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Website Development Checklist To Create A Credible Site

Keyword: hosting Pakistan

Are you thinking to make your own website but you are thinking it would be hard? Are you probably
thinking that you would need to learn designing and programming for it? there are simple ways to learn
such as a step-by-step tutorial will guide you how you can develop a website. You don’t need to learn
HTML/CSS coding. We are here providing you an insight about website development checklist to create a
credible website. But before we start, we will know about the fact that there are hundreds of different
website building platforms and website builders in the market such as Joomla, Drupal, and WordPress,

You can rely on one of the web hosting providers depending on the area you are living in. For instance, hosting Pakistan is great for the subcontinent region while there are other providers for different
regions that can help you in “building a credible site”.

You can code your website from the very beginning but it will take excessive time and the end result will
be mediocre. Statistically, about 52% of people are building a credible website on WordPress.

 Building your website on WordPress

WordPress is the easiest platform as it is flexible enough to suit small business, online shops, bigger
organizations, etc. Obviously, it would be hard to learn HTML from the very scratch as it can take
6+months. Let alone CSS and PHP. You cannot create a credible website within just two or three days
with HTML. That’s where you will find WordPress a very helpful platform to create a credible site. Plus, it
is very much user-friendly.

 Secure the domain and setup SSL

you must acquire the domain name for your website. For this purpose, you need to consider the SSL
certificates. Google has now started suggesting SSL certificates as a metric which determines the ranking
of the website. So, you must make sure that you register domain name along with the SSL certificate

 SEO Optimization

Make sure that your website is SEO optimized only then it will be successful. You should take into
account about page speed, analytics, proper meta tags, and other SEO considerations.

 Planning scripts and languages

You have to plan scripts and languages according to the needs of your project. Let’s say JavaScript skills
are exemplary, then you need JS to do this job. For WordPress or Drupal user, PHP should be your
choice of language.
 Map out design

Designing expertise will be needed and its considerations are included in the website development
checklist. Be sure to plan out designing by talking to your designer.

 External Tools

There are plenty of amazing tools and services that you can use to improve your web development. By
incorporating external tools and services, you can reduce your workload. You will be able to save time
and efforts.

 Generate an XML sitemaps

Maintaining an XML sitemap is a critical task for SEO strategy. Without a sitemap, the website will fail to
be indexed. Generating an XML sitemap will benefit your website.

 Create an error-handling and file-handling strategy

When there are errors or bugs in your code, you should be prepared to fix your code quickly. So that your
project doesn’t suffer. You should also make sure of file handling to avoid security issues.

 Optimize Security settings

You should have proper security strategy as well as your website will be vulnerable to malicious users
and hackers.

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