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30) DE povest! DESPRE ANIMALE VOLUM DE POvEST! BILINGY ROMAN-ENGLEZ Scanned with CamScanner De ce are ursul coada scurta? cn. demult, pe cand avea ursul coada lunga, se fntalni intr-o zi cu vulpea, care ducea in spate un sac plin cu pesti. — Ia spune, cumatra vulpe, de unde ai facut rost de atata peste? intreba ursul. Vulpea furase pestii, insi ursului fi spuse ci fi pescuise in lacul inghetat. — E simplu, ii explica ea ursului, Nu trebuie decat si faci o gaurd in gheata si s4 iti vari coada in ea. Iar cand © pestii vor mugca, nu iti rimane decat s& fi tragi afara, Ursului fi era tare foame, aga cit se gandi sa incerce cat mai repede metoda de pescuit a vulpii, Se duse la balta, facu o copci si isi vari coada in apa rece ca gheata. Astepta rabdator si muste pestele, dar nu reusi si prinda niciunul, Cand se satura de pescuit, incerca si igi scoata coada, insa era prea tarziu. Coada ii inghetase bocna si era prinsi in gheata, Incepu ursul s4 traga, dar fir niciun rezultat. [si adund puterile gi trase att de tare de coada, incit aceasta se rupse si niciodat nu ti mai crescu la loc, De atunci are ursul coada scurta. By Fe ty Se ty By oy Sy ty Sy oye Why Does the Bear Have a Short Tail? nce upon a time, back when the bear had a long tail, he ran Om the fox, who was carrying a huge bag of fish on her back. “Tell me, pal, where did you get all this fish?” asked the bear. ‘The fox had stolen the fish, but she told the bear she had caught them in the frozen lake. “It’s easy” she said to the bear. “All you have to do is cut a hole in the ice and stick your tail in it. And when the fish bite on your tail, you just pull them out” ‘The bear was so hungry, he thought he should try the fox’ fishing method as soon as he could. So he went to the lake, cut a hole in the ice and stuck his tail in the ice cold water. He waited and waited for the fish to bite, but he didn’t catch any. When he got tired of fishing, he tried to pull his tail out, but it was too late. His tail had frozen and was caught in the ice. He started pulling, but to no avail, He pulled once, with all his might, and the tail broke, never to grow back again. Ever since that day, the bear has had a short tail, Scanned with CamScanner Cei trei purcelusi si lupul 7 LL” cel hain voia cu orice pret si ti prinda pe cei trei purcelusi, care trdiau cu tofii in casa de ciramida, Asa __‘ cl se gindi la un giretlic. Batu la usa lor gi, cu glas mieros, ~ le spuse: BS — Va salut, vecinii mei! Nu afi avea chef de ronfait morcovi dulci de gridina? — O, ba da! Unde sunt? intrebara purcelusii, ; — La gospodaria Albu, Daca vrefi, maine va pot conduce pana acolo, rispunse lupul. — Multumim frumos, ar fi tare bine! Vino dupa noi maine la ora gase, se invoir’ cei trei fratiori, A doua zi lupul sosi foarte punctual, dar purcelusii plecasera fri el, cu mult timp inainte, gi se intorseser deja cu traistele pline cu morcovi. Atunci lupul veni cu alti idee: — Am descoperit la ferma Negru un mar plin cu mere coapte gi zemoase. Vrefi si vi-l art? — Multumim, bineinfeles! se invoiré purcelusii. Vino dupa noi maine la ora gase. De data aceasta lupul nu se mai lasa pacilit: a doua zi la ora cinci se duse in livada unde se afla marul si, dup’ cum igi imaginase, purcelusii erau deja in pom. Ai avut dreptate, lupule! Intr-adevar, sunt foarte bune merele acestea. Uite, gusta-le gi tul strigard purcelusii si incepura si arunce cu mere in el, pina reusira sa fl puna pe fuga. Sy Fe Gy Fe ty Se ty Sy oy hy oy 8 » The Three Little Pigs and the Wolf Tr big bad wolf wanted to catch the three little pigs living in the brick house. So he thought he would trick them. He knocked on their door and called to them in a friendly voice: “Hello, dear neighbors! Wouldn't you like to snack on some sweet garden carrots?” “Oh, yes! Where are they?” asked the little pigs. “At the White farm. If you'd like, I can show you the way tomorrow” said the wolf. “Thank you very much, that would be nice! Come get us tomorrow at six,” said the three brothers. ‘The next day at six sharp, the wolf showed up at the house, but the little pigs had without him and had already returned with their bags full of carrots, ‘Then the wolf came up with another trick: f “There's an apple tree full of ripe and juicy apples at the Black farm. Would you like me to show it to you?” “Of course, thank you!” said the little pigs. “Come and get us tomorrow at six.” But this time the wolf didn’t fall for their trap: the next day at five he went to the farm and, as he had thought, the littl pigs were already in the tree, “You were right! These apples are very good! Here, have a taste!” they shouted, and started throwing apples at the wolf, chasing him away. Scanned with CamScanner gone to the farm Lupul si vulpea data, demult, lupul o angaja pe vulpe ca servi- Om. {i era greu vulpii sa isi suporte stapanul, dar acesta era mult mai puternic decat ea, aga cA nu avea de ales decat si indure, Adesea lupul o trimitea pe vulpe dupa de-ale gurii, Atunci vulpea mergea si ba fura o oaie din turma, ba omleta oamenilor, pusi la ricit pe pervaz, ba o gina din ograda. Dar de fiecare data avea grija si nu o vada nimeni, Intr-una din zile iar fi spuse lupul vulpii: — Cumitra vulpe, adu-mi ceva de méncare sau te inghit pe tine! fj — Este aici, in apropiere, 0 pivni felul de bunatati! fi propuse vulpea. — In regula, si mergem! spuse lupul. Printr-o sparturd mica se strecurara in pivnita care, Intr-adevir, era plina de bunatati care mai de care: sunculifé, crnati, brinza. Lupul lacom se arunca imediat asupra bucatelor, pe cand vulpea cea precauti tot intra siiegea prin spirtura. Lupul, dispretuitor, o lua peste picior pe vulpea care nu apuca sé manance nimic, Dar deodata in usa pivnifei apiru gos- Podarul, care auzise zgomote ciudate venind dintr-acolo. Vulpea, care era aproape de spartura, o si tuli afar, pe cand lupul cu burta plina rimase induntru $i isi primi Portia din partea gospodarului. Fe Fe ty Oe ty Oe ty ty ty ty oye The Wolf and the Fox Aw time ago, the wolf hired the fox as his servant. It wasn't easy for the fox to put up with her ‘master, but he was much stronger than her, so she had no choice but to tolerate him. Often the ‘olf would send her to get food. The fox would go out and steal a sheep from the flock, or the humans omelet left to cool on the windowsill, ora chicken from the yard. But every time she was very careful not to be seen. Be One day the wolf said to the fox again: i “Fox, go get me something to eat, or I'm going to wolf you down!” \ “There is a cellar nearby, stocked with all kinds of goodies!” suggested the fox. \ “All right, let’s go!” said the wolf. ; ‘They crept in through a small crack and saw that the cellar was, indeed, full of all kinds of delicious treats: ham, sausages, cheese. The gluttonous wolf started gobbling up the food as soon as he got in, while the cautious fox kept going in and out through the crack. ‘The wolt started making fun of the fox, who wouldn't eat a thing. ; he But suddenly the master of the house appeared in the door of the cellat, having heard some strange noises coming from within, The fox, who was close to the crack, cut and ran, while the wolf, with his big, full belly, remained inside and got what was coming to him from the master of the house. plina cu tot Scanned with CamScanner Vipera, broastele si sarpele P: vremuri, vipera obisnuia si bea apa din izvorul despre care sarpele declara cu toati convingerea cA ii aparjine lui. Din pricina aceasta, cele dow lighioane se certau fir incetare. Nu reuseau si stabileascé al cui este izvorul, pentru é c& amandoua isi revendicau dreptul de proprietate. Situatia (i s-a tot inriutafit, pand cand cele dowd animale gi-au declarat 9) raizboi una alteia. Cand au aflat broastele din imprejurimi, care sunt dusmani declarati ai serpilor de cand lumea, au afirmat imediat ca sunt | de partea viperei. A venit si momentul infruntarii finale. Cei doi dusmani sarpele si vipera — stiteau fata in fata. Broastele, pentru cila altceva nu se pricepeau, incepur’ inc& din zori s& ordcaie cat le tineau puterile. = Oac! Oac! strigari ele Era modul lor de a incerca si o ajute pe viper. In cele din urma vipera céstiga batilia, iar broastele se incolonara inaintea ei, ca “© sisi primeasca risplata binemeritata pentru ajutorul acordat. La care vipera incepu si sdsdie cat putu de tare. — Ssssssss! Dupi cum vedeti, stimate broaste, va plitesc in acelasi mod in care m-afi ajutat si voi pe mine! & & 8 Sy Sy Sy Su By By Se By Sy vy 8 The Viper, the Frogs and the Snake Bx in the day, the viper would drink water from the spring the snake adamantly declared to be is own. Because of this, the two animals were constantly fighting. They couldn't decide who the because both claimed ownership rights. Things went from bad to worse, until, in spring belonged to, the end, the two declared war against each other. Hearing this, the neighborhood frogs, who ha time, immediately sided with the viper. ‘Then came the moment of the final confrontation. The two enemies - the snake and the viper ~ faced each other, The frogs did the one thing they knew: they started croaking as loudly as they could, from the break of dawn, 4 “Ribbit! Ribbit!” they said. It was their way of trying to help the viper. Eventually, the viper won the battle and the frogs all lined up before him to receive their well earned reward for all the help they had provided. ‘At that, the viper started hissing as loudly as he could. “Ssssssss! As you can see, my dear frogs, | am paying you the exact same way you helped me!” .d been archenemies of the snake since the dawn of Scanned with CamScanner Valpea si anghilele ra odati un pescar, care, dupa o zi lung de faa se indrepta obosit spre casi. Caruta ii era plind ochi cu anghile - una mai frumoasi decit alta ~ pe care le prinsese cu multa truda. Vulpea il vizu $i incepu si se gindeasci ce ar putea face ca sé puna gheara pe cina cea gustoasi din caruta pescarului, in cele din urma ticlui un plan: s& se intinda in mijlocul drumului gi si se prefaci moar, Cando vazu, pescarul, fird si banuiascd nimic, aruncé in cérugi peste peste si porni mai depar- te, gindindu-se ce bland frumoasa si cilduroasi iiva face nevestei din blana vulpii. Insi vulpea cea sireati, imediat ce se vazu in ciruti,incepu si arunce anghilele pe jos, in urma lor, cu gindul de a le culege mai tarziv. Dupi ce arunca tot pestii din car, sii i ea jos, Pescarul nu bagi de seam nimic din "ici urm de peste, nici urma de vulpe. Asta rimas pescarul in ziua aceea fra bland’, dar si fara cin’! Sef e ty ty oy Oy ty Oy ty ty eye The Fox and the Eels Or ‘here was a fisherman who, after along day of hard work, was heading home witha cart full of eels ~ one more beautiful than the other — he had caught that day. : i Thefox saw him and started scheming how to get her paws on the delicious dinner in the fisher rt. sd She came up with a plan: she would lie on the ground, in the middle of the road, and Pretend to be dead, en he saw her, ne he went on his toate acestea. Abia cind ajunse acasi observa ciruta goal - the fisherman threw her in the cart, on top of the fish, not suspecting Fatt rr a hnking fhe eal, warm fr cot he wnk! make free them pn "8 0%, once inthe cart, started throwing the els dow, intent on retuening I YP. After throwing all the fish from the cart, the fox also jumped down, hosp 28% did't realize what had happened unt be aived, And thar ic Reem cart - no fish, no fo. : Ot and hig ‘ow that day the fisherman lost bath a fur, inner Scanned with CamScanner Calul si lupul fost odat& ca niciodati un cal, care intr-o buna zi pigtea linistit pe pasunea din apropierea padurii, cand observa ci din tufiguri il pandeste un lup. Stiind ce plinuieste lupul, il cuprinse frica si, ciutind o cale de scipare, se preficu schiop. Calul este mult mai puternic decat mine,“ igi spuse lupul, ,,aga ca trebuie si mi gindesc la un giretlic ca si il pot prinde.* Se apropie incet-incetigor de cal si fl intrebi plin de vicleni — Spune-mi, prietene, de ce schiopatezi? — Pentru ci am calcat adineauri intr-o tufa cu spini, Hispunse calul. PB — __ Asta chiar ci este o problema serioasi! Cel mai bine ar fi daca te-ag opera, ca si ifi scot spinii, Norocul tau e ci ma pricep la chirurgie! Calul se prefiicu atunci ci este de acord cu operatia. Insi in momentul in care lupul incerci si ji apuce piciorul, calul il lovi cat de tare putu cu copita. GA rmani fiecare la meseria lui! Si opereze doctorii, c4 asta nue de mine!” gandi lupul in timp ce zoura invartindu-se prin aer. Sy Se Gy Ve Sy Sa By Se Sy by wy 8 The Horse and the Wolf O™ upon a time, a horse was grazing calmly on the pasture near the woods, when he noticed | wolf watching him from the bushes. Knowing what was on the wolf's mind, he grew scared and started thinking of a way out of this predicament. So he pretended to be lame. “The horse is much stronger than mey to think of a trick to catch him: He slowly approached the horse “Tell me, my friend, why are you limping?” oanetntl “ecause I've just stepped into a thorny bush," answered the horse. “That is a really seriow problem! Youd better let me operate on you to remove the thorns, You're — lucky | know a thing or two about surgery!” 4 ‘The horse pretended to agree to the surgery. put when the wolf tried to grab old of bis leg, the horse kicked him as hard as he could. ‘T think everyone should Just stick to their Jobl Let the doctors operate, its definitely not for mel’ thought the wolf while spinning through the a said the wolf to himself, ‘so T need and asked him slyly: Y — Scanned with CamScanner De ce se spala pisoiul dupa mancare rz i, o vrabiuta zglobie a poposit in ograda unui Naran si s-a apucat si ciuguleasca griuntele pe care le-a gisit pe jos. De dupa coltul casei pindea insiun ‘soi flimand, care prinse momentul prielnic, siri so inhi de o aripa ~ Nici in visele mele nu mi-am imaginat ci voi +8ea parte de asemenea gustarica! miorlai pisoiul, i, domnule pisoi, chiar ai de gind si ma ‘mananci cu labujele asa murdare? ciripi vribiuta deznidajduita, ‘miorlii putin intimidat pisoiul gi igi ridica le ~ dupa obiceiul pisicese - cu limba, » Bindu, vrabiuja cea smechera igi lui zborul din ghearele lui Pe - Iam inva lei, vrdbiujo! De acum inate nimeni ema va mai pacali! ofta cu obidi wma cu buzele umifate, % Maa S8 F-0 sp Fara mai sta p ‘Catunci, tot neamul pisicesc se Spali dupa ce mananea si niciodata inainte. & % Sty Sy By By By Bg ty Be By & Why Do Cats Wash Up After They Eat Or ay, a lively little sparrow flew into a farmer’ back yard and started Pecking at the grains on the ground. A hungry kitten was watching just ound the corner, so she jumped and caught the sparrow’ wing, “never dreamed Ii catch such a delicious meal!” meowed the ten, “Oh, mister cat, you're not realy planning on eating me with those dirty paws, are you?” chirped the disranght sparrow “Dirty paws?” asked the kitten, mystified. / “Ye ou haven't washed your paws before lunch. First we wah {4 0ur hands really well, and only after that we may sit down at the s table. Even the children know that!” answered the spr “You are right” meowed the kitten, a little bit Pail ; lied his paw tolickitlean~asallcatsd0, Y “The smart little sparrow wasted no time a _ y sn's grasp. fea aaron, (ve sed ty leson nov! [know beter and T wort anyone rick me ever again!” sighed the kiten ‘Ever since then, cats always lean paws after eating and never befor. er Scanned with CamScanner | Vulpita fara coada F ntr- zi, in paurea cea mare si deasi, o vulpité isi prinse coag, Tee capcana, Reusi cuma sa scape, ins coada i se rupsej era tare rusine, fiindcd numai ea nu avea codita, in timp ce toate ~ celelalte vulpi aveau cozi lungi si bogate. Ise parea o mare nedrep, tate ci numai ea nu are coada. Se gandi multé vreme ce ar putea si fact. "Ar fi mult mai bine’, isi spuse ea, »dac& nici celelalte vulpi ny ar avea coditi, pentru ci atunci nu m-as mai simti nici eu chiar atat de schilodita.“ | Asa ci se gandi s& igi convinga suratele si prietenele sa isi taie sj ele coada. — Credeti-ma, coada nu e decat o povari le explici ea. Nue nici frumoasi, nici utilé. Eu va sfituiesc sd o taiatil Celelalte vulpi o ascultara, apoi una dintre ele spuse: — Daca aga stau lucrurile, tu de ce esti atat de nefericita de cand i pierdut coada? La intrebarea aceasta vulpita nu stiu ce si le raspunda. Rusinata c& incercase sa le pacileasca pe celelalte vulpi, iar acestea isi didusera seama, vulpita fara coadi se furisa in padure. De atunci a trait singura in pidurea deasé, daca nu cumva a si murit intre timp. By Fe ty By ty ty oy By Oy 8g oy 5 The Tailless Fox O ne day, in the big, thick forest, a fox got caught in a trap, Somehow she managed to escape, bu her tail broke off. She was very ashamed to be the only one without a tail, while all the othe foxes had long, luxurious tals. She thought it was terribly unfair to be the only talless one. She sper: a lot of time thinking what she could do about it. ‘It would be so much better? she said to herself, ‘if. the other foxes were tailless, too. Then I wouldn't feel so crippled? So she decided she should try to convince her sisters and her friends to cut off their tails. “Believe me,’ she told them, “the tail is just a burden. It is not beautiful and it is not useful. I say you should cut it off!” ‘The other foxes listened to her, then one of them spoke up: “Ef that is so, why have you been so unhappy since you lost your tail?” To this, the little fox had no answer. Ashamed that she had tried to trick the other foxes and they had seen right through it, the little tailless fox snuck away. Ever since that day she has lived alone in the big, thick forest, unless she died in the meantime. _ ~ Scanned with CamScanner

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