peace of mind by keeping the
Your reputation I uphold womanhood and remain chaste.
speaks louder I take time for myself to ponder,
than your financial position. to plan,
--David L. Olpin to organize,
to prioritize,
A Personal Pursuit of Excellence and get things done;
I am happy. then I follow-through and evaluate.
I smile often, I use very wisely this brief time
build positive attributes called "my life,"
and free myself from negative influences. and prepare and train myself for my work
I appreciate my family and for my family.
and express my love to them. This is my best year yet,
I love those around me. because each day
I take time to develop friends "line upon line and precept upon precept,"
by being a friend, these attributes become me.
and am true to those who trust me. --David L. Olpin
1 56
If I can truly dream it, "Pornicious"
I can truly do it. --David L. Olpin
--David L. Olpin
O n a recent stake pioneer trek a young
Successful leadership... man, Geoffe Brown, related afterwards that
is perceiving that the good leader is the one on the first day he didn’t eat any lunch, and
who is aware of the problems confronting as they started on the trail and evening
his group and is neither too strong, nor too began, he started to feel the full effects of a
permissive, but works to develop the true hunger, and by the time they were
potential and abilities of those whom he well into the trek, he felt he couldn’t go
leads, and is able to draw out the best that any further, so he decided to pray.
is in them in order to surmount their When he finished his prayer he said he got
problems up with the feeling that he could have gone
and reach their goals. on for“15,000” miles.
--David L. Olpin He said this experience was a very strong
answer to prayer.
Success is... Imagine how the pioneers felt!
taking the time and the opportunity --David L. Olpin
to enrich our lives with
beautiful music, art, and good books, Brother Tolman, a Council Scout leader,
and experiencing personally related that one of his boys had an eye
the wonders and intricacies of the world injury during a trip into the backcountry.
that surround us and the galaxies beyond. The eye turned from blue to brown and
--David L. Olpin then went white and glazed. One of the
boys suggested that Brother Tolman
A man’s true wealth administer to him.
is measured by the extension One of the non-member boys said, "You
of his influence for good. mean that if he lays his hands on his head,
--David L. Olpin he can restore his vision? You've got to be
What we do for and what we do with our They all gathered around the fire and had
families prayer and then Brother Tolman laid his
will ultimately be the two most important hands on the boy’s head and the boys
things witnessed a miracle as that eye was
we will accomplish during our lifetimes. restored to a clear blue with full vision.
--David L. Olpin --David L. Olpin

Success in life comes through W e cannot achieve or be anything of any

the focused fulfillment importance
of a balance of achievable goals without first visualizing
and life-changing success habits and feeling that action in our own minds.
--continuous and progressive, --David L. Olpin
that joy and peace
in life may be full. When you think we are important,
--David L. Olpin consider this –
our earth is less than a grain of sand
If you were Chistopher Reeves and you in a vast Sahara cosmos.
could use the body you now have for just . --David L. Olpin
one day, today, how would you use that
--David L. Olpin

1 57
The Magic of Merit Badges may never know if we can. What a
wondrous gift. What a magic spell a merit
By David L. Olpin badge book may cast over us! Just one
book may change our entire lifetime, give
Perhaps not as "quick as a wink" can merit you a new direction, light a candle to a
badges change a boy, but just as magically. room of excitement where now there is
only darkness.
"Through the magic of merit badges
our potential talents may be uncovered It's magic! Boys should spend some time
and explored." just browsing through most or all of these
'magic' merit badge booklets. They are
Life is somewhat like walking down a very, available in most libraries. A boys'
long hallway, filled with hundreds of doors- investment in a few hours may influence
- doors of opportunity. Some people never the rest of his life. A magical trip.
open many doors to see what is inside.
How much they will have missed. By Merit badges are a bit of magic opening up
opening a number of these 'merit badge a world of reality, preparing us to wish
doors,' we are suddenly introduced to many upon a star and knowing better how to get
of the exciting opportunities that life has to there. With a panorama of nearly 130
offer. Thousands of boys have been different fields for us to discover, there are
influenced toward their life's work by few facets of life that are left untouched.
completing a merit badge. When you open Most of these booklets are written by top
these merit badge doors, not only do you experts in their fields, men and women who
get to take a trip through the merit badge know their subjects well. They have taken
booklets, but in most cases, you are sometimes complex fields of expertise and
personally advised by a counselor, simplified them down so that a boy can
someone who gives you a real-life really understand them.
interpretation, who has 'been there, done
that.' We could also say that our lives are Merit badges provide a magical adventure
very much like a large field of ground into life. Without them scouting would not
containing a number of unknown wells. be a quest of understanding ourselves,
These are wells of talents and abilities. discovering our capabilities, sharpening our
Each well has a varying depth of capability. skills, or expanding our universe.
As we uncover and explore these wells, we
may find that in some we have great depth, Let us raise our vision. On with the magic!
like a young boy who found his love for
photography at a young age, and grew up THE CARROT OR THE STICK?
to become the world famous director Ideas on how to motivate Scouts.
Stephen Spielberg.
By Dave Olpin
Each of us has many talents and abilities-
abilities we may never know about. T here are basically two means of
Through the magic of merit badges our motivating a group to accomplish a
potential talents may be uncovered and purpose-- the carrot, or the stick.
explored. Merit badges prepare boys for the
real world, a place not too long from how MOTIVATIONS:
where you will have to fall back on your Having served in the military for several
learned experiences. Scouting is a tool box, years, I understand readily the difference.
giving many young men who enter the Under fierce combat conditions often the
world a full set of tools, ready to work. only discipline that will drive a man to do
They have taken the opportunity to prepare his duty in the face of death is the stick.
themselves If we never try to do things, we The stick is an outward manifestation. It is
1 58
often forced upon the individual. The received the following letter which says
carrot, by contrast, is an inner self- more than I ever could:
motivating and deep conviction, one that
can be a strong driving force in anyone's "I am a Scout Committee Chairman and as
life. Through the carrot, kindliness, love I come to the end of this round of courts of
and concern toward the recipient are the honor, our Scoutmaster and I have
primary active forces. The carrot is one of a pondered on the effectiveness of the point
lasting quality, and in the end will provide system and rewards. We have greatly
the result of greater satisfaction. enjoyed and benefited from this system in
our area Scouting program, and I just
THE PRINCIPLE wanted to commend you for this very
As explanation of this principle, two years effective system. It has added another
ago I was assigned the responsibility of element of fun. Friendly competition is a
Scout leader over my area Scouting great way to motivate these boys to earn
program. This is essentially an advisory badges and work hard, and us as leaders to
position. My first task was to surround get organized and help the boys.
myself with good leaders who could make a
program move. Initially, I had a serious The point system is a great way for you as
concern for the welfare of the young men in Scout leaders to tell us what it is you
our program, and for the manner in which wanted us to focus on in our organizations.
the program might see meaningful From the way the points were set up this
advancement. One evening, at the closing time around it was obvious that many
of Scouting meeting, It seemed that I had a points could be gained from leadership and
clear vision of how we might change the having leaders active, attending
program so that it would become more roundtable, being trained, etc. Because of
meaningful to the boys. your emphasis on this, our group made a
lot of progress in this direction, and it has
THE VISION benefited the Scout program, and more
I sensed that there are two things we importantly the boys in the program.
needed to do to help bring about a Having more enthusiastic, trained, informed
successful program. First, we needed to leaders has been a great benefit to our
have a vision of what we wanted to boys.
accomplish, and that vision had to be a
shared vision. Second, the leaders of the As this last court of honor passes next
individual units had to be aware of how Tuesday, we will be anxiously awaiting the
they could accomplish that vision. This next round, and the next area you would
implied their knowing what they were to like us to focus on in our programs. Again I
do, and a system of incentives, which, if thank you for your dedication to the young
they are real enough, would cause self men in our stake and for your guidance as
motivation of both the leaders and the wise leaders. Thank you."
boys. There must also be an element of
competition. Boys truly love friendly This particular group won our area's year-
competition. long competition-- Their carrot? It does not
REWARDS matter! This last year our boys have won
Over the next two years we spent more awards and advancements than we
countless hours developing and had ever experienced before. We are
implementing a program of basic incentives experiencing unprecedented success in the
that would move our people toward their form of potential Eagle Scouts who are
goals. This was to be done while allowing currently in our program. Our courts of
them to share the setting and realization of honor have had up to 250 proud parents,
objectives and goals within realistic dates. leaders and young men.
At the conclusion of the second year I The carrot of positive motivation works!
1 59
The Right To Inspiration I have written and rewritten some
Each of us has a right to inspiration materials as many as seventy-five times in
whether you are a Scout leader, or whether the foreword of a book I published.
you serve in any other leadership
capacities. There that evening I felt that I had done all
There are times in our lives when we reach that I could possibly do to prepare. I had
very critical points; when we must reach worked diligently and conscientiously to
beyond our own self-imposed limitations develop my material. And now...a hollow
and ask for something well beyond. feeling filled my stomach. At that moment
Let me cite a personal incident that I felt that I had only one recourse.
occurred nearly twenty years ago and is
still very fresh in my mind because it left This was the time when I must pray, very
such a lasting and profound impression. fervently. And fervently I did for several
I was serving as a High Councilman in the minutes.
LDS Provo, Utah Central Stake, prior to a Then, a warm calm came over me and I
major stake conference, proceeded to take up my ballpoint pen and
I was told by our Stake President, President placed my yellow legal pad directly in front
Thomas, that I had the assignment to be of me, and I began to write. Clearly in my
one of two speakers, myself and another mind I listened to and recognized the voice
sister, who would both give short talks; of Bruce R. McConkie of the Council of the
while Boyd K. Packer, from the Council of Twelve dictating to me.
the Twelve would be the main speaker.
As prominent as he is, I knew the stake He proceeded for some minutes, not too
center would be absolutely packed to fast, just a steady pace until he had
capacity. dictated to me my entire talk. His material
My assignment was for a five-minute talk! completely filled two and a half legal pages.
These are without doubt the most difficult.
The assignment was given on Saturday. Very taken by the moment, I then carefully
I had just one week to prepare. read back through it. I made only two
changes and they were only punctuation
My every available moment that next week marks. I needed to know how long it was,
was spent in earnest preparation. so I read it aloud to time it. Five minutes
My employment at that time was in Salt and 1/10 of a second.
Lake City, so I was commuting to and from
Provo, about a one-hour’s drive each way. I was completely overwhelmed. I had
Since I was alone, coming and going never experienced anything like that before
I rehearsed and changed, and changed and in my entire lifetime.
rehearsed, trying to develop the talk I
would give. Excited by the moment, I came upstairs
from my basement study and told my
Friday night came, and as I sat in my study experience to my wife. It was a very
making my final preparations, personal revelation. She said, " Well, you
I suddenly became aware that the talk deserved it. You worked for it."
I had spent all week long preparing was not
the talk I would give the next night. The next evening I gave that talk just as it
This was frightening. had been given to me. The most
Here it was, the day before the night I was interesting part about this was the fact that
to deliver the talk and I felt that I had no later as I checked on it, I found out that the
talk to give. suggested material outline for all the stake
And, I had only one day to prepare. conferences for that time had been
For me writing is extremely difficult. prepared by Bruce R. McConkie.

1 60
Numerous times since then I have reflected effort.” “You still didn’t hear what I said!”
upon this very personal incident. It The officer, frustrated by now said, “I will
changed my life. I doubt that I will ever give my very life to deliver this message.”
have another quite like it. This type of “You still do not hear me. I need to have
incident may never happen to you---but to you take the message to Garcia.” Finally
me it proves the very important point that the officer said, “I will TAKE the message to
you and I have the right to inspiration in Garcia.” Said the commander, “THAT is
our personal lives, particularly in our exactly what I needed you to tell me.”
responsibilities towards others.
Successful Teaching:
The key, I believe, is that we must first of No one can change another person’s
all do ALL that we can do to accomplish the beliefs.
intended purposes. When we have done But you can accept his beliefs
that, we have fulfilled our part of the and then slowly build an influence
responsibility. Not until! for the other person to change himself.
--David L. Olpin
But when we have done that, with sincerity
and diligence, then we have earned the Our testimonies should be our most prized
right to ask, keeping ourselves in tune with possession
the spirit of revelation. --David L. Olpin

This principle of inspiration can be applied A successful memory can be compared to

to church, scouting, your job, education--- the lens and the film in a fine precision
any portion of your life. camera.
--David L. Olpin You must synchronize these two elements
Two unknown origin classic stories:
A knight was riding through a forest and 1. Observation (not just looking) which
came upon a rock quarry where a man was is the lens carefully focusing to bring out
somewhat laboring "Workman, what are a sharply defined and detailed image.
you doing there,” he asked? "Just chipping
stones," he replied. The knight rode a little 2. Association, which is the film affixing
further and found another workman eagerly the image in the mind as a long lasting
engaged in the same endeavor. "And what and clearly remembered picture.
sir are you doing there,” he asked? The --David L. Olpin
workman looked up with excitement in his
eyes and great eagerness in his voice and Success for ourselves
said, "I am building a magnificent cathedral and for others
that will last for a thousand years!" who share this country
--David L. Olpin means seriously upholding
and carefully guarding
A Spanish commander was fighting a our precious rights and freedoms
strategic battle. The commander found it through being aware and active citizens
imperative that he send a message to one in this land
of his generals, General Garcia. He called which is choice
upon one of his most trusted officers. He above all other lands.
told the officer that it was crucial that he --David L. Olpin
get this message to Garcia. “I will do my
best,” the officer promptly replied. “You
didn’t hear me, the commander said. I
want you to take the message to Garcia.”
The officer again replied, “I will make every
1 61
What is a common man? After a short time, a swimmer, not of our
A person who has not yet shown his group, seeing that I was dressed and
talents. wearing a watch, walked up to me and
--David L. Olpin asked me the time.
As I checked my watch and took a moment
Seeds of greatness are in every man. To or two extra to figure the hour and ten
find those seeds, plant, cultivate, nurture minutes difference---he looked at me---
and harvest them raised one eyebrow, and walked away.
is the lifelong challenge. --David L. Olpin
--David L. Olpin
I recall working in my office one day after I
A great thought might stir the world. But had just moved all my various items from
all the great thoughts in the world will not one office to another. In the process I
equal one simple action; and only sustained began looking for a folder containing some
action can ultimately change the world. important information on one of my clients.
--David L. Olpin This folder was a major concern to me and
I spent nearly a half hour looking for it. I
On a recent trip to Mexico, my wife and I looked everywhere and couldn’t find any
went on a bus tour to the outer areas of a trace of it.
particular city.
As we got off the bus, we were directed to At my wit’s end and running out of time, I
a large clay pit about one hundred feet decided it was time to pray about it. As I
square and about fifteen feet deep. There prayed, I happened to think back on a past
in the hot summer morning sun, laboring in experience in my childhood where I had
the pit, bare to the waist, was a deeply lost a ball in a field and couldn’t find it.
tanned worker. Remembering that I had been taught that I
A large pile of sawdust was to our left. The could ask Heavenly Father, I did. It was
clay mud in the pit was mixed with the within only a few moments that I found it.
sawdust by kneading the clay with the
worker’s bare feet. As I concluded my prayer and turned my
He loaded the mix into an old wheelbarrow chair to my left, extended my arm, almost
that was then laboriously wheeled up to in a reflex, and went to my second drawer
ground level, where a second worker down. Opening it and putting my hand into
molded the clay into a wood framework to the drawer, I pulled out the yellow folder
make four bricks, and each had just earned within less than five seconds after
four cents--- and I had my life put into completing my prayer.
perspective. --David L. Olpin
--David L. Olpin

Several years ago, I was acting as a Scout

leader, and took a group of boys from
Provo, Utah, to a sunny beach in California.
As the boys went in for a swim, I decided to
keep my eye on them and elected to stay in
my street clothes rather than changing into
swim trunks.
Since we had just arrived, I hadn’t
bothered to change my watch from
Mountain to Pacific Time, and, it was then
my practice to keep my watch ten minutes
fast so that I wouldn’t be late for some of
my meetings.
1 62
A Brother Riding in Portland related to his Make action easy.
priesthood quorum that I was visiting that Notes: Start with the familiar and
he had a son who was a Western Union comfortable. Establish friendly rapport.
delivery boy. One night Brother Riding Focus on the audience, individuals, front to
went to bed and his son had not returned rear.
home. Don't memorize.
He was awakened after about an hour and Use a structure with stories and
was impressed to get up and get into his illustrations.
car. Not knowing where he was going, he Before doing it, see yourself doing it.
drove directly to the local hospital and Visualize it completely several times.
asked the nurse where his son was. Use eye contact.
She said that definitely there was no one in Arrange a logical sequence of ideas.
the hospital by that name. He left the desk Use variety.
and went upstairs. Give visual aids, stories, examples,
The nurse was following in a protesting statistics.
pursuit to a darkened room where he found WANT to share an idea.
his son. Be physical, spontaneous and enthusiastic.
They said they didn't know who the young Finish by focusing to a final point.
man was, but that he had been in an auto Laugh, cry, loud, soft.
accident and was in need of blood. Not Have something important you must tell
even knowing his own blood type, he said, them...
"I have his blood," which he found out later "This is the most important thing."
he did. It happened that the blood was a If you are fearful, imagine your audience as
more rare type. He gave two pints and people who owe you money and you want it
saved the boy's life. back.
--David L. Olpin Offer your sincere testimony of what you
have given.
In raising a family or teaching a class, it’s --David L. Olpin
much like guiding and directing a zoo with
its many varied animals. "The Indian word “Utah" means "in the top
You’ll never make an eagle out of an eel, of the mountains."
but each has its important respective place
and purpose. Little did Congress know that when the
The challenge of the parent or teacher is to name "Utah" was given to the state as a
recognize their individual respective “demeaning” effect that it was a fulfillment
differences of the prophecy. Isaiah 2:2 it states that
and bring out the best in each of them. Zion would be established "In the tops of
--David L. Olpin the mountains" and all nations shall flow
unto it.
How to Give a Successful Talk --David L. Olpin
Start early.
Create a wealth of ideas. The purpose of life is
Have a head, body, and tail. to experience the world
Get attention. and to learn to cope with it.
Produce a problem, a need, a distress. --David L. Olpin
Provide for solution seeking:
Central idea, what to do. The true measure of a life well spent
Make a point.....give an illustration. is not how much you get,
Make a point.....give an illustration. but how much you give.
Make a point.....give an illustration. --David L. Olpin
Draw a conclusion, summary, given main
1 63
Our children are like diamonds. 3. Build your marriage around good
Unnoticed, they may remain only unsorted examples
But given thoughtful study Look at beautiful marriages you’ve known
to determine their natural hidden potential; like President Kimball and his wife, or
then carefully cut, ground, polished, President David O. McKay and his wife.
and placed in an appropriate setting, What would they do you might ask
they will radiate forth their inner light and yourselves. Then be a good example to
beauty. those who love you.
--David L. Olpin
4. Complement each other
Spend your time with something
that will outlast you This means the completion of the whole.
---your family. You re not complete without the other. You
--David L. Olpin are both different. Accept the differences.
Don't go to great lengths to change that.
Enjoy an abundance of But learn from each other's strengths. Each
acquaintances and associations, of you can do something the other cannot.
but choose CAREFULLY those Draw on those abilities. Let those
whom you select as friends. differences strengthen your family unit.
Because in so doing,
you choose the quality 5. Let your love deepen for each other
and kind of person
you are or will become. As the song from Camelot says, “The way
--David L. Olpin to win a woman is to simply love her,
simply love her---simply love her.”
Sixteen Suggestions If you have difficulties, ask for forgiveness.
For A Good Marriage It is easier to do that and remove this weed
problem than to let it grow unattended.
1. Make time for each other
6. Confide in each other
Continue to court each other. Keep
yourselves up in your appearances. Just Two people are no closer than what they
because you won each other, don't let can confide in each other. Share your lives,
down your self-image. Continue to make your joys, your challenges, your problems
yourselves appealing to each other. Give and work them out together. Have
each the same considerations you did while concerns for each other's welfare. Become
you were dating and more. Make some partners and friends.
special times together.
7. Give 125/125%
2. Strengthen each other in your
marriage Some people only give 50/50.
That’s not enough! When neither of you
Look for the best qualities in each other cares where the dividing line is, then life is
and build on these. Negative criticisms so much more fun.
have no place in a good home. They'll
never erect a statue to a critic or a nag. 8. Grow spiritually together
Enrich your marriage. No matter what, be
true to each other. Learn to appreciate Let this be the great anchor in your life.
each other for the little things. You're moving now from the concern for
self, to that of concern of family.
Implement strong principles into your lives.
1 64
Build your testimonies. Give service in His Often it isn't the ability to earn money, but
Gospel. Be willing to sacrifice for each rather, the ability to manage it, before it
other. Bring into your home sweet spirits manages you that is important.
and raise them up in peace and
righteousness. This will be your greatest 14. Create meaningful goals
Do this for your own lives both as a family
9. Preserve good health and as individuals. Inspire each other to
reach your goals; give real and loving
When you grow older, you don't want to be support. Work on problems and projects
a burden to your partner. This allows you to together. Now you two are one.
have more enjoyment with each other and
your family. 15. Seek for the best in life

10. Laugh often at the bright side Don't settle for second best.
And what is that?
But never at the other's expense. Not even The love of your family,
in jest. Don't let your companion be hurt in the fulfillment of your individual talents
this way. Enjoy life. You'll be as happy as and capabilities as a family---
you decide you want to be. the warmth of a loving and beautiful home.
So decide to be happy!
16. At the very end of each day,
11. Maintain a good record of your
lives just before you go to sleep,
tell her you love her.
Do this for the benefit of yourselves and No three words are as important to anyone
your family so that they can look back on at anytime
many precious moments in the growth of than at that moment.
your family. Do this in written form, All the world can rage about you.
pictures, and video, whatever you may Your children will leave you,
choose, but keep a good record. difficulties will arise,
but if you know that you have each other
12. Make your home a little heaven on and that you love each other,
earth nothing else will matter as much.
You can make your home one of love and
happiness, a refuge, a place where you like And if you remember to do these things,
to be. “No other success on earth can you will enjoy a beautiful marriage,
compensate for failure in the home,” said one that will blossom and bloom like a well-
David O. McKay. That is a great challenge. kept garden.
Just never give up on it. It's a skill, an art, What could bring more joy during a
and a labor of love and sharing...not just lifetime?
for time, but for eternity. --David L. Olpin,
Bishop BYU 26th Ward 1984-1989
13. Be frugal and wise with your (80 marriages in 1989)

We are told to avoid and stay out of debt.

Spend less than you earn.
Live within your means.

1 65
Doing Drugs is Like Fishing The reason for his success in football:
I played every play like it was going to be
Recently a group of top students the last one
asked a friendly judge, Lynn Davis in a I would ever play.
youth leadership forum, “What is the --Merlin Olsen,
greatest threat to our youth.” Former LA Rams football player
Without a moment of hesitation he
replied, “Meth!” Citius Altius, Fortius
He explained that it is like fishing, (Swifter, Higher, Stronger)
that taking it once—JUST ONCE, CAN --Theme of the World Olympics
LIFETIME. He went on to say that meth To exercise is human
had caused more deaths, more wives and Not to is divine.
husbands to leave their children, ruined --Robert Orben
more lives, led to more crime to fill its need
than any other thing that youth meet. A s my definition of success, I offer the
“If you take it you’re gone. Many following:
youth feel that experimenting is okay. Not  Success is finding a way to contribute a
this time. One time and you’re gone. useful service or a useful product that
If you have friends who are involved makes life better.
with these things—meth, ecstasy or any  Success is to have numerous
other, DON’T test the waters. It isn’t worth adventures which enrich the mind and
it. Just once will devastate an entire life. the spirit.
Your life. The ingredients of meth are all  Success is to have the love and respect
absolute poisons. The sum of the of your family and neighbors.
ingredients is a killer—a real killer.  Success is being able to live
Before you get into a condition where comfortably with one’s self.
you could get “caught” “pre-think” the --Roy W. Oscarson,
condition and what it will mean to you. President Edison Brothers Shoe
Promise yourself that you will NEVER
let yourself get into that kind of a condition Fast, pray, and then listen;
that would hook you. It’s the greatest and then write down your impressions.
danger that is out there for you. Don’t get --Alan Osmond.
hooked—just once.
Think for a moment what happens at We don’t want to do anything
the instant when a hook of bait enters into unless we think it’s our best.
the mouth of a fish. At that moment, at --The Osmond Family
the very instant, that fish is gone. Likewise
at that moment all that you are or might I am reminded of my father’s formula for
become are changed forever. That vicious success:
monster has changed your life, forever, and He told me as a young man that success is-
you become its puny slave. This is not an --a clear conscience.
experiment. It’s as real as today.”
--David L. Olpin One of my own measurements is---
the achievement of the impossible with the
This will be on my tombstone: available means.
One of these days
I’m going to get organized! Another way to approach this might be for
--David L. Olpin an individual to try to define success in his
present circumstances.

1 66
For example, as Conductor of the The greatest decision of life is between
Tabernacle Choir, good and evil.
I would feel successful if I were to: What, then, do we want you to do?
 Perceive all the dimensions of the Simply this:
assignment. Be good!
 Subvert personal desires and goals for Study the gospel.
the good of the assignment without Live it!
compromising my own standards. Stay active in the Church.
 Act vigorously, but only after careful Receive the ordinances.
planning and study. Keep your covenants.
 Complete the requirements of the
assignment without offending the Position and wealth are no more essential
individual or the community. to true happiness in mortality than their
--Jerold D. Ottley absence can prevent you from achieving it.

PP…. I can envision a day, in generations ahead,

when I would regard you and your children,
The Choice and theirs struggling with the challenges of
...It is the misapprehension of most people I may see you go the full distance of
that if you are good, mortality
really good at what you do, without becoming either well-known or
you will eventually be both widely known wealthy.
and well compensated. I can see myself falling to my knees
It is the understanding of almost everyone to thank a generous God that my prayers
that success, to be complete, have been answered,
must include a generous portion that you have succeeded,
of both fame and fortune as essential that you are truly happy.
ingredients. --Boyd K. Packer
The world seems to work on that premise. Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
The premise is false. General Conference, November 1980
It is not true.
The Lord taught otherwise. That which occurred in World War II
I want you, our children, to know this will be as nothing.
truth: --Boyd K. Packer
You need not be either rich or hold high
position The husband is the head;
to be completely successful and truly the wife is the heart
happy. --Boyd K. Packer

In fact, if these things come to you, and

they may,
true success must be achieved in spite of
not because of them.

The crucial test of life

does not center in the choice between
fame and obscurity,
nor between wealth and poverty.

1 67
I believe in the United States of America (A letter written during the crisis
as a Government of the people, days of the Revolution, General
by the people, Washington was so impressed with it
for the people; he ordered that it be sent and read
whose just powers are derived from the to all his troops.)
consent of the governed;
a democracy in a republic, S uccess is having your daughter say,
a sovereign Nation of many sovereign “Daddy, I love you.”
a perfect Union one and inseparable; Success is having your son ask, “Dad, come
established upon those principles of and throw the football with me.”
equality, justice and humanity Success is knowing that your wife (or
for which American patriots sacrificed their husband) thinks you are the greatest.
and fortunes. Success is setting a goal and achieving it.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my
country to love it, Success is magnifying your calling.
to support its Constitution, --Robert J. Parsons
to obey its laws, B.Y.U. Assistant Professor of
to respect its flag, Economics
and to defend it against all enemies. Outstanding Young Men of America
-- William Tyler Page, Award
The American Creed
If a man does his best,
My country is the world what more can be asked?
and my religion is to do good. --General George S. Patton
--Thomas Paine
Accept the challenges
These are the times that try men’s souls. so that you may feel the exhilaration of
The summer soldier and the sunshine victory.
patriot will, --General George S. Patton
in this crisis,
shrink from the service of their country;
but he that stands it now,
deserves the love and thanks of man and
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered;
yet we have this consolation with us,
that the harder the conflict,
the more glorious the triumph.
What we obtain too cheap,
we esteem too lightly;
‘til dearness only
that gives everything its value.
Heaven knows how to put a proper price
upon its goods;
and it would be strange indeed,
if so celestial an article as Freedom
should not be highly rated.
--Thomas Paine, December 23, 1776

1 68
The Person Who Gets Along Most people get married believing a myth--
With Others-- that marriage is a beautiful box
full of all the things they have longed for:
 Knows the names of all the people companionship, sexual fulfillment, intimacy,
with whom he associates friendship.
and speaks to them often by name. The truth is that marriage, at the start,
 Is very quick with praise. is an empty box.
 Is always constructive when it is You must put something in before you can
necessary to criticize. take anything out.
 Has his temper under control. There is no love in marriage;
 Is quick to lend a helpful hand. love is in people,
 Readily admits a mistake and never and people put it into marriage.
hesitates to say, “I'm sorry.” There is no romance in marriage;
 Believes in his work and takes a real people have to infuse it into their
interest in the welfare of the marriages.
organization which employs him, rather A couple must learn the art and form the
than seek acclaim for an achievement, habit of giving,
 Is willing to let someone else have the loving, serving, praising---
credit. keeping the box full.
 Assumes that other people like him . . . If you take out more than you put in,
and as a result they do. the box will empty.
 Believes in the true worth of people, --J. Allan Peterson
knowing that we are all children of God,
and as his creations deserving of each T his thing we call 'failure' is not falling
other's respect and understanding." down,
--Norman Vincent Peale but the staying down."
--Mary Pickford
Give of yourself
and you grow as a person Words have longer life than deeds.
--Chris Pella --Pindar
BYU Football Recruiting Coordinator
A life, which is unexamined, is not worth
President L. Tom Perry gave this advice: living.
That he and his wife would read two --Plato
chapters each day
and in so doing would in a year’s time W hen people speak ill of thee, live as
would read though no one could believe them.
the Book of Mormon, --Plato
the Doctrine and Covenants and
the New Testament.

If all else fails,

do something.
--Tom Peters

1 69
The beginning is the most important part of while making gigabucks and having as
the work. much fun as legally allowed.
A grateful son, long happily married, told in
T he best plan is to profit by the folly one short sentence what his father had said
(experience) of others. when he confided in his father concerning
--Pliny the Elder his coming marriage to a lovely girl. This
his father said: “Be good to her – and treat
Blessed is the man who expects nothing, her like a queen.”
for he shall never be disappointed. --Tomas S. Priday
--Alexander Pope
Be cheerful while you are alive.
To err is human, to forgive divine. --Ptahhotpe
--Alexander Pope
A good reputation is more valuable than
Men must be taught as if you taught them money.
not, -- Syrus Publilius
and things unknown proposed as things
forgot. QQ….RR….
--Alexander Pope
Happiness is an attitude not a condition.
An honest man is the noblest work of God. It is in the present
--Alexander Pope not the distant promise of "someday
There are no secrets to success. Fall in love with life.
It is the result of preparation, hard work, --Reader's Digest, 6/93 p.155
and learning from failure.
--Colin Powell Success for me never has
(and I hope never will be)
P o w e r Q u e s t , a very high moral and simply a gauge in dollars and cents, fame
family-oriented Provo-based business, in or notoriety or any material values.
1998 and 1999 was the Utah based fastest Success for me has always been measured
growing (85,000% in ‘98) of some 10,000 in my own ways and also in the eyes of
companies in the state of Utah two years in others.
succession. What others think materially or in other
ways isn’t important,
The PowerQuest Mission Statement but I strive to earn the respect of others.
That respect demands honesty,
Establish PowerQuest as the leading consistency in actions,
provider of innovative storage device courtesy,
management by: and a genuine respect for others.
I feel it is a two-way street.
 Inventing jaw-dropping technology. Perhaps what this is leading up to is simply
 Leading every category we create. this:
 Giving heroic service solutions. I don’t want to live and die knowing that all
 Smoking the competition. I’ve done is hit golf shots all my days.
 Harvesting our ideas from the front "Golf to me is a tool
lines. to gain what we could call "success."
 Executing with a scrappy attitude. Success here to me means inner peace of
 Never letting reality get in the way of mind,
success-- finding joy in my work (golf),
a potential way to earn a living
1 70
and finally a missionary tool here a time back when one of my rich
to spread the message of the Gospel. friends, worth millions of dollars, said:
To sum up: “LeGrand, I would trade you all my money
we gain joy in sharing for your Church experience,” to which I
whether it be sharing our talents, replied, “Yes, but I wouldn't trade you. You
or love or the Gospel of Jesus Christ, can’t take your money with you when you
and real success comes go, but I can take my experience.”
when others appreciate
our work in these areas. When I was eight, my father, who had just
We also can be barometers of this success recently been ordained a patriarch, gave
by accomplishing goals me my blessing. Among other things, he
and bringing to our own souls said that I had not come here upon earth
great satisfaction through personal effort. by chance, but in fulfillment of the decrees
--Mike Reid, Professional Golfer of the Almighty to accomplish a great work,
B.Y.U. All-American and then he defined that. All my life, I
have prayed that if I didn’t come by
For Mormons, Success Is – chance, that the Lord would help me to
recognizing where our talents, accomplish what He sent me to do, so that
gifts and attributes come from— when my mission here on earth was
then always giving the Lord the credit. completed, he wouldn’t have to say to me:
In this way it is possible to stay humble “This is what we sent you to do, but you
and successful at the same time. failed and we had to raise up someone else
to do your work for you.”
Success and glory (as the world
understands it) True success to me is to accomplish the
is very addicting, purpose for which the Lord sent me upon
but for someone whose satisfaction the earth.
comes from doing the Lord’s will, --LeGrand Richards
the true understanding of success is The Quorum of the Twelve
As President John Taylor so beautifully The human body is sacred--
stated the veritable tabernacle
(July 7, 1878), of the divine spirit which inhabits it.
"We are here as Jesus was here, not It is a solemn duty of mankind
to do our own will, to develop, protect and preserve it
but the will of Him who sent us." from pollution, unnecessary wastage
The most successful experience in life and weakness.
is find out His "will" --Stephen L. Richards
for our individual lives and do it,
thus fulfilling the measure of our (personal) Success is finding out
creation. the will of the Lord
--Rose Marie Reid and doing it.
Businesswoman, --Eldin Ricks
prominent swimsuit designer Author, Associate Professor, B.Y.U.

WHAT I CONSIDER TRUE SUCCESS When nothing seems to help,

As a boy, my father taught me that there I go and look at a stonecutter
was no corporation, organization, or hammering away at his rock
institution in the world that would pay me perhaps a hundred times
as great dividends on the investment of my without as much as a crack showing in it.
time and my talents and my means as the Yet at the hundred and first blow
Church. This came home forcefully to me it will split in two,
1 71
and I know it was not that blow that did it-- You gotta have a dream.
but all that had gone before. If you don't have a dream,
--Jacob Riis how you gonna have a dream come true?
--South Pacific
There is a fundamental law Rogers & Hammerstein
that the tissue of the human body will
waste away A thought about leadership by Will Rogers:
through idleness and disuse. If you're riding ahead of the herd,
Conversely, muscles and vessels that are take a look back
stressed every now and then
grow and increase in capacity. to make sure it's still there.
This same basic law also applies to spiritual
growth You can’t say civilization isn’t advancing:
in either of these areas In every war, they kill you in a new way.
and can be achieved only by continual --Will Rogers
and effort in day-to-day living. If you get to thinking you're a person of
--Clarence F. Robison some influence,
Former BYU Track Coach try ordering somebody else's dog around.
--Will Rogers
S uccess can only be measured in
relationship to the God-given potentialities Don’t squat with your spurs on.
that each of us possesses. Most people fail --Will Rogers
short of their potential success because
they grossly underestimate their own Don’t lick your steak knife.
potentialities. --Will Rogers

First of all success requires a deep and What greater success

burning belief in yourself. than to know
that your children
Second, success is planned and purposeful and your children’s children
goal-setting and working toward these are walking in the truth?
goals. --George Romney
Former Governor of Michigan
Thirdly, the end result must be evaluated Former Candidate for President
not in what we have obtained in life, but in
what we have given to the rest of the The future belongs to those
world. who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
--Eleanor Roosevelt
I am sure that our Creator will not evaluate
us according to the awards, medals, and Do the thing you think you cannot do.
honorary citations we have received, but --Eleanor Roosevelt
we will be evaluated by the service we have
rendered to mankind. We look forward to a world
--Clarence F. Robison founded upon four essential human
Former B.Y.U. Track Coach freedoms.
1948 Olympic Team, The first is freedom of speech and
13 Conference Championships expression—
Coached over 80 All-Americans everywhere in the world.
The second is freedom of every person
to worship God in his own way—
everywhere in the world.
1 72
The third is freedom from want . . . The object of government is the welfare of
everywhere in the world. the people. The material progress and
The fourth is freedom from fear . . . prosperity of a nation are desirable chiefly
anywhere in the world. so far as they lead to the moral and
--Franklin D. Roosevelt material welfare of all good citizens.
--Theodore Roosevelt
The only limits to our realization of
tomorrow It is too difficult to think nobly
will be our doubts of today. when one only thinks to get a living.
--Franklin D. Roosevelt --Jean Jacques Rousseau

Far better it is to dare mighty things, "Reason deceives us often;

to win glorious triumphs, conscience never."
even though checkered by failure, --Jean Jacque Rousseau
than to take rank with those poor spirits
who neither enjoy much The highest reward for man’s toil
nor suffer much, is not what he gets for it,
because they live in the gray twilight but what he becomes by it.
that knows not victory nor defeat. --John Ruskin
--Theodore Roosevelt
Life being very short,
Far and away and the quiet hours of it few,
the best prize life offers we ought to waste none of them
is the chance to work hard in reading valueless books
at work worth doing. --John Ruskin
--Theodore Roosevelt
"It is not the critic that counts;
not the man who points out If you want to feel worthwhile,
how the strong man stumbles do something worthwhile.
or the doer of deeds could have done them --Carl Sagen
The credit belongs to the man who is Experience has shown that to be true
actually in the Arena, which Appius says in his verses,
whose face is marred by dust and sweat that every man is the architect of his own
and blood; fortune.
who strives valiantly; --Sallust
who errs and comes short again and again, (Gaius Sallustius Crispus)
because there is no effort without error and
shortcoming; There is only one happiness in life,
but he who does actually strive to do the To love and be loved.
deed; --George Sand
who knows the great devotion;
who spends himself in a worthy cause, The republic is a dream.
who at the best, Nothing happens unless first a dream.
knows in the end the triumph of high --Carl Sandberg
achievement, and who at the worst,
if he fails while daring greatly,
knows that his place shall never be
with those cold and timid souls,
who know neither victory nor defeat."
--Theodore Roosevelt
1 73
If any young man expects, You must give some time to your fellow
without faith, men.
without thought, Even if it’s a little thing.
without study, Do something for others---
without patient, persevering labor, something for which you get no pay,
in the midst and in spite of but the privilege of doing it.
discouragement, --Albert Schweitzer
to attain anything in this world that is
worth attaining, All great men and women became great
he will simply wake up by and by and find because they gave some talent or ability
that he has been playing the part of a fool. in the service of others.
--M. J. Savage --Albert Schweitzer

T here is no more mistaken path to Teach young people how to think,

happiness not what to think.
than worldliness, revelry, high life. --Albert Schweitzer
--Arthur Schopenhauer
Since my hierarchy of values in life are:
By the inch it’s a cinch.  Family
It works if you work it.  Church
Keep on trying; it’s possible.  Vocation
When faced with a mountain, Success is: an adequate balance between
turn it into a gold mine. church service
--Dr. Robert Schuler and vocational pursuits,
assessed at frequent intervals,
A man to carry on a successful business to assure family exaltation.
must have imagination. Since Family Exaltation is "ultimate
He must see things as in a vision, success,"
a dream of the whole thing. service and vocation are essential
--Charles M. Schwab ingredients
to its accomplishment.
The best way to develop the best that is in Establishment of short-range goals
a man frequently assures ultimate long-range
is by appreciation and encouragement. goals ultimately.
--Charles Schwab Goals are set just beyond our grasp,
but within reach---
always obtainable.
I don’t know what your destiny will be, but --Robert C. Seamons,
one thing I know: the only ones among you Mission President
who will be really happy are those who
have sought and found how to serve.
--Albert Schweitzer

There are only three ways

to teach a child:
The first is by example.
The second is by example,
and the third is by example.
--Albert Schweitzer

1 74
It is a rough road that leads to the heights tis something, nothing
of greatness. Twas mine, tis his,
--Lucius Annaeus Seneca and has been slave to thousands;
But he that filches from me my good name
R eputation, reputation, reputation! O! I Robs me of that which not enriches him,
have lost my reputation. I have lost the And makes me poor indeed.
immortal part of myself, and what remains --William Shakespeare
is bestial.
--William Shakespeare Success does not consist in
never making mistakes,
Poor and content is rich, and rich enough. but in never making the same one
--William Shakespeare a second time.
--George Bernard Shaw
Truth is truth. To the end of reckoning.
--William Shakespeare You see things; and you say “Why?
” But I dream things that never were;
Our doubts are traitors, and I say, “Why not?”
And make us lose the good we oft might --George Bernard Shaw
win, By fearing to attempt.
--William Shakespeare The darkest day in life
is the one in which we expect something for
Suit the action to the word, the word to the nothing.
action; with this special observance, that --Allen Shawn
you o’er step not the modesty of nature.
--William Shakespeare He profits most who serves best.
--Arthur F. Sheldon
What a piece of work is a man!
How noble in reason! These titles (missionary name tags) allow
how infinite in faculty! in form, us to carry the greatest message on earth.
in moving, how express and admirable in When can we come and share that with
action, your family?
how like an angel! --Vai Sikahema
in apprehension how like a god!
--William Shakespeare Sterling W. Sill said:
“I am sure in my own mind
Neither a borrower, nor a lender be; that the one business of life is to
For loan oft loses both itself and friend, succeed,
And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. that God did not give us these
This above all: to thine own self be true, magnificent brains,
And it must follow, as the night the day, these miraculous personalities,
Thou canst not then be false to any man. and these wonderful physical
--William Shakespeare qualities
and then expect us to waste our lives
Be not afraid of greatness: some are born in failure.”
great, some achieve greatness, and some
have greatness thrust upon them. If we think celestial thoughts
--William Shakespeare which are the kinds of thoughts God thinks,
then we develop celestial minds.
Good name in man and woman, --Sterling W. Sill
dear my lord
is the immediate jewel of their souls;
Who steals my purse steals trash;
1 75
Successful people is it going to make matters better, or
follow successful patterns. worse?
--Sterling W. Sill
Do you want things to get better, or worse?
I have given considerable thought to your
request and offer the following as my What do you think you should do about it?
personal response to your question: -- Hyrum Smith, Franklin-Covey
"For a Mormon, success is achieving the
special things in life Ultimately we do
which he knows God wants him to do--- what we want to do.
things such as qualifying for the priesthood, --Hyrum Smith
going on a mission, Goals and Internal Motivation:
being married in the temple, I f I were to tell you I would give you
getting all the education possible, $100,000
excelling in a trade or profession, if you would accomplish a particular task,
serving in as many Church capacities as would you find a way to accomplish this
possible, task?
raising a fine, well-trained family, You would probably go to almost any
participating in community life as a patriotic extreme
citizen, to accomplish this task.
becoming proficient in the scriptures On the other hand, what if I didn’t offer you
and the knowledge of the Gospel, the money?
approaching the golden years of life Would that make a difference?
as a patriarch of a large posterity Ultimately, it’s purely your internal
and finally lying down to rest motivation
with a complete assurance of a glorious that makes the difference---
future and if the goal is real enough, then you will
enshrined in immortality and eternal life. find a way.
--W. Cleon Skousen --From a story by Hyrum Smith,
Author, B.Y.U. Professor of Ancient Franklin, Covey
Happiness is the object and design of our
On returning from the moon existence;
Don Slayton's two rules for success: and will be the end thereof,
Know what you want to do. if we pursue the path that leads to it;
Never give up. and this path is virtue,
Dialog On How To Solve An Interaction faithfulness,
Behavioral Problem holiness,
and keeping all the commandments of God
I have a problem ....
that I need to talk to you about right away. . . . .As God has designed our happiness—
(Present problem) and the happiness of all His creatures, He
never has—
You have been doing…. (describe the He never will institute an ordinance or give
action) a commandment to His people that is not
calculated in its nature to promote that
This has made the problem of....(describe happiness which He has designed, and
the reaction) which will not end in the greatest amount
of good and glory to those who become the
If the problem continues, recipients of his law and ordinances.
---Joseph Smith, Jr.
1 76
When God commands, I do it. Let all that breathe partake;
---Joseph Smith, Jr. Let rocks their silence break,
The sound prolong.
I teach them correct principles
and they govern themselves. Our fathers’ God to thee
---Joseph Smith, Jr. Author of liberty,
To thee we sing;
The nearer man approaches perfection, Long may our land be bright
the clearer are his views, and the greater With freedom’s holy light.
his enjoyments, Protect us by thy might
till he has overcome the evils of his life Great God, our king.
and lost every desire for sin.
---Joseph Smith, Jr. Know what is right.
Know when you are right
No righteous man is taken and then go straight ahead without
before his time. deviation.
--Joseph F. Smith --A. O. Smoot,
Founder of Brigham Young University
When someone tells a lie
they are only hurting themselves Reason is God’s crowning gift to man.
more than anyone else. --Sophocles
--Joseph F. Smith
M y statement on success would be as
O ne of America’s most successful songs follows:
was written by Samuel F. Smith 1808- "Success means happiness in your
1895. home,
The music is from Thesaurus Musicus, and enjoyment in your job.
London 1744
Oftentimes we mouth the words, but we fail CODE FOR SUCCESS
to ponder its powerful message:
 Find your own particular talent.
My country ‘tis of thee,  Be big
Sweet land of liberty,  Be honest.
Of thee I sing;  Live with enthusiasm.
Land where my fathers died,  Don’t let your possessions possess you.
Land of the pilgrims’ pride,  Don’t worry about your problems.
From every mountainside  Look up to people when you can--down
Let freedom ring! to no one.
 Don’t cling to the past.
My native country thee  Assume your full share of responsibility
Land of the noble free, in the world.
Thy name I love;  Pray consistently and constantly.
I love thy rocks and rills,  (Conrad Hilton)
Thy woods and templed hills, --Wilson W. Sorensen,
My heart with rapture thrills President Emeritus
Like that above. Utah Valley State College,
Orem, Utah

Let music swell the breeze

And ring from all the trees
Sweet freedom’s song
Let mortal tongues awake
1 77
Ten Success Qualities to learn to deny oneself;
Most Wanted by Business Leaders and to sacrifice fun things for disciplined
hard work.
 Ability to lead and communicate with
others. If people knew all that went into being a
 Ability to compete. champion,
 Ability to plan and schedule your the hours of practice and denying
activities. themselves,
 Versatility in your dealings. they might not wonder why they are not
 Loyalty to your business. better than they really are.
 Responsibility for time, money,
property and opportunities. But success starts in the mind.
 Honesty in all things. I think mental versus physical is about as
 Truthfulness. ten is to one.
 High moral character. We start every basketball season aiming at
 Adaptability to mental and physical the #1 spot, the state championship. I
pressures have found that what your mind sees when
with the ability to bounce back. it looks through the sights of your goals is
--The Southwestern Company where your effort will strike.

To me, success is Many of us hate to set high goals because

one’s ability to keep the faith, we might look bad if we fail. I think fear is
develop his God-given talents, an enemy of a champion. It is safer to say
and be able to honestly say at the close of we are not very good, so don’t expect too
life, much. But we always say to our players,
“the world is a better place because I have “When you are the best you must always
lived.” be at your best.” Champions believe that
--Belle S. Spafford they are good. They know they must live
Former President of Relief Society up to their reputation of being number one.
Former President of National Council We say every day, “You must do your
of Women best.”

SUCCESS TO ME Kirk Ashby, a former player, wrote when he

Success to me is a word for which there was on his mission, “Would you tell the
could be a thousand definitions. guys something for me? I know they have
Many think it is material things, money, a great team this year. It’s too good not to
etc., win it all. Remind them that when they
but to me success in many fields is step on that floor, they have to play their
to earn the respect of honest critics best. They’re only going to get one shot at
and endure the betrayal of a false friend; playing for Provo High School. They owe it
to see people not as they are, to themselves and the ones that played
but what they can be; before to give all they’ve got. We don’t
to give of one’s self expect more than their best, but nothing
without the slightest thought of return; else will do.”
to set the highest goal and then work and (Provo won the State Championship that
achieve it; year--1981)
to go out every day with enthusiasm;
to appreciate excellent play, even of your Success does not come without a defeat,
opponent; but one loss does not make you a failure.
to do more than your duty requires; You should get back up and use the best
to practice longer and harder than your two words in the world “NEXT TIME.”
1 78
Sometimes we grow more from our defeats The scriptures tell us,
than our victories. In defeat we can “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.”
examine the roots of the loss with (Proverbs 23:7)
intelligent rather than emotional analysis.
We can search for better techniques and The Lord wants all of us to be a success.
ways to help the game. In my office I have --James (Jim) A. Spencer
a sign which says Provo High School Basketball Coach
“We must experience defeat to understand PHS 14-year record: 287 wins, 21
victory.” losses
Defeat then becomes an elevator that lifts
us up He plants trees
rather than a vehicle that carries us down. to benefit another generation.
--Caecilius Statius
There is a danger of making basketball
players of boys. Reading is to the mind
what exercise is to the body.
In high school the ultimate goal is to --Richard Steele
fashion boys into men. The true payoff in
coaching comes when someone who has The indispensable first step to getting
played for you comes back later and says things you want out of life is this: Decide
two words: “Thanks, Coach.” A “thank what you want.
you” after one or thirty years of coaching is --Ben Stein
meaningful. For instance when Mike Olpin,
a previous captain, gave his comments at Silent gratitude isn't very much use to
our banquet, the things that he said were anyone.
pay for an ol’ coach because you knew it --C. B. Stern
came from the heart.

Success comes from commitment.

Commitment is the key word. Your
The desire of knowledge,
commitment is not only to yourself, but to
like the thirst of riches,
your players. Coach them in the fullest
increases ever with the acquisition of it.
sense of the word.
--Laurence Stern
Show them the meaning of dedication,
In America anyone can become president.
loyalty and unselfishness. Show them that
That’s one of the risks you take.
basketball is life, not just a game. It is
--Adlai Stevenson
what life is all about...to learn to be a
better person, a better missionary, a better
To be what we are,
and to become
what we are capable of becoming
There is only one way I know how to coach
is the only end of life.
this game
--Robert Louis Stevenson
and that is all the way.
The saints are the sinners who keep on
Success is a singleness of purpose, and
once you have agreed upon the price that
--Robert Louis Stevenson
you and your family must pay, you forget
the price. It comes through first imagining
that you are a success and then practicing
toward that goal.
See yourself winning.
1 79
A Champion Swimmer to do the work necessary
does not make gracefulness his whole goal. to achieve the success to which he aspires."
The finish line is won as dearly by the
spirit. Let us all find this feeling
It is the spirit that propels the body. that we can succeed in living a moral life,
It is caring---and caring enough to stay in and find the courage and stamina
the water to do the work necessary to achieve,
and make the most of preparedness; and make ourselves graceful champions
caring enough to combat lethargy, of the faith and works that we champion.
weariness, to endure unbelievable pain. --Ora Pate Stewart,
LDS Author and Poetess
There is no way to describe the work,
the pain
that goes into championship. DETERMINATION
The difference between success and Be willing to pay the price through hard
mediocrity work.
is work. Think about big things
How is dreaming of success before it comes and don’t get thickly involved
like basking in success after it has been with thin things.
Neither can really amount to much. GOOD MONEY MANAGEMENT
Dreaming and basking are comfortable Pay your tithing;
rocking chair words. pay yourself and save out of every dollar
One is not yet employed and the other is you earn; wisely spend the rest.
already retired.
All they represent is the beginning and the STICK TO YOUR PRINCIPLES
end. You will be respected for adhering
The infantile and the senile. to that which you believe.
All the work bustles in between.
There was never a champion who did not Don’t give up when things get tough.
earn his medal. Stick to the job no matter how tough it
Those among us who are not champions may be.
are the ones who have not worked to
championship requirements GOOD WORK HABITS
and molded ourselves into champion shape. Get the job done at the time it needs to be
This is a justice which will not be cheated. done; apply diligence and take pride in
good performance.
Rich (Richard Millard) Rameson,
rated as one of the top fifteen swimmers in GOOD GROOMING
the world, has a formula for success that Wear clothes to fit the occasion;
will serve him throughout his life, his cleanliness.
business and professional activities, and in
his spiritual and intellectual pursuits. HONESTY
He has recorded it for his posterity in his A trusted person is always in demand.
life story that he is preparing, and he is Live within your income
willing to share it: and keep your word.

"I am convinced that if a person

really has the feeling that he can succeed,
then that feeling will compel him
1 80
SELECT GOOD FRIENDS It is more important than appearance,
They will have a profound influence on giftedness,
your life or skill.
for good or evil. It will make or break a company...
a church...
SET GOALS a home.
Know where you have been, The remarkable thing is we have a choice
are now, every day
and which direction you are headed. regarding the attitude we will embrace for
that day.
In seeking success in any field, We cannot change our past.
remember: we cannot change the fact that people will
“Seek ye first the kingdom of God act in a certain way.
and His righteousness We cannot change the inevitable.
and all these things shall be added unto The only thing we can do is play on the one
you.” Matthew 6:33 string we have,
--O. Leslie Stone and that is our attitude.
First Counsel of the Seventy I am convinced that life is 10% of what
Emeritus happens to me
and 90% how I react to it.
Successful writing guides: And so it is with you.
“Omit needless words. We are in charge of our attitudes.
Vigorous writing is concise. --Charles Swindoll
A sentence should contain no unnecessary
words, A man is as old as his arteries.
a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, --Thomas Sydenham
for the same reason
that a drawing Get a vision of what you want
should have no unnecessary lines and then be willing to pay the price.
and a machine no unnecessary parts. --L. Jay Silvester
This requires not that the writer World Olympic Discus Champion
make all his sentences short,
or that he avoid all detail It is difficult to be on the Olympic team
and treat his subjects only in outline, without paying the price.
but that every word tell.” --L. Jay Silvester
-- William Strunk, Jr
The Elements of Style Most of the happy people I know
do some one thing well.
Vision is the art of seeing things invisible. --L. Jay Silvester
--Jonathan Swift

The longer I live, the more I realize

the impact of attitude on life.
Attitude to me is more important than
It is more important than the past,
than education,
than money,
than circumstances,
than failures,
than successes,
than what other people think or say or do.
1 81
TT….  Flexible necessities.
 Reserve for future necessities.
Sister Norma Talmage told the story that  Luxuries.
her father, --N. Eldon Tanner
James E. Talmage was very intent
on getting an education I believe success is achieving a spiritual
even to the point that he got his doctorate condition
at the age of twenty-one. in one’s life and work where one feels such
He was just so busy that he hadn’t had a a harmony
chance with the creative forces of life
to do anything to look for a wife, and that he identifies as an integral part of
but he knew he should. such forces.
So he went into the mountains
after fasting and praying Christ is the source from which such forces
that he would be able to know emanate.
whom he should marry. Responding to His light, means to be a
He felt that the Lord had the big picture. partner with Him
There he had a clear impression in his mind in the creative process.
of a girl who lived in a nearby small town.
So he went to her home. This identification results in a fullness of joy
When she came to the door and is the very essence of success.
he knew she was the one (See D&C Section 88.)
and shortly thereafter they were married. --Weldon J. Taylor
Dean Emeritus
The greatest joy and success College of Business, B.Y.U
comes in giving service to others.
--N. Eldon Tanner V ery often one must first overcome
laziness and lack of inclination.
We get old too soon and wise too late. Then there are various impediments.
--N. Eldon Tanner Sometimes victory comes easily,
sometimes inspiration entirely escapes me.
T hese five principles of economic But I believe it is the duty of an artist
constancy, when followed, never to submit,
will bring financial security for laziness is a strong human trait,
and peace of mind and nothing is more harmful to an artist
under any economic circumstance: than to let laziness get the better of him.
Constancy #1 Pay an honest tithe. One cannot afford to sit and wait for
Constancy #2 Live on less than you inspiration;
earn. she is a guest who does not visit the lazy
Constancy #3 Learn to distinguish but comes to those who call her.
between needs and --Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Constancy #4 Develop and live within Small things done with great love
a budget. bring joy and peace.
Constancy #5 Be honest in all your --Mother Teresa
financial affairs.
--N. Eldon Tanner Time is the most valuable thing a man can
Six Successful Steps To Budgeting --Theophrastus
 What you owe the Lord.
 What you owe yourself.
 Fixed necessities.
1 82
If you want to put over a point--dramatize There are many ways to gain success,
it. but to me prayer and work are the main
--Jane Thompson ingredients.
I wrote a song once called "Count On Me"
As I have thought about it, there are many and if I could progress to the point where
things that contribute to success, the Lord could always "Count On Me,"
but in my case, I’m sure that lots of prayer then I would consider myself successful.
and hard work are the things that have --Jane Thompson
helped me the most, plus some talent that B.Y.U. Entertainment Division
the Lord so generously gave me.
Read the best books first,
I don’t know how to write things in a very or you may not have a chance
profound manner, but I have come to to read them at all.
realize how important things like self- --Henry David Thoreau
discipline and concentration are,
but always coupled with sincere prayer. Our constitution is named democracy
I suppose the greatest failure, or lack of because it is in the hands not of a few
success is procrastination, lack of self- but of the many.
discipline and concentration. However, I But our laws secure equal justice for all
have found that when the Lord is with you, in their private disputes,
you seem to succeed, no matter how and our public opinion welcomes and
lacking you may feel in your own abilities or honors talent
confidence. in every branch of achievement,
not for any sectional reason
So then: a key to success is self-discipline, but on grounds of excellence alone.
concentration, coupled with earnest and And as we give free play to all in our public
humble prayer. life,
so we carry the same spirit into our daily
An audience can always spot a phony! relations
If a person is very talented, but only gives with one another. . . .
a small percentage of his or her ability, an Open and friendly in our private
audience notices that and is let down. intercourse,
On the other hand, if a person is less in our public acts we keep strictly within the
talented, but gives 100% effort, an control of law.
audience is quick to sense that too, and We acknowledge the restraint of reverence;
appreciates it. we are obedient to whomsoever is set in
A combination of fine talent and 100% authority,
sincere effort produces great results. and to the laws,
more especially to whose which offer
The scriptures tell us that "Faith without protection
works is dead." to the oppressed
and those unwritten ordinances
We might add that works without faith are whose transgression brings admitted
meaningless. shame.
Faithful and humble prayers are pleasing to --Thucydides.
the Lord
and combined with sincere and constant America is a land of wonders,
effort in which everything is in constant motion
lead to success in all phases of life. and every change seems an improvement.
The idea of novelty is there indissolubly
Success comes from serving others and connected
forgetting one’s self. with the idea of amelioration.
1 83
No natural boundary seems to beset to the
efforts of man; I am convinced that it is of primordial
and in his eyes what is not yet done importance
is only what he has not yet attempted to to learn more every year than the year
do. before.
--Alexis de Tocquesville, After all, what is education
Democracy in Action but a process by which a person begins to
The most precious thing we can give our how to learn?
children --Peter Ustinov
is our time and our company.
--Mark Twain VV….
The man who does not read good books, I disapprove of what you say,
has not advantage over the man but I will defend to the death
who can’t read them. your right to say it.
--Mark Twain --Voltaire

W hen I was younger, I could remember We must cultivate our garden.

anything, --Voltaire
whether it had happened or not.
--Mark Twain I f a clock proves the existence of a
What does it mean to succeed? and the world does not prove
Most people see success as being rich and the existence of a Supreme Architect,
famous then I consent to be called a fool.
or powerful and influential. --Voltaire
Others see it as being at the top of their
and standing out from the rest.
The wise see success in a more personal
they see it as achieving the goals they have
set for themselves,
and then feeling pride and satisfaction in
A few comments . . .
their accomplishments.
What good does it do to tell something,
True success is felt in the heart, not
if you’re not an example?
measured by money and power.
Tell people they are special.
So be true to yourself and achieve the
Spend seven minutes a night with your kids
goals you set.
telling them they’ll go far.
For success is reaching those goals and
It doesn’t matter how it is out there,
feeling proud
it’s how you perceive it.
of what you have accomplished.
This is the best of all times.
--Tim Tweedie
Spend your time with your children,
especially before they go to bed.
UU…. I only eat at 5-star homes!
Anyone who stops learning is old, People don’t know you’re bad unless you
whether this happens at twenty or eighty. tell them.
Anyone who keeps on learning When you get a compliment, say "Thank
not only remains young, you!"
but also becomes constantly more valuable. If you win, I win!
--Harvey Ullman
1 84
Kids just want to feel special in their from which no human efforts will deliver
parents' minds. them.
YOU can decide to succeed or fail. The fate of unborn millions will now
Expect it and it happens. depend,
Make sure that when you look in the mirror under God,
that you see the person you want to be. on the courage and conduct of this army.
Give away all the love you can. Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us
Endorphin secreted in the blood from only the choice
glands is 200 times more powerful than of brave resistance,
morphine... or the most abject submission.
if you want a high. We have, therefore to resolve
--Dennis Waitely to conquer or die.
--George Washington
People who laugh actually live longer
than those who don’t laugh. To be prepared for war
Few persons realize that health actually is one of the most effectual means of
varies preserving peace.
according to the amount of laughter. --George Washington
--James J. Walsh
The basis of our political system
A warm smile is the universal gauge of is the right of the people to make
kindness. and to alter their constitutions of
--William Arthur Ward government.
--George Washington
The mediocre teacher tells.
The good teacher explains. Don’t just do your best--
The superior teacher demonstrates. get the job done!
The great teacher inspires. --Stan Watts
--William Arthur Ward

If you want to lift yourself up, I presume success is an aspiration of every

Lift someone else. person
--Booker T. Washington regardless of his faith or church
Success is to be measured I believe any successful person has to
not so much by the position believe in God
that one has reached in life, and place emphasis on serving his Father in
as by the obstacles one has overcome Heaven
trying to succeed. and his fellow men.
--Booker T. Washington Beyond these two actions,
the following things
The time is now near at hand would have to be considered for success:
which must probably determine whether  Dedication or determination to
Americans accomplish a goal.
are to be freemen or slaves;  Organization of time to proceed in a
whether they are to have any property progressive manner.
they can call their own;  Periodic examination of progress.
whether their houses and farms are to be  Be knowledgeable in several areas
pillaged for a broad understanding.
and destroyed,  Know how to work effectively--budget
and themselves consigned to a state of time—establish schedules.
1 85
 Possess a good sense of humor--be A Success Credo
happy with your work. Do all the good you can
 Develop self-discipline--be a good By all the means you can,
detailist— In all the ways you can,
accept constructive criticism. In all the places you can,
 Be honest--have integrity--make your At all the times you can,
word as good as your bond. To all the people you can,
 Be yourself--don’t try to imitate As long as ever you can.
someone you may idolize. --John Wesley
 Be a good citizen and neighbor—
recognize the good in all people. 'The trouble with doing something right the
 Be a good example for your family and first time
associates. is that nobody appreciates how difficult it
 Take time to acknowledge people was.
and listen to their problems. --Walt West
 Develop good health habits;
be active and have a hobby or other For all sad words of tongue and pen,
interest. The saddest are these: “It might have
 Take pride in being well-groomed— been!”
care about personal appearance and --John Greenleaf Whittier
good taste.
Even though success is often measured by Not in the clamor of the crowded street
the wealth or assets one may accumulate, Not in the shouts and plaudits of the throng
priorities must be established with good But in ourselves, are triumph and defeat.
health, a family and a selected group of --John Greenleaf Whittier
friends, or life can be lonely and
--Stan Watts
Former B.Y.U. Basketball Head Coach

“Success” according to Webster is:

 the favorable or prosperous
termination of attempts or endeavors.
 the attainment of wealth, position,
honors, or the like.
 a successful performance or
 a person or thing that is successful.
 obs. outcome (1530-40; L = succed-
,var.s.of succedere to succeed.

Life is tough.
Life is really tough if you're stupid.
--John Wayne

Hire people who are better than you are.

Grab Life.
Cut out the bottom 10%.
Don't let the job run you.
--Jack Welch, G.E. President

1 86
Controlling Our Thoughts We grow by mastering tasks
“The issue is not so much what thoughts which others consider impossible.
occur in our minds, --Ernest L Wilkinson
but how we nurture them in our desires.” Former President of B.Y.U.
(Christ and the Inner Life [Salt Lake City:
Bookcraft, 1978], 35). There is no chance,
I like the way my friend Clark Smith puts no destiny,
it: no fate
"You might not be able to keep a bird from that can circumvent or hinder
landing on your head, or control the firm resolve of a determined
but you can keep him from building a nest soul.
there!" --Ella Wheeler Willcox.
Controlling unworthy thoughts is important
and possible. Go My Son
--Brad Wilcox
Associate Professor BYU Go my son,
BYU Devotional go and climb the ladder,
go my son
All successful people were at one time go and earn your feather,
mediocre. go my son
....True self-esteem never changes. make your people proud of you.
--Brad Wilcox
Work, my son,
A bishop's greatest tool is his spirituality. get an education,
--Bishop O. Geral Wilde work my son,
learn a good vocation,
Only when we do things then climb, my son,
which are demanding and difficult go and take a lofty view.
do we truly grow.
--Bishop O. Geral Wilde From on the ladder
of an education,
One of the responsibilities of a bishop you can see
is to provide opportunities for people to to help your Indian nation,
grow. then reach my son
--Bishop O. Geral Wilde and lift your people up with you.
--The Indian theme song of
To the Mormon, primary success in life The Lamanite Generation by
means Carnes D. Burson and
the raising of a family of children, Arlene Nofchissy Williams
all of whom are industrious, virtuous,
and observe all the other Christian virtues.
This means on the part of the father,
education, leadership, and moderate
economic success.

While the latter is highly desirable,

it is necessary only to the extent of
providing for accomplishing the primary
Unfortunately, wealth often defeats the
primary purpose.
--Ernest L. Wilkinson
1 87
The Success Secrets of Walt Disney A good boss
Think tomorrow. makes his men realize
He always looked forward to what he they have more ability
wanted to accomplish next. than they think they have
What matters is what we can accomplish so that they consistently
tomorrow, do better work
not what we’ve done today. than they thought they could.
Build a yesterday. --Charles E. Wilson
Focus your efforts on tomorrow.
That’s how to make your dream come true. One year in high school our football coach
Free your imagination. enrolled all the team members in a
Disney was a visionary. motivational "positive-thinking" seminar
Most of us can do better than we think. for a weekend.
We limit ourselves.
Disney shattered these mental restrictions. Eight years later the concept of perceiving
If you free your mind and let your my discouragements and frustrations as
imagination run wild, “temporary setbacks” has proven to be the
there’s no limit to what you can do, most beneficial idea presented during those
where you can go, or what you can two days.
Strive for lasting quality. It seems failures of any degree have a way
The real secret of his success of creeping into our minds and causing us
was his fanatical commitment to to doubt ourselves. In most instances we
excellence. are our own worst critics. This doubting
He continually reached for that intangible reduces our optimism about our abilities to
quality succeed in the future and, therefore,
called perfection. reduces the probability to do so.
There are no new ideas.
You just take a good one and improve on By maintaining the conviction
it.. that setbacks will be temporary,
There are no shortcuts to quality. But regardless of their severity,
whatever it takes to achieve lasting quality our ability to cope and work
must be done because good enough never through disappointing situations will
is. improve.
Have stick-to-itivity...Disneyese for
fortitude, And, also, we increase the likelihood
tenacity and hanging in there until the job of reaching the goals we have set for
is done. ourselves.
Dreams don’t just happen --Marc Wilson
because you want them to. Former B.Y.U. Quarterback
Stick to it until you turn your dreams into
Talent isn’t enough.
Success comes only when talent
is combined with tenacity.
--Pat Williams, Bottom Line

If you're not making mistakes,

you're not trying hard enough.
--Mark Willes

1 88
Growth happens best Heavenly Father,
when assignments are clearly understood, we come before you today
with the area of responsibility clearly to ask your forgiveness
defined. and seek your direction and guidance.
Individuals should be free to act We know your word says,
and complete the assignment with "Woe on those who call evil good"
accountability That is exactly what we have done.
to the one who has done the delegating. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium
--Joseph B. Wirthlin and inverted our values.
We have endorsed perversion
If a man has a talent and cannot use it, and called it an alternative lifestyle.
he has failed; We have exploited the poor
If he has a talent and uses only half of it, and called it the lottery.
he has partly failed; We have rewarded laziness
If he has a talent and learns and called it welfare.
somehow to use the whole of it, We have killed our unborn
he has gloriously succeeded, and called it choice.
and won a satisfaction and triumph We have shot abortionists
few men ever know. and called it justifiable.
--Thomas Wolfe We have neglected to discipline our children
and called it building self-esteem.
Success for Sears: We have polluted the air with profanity
Our business is to sell merchandise and pornography
that won’t come back and called it freedom of expression.
to people who will. We have ridiculed the time-honored values
--General Robert Wood of our forefathers
and called it enlightenment."
John Wooden’s --A prayer by Pastor Joe Wright
Seven Credos to Live By of the Central Christian Church
at the opening session of the
 Be true to yourself. Kansas State Senate in Topeka.
 Help others.
 Make each day your masterpiece.
 Drink deeply from good books.
 Make friendship a fine art.
 Build a shelter against a rainy day.
 Give thanks for your blessings and pray
for guidance every day.

1 89
I believe in America because in it we are Brigham Young was born on June 1, 1801 -
free— 204 years ago
free to choose our government, "We are to learn how to enjoy the things of
to speak our minds, life –
to observe our different religions. how to pass our mortal existence here.
Because we are generous with our There is no enjoyment,
freedom, no comfort,
we share our rights no pleasure,
with those who disagree with us. nothing that the human heart can imagine,
Because we hate no people and covet no with all the spirit of revelation we can get
people’s lands. that tends to beautify, happify,
Because we are blessed with a natural and make comfortable and peaceful,
varied abundance. and exalt the feelings of mortals,
Because we have great dreams but what the Lord has in store for his
and because we have the people.
opportunity to make those dreams come He never objected to their taking comfort.
true. He never revealed any doctrine,
--The Creed of Wendell Lewis Wilkie that I have any knowledge of,
on his grave marker but what in its nature is
to fill with peace and glory,
XX….YY…. and lift every sentiment and impulse of the
above every low, sad, deathly,
O ften the word "success" is used
false, and groveling feeling.
exclusively in association with a particular
The Lord wishes us to live
prowess, skill, trade, vocation, or
that we may enjoy the fullness of the glory
that pertains to the upper world,
and bid farewell to all that gloomy,
Also, to the world one is a success when
dark, deathly feeling that is spread
he has a lot of money or receives a lot of
over the inhabitants of the earth."
recognition as an entertainer, pro athlete,
--Brigham Young, Journal of
TV performer, government official,
Discourses, 8:128-129
businessman, banker, lawyer, educator,
or whatnot.
True joy only comes in our relationship with
our Savior.
Too often people who are such successes
--Brigham Young.
"in the world" are almost total failures as
human beings.

Their lives are emotional, moral and

spiritual disasters. Their worldly success
is only chaff if they fail to achieve
excellence in their pursuits in this world;
that striving should always be
subordinate and guided by their pursuit
to celestial character.
Therein lies true success.
--David H. Yarn Jr.,
Professor of Philosophy, B. Y. U.

1 90
Education My definition of success,
is the power to think clearly, that is one of the most difficult questions
to do well in the world’s work, I have ever been asked, but here goes.
and the power to appreciate life.
--Brigham Young I think that for members
of the Church of Jesus Christ
Procrastination is the thief of time (actually for everyone, but particularly
--Edward Young for members of the Church)
the ladder of success is hung horizontally
Brigham Young University rather than vertically.
Objectives That the goal is not climbing to the top
(there is no top to a horizontal ladder),
Educate the minds and spirits of but rather to hang on until the end is
students within a learning environment reached. (endurance to the end, etc.).
that increases faith in God and the
Restored Gospel, is intellectually enlarging, It isn’t the competitor who gets the quick
is character building, and leads to a life of start
learning and service. or finishes the race first who really wins,
but it is the competitor who finishes without
Advance truth and knowledge to breaking any of the rules.
enhance the education of students, enrich
the quality of life and contribute to a I feel that in life it is having a dream,
resolution of world problems. a goal,
and that it is reaching for,
Extend the blessings of learning t o working towards,
members of the Church In all parts of the and sweating and hurting to acquire that
world. goal
which constitutes success.
Develop friends for the University and the The road and the effort put forth toward
Church. achieving the goal
at the end of the road
The greatest mystery a man ever learned, is what success really is.
is to know how to control the human mind.
--Brigham Young There is not a happier man,
and therefore a more successful man,
than one who is actively traveling
the road toward a goal
which he believes in,
is ready to fight for,
and willing to give his life for.
--Wayne R. Young
B.Y.U. NCAA Gymnast
United States Olympic Team

1 91
John Gardner suggested that his definition Criticism comes easier than craftsmanship.
of success was "the successive attainment --Zeuxis
of worthwhile goals."
I have found no better definition than that. Success is the maximum utilization
of the ability that you have.
The Mormon contribution is in expanding  Zig Zigler
what constitutes worthwhile goals. I think
we have been at the cutting edge of The Impossible Dream
influencing our society to see that spiritual (The Quest)
and family goals are more important than From the Musical Play “Man of La
material success. Mancha”

Recent studies published by the American To dream the impossible dream,

Management Association under the title of to fight the unbeatable foe,
"The Changing Definition of Success in To bear with unbearable sorrow,
America," supports the idea that those who to run where the brave dare not go.
manage our large business institutions are
really changing their values to emphasize To right the unrightable wrong,
non-materialistic goals. to love pure and chase from afar,
To try when your arms are too weary,
I have worked with many successful To reach the unreachable star!
presidents and top executives of the largest This is my quest,
corporations. I have never heard any to follow that star,
express regret at having not spent more No matter how hopeless,
time in his business. I have heard no matter how far;
countless executives lament over the To fight for the right
foolish way they devoted their lives to their without question or pause,
corporate positions at the expense of their To be willing to march into hell
family and spiritual growth. for a heavenly cause!

So, my conclusion is that our Church’s And I know,

encouragement to develop a healthy if I’ll only be true
balance between family, intellectual, To this glorious quest,
spiritual, professional, civic, and that my heart will lie peaceful and calm,
avocational interests is wise counsel, When I’m laid to my rest.
because those who are truly successful
have not pursued power and money in a And the world will be better for this;
way that prohibited their being able to That one man scorned
achieve success in the other realms of life. and covered with scars,
--John Zenger Still strove
B.Y.U. Magna Cum Laude with his last ounce of courage,
Vice President Syntex Corporation To reach the unreachable stars.

1965, Andrew Scott, Inc., Helena Music

Words Joe Darion, Lyrics Mitch Leigh

1 92
Quiet Success Thoughts

I f they suddenly took away all of the

70% of what I discuss with others,
80% of what I experience by doing,
what marvelous and wonderful things
95% of what I teach others.
would you accomplish?
Why not do it anyway?
The basic principles of essay writing:
begin with an introduction,
The Essence of a New Day
include a few main points,
This is the beginning of a new day.
and finish with a conclusion.
You have been given this day to use as you
Use clear thoughts
You can waste it or use it for good.
Living a righteous life is like shaving. We
What you do today is important
have to do it every day.
because you are exchanging a day of your
life for it.
Decide to do it and then do it.
When tomorrow comes, this day will be
Decide it just once.
gone forever;
in its place is something that you have left
Christ, or a reference to Him is
used every 1.7 verses in the Book of
Let it be something good.
High self esteem equals high productivity.
If you would be an effective leader
learn well the tools of your trade.
Project Control
Set a goal and a purpose.
If you would seek to be great,
Set concrete objectives.
learn what great men think.
Set a final deadline.
Break down into sub-tasks.
Between each action and each response
Prioritize into order of performance.
there is a free agency space for decision.
Sequential. Parallel. Progressive.
Set target dates and benchmarks.
A recent Harvard study determined that
Set deadlines for each sub-task.
the best teaching means in a classroom
Develop a milestone progress.
was that at the end of the period, every
Set specific dates for evaluation.
student would write a single paragraph
Modify as necessary.
recap of what the class covered that
Assign sub-tasks to self and others.
Delegate where possible.
Check to see everyone's dates.
I Remember:10% of what I read,
Keep a master list and daily lists.
20% of what I hear,
Monitor progress until completion.
30% of what I see,
Set up a project sheet.
50% of what I see and hear,
List tasks to whom, due dates.
Have a follow up sheet and daily tasks.
Cross off as completed.
Highlight lagging items.
1 93
A good engineer doesn’t know everything, Four Laws of Handling Wealth
but he knows where to find most things.  Learn to live upon less than you earn.
 Learn to seek advice from those who
The market favors value. are competent through their own
experience to give it.
The only thing more costly than education  Learn to make your money work for
is ignorance. you.
 Learn to make good use of it after you
The greatest law is to love our neighbor. have gone.
Service is the most evident result of that
love. Health, good health, is a precious personal
Service is an overcoming of self, asset
the means of individual realization that is only preserved by consistent effort.
and the essence of Godhood.
This is the last time I will pass this way
Brainstorming Bonanza: today.
Be creatively alert.
Remove all criticisms. When you seek the Lord
Nothing negative. in quiet pondering and prayer,
Everything is okay. He will come.
Try to get 100 or so good ideas.
Ideas spawn other ideas. A Deadly Habit
Break a particular problem into many sub- It seems amazing that with all the evidence
parts and applications. of the hazards of tobacco, people are still
Free wheel with improvements, smoking.
combinations, ideas to ideas. According to the world health organization,
Use a secretary in each group of 5-7 annual deaths worldwide from tobacco are
people. expected to rise from 4 million in 1999.
Select best possible solutions later. (That translates to 11,000 deaths daily
Select best possible tests for solutions. 450 each hour,
Imagine all possible results. 8 every minute! )
That figure will advance to 10 million by
T he things that matter most for your 2030.
children Tobacco will cause about 150 million deaths
are good habits and good memories. in the first quarter of this century
and 300 million in the second quarter
Self-discipline is based on values. --Notes from the Provo Daily Herald
(There are 4,000 poisons in every
We will be what we decide we will be. cigarette)

T he Book of Mormon has over one Read Moroni 10:4

hundred synonyms referring to Jesus of the Book of Mormon.
Christ. Do what it says,
and then see how
Add a little success to your life by... you feel about it.
doing something
for someone else Our brains contain the equivalent of
without his knowing who did it. twenty million books of 500 pages each.
The brain has 100 trillion synapse cells
working together in complete harmony.
And we take this for granted?

1 94
Success is... How to Sell an Idea
Telling people Go fishing with bait, not forcing.
they’re special Let the other fellow sell himself on your
A true secret of success: Let the other fellow argue your case.
Make someone else happy. State your case moderately and accurately,
and then say,
No two people are any closer "I may be mistaken about it, but..."
than what they can confide No positiveness or arrogance.
in each other. Tell the other person the idea was his.
"You gave me an idea which started me to
Complimenting builds, thinking."
criticism destroys. Take notes on all sides and present your
own as a summary.
Almost without exception, Ask, don’t tell.
successful families live the Gospel. You are the experts...I don’t know if it will
work or not.
G ood reading is the absolute tool for What would you suggest?
success. Maybe it’s a good idea. I Don’t know.
Do you think this will work? It may not
Winning isn’t everything. work.
More often, it is the will to win.
Youth is our only legacy.
Humbleness is the true mark of nobility.
Good leaders make their own luck
All things being equal,
people buy from people they like. When you have a problem,
A truly great leader
brings out the very best in those he leads. What you tell yourself you are you become.

BYU: Unique Excellence People do not care how much you know.
They are only concerned about how much
The human body: Majestic engineering you care.

True happiness can only be attained Go and do the right.

by living the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
If you can’t compliment performance,
Extend your reach. compliment potential.

W ouldn’t the world be dull and Never read material to be remembered

uninteresting if there were only one kind of without reviewing it IMMEDIATELY after.
flower instead of the infinite variety we This is the most important rule of
enjoy. remembering.
(Now if I could just remember to do that!)
So it is with the variety of people.
Don’t worry about it.
Also life is similar to a good beef stew Ten years from now, you will not even
with a variety of ingredients in it remember this
to make it taste better. ...or if you do, you will laugh about it.

“Good enough” is the enemy of “best.”

1 95
TV puts us under the control of others. Great things affect great minds.
Finding ourselves is a form of freedom.
Freedom opens the door to ourselves. Great men are they who see that spiritual
is stronger than any material force, that
You cannot lead where you are not going. thoughts rule the world.

Marriage is not for children. The true test of civilization is,

Up to 90% of high school marriages not the census,
end up in divorce, nor the size of cities,
resulting in babies raising babies. nor the crops—no,
but the kind of man the country turns out.
The harder we work
the luckier we get. The only gift is a portion of thyself.

Each wrong decision binds us with chains; The reward of a thing well done,
each right choice provides us with new Is to have done it.
Nothing great
Customers don’t buy things, was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
they buy tools to solve problems.
Most limitations are self-imposed.
There are two kinds of people:
the righteous who repent Enthusiasm is faith in action.
and the unrighteous who don’t.
Carry the football (or your task)
"I will" is more important than "IQ." like it was the last time
Enjoy your life! you would ever have the opportunity.

Failures tend to blame circumstances, and We are the creators of our own happiness.
while successful people tend to make their We make success happen;
own circumstances. it does not just happen.

Profanity---verbal vomit. Remove the greatest fear

which is the fear of making a mistake.
Between birth and death, a shout.
Ideas don’t work
The difficulty in life is the choice. unless you do.

We are made strong A form of hypocrisy

by what we overcome. not to be condemned
is the covering of a sad heart
There is no wealth but life. with a cheerful countenance.

All men wish to be immortal, The first step of success

but no one wants to die. is desire.

Important principles Success is . . .

may and must be inflexible. being given a responsibility
and carrying it out without anyone
having to tell you to take care of it.

1 96
An important form of success is The only one sure way for you or anybody
the ability to express oneself well, to succeed is:
both verbally and in writing. to obtain and constantly use as many
proven success methods as possible.
Knowing when to say “no”
is just as important as knowing when to People need to be needed and
agree. love to be loved.

Success is . . . . Nobody is a zero

picturing who, what and where you want to unless you make him such.
be ten years from today and then
systematically setting to work to reach that Success is saying . . .
goal. “I care about you.”

Pursuit of easy things makes men weak. If you treat a man as he ought to be,
he will become as he ought to be.
An occasional successful deed
does not make a successful life. It is better to build boys
than to mend men.
T he two greatest words in the English
language It is better to build a man
are still “I can,” as in Amer-I–CAN than a mansion.

Life’s greatest events are not our noisiest, Successful conversation:

but often our stillest hours. paraphrase his statement in your reply;
repeat back a key word of his statement.
We are happiest
when we are our best selves. People who “never have time”
seem to do less than anyone else.
Happiness is the best measure of success. Always ask a busy person.

The difficulties of life are given The real education begins

not to crush you, but to challenge you. after the school doors
have closed behind you.
It’s the difficult things in life At school you merely learned
that are the most rewarding. what everyone has to know.

Profit by your every mistake. A good friendship should improve you

--or give it up.
A mind once stretched to a new idea
never returns to its original dimension. The sole sign of thorough knowledge
is the ability to impart it to others.
Do not lose the power of
personal revelation. Man was born for a higher destiny
than that of earth.
We become what we do.
Success means
One good father is worth living within your means
a thousand schoolmasters. regardless of income.

One of the best compliments you can give A man with debts
is to tell someone you like them. is a slave.
1 97
The law of love supersedes all the other The Boss Or The Leader?
great commandments and fulfills them all.
The boss drives his men.
Maximize your income. The leader coaches them.
Minimize your outgo. The boss depends on authority.
The leader, goodwill.
Money made by service to humanity The boss says “I.”
is good money. The leader says “we.”
The boss says “Be there on time.”
Wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge The leader gets there ahead of time.
for the good of all. The boss fixes the blame for the breakdown
on you.
Man’s greatest battle is his war The leader fixes the breakdown.
against his own ignorance. The boss knows how it is done.
The leader shows how.
The management of time The boss says “go,”
is really the management of self. The leader says “Let’s go.”
The boss uses people.
An educated man without morals The leader develops them.
is a monster turned upon society. The boss sees today.
The leader looks at tomorrow.
Wise men learn from others. The boss commands.
Mediocre people learn by their mistakes. The leader asks.
And fools learn nothing. The boss never has enough time.
They already know everything. The leader makes time.
The boss is concerned with things.
In financial matters a hasty decision The leader is concerned with people.
is worse than no decision at all. The boss lets his people know where he
It isn’t what you learn. The leader lets his people know
It’s what you accomplish. where to stand.
The boss works hard to produce.
Narrow the gap The leader works hard to help his
between knowledge and action. people produce.
The boss takes the credit.
You can’t hold your head up straight The leader gives it.
if you’ve got your hand out.
Four successful selling habits
More people achieve success  Prospecting habits
by practice  Calling habits
than by talent.  Selling habits
 Working habits.
It’s not just getting an education,
it’s getting an education into you. Keep moving!
If it works, it’s probably obsolete.
Success is knowing your job well,
and also that of your boss. Find a real need
and fill it better than anyone else.

The best followers

make the best leaders.

1 98
Strength comes in doing. Successful Problem Solving:

To Remember  Identify.
Anything must be associated  Gather data.
with something you already know.  Test possible solutions.
You must see it vividly in your mind.  Select best possible solutions.
Action is necessary.  Put solution into action.
It must be similar, opposite, or near.  Monitor and improve on it.
At least seven seconds must elapse before --U.S. Air Force
an actual physical bridge or synapse occurs
in the brain. Good friends are the chocolate chips
in the cookie of life.
Remembering People
Work at it. Use These Three Keys for Success
Make a rhyme about his name-- Plan
“John McGuire joined the choir.” Perform
(then picture him in your mind singing in a Appraise
choir) P l a n : goals, priorities, objectives,
Make a quick mental cartoon image of his schedules
face and Perform: commitment, communication,
create something unusual, strange, delegation
or moving happening on his face. Appraise: check progress, report,
Mentally exaggerate a facial feature
Whom does he resemble? If you’re not in shape
Lock his name and face together in your the problems will lick you.
Repeat and review. The world is for those
who aim for 110%
Attitude is the most important thing in our
Our lives are 10% what happens to us Use These Most Important Words
and 90% what we do with what life gives
us. The five most important words are:
I am proud of you.
If you would be a person of greatness
pattern your life after great men. The four most important words are:
What is your opinion?
People are more easily led
than driven. The three most important words are:
If you please.
Steps to Successfully
Solve a Problem The two most important words are:
Thank you.
 State the problem on paper.
 Gather and list all available information, The one least important word is:
 obstacles, idea sources, I.
 people and alternatives.
 Sort, arrange and categorize.
 Interpret and visualize alternative
 Select and pursue the best course of
action until proven.
1 99
Play like a champion. Success often consists of nine misses
and one bull’s eye
Winning is not a sometimes thing.
S ix elements of successful family
Set aside one day and say, preparedness include:
"This day, for twenty-four hours,  Literacy and education
from beginning to end,  Career development
I will do the very best I can in everything I  Financial management
try to do."  Home production and storage
Try it today.  Physical health
 Social-emotional strength
Buy the things you need and you will have
the things you need. I would rather be a man of significance
Buy the things you need before you buy the than one of success.
things you want.
It pays to be skilled.
Invest and develop your own talents and UVSC
rather than seeking particularly for wealth Clean living increases happiness.
and material goods.
A Book of Mormon professor at BYU, Reid
He who fails to plan Bankhead, once remarked,
already plans to fail. "If you don't learn anything else from the
Book of Mormon,
M oney or things are not as important remember Alma 41:10 "Wickedness never
people. was happiness."

If you work at it hard, it’s easy. The Lord will not help those
If you work at it easy, it’s hard. who help themselves.

Success is Death--the great reliever.

remaining teachable.
Excellence is the product of attention to
Successful people detail.
are just normal people---
focused. W ithout knowledge you're less than
Ain’t life grand-- --Born Yesterday Movie
when you consider the alternative?
Living the gospel is like following a recipe.
The direction in which education starts a If you follow the instructions it comes out
man right.
will determine his future life.

You don’t need

to have a good memory
if you always speak the truth.

Today is the best day of the year!

1 100
Problems are often If we haven't failed, we haven't tried.
improvement opportunities The secret is to see why we failed,
in disguise. what went wrong and to build upon the
failure as a stepping stone to an even
Teaching greater height.
If you can't explain it, --Unknown
you don't know it.
If you don’t prepare yourself,
Tell them what you’re going to tell them, you may find yourself a spectator
Tell them, in a game you don’t even understand.
Tell them what you told them.
Are we busy in life accumulating the things
N ot to study and understand history is in life
child-like, we can take with us...
never knowing the legacies or those things we can’t?
of countless generations before us
only to err in our own understanding. The difference between a mud puddle
and a geyser
If you think you are beaten, you are. is enthusiasm.
If you think you dare not, you won't.
If you like to win, but don't think you can, Today is the best day yet.
It's almost a cinch that you won't.
The farm principle applies to everything.
If you think you'll lose, you've lost, First you must prepare the ground,
For out in the world you'll find sow the seeds,
Success begins with a person's will; tend the growing,
It's all in the state of mind. and finally reap the harvest.
For many a game is lost You can’t do it all in the fall.
Before even a step is run
And many a coward fails Make today one of your masterpieces.
Before his work is begun.
Weak men are without principles.
Think big and your deed will grow;
Think small and you will fall behind. As is this the dispensation of the fullness of
Think that you can and you will; times,
It's all in the state of mind. it is also the dispensation of the fullness of
If you think that you are out-classed, you
are; H e who plans nothing accomplishes the
You've got to think high to rise. same.
You've got to be sure of yourself Who plans something becomes something.
Before you can win the prize.
Life's battles don't always go Wives are given to us to keep us humble.
To the strongest or fastest person
But sooner or later the person who wins Against the assault of laughter nothing can
Is the person who thinks he can. stand.
-- Unknown
A society that allows anything
It isn’t how good you are, soon loses everything.
it’s how bad you want it.

1 101
Those whom you serve, you love. To be carnally minded is to be spiritually
The three greatest needs of man:
 Self-esteem Each of us is the sum total of our decisions.
 Peace of mind
 Personal contentment If you want heavenly help fast,
read the scriptures
Our children are not given to us, and pray often.
only if we raise them up well.
Success means to give the greatest gift of
C orrect principles are like the guiding all--
software instructions the gift of love.
in a computer program.
Adversity cripples some men,
You cannot feel good when you do wrong. breaks others,
You can only feel good when you do what's and makes great men.
If you want to feel good..... It isn’t how badly you fall.
It’s how quickly you pick yourself up
Our progress
is the personal acquisition In every decision,
of Christ-like attributes. there is a risk.

Do you live a life, I am happy today

or lead one? because I have never lived this day before.

When you choose the right Life is a very rare opportunity.

you are still free to choose.
O ne of life’s choicest blessings is having
Humility is controlled greatness. good friends.

T V and movies---they're mostly about P reach: Tell them what they need to
having sex do.
and not much about having children. Teach: Tell them how.
Real life is the other way around. Expound: Embellish.
Exhort: Tell them to do it
Laugh from your experiences.
L earn to share love even if it is not Do.
returned. Become.

The gold is in you. We will make this happen!

Today is the greatest of all days!

It is better to wear out

than to rust out.

Loving our children when

they do what is right is great,
but loving them more when
they make mistakes is far greater.
1 102
Treat your children as guests in your home, Not safe sex,
as special friends, sacred sex.
not as you being a superior.
For every minute of glory,
Do what you love. there are sixty minutes of preparation.
Love what you do.
Stretch your capabilities.
The power of the family
is one of the greatest forces There’s only one "U" in success
that can be unleashed.
If you make a mistake,
One of life’s choicest blessings You do three things:
is having good friends. You admit it.
You correct it.
More people fail from lack of purpose You change things
than fail from lack of ability. so it won’t happen again.

No one will love your children the way you C asting a ballot is the highest form of
can. democracy.

Interest: He who says that he has never

Them who don't understand it -- had any problems in his family
pays it. will lie about other things as well.
Them who do --
gets it. End each day with a clear conscience.

A cure for hiccups-- Decisions determine destinies.

Put both index fingers in your ears and hold
them there for about 30 seconds. G ood intentions are no substitute for
The Marriott concept of quality:
If you see a need, Everyone is superior in a particular area.
it is your responsibility to take care of it.
“Today, today work with a will.”
Say to yourself:
“I am constantly coming up He is the great "I Am,"
with creative and profitable ideas." Not the great "He Was."

Exercise for your life. If you don’t keep the commandments,

you will miss the blessings.
You gain by what you give to others.

Love relieves all stress.

MAKE it a great day.

It won’t happen by itself.

Each beat of our heart

separates us from eternity.

C reation of value is the ONLY source of

1 103
Give me today and take tomorrow. Expect more than others think is possible;
dream more than others think is practical;
One of the greatest mistakes you can make risk more than others think is safe.
is to believe that you work for someone
else. There are two kinds of people:
those you love
The greater the risk, and those you don’t know yet.
the greater the opportunity for success.
The art of conversation lies in listening.
I thought I could depend on you.
Compliance Methods
Every day is a Super Bowl day! Modeling, peer pressure, direct instruction,
threat, reward, test group participants, role
If you can't give the world playing, foot in door, build sympathy,
something worthwhile volunteering, confession, inequity and
while you are here, repayment, lacking fulfillment of
what good was it in being here? expectation, fulfillment for a need,
completion with group action, avoid saving
My free advice to you may be exactly what embarrassment., following principles.
it is worth.
Duty makes us do things.
A pro is a person Love makes us do things well.
who has the same problems as everyone
else Temptation resisted
and makes it look easy. is the true mark of character.

If they haven’t forgotten you, People rise to expectations.

you’re not dead yet.
“That isn’t what I would expect from my
The art of conversation: son.”
Rather than making statements,
learn the art of asking questions, Never love anything that won’t love you.
smile then nod and say:
Wouldn’t it be exciting if…? Our young people are being immersed in
Can you see the value of...? problems
Wouldn’t it be nice to know that...? and social epidemics like no other
Isn’t it about time that...? generation.
Don’t you feel that you deserve...?
Do you see the benefit of....?
Would it be worthwhile to find that...?

When Speaking...
make a good beginning and good ending
and make them both close together.

And blessed be the brief,

for he shall be asked to return.

Never mind tomorrow,

TODAY is the day.

1 104
It’s a great day to do something great! Life is available
to anyone
There is no wealth, but time. at any age
who wants to seize it.
It is better to save a man in repentance
than to raise a man from the dead. Grandma Moses began painting
at the age of 74
You don’t have to be disagreeable and continued to
to disagree; the age of 102.
strength comes
in understanding the contrasts Each day
and reaching the compromise. learn at least one new worthwhile thing,
Debate without bitterness or make one significant contribution to life.
Brings about constructive consensus.
Preventative is cheaper than curative
S olving a problem with a collecting (and much easier) .
Each member is given a notebook with the Success is...
problem Attaining the full measure
for a time period (month, week, etc.) of your creation.
Each puts down random thoughts and best
solutions. Success means. . .
Information is then consolidated with filling our potential
creative discussion and opinions collected. and nothing short of it.

The secret to success A Successful Life?

is to begin with the end in mind How much worthwhile learning have I
and remove all the barriers. acquired?
How much good have I effected?
H ow do you want to be known to your
children Progressive success...
and your grandchildren? The first of each month
write down your short, medium,
Popularity is not a test of truth. and long-range goals in life.
Indicate when you anticipate fulfilling them,
The greatest search of our time and then complete them systematically.
is for one of personal identification:
Who am I?

Plan your work.

Work your plan.

Success is...
learning to play the game---
under pressure.

Today could be your most wonderful day!

It’s a great day if you make it.

Live it !

1 105
Success sometimes means... Success is understanding this:
having the courage None of us has money problems,
to stand up only idea problems.
for what you know is right.
No one can do anything well
Isn’t loving your family and friends if he does not regard his work
a wonderful thing? as being of great importance.

We must be stronger Success is...

than the things not only using your own brains,
which are against us. but using all those you can borrow, too.

Few people succeed Make it a GREAT DAY

at anything ... unless you have other plans.
they enjoy it. Be "Professional"
in your profession.
At each day’s end
write down the six most important By far the most important
things to do tomorrow; successes of life
number them in order of importance, are not measured in dollars,
and do them. but in deeds.

"Do it today" is a good rule, Those who are appreciated most

but the man who can say, are those who are self-starters
"I already did it yesterday," and who start early, complete quickly,
is a good way ahead. and well,
and even do a little more than asked.
You become like
those whom you idealize, Today is still the first day
admire and follow. of the rest of your life.
Enjoy it!
Soak up from those you meet,
everything that might be of value to you. Never underestimate the power of one.
Wring them dry.
Success is using wisdom in all things.
I will do that
which is most productively possible
at every given moment.

Then play.

Visualize it.
Decide it.
Write it down.
Do it!

1 106
Ten Points of Apostasy Today’s your only day. Use it!
from Christ’s Church
 Form of baptism changed. (sprinkling, A pat on the back
infant) is worth twenty kicks
 Form of Sacrament changed. in the behind.
 Personality of God confused. (trinity) If you really want to do something,
 Simplicity of worship lost - pageantry you'll find a way.
 Vicarious work for the dead There are three important things every
disregarded. successful leader should do:
 Continuous revelation ignored, denied  Follow up.
and lost.  Follow up.
 Selling of indulgences introduced.  Follow up.
 Reading of scriptures banned.
 Church sought wealth and political The Lord doesn’t want a man
power. who can do the work of ten.
 Learning suppressed and marriage He wants one who can work ten.
“They draw near unto me with their Success can be...
mouths, but their hearts are far from me, the ability to adapt another man’s idea,
having a form of Godliness, but teaching improve on it, and not make the same
the commandments of men, but denying mistakes as he did.
the power thereof.”
Succeed by filling one of these four human
Five Ways To Successfully basic needs:
Increase Your Income A need for a long life and good health.
A need for a feeling of importance.
 Seek education and self-improvement. A need to have someone love you.
 Seek better employment. A need for variety.
 Set higher goals and work
systematically to achieve them. Carpe diem.
 Improve work habits. SEIZE the day!
 Invest wisely.
Leadership is simply
Success is... the action or influence
doing something you enjoy doing; of moving any group
doing it well; toward attaining its goals.
and having people appreciate you well for
doing it. Anything good
does not just happen
Success is... We must MAKE IT HAPPEN.
Working as though it were impossible to
fail. Quiet Dignity: A Missionary Attribute
In action and conduct
Complimenting builds, In appearance
criticism destroys. In language
As if the Savior were standing by my
Find a meaningful need side
and fill it better
than anyone else.

1 107
Successful leadership is... Your success
knowing the great art is often determined
of directing others by the success
without their noticing it. you develop in others.

There is no greater waste Climb the ladder of success

than to set to work as high as
without a plan. you can carry your own weight,
and be sure it’s leaning up against
If a reward is tangibly real enough, the right wall.
a person will work harder
to receive that reward The recipe for a good speech
than he will to avoid punishment. includes some shortening.

Encouraged people achieve the best; Always make today your best day.
dominated people achieve second best;
neglected people achieve the least. Success In Two Words
Challenge people
to do great things for themselves. Success brings further success.
Work to get a number of
Talking down to people successes behind you.
never produces greatness.
Press Your Abilities!
Wishing won’t wash dishes.
All that is not given is lost.
A most important key to successful
leadership is... Success is still...
your ability to direct and challenge the very the constant application
best of the Golden Rule.
that is in those whom you lead.
Failure is the foundation
It’s a great day! Make it fulfill itself. of success
and the means
Intense motivation of attaining it.
is a more important commodity
than talent. Men do not fail,
but often, rather,
A success rule for any leader is... they simply quit trying.
Make exciting things happen.
Success is... is not a destination,
Knowing how to WORK! but a journey.

Success is when THINK before you act.

you suddenly realize..

Cherish your yesterdays

Dream your tomorrows
Live your todays.

1 108
An unwritten goal Learn three or more vocations
will only remain a hope. for your lifetime.

A reputation is the reward Don’t read good books.

for what one achieved yesterday Read the best.
---but it has to be earned again Life’s too short.
today and tomorrow.
I.Q. tests show only limited values.
Success is ... Education, rather is the key to success,
looking for beauty wherever you are. coupled with motivation and persistence.
I.Q.’s are only something we have been
Do the very best you can. given or denied ourselves.
Someone will notice.
There is no teaching...
Success is simply: unless there is a

Success is realizing Failure in the home

you’re only as good as your next comes from a lack of expectation
assignment. of the family.

Success is... To Remember Successfully

Positive creation To remember by rote is slow and arduous.
in action! To remember anything quickly it must be
In your responsibilities, with something you already know.
be in the right place, You must see it in your mind.
at the right time, Create unusual action and detail to improve
doing the right. the image.
It should be like, near or opposite from
A single thought… that which is to be remembered.
will change a lifetime.
A fool wonders.
An hour of conversation A wise man asks.
with a wise man
is worth a year of study. I hear; I forget.
I see; I remember
Give your criticisms I do; I understand.
as suggestions
for improvement. Success is...
taking great pride in your children
Never invest in the stock market when they do what they should.
any more that you can afford to lose.

Do it!
Do it right!
Do it right now!

If you really want to learn something,

you study ---
then apply it.

1 109
Success is... How Grandparents Succeed
mastering the highest parental art:
rebuke without offending. Learn the importance of the family.
Teach your children and grandchildren that
Success is saying... they belong
"I care about you." to something special...our family.
Travel to blessings, baptisms, ordinations,
Success is applying this principle: graduations,
Our children are like nuts with hard shells. weddings.
We can smash them open, Hold family reunions every two years as
or they can be nurtured open with love three day affairs.
to grow and produce their finest fruit. Always at new places, minimal business
meetings, maximum fun.
Success is telling your boy... Togetherness and interchange.
"I’m glad you’re my son." The family comes because they want to.
Building family love, unity, playing games,
Success is... Love life and you never grow old.
making your home Authority by example.
a pleasant place to be. Not imposing judgment on those who do
not share your religious vision.
Success is--- A son is a son. That's it!
Making the
family home evening Success...often means
your most important meeting. putting your burdens on the Lord.

Success is... If you don’t find time to exercise,

letting a child constantly know you’ll have to find time for illness.
how valuable he is.
Experience is the best teacher
Bloom where you are planted. because it gives you individual instruction.

There is no greater joy in life If it’s going to be

than seeing your children succeed it’s up to me!
in the things that are really important.
Know that change is constant.
Success is Be ready for what
giving your wife you’re not ready for.
and your children
a hug every day. By the inch it's a cinch.
By the yard it's hard.
Success in raising children is...
the conversion of obedience
into trust.

Income always looks bigger coming than


In becoming a missionary,
be ready for those
who are ready for you.

1 110
It isn’t the hours you put into the work, What seems like a ripple today
but the work you put into the hours. may become the wave of the future.

People don't care how much you know, Life is not a dress rehearsal.
they are concerned how much you care. Life is real.
Life is earnest.
Go and do the right.
Like an Iceberg . . . or,
Each wrong decision binds us with chains; what we can easily see
each right choice provides us with is only a small percentage of what is
opportunities. possible.
Imagination is having the vision
This is the only chance you’ll get at today. to see what is just below the surface;
Live it up! to picture that which is essential,
but invisible to the eye.
Success breeds enthusiasm. Unless you try to do something
Enthusiasm breeds further success. beyond what you have already mastered,
you will never grow.
Today is the GREAT day
because today is the only day you have. Some people dream of success...
While others wake up and work hard at it.
Love is an active verb.
Create a life full of positive experiences.
Death--the great reliever.
The Power of a Leader
Tell them what you are going to tell them; True leaders are not those who strive to be
tell them; first,
and tell them what you told them. but those who are first to strive
and who give their all for the success of the
Live well--- team.
you're dead for a long time. True leaders are first to see the need,
envision the plan,
We only become successful and empower the team for action.
by helping others become successful. By the strength of the leader’s
Commitment is a line you cross... the power of the team is unleashed.
It’s the difference between wishing and --Unknown

A hundred years from now it will not matter

what my bank account was
the sort of house I lived in,
or the kind of car I drove...
But the world may be different
because I was important in the life of a

Leaders are much like eagles...

They don’t flock,
you find them one at a time.

1 111
Small opportunities are often Motto for the day:
the beginning of great achievements. I’m too blessed to be stressed

The two hardest things to handle in life The most important things in life
are success and failure. aren’t things.

A dream is a blueprint for courageous You alone

action. are ultimately responsible
for who you are
You are what you know! or what you will become.

The definition of repentance is Success is...

to turn away from sin not being better than our neighbor
and seek God. but being better than ourselves.

Success is... O ne of the greatest needs in a human

Dedication to Righteousness. being
is the urgency
The only purpose of the Gospel to be important.
is to bring happiness.
It’s easier to fight for one’s principles
M AKE today a great day and keep doing than to live up to them.
When you’re doing good, you’re feeling Our success in life...
good! often depends on the way
we share our testimonies.
Give the world
the best you have Discipline by severity
and the best only brings resentment.
will come back to you
Just remember, when your ship comes in
Success is simply... you may have to swim out to meet it.
the on-going completion of many small
steps and accomplishments. Our happiness
and success in life
Let today be another masterpiece. are predicated on
our mental attitude
People will forget what you said. and the way
People will forget what you did. we use our time.
But, people will never forget
how you made them feel. A secret to Success...
Treat every person as though he is the
Success is... most important person you know.
looking for beauty wherever you are.

If you fold under petty things now,

how are you going to react when something
really big comes along?

1 112
Thirty Challenges The Book of having faith in Christ, he will manifest the
Mormon Makes To The World truth of it unto you by the power of the
Holy Ghost.”
The following conditions must be complied 16. It is to fulfill Bible prophecies, even in
with in order to produce a similar record the exact manner in which it shall come
under comparable conditions. forth, to whom given, purposes,
1. Write a history of ancient Tibet covering accomplishments, etc.
a period from between 2200 BC to 400 AD. 17. Your description of cultures in these
2. Include in the history two distinct and civilizations is not known to you when you
separate nations along with the history of bring forth this record.
different contemporary nations or groups of 18. Many of the facts ideas and statements
people. given as true in your record must be
3. Describe their religious, economic, entirely consistent, even the direct opposite
social, and political cultures and of the prevailing beliefs of the world. Very,
institutions. very little is even claimed to be known
4. Weave into it the history of the religion about this civilization and its 2600 years of
of Jesus Christ and the pattern of Christian history.
living. 19. Thorough investigation, scientific
5. You are twenty-three years of age. evidence and archaeological discovery for
6. You have had no more than three years the next 174 years must verify its claims
of formal education. and prove even the most minute details to
7. Start now and produce this record be perfectly true.
covering a period of two thousand years of 20. After 174 years of extensive analysis
history in sixty days. no claim or fact in the book is disproved,
8. Write not a short, but a long record, but all is vindicated. All theories and ideas
even 531 pages. as to its origin, rise and then fall, leave
9. You must never make any absurd, your own claim as the only possible one.
impossible or contradictory statement. 21. There can be no flaw whatsoever in the
10. When you finish in sixty days, you entire book.
must make no change in the text...the first 22. Internal and external evidences and
edition must stand forever. prophecies must be confirmed and fulfilled
11. Your “smooth narrative” cannot be in the next 174 years.
fiction, but a true, and a sacred history. 23. Four honest, credible witnesses must
12. You must invite the ablest scholars and testify to the whole world that an angel
experts to examine your text with care, and from heaven appeared to them and showed
strive diligently to see that the book gets them the ancient records.
into the hands of those most eager to prove 24. These four men must handle, heft, and
it a forgery and who are most competent to feel the ancient engravings.
expose every flaw in it. 25. You must call out of heaven the voice
13. You must publish it to every nation, of The Redeemer to declare to these four
kindred, tongue, and people, declaring it to men.
be “the Word of God.” 26. Eight others in broad daylight must
14. You must write this history on the testify to the world that they saw and
basis of what you now know. handled the ancient records.
15. You must include within the record 27. They must all bear their testimony, not
itself this marvelous, unique, and for profit, or gain, but under great personal
“dangerous” promise: sacrifice and persecution, even unto their
“And when ye shall receive these things, I deathbeds.
would exhort you that ye would ask God, 28. Thousands of great men, intellectual
the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if giants, and scholars must subscribe
these things are not true; and if ye shall disciplineship to this record and its
ask with a sincere heart, with real intent,
1 113
movement, even to the point of laying Steps For Better Delegation
down their lives.
29. After suffering persecution and  Select the people who have the ability
revilement for the next twenty years, you to do the job.
must then be willing to give your own life
for its testimony that the record is from  See that they clearly understand what
God. you expect.
30. Over one million missionaries must go
into the world, unpaid, proclaiming your  Let them know you sincerely believe in
book to be the Word of God. their ability.

Joseph Smith was personally taught by no  Secure commitment that they will
less than thirty-four prophets of the Lord to follow through.
bring in this dispensation.
 Negotiate a deadline.
You have no idea
of the things you can do  Provide latitude for them to use their
...until you try! own imagination and initiative.

Four essential elements of good advertising  Let them know in the beginning you're
AIDA: going to follow up, and do it.
Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.
 Don't do the job for them.
Learn to work.
Learn to save.  Reward them commensurately with the
Learn to invest. results they produce.
Learn to give it away.

Raise your level of endurance.

Master your thinking

People will only hurt your feelings
if you choose to let them.
You're as happy as you make up your mind
to be.
You choose how you feel to be.
You can be a slave, or you can let your own
think happy thoughts.
The solution is to think correctly.
Avoid the negative.
Think happy thoughts.
Think about a favorite song, scripture, a
good example, and a pleasant memory.
By projecting our thoughts into the future,
you can deal with any present pressures.
Is what you are doing now going to be
meaningful when you’re eighty?
Totally master your thoughts.
To master your thinking,
is the most important challenge in life.
-- Unknown
1 114
Success begets success.
Work to get a string of successes behind Even if you're on the right track
you. you'll get run over if you just sit there.

Delegate, or die! Success is realizing...

It is always the little things in life
As with mules there are only two ways to that make the big difference.
persuade men
to accomplish a task: ATTENTION TO DETAIL
the carrot, or the stick.
How to Create
Sin is really a Feeling of Importance
only sadness Learn his name and all about him.
in disguise. Show interest in something he’s doing.
Get him to talk about himself and listen
Success Rule Number One: actively.
Get up when you fall down. Avoid criticism, embarrassment
or probing private feelings unless he wants
Life is what happens it.
while you’re planning something else. Praise him for his achievements.
Always greet him with a smile and a
C haracter is more important than your handshake.
reputation. Do a kindness for him in secret.
Your reputation is what other people say Pray for him and with him.
you are, If feelings of unkindness exist between you,
but character is who you really are. go to him and seek understanding.
Make him feel that he is a very important
Live your life by the three F’s: person to you.
Faith, Family, and Friends Send him a birthday card.
Express appreciation to him.
B etter than the ignorant are those who Attend activities where he performs.
read books; Think of him as a brother.
better than these are those who remember Be sensitive to his feelings and problems.
what they read; Be more sincere.
better than these are those who understand Ask him to do something for you.
it; Don’t show partiality for another.
better than these are those who apply it in Always be positive with him.
their work. Avoid letting trivialities bother you.
--Unknown Involve him in activities.
Give him a reputation to live up to.
Success is... Don’t threaten or argue.
being able to say, Laugh with him.
“I’m proud of you!” Say something good about him before he
Wise Delegation Tell him you like him.
Prayerfully prepare. In your mind make him the most important
Keep communication lines open. person in the world.
Define the assignment. --Unknown
Make the assignment stick.
Delegate enough authority to do the job. Smile! It increases your face value.
Allow them to serve.
Allow for mistakes.
1 115
Analyze and improve. When the devil reminds you of your past,
Analyze and improve! remind him of his future.
Analyze and improve!!
Remember that any day above ground is a
More things are wrought by prayer good day!
than this world dreams of.
A failure is nothing more than an
An important success in our lives is--- opportunity
having each of our children know to do it over
that he or she is different and special. with a greater knowledge
We all have our handicaps.
Yours and mine may not be so obvious. STRESSED is DESSERTS spelled
If you love them,
show it! All the great thoughts in the world
don't equal one good action.
Success is...
receiving a patriarchal blessing; G ood intentions are no substitute for
understanding it, action;
and fulfilling it. failure usually follows
the path of least persistence.
If you are not sure where you are going,
you may end up It takes 13 muscles to smile and 64 to
somewhere else frown.
So why are all of you
When opportunity doesn’t knock, working yourselves to death?
make a door.
When you smile,
T here is no right way to do something people are drawn to you.
wrong. When you frown,
If we choose to do wrong, our ability to you repel them.
choose becomes more limited.
Doing right gives us free agency and A constant test of success...
permits us the opportunity to choose again.  What worth while am I doing with my
The key to happiness is having dreams.  Am I always putting things off until
The key to success is making them come later?
true.  Am I making the best use of my time?
 How much worthwhile learning have I
"What have you done with my name?" acquired?
the father asked his son.  How much good have I effected?
Can I still be proud of our family name?
The best way to learn a subject is to teach
MAKE today a great day! it.

Tell your children, A Pursuit of Excellence:

and your grandchildren, I will become more Christ-like
‘You’re very special!” by focusing on just one of His attributes at
a time.
A goal unwritten is only a wish.

1 116
Five Essentials of Success: A friend is someone who knows you
Self-discipline but likes you anyway.
Work There is great peace in keeping the
Free-Agency commandments.
Success is making your family
Success means some of your best friends.
to give the greatest gift of all—
the gift of love. It takes many good acts to make a friend,
but sometimes only one bad one to lose
T he only true measure of greatness or him.
is how closely we align our lives Happiness is like jam: you can't spread it
with being Christ-like. around
without getting some on you.
Visualize a hope.
Write it into a goal. Victory belongs to those who believe.
Turn it into a plan.
Make that plan a reality! Life is a series of corrections.

Today is a gift from God. What you can't give away owns you.
That's why they call it “the present."
Leadership attributes
Our attitude determines your altitude. Have clear Vision
Motivate your group
Whatever little bit you have, Be willing to take the risk
enlarge upon it
and make the most of it. Buy the things you need and you will have
the things you need.
S pending a thousand hours in learning Buy the things you need before you buy the
good things you want.
is not enough.
But spending less than an hour learning evil Leadership is love in action.
is far too long.
Success is using wisdom in all things. that's really what it's all about.

T he goal of the life of every man is not Good reading is the absolute tool of success
but the application of knowledge. A lmost without exception successful
families live the Gospel.
S uccess isn't necessarily the giant,
monumental occurrences, Good leaders make their own luck.
which of course it can include,
but success can be gained in the small Five things to be done in church work:
everyday things teach, train, motivate, edify, inspire.
like reading scriptures daily, or making a
new friend.
Little things make success, too.

1 117
When you have a problem, Basic Training
GO TO WORK. ______________________________

Extend your reach. If you open it, close it.

Continue to push your capability limits. If you turn it on, turn it off

Hugh Nibley spoke 26 different languages. If you unlock it, lock it.

Every life has its mountains. If you break it, repair it.

It's not what you earn, If you can’t fix it, call someone who can.
but what you give,
that measures the worth of the life you live. If you borrow it, return it.

Fasting is a powerful means for us to If you use it, take care of it.
achieve righteous purposes
If you make a mess, clean it up.
Frequently send "love letters" to those
whom you truly love. If you move it, put it back.

Success is keeping ourselves unspotted If it belongs to someone else and you want
from the world. to use it, ask.

Am I His friend? If you don’t know how to operate it, leave it

Our two most powerful needs are
to love and to be loved. If it doesn’t concern you,
don’t mess with it.
Health comes only once in a lifetime.

We can only reduce the probability of The Book of Mormon cannot be explained
cancer. away. Joseph Smith cannot be ignored.

Why do LDS not use the symbol of the A year of wonderful

cross as a representation of our belief? is better than a lifetime of mediocrity.
We might ask the question, which is
greater -- the crucifixion or the Keep a "gratitude journal" of your
resurrection? If he died by a gun would we blessings---
honor the gun? your “small plates.”

The golden questions: Love is work made visible.

What do you know about the Mormons?
Would you like to know more? Temple marriages are five times more
If I can get your name and address successful than other marriages
I will personally see that you have two
young men visit personally with you and A candle loses nothing by lighting another.
tell you about the Mormons
Do the do's and don't the don'ts.
Do more than what is expected

1 118
Conspicuously live your mission statement. I’ll Try
As the story goes, there was a small village
There is no excellence in a distant land many years ago. The
without hard work. village was a happy group of people. The
village, however, was unusual because in
Yesterday is a cancelled check its center they kept a large log that
Tomorrow is a promissory note contained their history. As times changed
Today is cash. Spend it well. they found that they must move to another
location. But what would they do with the
If you always do what you always did, precious log of their history? They asked
you'll always get what you always got. every one, “who could take the log,” and
everyone said, ”I cannot take the log. I
Missionaries, return with honor. have all of my own things to take.” Finally
they came to a young man and asked him.
If you can't pay cash for it, don't buy it. He said, “I don’t know if I could make the
trip with my things and the log as well, but
Excellence is the product I will try.” As they set out, the youth
of attention to detail. decided that if he was going to stay with
the group that he would have to get up well
Joseph Smith: the monumental magnitude before the others, and indeed he did, and
of this mere man. was always the very last late in the evening
to reach camp. As they journeyed further,
Reverence invites revelation the youth, though struggling with his load,
gradually found that he could leave at the
Success is. . . same time as the others and still arrive not
having no regrets. so late in the evening. Later, he found that
he could keep up with the caravan, and still
It is more important to reward effort later, he was able to scout on ahead of the
than achievement. group and find the next camp. Soon some
were even asking if they could put their
Excellence is the product of attention to things on his load, which he accepted.
detail. When they finally reached their destination,
the group agreed that the young man
Youth need fewer critics should be their leader, all because he said,
and more models to follow. “I’ll try.”

Can you sleep while the wind blows? Only yell at your wife if there's a fire.

C an we do the Lord's work---without In marriage if you feel uncomfortable,

praying? it is wrong.

Volunteers are unpaid not because they are Every man’s work,
worthless, whether it be literature
but because they are priceless. or music
or pictures
Pattern yourself after the Master. or architecture
or anything else,
A man of words is always a portrait of himself.
and not of deeds
is like a garden Justice is the only worship.
full of weeds. Love is the only priest.
--Anonymous nursery rhyme Ignorance is the only slavery.
1 119
Steps to Delegating: Six Steps for Successful Problem
Give him the whole picture of the job to be Solving
done.  Break down problems into small parts.
Show the general need.  Work from known to unknown.
Share the decision:  Project a successful conclusion
"What do you suggest?"  When you hit a stonewall, stop and take
"What do you think?" stock.
"How could you help us?"  Analyze your setbacks.
Emphasize the importance of your joint  Try to pull a victory out of every defeat.
Have a check back point. Numberless are the world’s wonders,
"When would be a good time to check but none
back?" more wonderful than man.
Follow up and do it.
Find a new way to thank them. Happy the man, and happy he alone,
Make it their idea, not yours, He who can call today his own;
Have them make it their task. He who secure within, can say
"It was your thinking that lead me to Tomorrow, do thy worst,
believe that..." for I have lived today.

Men are grouped into three areas: SMART GOALS

 Those who make things happen
 Those who watch things happen. S Specific – clear, concise, easy to
 Those who don’t know what’s understand
happening. M Measurable – provides some form
of measurement to indicate if it was
Recognize in public. achieved or not.
Reprove in private. A Action-Oriented – contains very
specific action items to achieve the
Character is much easier kept goal---this is what you are going to
than recovered. achieve.
R R e a l i s t i c – You believe you can
Every man desires to live long, achieve it, even if it is challenging.
but no man would be old. T T i m e - B o u n d – you set a date to
start and complete each action item,
You can’t leave a good bow strung all the which leads to a final date in which
time or it looses its strength. the goal is achieved. Some goals
may go on for months, years, etc.
The beginning --HOBY Leadership
is the most important part of the work.
And all these things
Wisdom outweighs any wealth. “that ye may have joy in your posterity.”

1 120
14 Ways to Save Money advantage of the sales, but
When Shopping don’t forget to compare prices.
you go hungry, prepackaged
Shopping with a list will reduce
your impulse buying and will or ready-to-eat items will find
their way into your cart.
keep you to just your needs.
ISLES. A typical grocery store FOODS. Make the items from
basic ingredients already at
has vegetables, meats, dairy,
home to save money.
and breads on the outside
parts of the store. For 10. PUT BACK UNNECESSARY
ITEMS. If you are an impulse
example, you can walk in on
buyer, look through your cart
the right side of the store and
before you get to the checkout
shop without entering the
middle. Shopping on the stand and remove ten percent
of the items.
outside prevents you from
buying most processed
prepackaged foods. Of Before making purchases on
your credit card, calculate how
course, you won’t find
many hours work it will take to
everything you may need, but
purchase the items.
you can get most things on
12. KEEP A LIST. Keep a list of
the outside sections of the
what you pay for items you
often. Then, when you’re at
the per-unit or per-ounce another grocery store, you’ll
know if their special is really a
pricing on store shelves when
comparing items. Buying
things on sale or in bulk will 13. BUY OUT OF SEASON.
Purchase clothes on clearance
help reduce your overall costs.
for the next season. You can
save 50-75% off the retail
Stores often place high price
items at eye level.
GROCERIES. In most grocery shopping with a budget and
with a list of items you need to
stores, store brand items are
buy. Stick to your shopping
usually two or three times
cheaper than name brands. list.
--United Way Utah County
you have to buy name brand
Make your life spectacular.
foods, use the coupons from
the newspaper. --Movie “Jackie”
The choices we make
When an item goes on sale,
buy a lot of this item and keep dictate the life we lead.
--Danny DeVito
it for future use if you have
Movie--Renaissance Man
enough in you budget. Stores
often drop prices temporarily
Truly great men serve.
on certain products to attract
customers to the store. Take
Success is never final.
1 121
Quiet Success Thoughts

Help thy brother’s boat across the river A problem defined is half the solution.
and lo, we achieve the other side. Japanese proverb
--Hindu Proverb
If you want happiness for an hour, take a
The borrower is servant to the lender. nap.
--Proverbs 22:7 If you want happiness for a day, go
Tell me whom you love If you want happiness for one year inherit
and I’ll tell you who you are. a fortune.
--Creole proverb If you want happiness for a lifetime help
He is rich ---Chinese Proverb
who owes nothing.
--Hungarian Proverb Scriptures
Hebrew saying:
That which comes from the heart enters the
For behold, this is my work and my glory
To bring to pass the immortality and
Thankfulness is just the beginning of
eternal life of man.
--Moses 1:39
He who know not, and knows not he knows
not. A good name is rather to be chosen
HE IS A FOOL; SHUN HIM. than great riches.
--Proverbs 22:1
He who knows not and knows he knows
not. When I consider thy heavens
HE IS SIMPLE, TEACH HIM. the work of thy fingers,
the moon and the stars,
He who knows, and knows not he knows. which thou hast ordained;
What is man that thou are mindful of him?
He who knows and knows that he knows,. and the Son of man that thou hast visited
For thou hast made him a little lower than
Arabian proverb
the angels,
Who is happy? And hast crowned him with glory and
He who is happy with what he has. honor.
--Jewish Proverb
Thou hast made him have dominion
Success often walks side by side with over the works of thy hands;
thou hast put all things under his feet.
Chinese proverb --Psalms 8:3-6

1 122
For behold, Seek ye first the Kingdom of God,
it is not meet that I should command in all and his righteousness;
things; and all these things
for he that is compelled in all things, the shall be added unto you.
same is a slothful and not a wise servant; --Matthew 6:33
wherefore he receiveth no reward.
Verily I say, “Be ye therefore perfect . . .” (complete)
men should be anxiously engaged in a good --Matthew 5:48
cause, and do many things of their own
free will, Organize yourselves;
and bring to pass much righteousness; prepare every needful thing;
For the power is in them, and establish a house,
wherein they are agents unto themselves. even a house of prayer,
And inasmuch as men do good a house of fasting,
they shall in no wise lose their reward. a house of learning,
But he that doeth not anything until he is a house of glory,
commanded, a house of order,
and receiveth a command with doubtful a house of God.
heart, and keepeth it with slothfulness --Doctrine & Covenants 88:119
the same is damned.
--Doctrine & Covenants 58:26-29 And, if you keep my commandments
and endure to the end,
For what shall it profit a man, you shall have eternal life,
if he shall gain the whole world, which gift is the greatest gift
and lose his own soul? of all the gifts of God.
--Mark 8:36 --Doctrine and Covenants 14:7

Seek not for riches, Wherefore,

but for wisdom, now let every man learn his duty,
and behold, the mysteries of God and to act in the office
shall be unfolded unto you, in which he is appointed,
and then shall you be made rich. in all diligence.
Behold, he that hath eternal life is rich. --Doctrine & Covenants 107:99
--Doctrine and Covenants 6:7
But learn that he who doeth the works of
And behold, righteousness
all that he requires of you shall receive his reward,
is to keep his commandments; even peace in this world
and he has promised you and eternal life in the world to come.
that if ye would keep his commandments, --Doctrine and Covenants 59:23
ye should prosper in the land;
and he never doth vary from that which he Wickedness never was happiness.
hath said; --Alma 41:10
therefore, if ye do keep his commandments
he doth bless you and prosper you. Wherefore be not weary in well-doing
--Mosiah 2:22 for ye are laying up the foundation of a
great work.
He that is ordained of God and set forth, And out of small things
the same is appointed to be the greatest, proceedeth that which is great.
notwithstanding he is the least --D&C 64:33
and the servant of all.
--Doctrine & Covenants 50:26
1 123
...if ye are prepared It is wisdom in me; therefore,
ye shall not fear. a commandment I give unto you
--Doctrine and Covenants 38:30 that ye shall organize yourselves
and appoint every man his stewardship;
And if a person gains more knowledge and That every man may give an account
intelligence in this life through his diligence unto me
and obedience than another, he will have of the stewardship
so much the advantage in the world to which is appointed unto him.
come. --Doctrine & Covenants 104:11-12
--Doctrine & Covenants 130:19
...Seek ye diligently
It is impossible to be saved in ignorance. and teach one another words of wisdom,
--Doctrine & Covenants 131:6 yea seek ye out of the best books words of
wisdom; seek learning even by study
We have learned by sad experience that it and also by faith.
is the nature and disposition of almost all --Doctrine & Covenants 88:118
men, as soon as they get a little authority,
as they suppose, they will immediately The glory of God is intelligence...
begin to exercise unrighteous dominion. --Doctrine & Covenants 93:36
Hence many are called, but few are chosen.
No power or influence can or ought to be Now behold, a marvelous• work is about to
maintained by virtue of the priesthood, only come forth among the children of men.
by persuasion, by long-suffering, by Therefore, O ye that embark in the service•
gentleness and meekness, and by love of God, see that ye serve• him with all your
unfeigned; heart, might, mind and strength, that ye
By kindness, and pure knowledge, which may stand blameless• before God at the
shall greatly enlarge the soul without last day. Therefore, if ye have desires to
hypocrisy, and without guile— serve God ye are called• to the work;
Reproving betimes with sharpness, when For behold the field• is white already to
moved upon by the Holy Ghost; and then harvest•; and lo, he that thrusteth in his
showing forth afterwards an increase of sickle with his might, the same layeth up in
love toward him whom thou hast reproved, store• that he perisheth not, but bringeth
lest he esteem thee to be his enemy; salvation to his soul; And faith, hope,
That he may know that thy faithfulness is charity and love, with an eye• single to the
stronger than the cords of death. glory of God, qualify him for the work.
Let thy bowels also be full of charity Remember faith, virtue, knowledge,
towards all men, and to the household of temperance, patience, brotherly kindness,
faith, and let virtue garnish thy thoughts godliness, charity, humility, diligence.
unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax Ask•, and ye shall receive; knock, and it
strong in the presence of God; and the shall be opened unto you. Amen.
doctrine of the priesthood shall distil upon --Doctrine & Covenants 4:1-7
thy soul as the dews from heaven.
The Holy Ghost shall be thy constant A True Success Law:
companion, and thy scepter an unchanging Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings,
scepter of righteousness and truth; and thy and he will direct thee for good;
dominion shall be an everlasting dominion, at night lie down unto the Lord
and without compulsory means it shall flow that he may watch over you in your sleep;
unto thee forever and ever. and when thou risest in the morning
--Doctrine & Covenants let thy heart be full of thanks unto God;
121:34-46 and if ye do these things,
ye shall be lifted up at the last day.
-- Alma 37:37
1 124
Quiet Success Thoughts Journal Humor

The lighter Side

A Riddle: Just sitting there.
To prevent a coup by the officer’s children, At that moment, his big sergeant spotted
the general ordered that any boy whose the young man and approached him and
father was in the military be shot. said, “Hey there. WHAT YOU DOIN’?!!”
How did the general’s son avoid that fate? The young soldier looked up and said. .
Answer: The general is a woman. “I’m just……. procrastinating”
The sergeant scratched his head and said,
There are three kinds of people: “Well…..just so you is busy!”
those who can count
and those who can’t. The difference between being involved and
committed --
I can withstand everything except is the difference between ham and eggs.
temptation and pain. The chicken was involved;
the pig was committed.
A man who was a human cannonball
in the circus died. If you want to win a track meet, you don’t
They couldn't replace him want seven men who can jump one foot;
because they just couldn't find a man you want one man who can jump seven-
of his caliber. feet.

W ritten on a graffiti wall at a Catholic A true test of love:

university: If you and the woman/man you love
"Jesus said unto them, can both brush your teeth
"Whom do you say that I am?" with the same toothbrush.
And they answered,
"You are the eschatological manifestation of I’m getting so old my friends in heaven
the ground of our being, the kerygma in will think I didn’t make it.
which we find the ultimate meaning of our
interpersonal relationships” The advantage of exercising every day
And Jesus said, "What?" is that you die healthier.

It is better to shoot for the stars and miss On exercising --

than to hit the manure pile dead center. "I have flabby thighs,
but fortunately my stomach covers them."
Miss Piggy says you should never eat
more than you can lift. Prepositions are parts of speech
in which many people have trouble with.
Obesity is widespread.
Ending a sentence with a preposition
In the army, you always have to be doing is something up with which I will not put.
You never just sit around doing nothing.
One day a college student private was
sitting on the back steps of his barracks…
just doing nothing.

1 125
The three most important things W hen I was younger, I had a drug
every music conductor should remember problem:
are: My mom drug me to church.
 Start when they do. She drug me to practice.
 End when they do. She drug me to do my homework.
 Don’t bother them in between.
John and Bob were avid baseball players.
The most ominous words They loved the game.
in the English language are: John died.
"Honey, can we talk?" Bob was left and wondered if there was
baseball in heaven.
Were the epistles the wives of the One night John visited Bob in a dream.
apostles? “Is there baseball in heaven,” Bob inquired?
“I have some good news and some bad,”
M iddle age is when you have stopped John replied.
growing at both “What’s the good news?”
ends, and have begun to grow in the “They have baseball games, every day,
middle. everywhere.
They are wonderful!”
From a Sunday School Class: “What’s the bad news? “
Moses died before he ever reached Canada. “You’re pitching tomorrow night.”
Then Joshua led the Hebrews in
the battle of Geritol. From actual court records:
Q: Doctor, before you performed the
A prayer: autopsy,
Please dear Lord, did you check for a pulse?
If I can’t be skinny, A: No.
Please make my friends fat. Q: Did you check for blood pressure?
A: No.
Apathy is okay, I guess. Q: Did you check for breathing?
A: No.
My house was clean last week. Q: So, then it is possible that the patient
Sorry you missed it. was alive when you began the autopsy?
A: No.
Don’t disturb the dust. Q: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
It protects the furniture. A: Because his brain was sitting on my
desk in a jar.
My husband is wonderful. Q: But could the patient have still been
He has never smoked, alive, never the less?
or drunk Coke, A: Yes, it is possible that he could have
or done anything, been alive and practicing Law.
and I'm telling you that's hard to live with.
(Over heard at a stake social) From court records:
Q: Can you describe the individual?
Asked in a courtroom: A: He was about medium height and had a
Q: What is your date of birth? beard.
A: July fifteenth. Q: Was this a male, or a female?
Q: What year?
A: Every year. Pray for me.
I’m going in for an autopsy.
Compliments are like perfume.
They should be smelled, but not swallowed.
1 126
W hen you hear the click, leave your He said that in light of his bad landing, he
message. had a hard time looking the passengers in
the eye, thinking that someone would have
The Finnish people say that gray hair a smart comment.
is the crown of righteousness. Finally, everyone had gotten off except for
Americans say that for every hair that this little old lady walking with a cane. She
turned gray said, "Sonny, did we land or were we shot
they resisted temptation; down?"
for every hair they lost meant –
they didn’t. He who shouts his wares down the well,
he his goods will never sell.
If all the great speakers in the world But he who stands on the street and hollers
were laid end to end -- he’s the guy who gets the dollars.
they would be asleep.
A police officer stopped a driver.
In public speaking, The driver asked,
if you speak more than twenty minutes, "You’re not going to look in the trunk are
you'll tell them more than you know. you?"

A teenager was in hospital recovering from Credit Cards: Due unto others.
serious head wounds received from an
oncoming train. He that knows little
When asked about how he received the Often repeats it.
injuries, the lad told the police that he was
simply trying to see how close he could get A sign in a church parking lot:
his head to a moving train before he was PARKING FOR MEMBERS ONLY!
hit. Trespassers will be baptized.

P atient: Every place on my body hurts Two missionaries walking down the street
when I touch it. passed a pretty girl.
I touch my leg, it hurts. Hey elder, did you see that? That girl
I touch my arm , it hurts. smiled at me!
I touch my stomach, it hurts. That’s nothing elder, the first time I ever
Doctor: Well, of course it hurts! saw you I laughed right out loud.
You have a broken finger.
They are working on a new parachute
Our dog really feels terrible. that opens on impact.
She found out that she is adopted.
Some people if they didn’t worry
A joint checking account is never wouldn’t have anything else to do.
overdrawn by a wife;
it is just under-deposited by her husband. I started life with nothing
And I still have most of it.
An airline pilot wrote that on a particular
flight he had hammered his ship into the Clothes don’t make the woman,
runway really hard. but they can break the husband.
The airline had a policy which required the
first officer to stand at the door while the Show me an optimist,
passengers exited, smile, and I’ll show you a happy-chondriac.
and give them a, "Thanks for flying XYZ

1 127
For the man who has everything She said, “Well, that’s what kind of year it’s
There is now a calendar to remind him been!”
when his payments are due.
I just made a great deal with my neighbor.
A n elderly man lay dying in his bed. In I’ll stop trying to keep up with him
death's agony, he suddenly smelled the if he stops trying to keep up with me!
aroma of his favorite chocolate chip cookies
wafting up the stairs. He gathered his A lawyer is a man
remaining strength, and lifted himself from who profits from your experience
the bed.
Why does Christmas come
Leaning against the wall, he slowly made just when the stores are so crowded?
his way out of the bedroom, and with even
greater effort forced himself down the No man is truly successful
stairs, gripping the railing with both hands, until his mother-in-law
he crawled downstairs. has admitted it.

With labored breath, he leaned against the Suspenders are the oldest form of social
doorframe, gazing into the kitchen. Were it security.
not for death's agony, he would have
thought himself already in heaven: there, A man was visiting a farmer
spread out upon waxed paper on the when the telephone rang--and rang
kitchen table were literally hundreds of his -----and rang!
favorite chocolate chip cookies. Finally the man asked the farmer why
he didn’t answer the phone?
Was it heaven? Or was it one final act of “I put it in for my convenience, not theirs.”
heroic love from his devoted wife, seeing to
it that he left this world a happy man? A bill collector made a visit to one of his
overdue accounts.
Mustering one great final effort, he threw When the collector arrived at the home, the
himself toward the table, landing on his gentleman was immediately quite irate
knees in a rumpled posture. His parched “Now listen here. I have my own way of
lips parted: the wondrous taste of the paying my bills. What I do is at the end of
cookie was already in his mouth, seemingly the month I put all of my bills into my hat
bringing him back to life. and one by one I pay them off until the
money is all gone. And if you don’t stop
The aged and withered hand trembled on bothering me, I’m not even going to put
its way to a cookie at the edge of the table, your name in my hat.”
when it was suddenly smacked with a
spatula by his wife. The most expensive vehicle to operate, per
mile is the shopping cart.
"Stay out of those," she said, "they're for
the funeral." We real cool.
We left school.
The world is divided into two great camps: --Gwendolyn Brooks
The savers and the throwers.
Beware whom you marry. Excelence!!

A husband who had just been voted “Man Nostalgia just isn't what it used to be.
of the Year” couldn’t resist telling his
mother-in-law. What do you call Santa's helpers?
Subordinate Clauses.
1 128
A man attempting to set up his new printer A bus station is where a bus stops.
called the printer's tech support number, A train station is where train stops.
complaining about the error message: On my desk, I have a workstation...
"Can't find the printer." On the phone, the
man said he even held the printer up in If it wasn't for the last minute,
front of the screen, but the computer still nothing would get done.
couldn't find it.
To he who waiteth cometh all things . . .
Three weeks after her wedding day, Joanna except that which the hustler hath already
called her minister. "Reverend," she wailed, taken.
"John and I had a DREADFUL fight!"
"Calm down, my child," said the minister, A friend was telling me about his new
"it's not half as bad as you think. Every state-of-the-art hearing aid.
marriage has to have its first fight!" He described the wonders of the tiny
"I know, I know!" said Joanna. "But what technological marvel, and how it could be
am I going to do with the BODY?" set electronically to amplify only those
sound frequencies, which you needed to
Spread charm, fight sin. boost to produce the clearest sound.
I asked, “What kind is it?”
Artificial intelligence is no match He said, “It’s about 4:30.”
for natural stupidity.
A returned missionary at his homecoming:
Avoid clichés like the plague. I’m glad that everyone waited.
My mother waited. My father waited.
Indiana State Motto: My sister waited. My brothers waited.
Two Billion Years Tidal Wave Free My girlfriend waited....and her husband.

Why do they sterilize needles I'm so old that I can remember

for lethal injections? when hamburger didn't need a helper.
--Paul Harvey
People who snore
always fall asleep first. I don’t read so well at night.
I went to day school.
Ever wonder what the speed of lightning
would be A saleswoman in a store quickly noted that
if it didn't zigzag? a blind man
had picked up his dog by the tail and was
W . C. Fields was not known to be a swinging it over his head.
religious man, but one day near the end of “What in the world are you doing,” she
his life a friend found him intensely reading asked?
the Bible. The blind man said, “I’m just looking
Somewhat amazed, W. C. was asked, around.”
“What are you doing?”
“Looking for loopholes!” Do pilots take crash-courses?

If it's zero degrees outside today and it's A lzheimer’s is such a popular disease
supposed to be twice as cold tomorrow, because
how cold is it going to be? you leave this world with a clear
What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?
Nacho Cheese.

1 129
President Ross Denham to Karl Miller: You can fool some of the people all of the
“Karl, you never seem to change.” time
Karl: “You mean I've always looked this and all of the people some of the time,
old?” but not if you’re wearing a swimming suit.

Children, boats and horses are expensive. T he Easterner had always dreamed of
Children are worth it. owning his own cattle ranch, and finally
made enough money to buy
A certain test for knowing whether you the spread of his dreams in Wyoming.
have a male or a female cat: "So, what did you name the ranch?" asked
If you put a bowl a milk in front of it his best friend when he flew out to visit.
and if he drinks it, you know it is a male. "We had a heck of a time," admitted the
Put a bowl of milk in front of a female new cowboy.
and if she drinks it, "Couldn't agree on anything. We finally
you know it is a female. settled on the
--Paul Harvey Double R Lazy L Triple Horseshoe Bar-7
Lucky Diamond Ranch."
A speaker in sacrament meeting noted "Wow!" his friend was impressed.
from the stand that one particular family "So, where are all your cows?"
with a number of children was unusually "None of 'em survived the branding."
well behaved during the meeting.
However, at one point one of the children Three religious leaders were discussing the
became somewhat restless and made a subject of: when Life Begins
conversation that was noted by his father. The first said: “We believe that life begins
The father simply raised one finger and the at the moment of conception.”
child snapped back into his former mode. The second said: “We believe that life
begins at the moment of birth.”
Somewhat astounded by the control the The third pondered a moment and then
father had during the meeting, the speaker said:
asked the father following the meeting “We believe that life begins when the last
what it meant to simply raise one finger. child leaves home and the dog dies.”

“We have a little game we play during our W hen you're younger, they say, "You're
meetings,” the father said. “After our good looking!"
meetings we all have ice cream sundaes. When you're older, they say, "You're
When I lift my finger like that, it just means looking good!"
you lost one scoop.”
Love is grand.
The true spirit of enterprise: Divorce is a hundred grand
A new captain of a Navy ship wanted to
create a strong feeling of camaraderie with A n optimist thinks that this is the best
his new crew, possible world.
so he lined them all up on the ship deck A pessimist fears this is true.
and addressed them over the loudspeaker
system. Do you wake up grouchy?
"Men, he said, I want you to know...that No, I let her sleep.
this is not MY ship....
It's OUR ship." Conscience is what hurts
A seaman way at the rear barked back, when everything else feels good.
"Good! Let's SELL it!"

Never wave at a friend during an auction.

1 130
A man who never does anything to improve thing happen when I come into this
his community, country. I was standing in line and man
when he dies will. ahead of me go first and official man say,
“What your name?” And he answer, “Pete
I often engage in vigorous sitting exercises. Peterson.” (stamp, stamp, stamp) “I come
up to official man and he say, ‘What your
D ad came home one evening and name?’ I say, “Sam Ting.” (stamp, stamp,
discovered stamp)
his young son brushing the dog's teeth
with dad's toothbrush.
"What ARE you doing?!" the father asked.
The small boy looked up and replied,
"Just what I do every night."
--Paul Harvey

I hope that I can die peacefully in my sleep

like my grandfather,
and not screaming and yelling
like the rest of the people in his car.

A General Authority was asked if it

is a sin to watch football on Sunday?
He replied, "If it is, please don't tell me.

Success is...like a postage stamp.

You may get ripped off, licked, depressed
and shoved in a corner,
and then bumped from post to post,
but if you'll just stick to it,
you'll reach your destination.

The reason the dog has so many friends

is he wags his tail and not his tongue.

The future ain’t what it used to be.

Yogi Berra

L ottery: a tax imposed on the

mathematically impaired.

Pete Peterson’s Chinese Laundry.

A man was walking through a China town
part of his city when he came across a sign
on a building that said “Pete Peterson’s
Chinese laundry. With great curiosity he
entered the building and asked for the
owner. Everyone in the place seemed to
be Chinese. When he was directed to the
owner he found the owner was Chinese.
With his curiosity at a very high level he
asked the owner how he got the name Pete
Peterson. The owner answered, “Funny
1 131
Quiet Success Thoughts
Index of Quoted Authors

Adams, Henry Brooks Burnham, Daniel De Mille, Cecil B.

Adams, James Truslow Burroughs, John De Salnac, Ffrancois de la
Adams, John Burton, H. David Mothe Fenelon
Addison, Joseph Bush, Barbara de Vauvenargues, Marquis
Aristotle Butler, Samuel Dead Poet Society
Armstrong, Garner Ted BYU Descartes, Rene
Arnold, Magda Camus, Albert Deseret News
Ash, Mary Kay Carlyle, Thomas Despreaux, Nicolas Boileau
Ashworth, Don W. Carnegie, Dale Destouches, Phillippe
Ashworth, John Carter, Virgil Disney, Walt
Atoa, Tufuga S. Carty, Margaret Disraeli, Benjamin
Bacon, Sir Francis Cassiodorus, Driggs, Douglas H.
Baird, Robert B. Cato, Marcus Porcius Drucker, Peter
Bangerter, William Grant Cervantes, Miguelde Dryden, John
Barrie, Sir James M. Chanel, Coco Dupree, Max
Barton, Bruce Channing, William E. Durham, G. Homer
Basford, J. L. Cheesman, Paul R. Durrant, George
Bean, Monte L Christ Durrant, Will
Bell, T. H. Churchill, Sir Winston Dyer, Alvin R.
Benjamin, Arthur Cichon, M. L. Eastwood, Clint
Benson, Ezra Taft Clark, Bruce B. Edison, Thomas A.
Berra, Yogi Clark, Harold R. Edward Gibbon
Berrett, William E Clark, J. Reuben Edwards, LaVell
Bettelheim, Bruno Clay, Henry Edwards, William F.
Billings, Lewis Coleridge, Samuel Eggleston, Edward
Bion Collier, Robert Einstein, Albert
Blocher, Donald Comanici, Nadia Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Bombeck, Erma Confucius Elliott, Norma
Bourneman, Louise Coolidge, Calvin Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Boy Scouts of America Coue, Emile Epictetus
Bradley, Bill Covey, Steven R. Eubank, Mark
Bridges, Madeline Cracroft, Richard H. Euripides
Brigham Young University Craven, Rulon G. Evans, Richard L.
Brim, Larry H. Crockett, David Farnsworth, Reed
Brinkman, Curt Crowton, Gary Faust, James E.
Britsch, Florence Cummings, Henry Featherstone, Vaughn J.
Brock, Donna Olpin da Vinci, Leonardo Feidler, Arthur
Brown, Hobart Davis, Allan L. Field, Marshall
Brown, Hugh B. Davis, Elmer Fields, W. C.
Brown, Jackson Darion, Joe Flavius Magnus Aurelius
Bruyere, Jean de La Day, Doris Ford, Harrison
Buck, Pearl de Gaulle, Charles Ford, Henry
Burden, Billy de Jager, Jacob Fortune Magazine
Burke, Edmund de Jong, Gerrit Fosdick, Harry Emerson
1 132
Franklin, Benjamin Jordan, Michael Maxwell, Neil A.
Gale, G. Donald Joubert, Joseph McConkie, Bruce R.
Gates, Bill Kaiser, Henry McCord, David
Gates, Crawford Keats, John McDonald, Howard S.
Gee, Urvin Keller, Helen McGannon, Donald H.
Gengrich, Newt Kenko, Yoshida McGarry, Barney
Gibbon, Edward Kennedy, David M. McKay, David O
Gines, Brent A. Kennedy, John F McKay, Gunn
Gladstone, William E. Kennedy, Rose McKay, Harvey
Goddard, John Kettering, Charles F. Mead, Margaret
Goldberger, Ludwig M. Key, Francis Scott Meyer, Don, David
Gorbachev, Mikhail Kimball, J. Golden Lipscomb
Graham, Martha Kimball, Spencer W. Miller, Johnny
Grandma Moses King, Martin Luther Minson, Roland T.
Grant, Heber J. Kingsley, Charles Mitchell, Amy
Gray, Albert E. N. Kiwanis Objects Moliere
Grellet, Stephen Knight, Jeff Herring Monson, Thomas S.
Griessman, B. Eugene Korda, Michael Moore, George
Groberg, John LaMancha, Man from Morgan, Charles
Hagen, Walter C. Lamarck, Jan Baptiste Mortimer, Raymond
Haight, David B. Lao-tzu Nadauld, Margaret D.
Hales, Wayne B. Larson, Doug Napoleon, Bonaparte
Hamilton, Alexander Lasorda, Tommy Neibuhr, Reinhold
Hanks, Marion D. Law, Vernon Newton, Sir Isaac
Harlan, John Marshall Leacock, Stephen Butler Nibley, Hugh
Harvard Leavitt, Mike Nicholes, R. G.
Harvey, Paul LeBaron, E. Dale Nielsen, Rosanne Tueler
Heaton, Alma Lee, Harold B. Nightingale, Earl
Hegel, Georg W. F. Leeuwenhoek, Anton van NIKE
Hemmingway, Ernest, Leigh, Mitch Nin, Anais
Henley, William Ernest Lewis, Ben E. Nixon, G. Sterling
Henry, Patrick Lewis, C. S. Nixon, Richard M.
Herbert, George Liberty, Statue of O’Brian, Hugh
Hess, John D. Lieshman, Courtney O’Brien, Gary E.
Hilton, Conrad Lincoln, Abraham Oaks, Dallin
Hinckley, Gordon B. Linkletter, Art Oaks, Stella
Holland, J. G. Livius, Titus Olpin, A. Ray
Holmes, Oliver Wendell Lombardi, Vincent Olpin, David L.
Horace Longfellow, Henry Olsen, Merlin
Hubbard, Elbert Wadsworth Orben, Robert
Hubbard, Kin Lorimer, George Horace Oscarson, Roy W.
Hudson, William H. MacArthur, Douglas Osmond Family
Hugo, Victor Machen, Bernard J. Osmond, Alan
Huxley, Thomas Machiavelli, Niccolo Ottley, Jarold D.
Ibsen, Henrik Madsen, Arch L. Packer, Boyd K.
Ingersoll, Robert G. Mann, Horace Page, William Tyler
Iococca, Lee Mann, Thomas Paine, Thomas
James, William Marden. O.S. Parsons, Robert J.
Jefferson, Thomas Marriott, J. Willard Patton, George S.
Jensen, James A. Marsh, Henry Peale, Norman Vincent
Johnson, Samuel Maslow, Abraham H. Pella, Chris
Jonson, Ben Mason, George Perry, L. Tom
1 133
Peters, Tom Shakespeare, William Tweedie, Tim
Peterson, J. Allan Shaw, George Bernard Ulman, Harvey
Petty, Robert W. Shawn, Allen Ustinov, Peter
Pickford, Mary Sheldon, Arthur F. Voltaire
Pindar Sikahema, Vai Waitely, Dennis
Plato Sill, Sterling W. Walsh, James J.
Pliny the Elder Silvester, L. Jay Ward, William Arthur
Pope, Alexander Skousen, W. Cleon Washington, Booker T.
Powell, Colin Slayton, Don Washington, George
PowerQuest Smith, Hyrum Watts, Stan
Priday, Tomas Smith, Joseph Webster
Ptahhotpe Smith, Joseph F. Welch, Jack
Publilius, Syrus Smith, Samuel Wesley, John
Reader’s Digest Smoot, A. O. West, Walt
Reid, Mike Sophocles Whittier, John Greenleaf
Reid, Rose Marie Sorensen, Wilson W. Wilcox, Brad
Richards, LeGrand Southwestern Company Wilde, O. Geral
Richards, Stephen L. Spafford, Belle S. Wilkinson, Ernest L.
Ricks, Eldin Spencer, James (Jim) A. Willcox, Ella Wheeler
Riis, Jocob Statius, Caecilius Williams, Arlene Nofchissy
Robison, Clarence F. Steele, Richard Williams, Pat
Rogers, Richard Stern, C. B. Willis, Mark
/Hammerstein Stern, Laurence Wilson, Charles E.
Rogers, Will Stevenson, Adlai Wilson, Marc
Romney, George Stevenson, Robert Louis Wirthlin, Joseph B.
Roosevelt, Eleanor Stewart, Ora Pate Wolfe, Thomas
Roosevelt, Franklin D. Stone, O. Leslie Wood, General Robert
Roosevelt, Theodore Strunk, William, Jr. Wooden, John
Rousseau, Jean Jacques Swift, Jonathan Wright, Joe
Ruskin, John Swindoll, Charles Yarn, David H. Jr.
Sagen, Carl Sydenham, Thomas Young, Brigham
Sallust (Gaius Sallustius Syndenham, Thomas Young, Edward
Crispus) Talmage, James E. Young, Wayne R.
Sand, George Tanner, N. Eldon Zenger, John
Sandberg, Carl Taylor, Weldon J. Zeuxis
Savage M. J. Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyich Zigler, Zig
Schopenhauer, Arthur Teresa, Mother
Schuler, Dr. Robert Theophrastus
Schwab, Charles M. Thompson, Jane If you keep this journal,
Schweitzer, Albert Thoreau, Henry David please don’t forget your
Scott, Andrew Thucydides CHARITY donation.
Seamons, Robert C. Tocquesville, Alexis Thanks!
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus Twain, Mark

1 134

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