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You achieved 4.3/6.

A key element of Discussion Topic #1 was to select one

relevant peer reviewed empirical research article related to the team’s research
question. It may be helpful to review librarian Luke McLeod’s video under Week 2
Content on our course site in VIULearn discussing the differences between
literature reviews and empirical studies. As you noted in the methods section of
the TAG the article you selected for review is not an empirical research paper it is
scoping review. No data was collected, the authors selected other research papers
to review to analyze the early COVID-19 crisis management practices
implemented in organizations.
The other consideration is while you listed three themes in the TAG there are no
points made under each of these themes to summarize what is important with a
page reference to Boiral et. al.’s (2021) for easy retrieval. When you use a TAG as
a research tool, try to focus in on the key findings presented by
Boiral et. al.’s (2021). For example, the authors state the key practices revolved
around four interdependent themes: risk identification, planning of
organizational responses, human resources management, and the application of
security measures recommended by various public organizations.
These should be the headings for the key themes in the TAG with the relevant
points based on Boiral et. al.’s (2021) discussion of these themes. Have a look at
Skok and Baker (2018) for an example of a TAG - Evaluating the impact of Uber
on London's taxi service: A critical review of the literature uploaded to
VIULearn under Week 2.
In a critical review it is good practice to introduce the reviewed study and state
how it fits with your team’s research question. Some key themes with points
taken from the research article are identified in the critical review writeup. The
critical review writeup would have been enhanced by focusing on the four
interdependent themes: risk identification, planning of organizational responses,
human resources management, and the application of security measures
recommended by various public organizations.
If you are unsure about how to construct a TAG please let me know and I would
be happy to meet with you on Zoom as the team will be using a TAG and doing a
critical literature review for the common assessment.

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