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1) Why do people get into bad habits?

It`s all your relying on something to give you emotional support, emotional stimulation. When we ty to
drop them what happens we try and then we fall off track and then we get back into the groove of that
bad habit again so it`s a groove in your brain that`s just been etched through repetition and then it`s
hard to switch tracks.

2) What question should you ask if you want to get out of some addiction?

Why am I even trying to drop it?

3) What motivating factors can help you?

Some sort of extrinsic motivating factor. Instead of what you want is you want to tap into why this is
destroying your life why it is holding your back from your life. Once you get in touch with that then you
can stat to let it go. You are going to have the emotional leverage to do it

4) What can prevent you from dropping a bad habit?

You take a lot of responsibility so you can`t blame others for your bad habit. And you shouldn`t play a

5) What is the law of attraction? How can it help?

You need to focus on the things that you want in life rather than things you don`t want, so you tend to
attract whatever you think and focus on.

Instead of breaking a bad habit and then sitting around and doing nothing or replacing it with some
other bad habit, you should to shift your attention on something good and positive that you`re doing
through life. So either instilling an opposite good habit or just having something else that you are going
to be doing with spare time.

For example, instead of overeating all the time and going to restaurants and spending a lot of time and
money on restaurants and if you want drop addition that, you can spend more time with your kids or do
you side project for your business. Also you can go to do and pick up a new hobby or to do mountain
climbing hiking. You need to have some goals which take attention away from your nasty habits.

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