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BUREAU OF EDUCATION, INDIA SELECTIONS FROM EDUCATIONAL RECORDS PART 1840-1859 J. A, RICHEY, C\LE, CALCUTT, SUPERINTENDENT GOVERNMENT PRINTING, INDIA 1942 Plate 1 PicaeMots pn, Thostseon Colles Roe THE HON'’BLE Mr. JAMES THOMASON, Lieutenant Governor of the North Western Provinces, 1843-53, Frontispiece. PREFACE. AL senetat mtroduction to this series was prefixed by Mr. Sharp to the first volume. No explanation is therefore needed for the appearance of the present publication. The period covered by the documents in this volume extends frou 1839 to 1859. This was a periad of great educational activity in India during which provincial systems of education were gradually évolved. lts close was appropriately marked by the issue of two important des- patches, one from the Court of Directors in 1854 and one from the Secre- tary of Stato in 1859, outlining a general educational policy for India and establishing provincial Departments of Education to carry out that policy. It is interesting to note that the second of these despatches is one of the first, if not the very first, communications addressed to the Government: of India by the Secretary of State. In one respect the task of the compilers of this work has differed from that of the editor of the first volume. Of the earlier period few records exist; the work in the present case, on the other hand, has consisted of extracting from the numerous documents and records in existence those essential to a proper understanding of the course of events. It has been thought desirable to’counect these records by his- torical summaries, But I must repeat the warning given by Mr. Sharp in his preface to the first volume that this series does not purport to be a history, it only aims at providing historical materials for those interested in the early development of education in India. It is the documents themselves which are of importance and not the connecting matter. In the task of compilation I have been ably assisted by Mr. G. R. Kaye, Curator, Bureau of Education, and by Mr. G. C. Sarkar of the Bengal Education Service, late officiating Curator. The latter was chiefly responsible Jor the collection of the original materials and for much of the preliminary work of preparation, while my thanks are due Preface. to Mr. Kaye not only for the scrupulous accuracy with which he has checked all the details and references, but also for the preparation of the appendices and index, which should add largely to the value of the publication. The main body of the work consists of letters, despatches and other original records printed in the form of appendices to each chapter and numbered consecutively throughout the work in Arabic numerals. References to the documents will be found in the text of each chapter. The text itself contains only such matter as appeared to me necessary to explain the sequence of the appended documents. Jixtracts, from original records which occur in the body of the text have been separa- tely numbered in Roman numerals. The original sources from which the documents and extracts have been obtained are shown in two appendices at the end of the volume. A bibliography and short bio- graphical notes on the principal characters mentioned have been added. ‘The inclusion of a full text of the despatches of 1854 and 1859 and of the University Acts has added appreciably to the bulk of the volume, but the records of education in India between 1839 and 1860 would be incomplete without them J. A. RICHEY, CONTENTS. CHAPTER Ecuozs oF tnx ANoLo-onteyTat, CoTROVERSY. (a) The medium of instruction, () Extract from Captain Candy's report on the Poona Sanskrit College, 1840. (8) Extract from a letter, dated éth September, 1861, from the Bombay Government tothoBoardofEduction =. 5 se ee et Documents. 1, Despatch from the Court of Directors, dated the 20th January, 1841. 2 Extract from Mr. Boutros's “Enquiry into the system of Education sta" 1. 3, Extinct from # minute by Colonel Jervis, ated the 24th February, 1847 | 4, Extract from @ minute by Sir E, Perry, dated tho l4th April, 1847. 5, Miuute by J. Sunkersett, dated lot May, 16470. . 6. Rxtracte from « minute by Colonel Jervis, dated the 13th May, 1847. 7. Extracts from letter trom Bombay Government, dated the 5th Apri 1847. ~, 8 Extract frome minute, dated 13th April, 1848, by Sir E. Perry 9. Extract from & migute, dated 9th April, 1848, on Government Education fa the Presidency of Bombay, by Sir E. Perry 10.: Katracta from a minute by the Hon'ble J. P. Willoughby, dated the 12th January, 1800. soe 11, Minuto, dated 25rd Jonuary, 1861, by Mr. 3.E.D. Bethane | | CHAPTER IL. Tun Bratyxtvos ow Fsate Epucation. (a) Early nogleot of female education : (ii) Eximsct from the Minates of Bridenee taken before the Select Committee of the House of Commons in 1892. Appendix I, Fisher's Memoir. , (iv) Extraot from the Minutes of Evidence of 1882... . sy Evidence of the Rev. JamesHough’ eee, (*) Extroot from the Minutes of Evidence of 1853. we {a) Evidence of SirG.E, Trevelyan 6 eee (©) Evidence of the Rev. J. Tucker. 6. ee, (¢) Evidence of Mr.J.C.Marshman - ek (@) Evidence of LieutensntColonel W. Jacob. ee (2) Initiative token by Pivatowcintin © () InBengat Se ee (ti) Extract from the fine report of the Caloutte Socity =| |) (sii) Exteact from A Biographical Skeleh of David Here, hoes (rill) Hxteuct trom Hindu Female Bducarion. By Princlls Chapman | or) Pads, Contents, CHAPTER Il~contd. Tex Boowsres or Fewarz Epvcarioy—conid. (iz) Extraot from W. Adam's First Report on tho State of Education in Bongel (635) (4) Extractlrom anerticoon NativoFemale education in the Caloutta Reviow of July, 1835. Soe ee (xi) Extract from A. Howell's Bducotion in British India | (ail) Extract from tho Report on Public Snstruction in the Lower Provinces of Bongal, for the year 1848-49 arr (2) InMadres . (ai) Extract ftom 4 Memoir ofthe Prst Centenary of ecartiat Protestant Mrasion at Madras. BytheRev. We Taylor 6 eee (6) In Bombey (xiv) Extract from the Report of the Bombay Provincial Comittee of Bdaoation Commission of 1882. : (x8) Extract from anaddzess by the Hou'ble Mr. Warden, Prosident of the Educa: tion Board, Bombay, at the annual prescntation of prizes in 1853. Documents. 12 Latter, dated the 20th March, 1850, from the Hon’bleJ. E, D, Bethune to the Governor Couoral 14, Minuto, dated tot Apri, 1850, by tho Marquess of Dalhousie, Governor-General 14, Minate, dated 2nd April. 1950, by Majoc General Sie H, J. Littler... 15, Minute, dated 2ad april. 1850, by Sir F.Curle se 16. Minute, dated rd April, 1930, by J-Lowie . 17. Leiter, dated tue 11th April, 1850, from the Government of India to tho Gov: ernmont of Bengal. =. 18 —_xtmot from tho Heport on Public Instruction in the Lowet Protinee of the Bonga! Prosidenoy for the year 1849-50 19. Despatch, dated the deb September, 1850, fom the Court of Directors to the Governor-General... 20, Extract from a private letter from the Marquess of Dato “dated Apsil Yeth, 1950 coe 21, Desputoh, dated 3rd February, 1854 to the Court of Directors 5s CHAPTER MIL Provixcrat Daystoraests—Brsast (0) Grants or Oriental eduoation : Boe ee (©) Rojection of Mr. Adam's heme of vernacular edueation | . (xvi) The Couneil of Education on Mr. Adam's ‘opoals sos (©) The Couneil of Education and ite work =. : @ (xvii) Extract from Mi. (4) Bsilaro of the Vernacular schools. (vit) Bxitaat from the report of the Collector of Nattoro, 1848.) (xix) Extrwot from tho report of the Commissionor of Dacea, 1840 . (A Ralorm of the Calcutta Madrassa and the Hindu College. Sir Hears Hardiage’a Resolution on public services. : |. Kerr's Review of Publie Lustruct $y 1895 to 1851 Pade. al 58 37 58 SRRRIISESE Contents. CHAPTER I1t—contd. Paovixctat, Deverorments—Bewo at-~conid, (@) Constitution of the Departmont of Publis Instruction © sy wk (A) Tho Caloutta University © ee (i) Thogrant-in.aid systom (xx) Extract from the Report on Public Tnstruction in the Lower Provinces of the Bongal Presidency for 1856-57. ee (xxi) Extract from the Despatch of 1854. ee ee Documents. 22, Extracts from the General Committee's Report for the year 1885... 23, Extract from the Committes’s Report submitted in October, 10. %4, —_ExteactsTrom Governtuont letter No, 986, dated 16th December, 1840. 25, Extracts from Report for 1840-41 and 1841-42 on the subject of prepating vernacular books . 28, Letter from the Goverament of Bongat No. 828, dated 18th December, 1844, to the Suddor Board of Revonao 27. Letter from the Sudder Bortd of Revenue to the Goverameat of Bengal, dated 23rd Jennary, 18645. 28. Government Rosolution, re the Constivation of the Council of Rdueation and ite ‘powers, dated the 10th January, 142 0. : 20, Cieoular, dated dre May, 1849, transferring the schools ia the Agra Division to the Government of the North-Western Provinces. 30. Giroular, dated July, 1844, relating to tho appointment of the fret Tnepeetor ot Schools. . soe coe BL. Resolution, dated 10th October, IG. tone 32 _Deopatch from the Court of Directors, dated the 12th May, 1847. 33. Latter No. 821, dated the 20th June, 1848, feom che Councll of Education to Government. 34, Extracts from a lettat fom the Council of Kduestion, dated tho Sxl Ootobee, 1853, proposing the estsblishment of model vernseular schools. 36: Extracto from letter No. 525 of the 16th November, 1854, from the Government ‘of Bengal to the Government of India 36. Letter No. 317 of 13th February, 1855, fromthe Government of Tudis to the Government of Bengal. 1. Rxtrats {rom tho Generel Report the Lower Provioson of tho Bonga! Pra dency for 1855-56, relating to the establishment of Circle schools... 38. _Dospateh, dated 18th Pebrusry, 1857, from the Court of Directors . 39, Extracts from a letter from the Council of Education to Goverament, dated 4th August, 1893, relating to the reform of tho Madrasea and the reorganization of ‘tho Hindu College. 40. Latter from the Government of Bengal to the Counell of Education, dated 21st October, 1893 41, Letter, dated the 10th March, 1854, from the ‘Oouncit of Edueation to Govern- ment proposing the establishment of the Presidency College 5 42, Latter dated the 0th April, 1854, from the Government of Bengal to the Council of Education — . 49. Despatch, dated the 12th Septomber, 1954, fromthe Court of Directors | Pron, 70 70 70 70 n a 3 ct or 88. 91 97 100 103 108 104 105 1 ne at Contents. CHAPTER II1—contd. Proviyctal Devizormaxrs—Bexaal—eondld, Bocumenta. Peon. 44. Lotter from the Governmont of Bengal to the Council of Education (No. 19 of 26th January, 1855) 130 45. Brtmacta from s liter, dated 28th April 185, from the President of the Board of Control to the Court of Directors . Soe ee ABE 46, Extract from Despatch No. 74, dated the 26th Mey, 1858 . . “134 47. Extracts from a Minute by tho Lioutensnt Governor of Bougal, dated Ist October, 1858. : 135 48, Extract from a letter, dated 12th Marob, 1858, from the Reva. G ‘Smith of the Doveton College ; 137 49, Extinot fom a letter, dated the 26th April, 1858, from the Revd. te Dull to Mr Young... ee ee ee eee MD CHAPTER Iv. ‘Provivorat Davaioruents—Bomsay. (a) Position in 1840. ec) (ext) Extract from the Report of the Board of Eduoation (Bombay) forthe year 1846143, {b) Batly activities and policy of the Board. Ma (xxii Extracta from (he Report of the Board of Eduostion (Bombay) for the year wi Se ee {e) Condition of vornscalar schools | sok soe MB (xxiv) Extract from Bir, Camphel'sRoport, dated August 17, 1822. |). 146. (xxv} Extract from the Report of the Board of Education (Bombay) for the year 1845 148 (exw) Haart from the Report the Board of Education (Bombep) for the year wie. Ma (axvit) Extract from the Report of the Board of Education (Bombay) for the your 1846 eT {) Closing the village schools, | WB (exvill) Exrecta from the Reyort of the Board of Education (Bomboy) for the yoat WEB (© The Dukshina Fund He (xxix) Extenct from a letter, dated 11th November, 1837, from the Bombay Govera- ment to the Goverament of India Foe ee {f) Opening of echools in the Mafassal bo ee ee) Gp) Dissolution of the Board of Education Fe 0 (i) Tho grant-in-aid system se 160 (xx) Extract from a letter, dated the 12th May, 1658, from the Government of India to the Government of Bomboy =... eww (i) The Bombay University eee Dooaments. 50, Anextract from Lord Auckland's minute of 1830. . 61. Extract from Coptain Candy's Roport on the Deccan Schools 52. Extract from the Report on the Poona Sanskrit College . Contents. CHAPTER IV—conta. Provmctar, Devarorments—Bowsar—conid, Documents, Pace. 53, Rules and Regulations of the. Educational establishment under the Board of Education, 1845. 158 %4, Minute on the Dukshins Fund by Captain Condy and Mr. Hunter, dated 80th April, 1850. 165 55, Governmont of Tndia letter No, 705, dated the 22nd November 1860, to the Gov- ernment of Bombay, on the Dakshina. 169 84, Government Notification, dated 26th Ootober, 1802, relating to tho eatabliah- ‘meat of schools in the Satara District =. 170 57. Government Notification, dated 16th May, 1854, relating to the abiopmono vernacular schools. a 58. Government of India lotter No. 177, dated the 26th January, 1885, to the Gav- ernment of Bombey, on the proposed university... . 18 59, Government of Bombay fetter, dated 19th March, 1855, to the Board of Education, on tho appointment of s Director of Public Instruction ©. =. 178 G0, Notification-about rules for grants-in-aid, dated the 7th July, 1868... V8 CHAPTER Y. Paoviverat Daveoraxyns—Mapnas. (a) Lack of aconsistent policy 5 ee ee ee TT (b) 1886-41. Lord Elphinstone’s scheme. - oo. 1B (exxi) Extract rom a, Deapateh to Madras, dated the 28¢h April, Wal |) 170 (e) 1842-45, Abortiveschemes . eee ee eB (a) Eforta of Sir Henry Pottinger... ee 180 {€) Opening ofthe Presidency College. Position in 1855 tee TBR (xxii) Extract from Momber of consultation dated Ith February, 1853... 188 (xxrlli) Extract from the Report of the Director of Public Instruction, 1854-1855... 188 (xxxiv) Extract from the Despatch of 1854... eee ND () Thogrant-inaidsystom . . ee eee BB Dosuments. 61, Lord Elphinstone's Minute of 12th Decomber, 1839. soe 18M 62, Extract from Lord Elphistone's Minute of 12th Febroary, 1841 | . WL €3. Extract from a Despatch, dated the 30th December, 1842, from the Court of Directors. - 193 64, Extracts from « Minuto by the Marquoss of Twooddale, dated the 28th August, 3 - 168 65. Despatch from the Court of Director 198 €6. Despatch from the Court of Directors, dated the 15th September, 1846. 199 dated tho 28th August, 1844, to Madras. 67. Despatch from the Court of Directors, dated the ath June, 187. 0. =. 201 68, Extract from « Minute by Sir H. Pottinger, dated the 6th June, 1851. 60. Extracts from a Minute by Mr. Thomas, dated the 26th June, 1851. 10. Extracte from a Minute by Mr. D. EUott, dated the Gth August, 1861 71. — Extracte from a Minute by the Board of Governors of tho Madras University, dated the @ul July, 182, . . eee ee x Contents. CHAPTER V—ontd. ProvinctaL DevE.ormrxts—Mapnas—conld. Documents. ‘72, Latter from the Government of Madras to the Government of India, dated 9th Novomber, 1854. 78. Latter from tho Government of India to the Government of Madras, dated 26th January, 1855 See 14. Réwootional Notifntion ofthe 26¢b August, 1856 : 75. Letter, dated tho 24th Septonber, 1858, from the Director of Public Tastruction to tho Chief Secretary to theGovernmont.. - sew CHAPTER VL. Provisetat Duvevoruents—Taz Nout Weetrax Provinces. {a) Educational Policy , (exxv) Extrocts from tho Gonoral Report on Public Tnsicuetion in the North Western Provinces of the Bengal Prada forl43-44. 0. ee (0) Elementsry Education. Se (©) Secondary Education 6 ee ee (@) Hatkatandi Schools . : (xxxvi) Extract from Me. Reid's Report for 1862-53... : (exsvil) Extract from the Repost of the North Western Provinces and Oudh Provineal Committee of the Commission on Fiducation (1882). le) Review of the positionin 1853. . wk (f) Admission to publiceerviews eee (g) Developments after I8H4—Grantsin-aid system soe (exxviil) Extract {com the Report of the North Western Provinees and Oudh Pyovineial Committeo of the Commission on Education (1882)... , Dooumente. 76. Circular letter, dated 3rd May, 1843, to the Local Committees . 760, Enclonureto 76—Eatract froma Rezohition, dated the 26th April 1843. 77. Letter, dated the 8th Angust, 1843, from the Government of the North Western Provinces to the Government of Bengst . an 78 Cirenlar letter, dated 1845, from the Goverament of the North Westorn Provinees 70. Letter, datod the 2nd Septeraber, 184, fom the Government of the North West~ ern Provinoes to the Rev. d. J. Moore : $0, Letter, dated the 18th November, 1846, from the Coverament of tho North Western Provinces to the Government of India. nn 802, ‘The North Wostctn Provinces schenie or founding village schools | 81. Lotter, dated the 19th Apri, 1848, from the Government of the North Western Provinces to the Government of India fla. Schemw for promoting vernacular education in the North Western Provine 82, Despatch, dated the 3rd OctoLer, 180,totheUovernmentaltniia 83, Resolution dated the oth February. 1850. M4 Extract from Mr. Thomason’s Miaute, dated the 7th May, 1841 |) Pack. 2168 218 ~ 219 225 Contenis. OHAPTER ViI—conid, Provnroia, Davevorments—Tax Noeta Wrsteex Provinces—conid. ‘Documents, 85, ‘Exteoots from Mr. Thomason’s Minate, dated thesth April, 1841. 86, Extract from Mr. Thomason’s Minute, dated the 18th October, 1841 |. 87, Extract from Mr. Thomason’s Minute, datod the 8th November, 1841. 88. Report on the Sanskrit Colloge, Benarco, dated 3rd May, 1841, by G. T. Marshall 89. Extracts from the General Report on Public Instruction in the North Western Provinces, 1849-50. . 90. Extract from the Genorat Report on Publlo Instruction in the North Western Provinces, 1850-51. 9. 5 91, Repurt on Vernacular Education in the North Western Provineos by Dr. F. J. ‘Moust, dated Juno 4th, 1853. 92, Resolution on the General Report on Public Instruction ia the North Westera Provinces of tho Bengal Presidency for 1853-54. soe 99. Minute, dated the 25th October, 1853, by the Marquess of Dalhousie | 94. Extractefroma despatch of theSth Muy, 1856... 95. Lotter, dated the 24ch November, 1853, rom the Governtient of the North West ‘erm Provinces to the Local Committes at Bepares =... 96. Resolution, dated the 18th February, 1852, Tee es G7. Notifoation, dated the 1dth July, 1858 (Gront-in-aid rules) |.) (a) Stato of Education prior to 1854. . oe (zxzix) Extracts from the Punjab Administration Report of 1849-50, (6) Plans for development. (el) Extracts from the Punjab Administration Reports, 1851-53 (©) Constitution of a department of Public Instruction =. (a) Failuro of the North Wostern Provinces Scheme... (¢) State of Higher Education in 1859. toe ee (li) Extract from the Report of 1850.60. 5. CHAPTER VII. Provincial Davevormmyrs—Puwsa3. Documents. 98. Minuto, dated the 6th June 1862, by the Marquess of Dalhousio =. we 99. Extract from Mr. Arnold's first Report, dated the th July, 1857 9. 100. Extracts from Mr. Arnold's second Report, dated tho 25th June, 1858. 10}. Extracts from a letter, dated the 23rd January, 1860, from the Government of India tothe Punjab. : oe 10% Extracts froin the Report on popular education in the Punjab 1863-59 CHAPTER YVIIL—MEDICAL. ‘Tus Beonorina o¥ ProrzssiovaL Epveation. (s) Bengel . . 4 {rly Extract from 0 speach by Mr. J. ED. Bethune. . (abi) Inscription ot the Caloutta Hospital, dated 30th September, 1618 270 oe xii Contents. CHAPTER VUI—MEDICAL—contd. ‘Tue Beomuxe ov Proressioxst, Epucarion—contd. Documents. 103, Extract from the Report of the Committee appointed to enquire into the state of miodical education 104, Lotter, dated the 7th March, 1836, from Government to the General Committee ‘of Public Instruction —- foe 105, Resolution, dated 24th January, 1835, on the New Medioal College... 106. Resolution on tie Medical Colloge, Caleutia foe 307. Goooral orders on Medical Education, dated 12th Auguat, 1830. 108. Extract froin» Veapateh from the Court of Dirvetors, dated the Oth July, 1845 . 109, General order by the President of the Council of India. in Counsil, dated 25th Jun WAT Wi Medms Documents. 110. Despatch, dated the 18th October, 3 121, Order, dated tho 24th October, 1859. 112, Extract from the Report on Publie Instruction, 180060, | Git) Bombay se Documents. 113. Coursoof instruction pursued at the Grant Medical Colege, Bombay - .—Examaxeixa Epvearion. (i) Bengal 6 hoes (xiv) Extraot trom the Report on Publie Instruction for 1844-45 « Documents. ILL Extracts from the Report on Public Instruction for the year 1847-48 115. Minute, deted the 29th of August, 1848, by the Marquess of Dalhouti 126. Despatch, dated the Let September, 1854, to tho Court of Directors . 147, Despatch, dated the 2nd May. 1855, to the Governor General. (ii) Medan. (2) The Engineering College (xiv) Extract from the Report ofthe Director of Public Lnstruction for 1856-5 {xlvi) Extract from the Report of the Director of Public Instruction for 1858-59 () Schou! of Ordinance Attiicers —. (©) Sobool of Industrial Arts.) Documents 119, Letter, dated the 13th Septomber, 1858, from Ceptaln Maitland tothe Coonei ot Education, Galeutta (ii) Bombay : . (0) Enginowsing Class. (0) Engineering College (¢) Sobool of Artand Induatry (elviy Extract from tho Reportot the Director of Public Instruction for 1855-58 Puan. 3s, 316 317 321 326 329 “331 3a 388 337 g8 £2 EEEEEE ES Contenis. CHAPTER VIN—MEDICAL—condd. B.—Enomumana Epvcanios—contd. Documents. 120, Letter, dated thesth August, 1850,fromtheGovernmentio . 121, Letter, dated the 29th May, 1857, from the Board of Education, Borah, tothe Public Works Commission + 122, Extract from the Report of the Director | of Public Instruction for the: your 186. 7 (ie) North Western Provinces. 6 ese ee ee ‘The Roorkee Collgge . - see ee Documents. 123, Extraot from s letter, dated the 28rd September, 1847, to Tlie Government of India. Soe ee 124, Deepateh, dated the 2nd June, 1862, to the Governor General ||. 125. Despatch, dated tho 8th Fobruary, 1854, to the Governor General» ss O.—Leoat Epvoartor, (@Begl 6 ee ee (6) Madras . (vill) Extcaot from the Report of the Director ‘of Public Tastruotion for the year W558 (id) Bombay. Soe (xlviz) Scheme of Studios prosoribed in1856 1 1} el CHAPTER IX. ‘Epvcartonas, Dusrarcuss ax Ustvensrry Acts, Introductory. ee Documents. 126 Despatch, dated the “19th July, 1854, from the Court of Directora to tho Governor Genersl. . 127, Minute, datod 10th De-cmber, 1854, by tho Manquess of Dalhowio 1. | 128, Act No. [Tof 1867 Calcutta University Act. we ee 129, Act No. XXIV of 1837 Bombay University Ab. 5 ewe 130, Act No. XXVIl of 1857 Madras University Act. oo T31. Despatch, dated the 7¢h April, 185, from the Seretary of State to the Gor emmentofIndia . - ee eee ee APPENDICES. A. Sources of documents sppendedtothotext . . 6 ee ee B. Sources of extractsquotedinthetext . 6 6 ee ee © Biographical notes. eee ee D; Bibliogsphy. ee ee ee Ime eee et eon te ee s gage 8 5 See f 888 Be 828 s * § 5 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS,+ Pears I—The Hon'ble Mr. James Thomason, Liontenant Govemor of the North Western Frowris. Provinces, 1843-53. . FIROR w» TL—The Hon'ble Mr. J. E, D. Bethune, President of the Couneil of Education, Pao. we. : oe > WL—The Bal of Auckland, Governor-Gonural of India, 1896-1842 Viseount Hardingo, Governor-General of India, 1844-48. ‘The Marquess of Dathousi Governor-General of India, 1848-56. ‘Tho Hoo’blo Mr. Mountstuart Elphinstone, Governor of Bombay, 1819.27 . 70 » TV.—Rord. Alorander Duff, D.D., LAD, MajorCandy . . ks W. D. Amold, Director of Punjab, 185668 9...) we Dr. J. Wilson, P-R.S., Wilson College, Bombay. 9... 232 o» V.—Sir Jamsotjee Jeejecbhoy, Bart... we we 8B ‘* am much indebted to Bir Jameotjee Jeejecbhoy, the present Baronet, F. B. P. Lory, Eeq.y 8, faderem a G.LE,, and the Principal of the Thomason College, Roorkee, for the loan of iotures,

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