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Antara Gandhi

Ms. Malinowska


16 July 2021

U3A2 – Persuasive Paragraphs

Should new houses and buildings meet certain energy efficiency standards?

With the planet being impacted by human decisions every single day, all citizens need to

be more cautious of the actions they are taking and the consequences that those actions entail.

These same decisions are not only affecting the individuals, and the people around them, but also

the other living beings of this planet. One way to ensure a safer future for everyone is to only

approve new buildings and houses that meet specific energy efficiency standards. The United

States Environmental Protection Agency – also known as the EPA -- says that “increased

efficiency can lower greenhouse gas […] emissions and other pollutants, as well as decrease

water use” (“Local Energy Efficiency Benefits and Opportunities | US EPA”). Considering how

long humans have occupied this planet, they have created many incredible innovations, but that

does not detract from the issues that they have caused. Problems like pollution, ocean

acidification, the greenhouse gas effect, and global warming can be slowed down if new

developments must abide by energy efficiency standards. Many species have been here for much

longer than people. These creatures do not deserve for their planet to be destroyed and taken

away from them by humans who selfishly only care about themselves. Some people may argue

that these buildings will not impact the environment enough for them to worry about it now, but

every small change cumulates into a greater impact. There are also other benefits for this

proposal like boosts in the economy and general health. Economic enhancements include the fact
that “13 jobs are created for every $1 million invested in energy efficiency”, individual utility

bills can be lowered by more than 50%, and it can aid in developing steady electricity prices

(Heerema et al.; “Local Energy Efficiency Benefits and Opportunities | US EPA”). By sticking to

these guidelines not only are costs being saved, and long-term energy being invested in, but the

users’ comfort and health is also being improved. This is done by the constant flow of ventilation

throughout the building which results in a better overall well-being (“What Are the Benefits of

Energy Efficient Buildings? - Better Buildings”). These standards are in no way unattainable for

society to meet, and with all of these advantages that are present with energy efficient buildings,

it would be a beneficial advance for the environment, economy, and citizens of the planet.

- I used pathos, logos, and ethos in this paragraph.

- Pathos was used when talking about the environment and the consequences that ensue

due to our actions. I used pathos to add emotion and appeal to sympathy by including

current issues that our world is suffering from so that the reader can put everything into


- Logos was used when including statistics and specific prices of investments. It was also

used when quoting other sources that spoke of the proven benefits of energy efficiency

standards. My main method of persuasion in this paragraph was logos because the topic

is better supported with facts.

- Ethos was used when quoting the United States Environmental Protection Agency as they

are a certified source with valid information. They are an established and credible source

that with prove the reliability of the paragraph.

Works Cited

Heerema, Dylan, et al. “The Many Benefits of Energy Efficient Homes and Buildings |

Publications | Pembina Institute.” Pembina Institute, 2 Mar. 2017,

“Local Energy Efficiency Benefits and Opportunities | US EPA.” EPA,

Accessed 15 July 2021.

“What Are the Benefits of Energy Efficient Buildings? - Better Buildings.” Clean BC,

Accessed 15 July 2021.

Is a dog always at fault when it bites a person?

Dogs are animals. That is a fact. They have been domesticated and ‘perfected’ over the

years by careful breeding and training to extract certain qualities and eradicate others. This

manipulation of genetics has created hundreds of breeds all with various characteristics that are

unique to their own. However, it is crucial to keep in mind that dogs were once wild animals, and

even those who have been categorized as ‘pets’ still have instincts similar to their ancestors. A

dog may make the decision to bite someone based on various circumstances, many of which can

be very logical. If they do proceed to place their mouth on a human in an aggressive manner,

then the consequences should never fall on the animal itself, but rather the owner or person

responsible for its upbringing. According to DOLA, the Dog Owner’s Liability Act that manages

liability for dog bite cases in Ontario, “when a dog bites or attacks a person or another pet, the

dog’s owner is liable for any resulting damages” (Gaynor and Keele). It also states in Section

3(2) of DOLA that if a person is trying to commit a crime while they are bitten, then the dog’s

owner is not at fault. However, this fails to stand if “the keeping of the dog on the premises was

unreasonable for the purpose of the protection of persons or property” (Gaynor and Keele). It is

already established that a dog that has not been well trained is not expected to be the best

behaved as it has not been taught otherwise. The owner of the dog must be willing to put in the

time, effort, and sometimes money, to ensure that no one, including strangers, themselves and

other dogs have to deal with the penalties of their negligence. Dogs are natural born protectors

who don’t know better if they have not been instructed on a consistent schedule to react in an

altering manner. Dogs have been labelled as “man’s best friend’ and rightfully so, but not when

someone has threatened their safety, comfortability or loved ones. The Center for Disease

Control – or the CDC – “there are around 4.5 million dog bite accidents each year” and 800,000
of them require medical care. As a general statistic, one out of every 73 people are faced with a

dog bite at some point (“Who’s to Blame for Dog Bites? | Zinda Law Group”). As common, and

unfortunate, as this is, it should never be the dog that has to deal with the outcome of the

situation. The commonality of this happening proves that people need to spend more time

training and creating a strong base for their pet’s behaviour, and if they are not able to do so then

they should not be allowed to own a dog. It is a lot of effort, time, and commitment to have a

well-behaved dog. When committing to dog ownership, one is also committing to the results of

their labour. Therefore, when a dog is provoked to bite, it is not their fault but the fault of the one

responsible for the pet.

- I used pathos, logos, and ethos in this paragraph.

- My main method of persuasion in this essay was pathos. Since dogs hold such a special

place in so many people’s hearts, it was easy to focus in on points of emotion. I used it

when describing their label as “man’s best friend” and their reputation as

wild/domesticated animals.

- I used logos when stating facts about dog bites as it is a serious topic that would only be

seen as such if there was proper statistics and information to back it up. It proves my

point from an external source rather just having to believe the writing.

- Ethos was used when including DOLA as it is a source used by our province. Since it is

used by the government, there is no question to whether or not it is reliable.


Works Cited

Gaynor, Joe, and William Keele. “Dog Bites: Owners Held to a Strict Liability Standard –

McLeish Orlando Personal Injury Lawyers Toronto.” McLeish Orlando Lawyers, 13

Nov. 2017,


“Who’s to Blame for Dog Bites? | Zinda Law Group.” Zinda Law Group, Accessed 15 July 2021.

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