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Graphics tablet

My favorite gadget is a graphics tablet. I've never had it, but I will work hard to get it.It is my
favorite gadget because I can write, draw and personalize designs with the help of the
stylus. I also like it because it has the same use as a laptop and can be carried everywhere
due to its small size and it is not as flashy as a laptop.
I want to use it to write research summaries and scientific reports. Since I was a child I have
always liked to draw and design, that is why I need a graphic tablet to personalize my
drawings and share them on my social networks.
To make a sheet of paper many non renewable resources are consumed, such as water, and
I always use a lot of sheets, that's why I want to use the tablet to take care of the planet
Earth and not pollute so much.
The tablet is cheaper than a laptop and they have the same functions. A good tablet can
cost from five hundred soles, the tablets are reliable and durable.

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