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The writer is using 2nd person to directly address the reader: “When you write,
build….” The writer is adressing the readers to convey that handwriting is better than

A) The writer is mainly addressing children, teenagers and collage students “children
expressed……. real effects on communication” The writer illustrates that everyone is affected
by typing.

L) The writer mainly used informal language to create a closer bond with the readers and also
make his points on writing more clear. “you’ll be more likely” The Author used informal
Language to convince children that typing is bad fort hem.

A) The writer is using both positive and negative tone: “letters are an enduring treasure…..
Typing is more democratic, too – it isn’t a complicated” The writer portrays Both the positive
and negative sides on typing and writing.

S) The writer is using long descriptive sentences: “Keyboards are changing the physical
connection between writers and text, and people who can’t write by hand can now use
technology to communicate.” The writer portrays His points on typing writing and then
explains it well.

T) The writer is Mainly using a Convincing, Persuasive and Descriptive tone: “Technology
has threatened writing” The writer is using strong adjectives to Persuade the readers on
Technology is bad.

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