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‫علیم الحسن‬ :‫نام‬

۴ :‫رول یمبر‬

Question no 1:
Disease Name:
1. Kidney Stones
2. Thrombocytopenia
3. Hepatitis B

‫علیم الحسن‬
‫علیم الحسن‬
‫علیم الحسن‬
‫علیم الحسن‬
Part b:
Reasons of Kidney stones and probability:
You are at increased risk for kidney stones if you have a family history of kidney stones, have had a
kidney stone already; don't drink enough water; eat foods with too much salt or sugar; or have had
certain infections or surgeries or take certain medications. Kidney stones are more common in Asian and
Caucasian men.

‫علیم الحسن‬
Probability= 0.25

‫علیم الحسن‬
Reasons of Thrombocytopenia and probability:
Family history of thrombocytopenia, pregnancy, heavy drinking, low vitamin B12, low folic acid, quinine
in tonic water, toxic chemicals such as pesticides, viruses, autoimmune diseases, liver disease, aplastic
anemia, cancer, medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, diuretics, seizure medications, blood thinners,
and some antibiotics.

‫علیم الحسن‬
Probability :0.5

‫علیم الحسن‬
Reasons of Hepatitis B and probability:
 Do not share drug needles. 
 Wear gloves if you have to touch someone else's blood. 
 If you are getting a tattoo or piercing, make sure the shop or person uses sterile equipment.
 If you are at risk for hepatitis B, get vaccinated. 
 Don't donate blood if you have hepatitis B.

‫علیم الحسن‬
Probability =0.25

‫علیم الحسن‬
Question no 2:
Part a:
Draw semantic network:
Given statements
I and my best friend Ali study in FURC.

FURC is an educational institute recognized by HEC.

My best friend has 3.6 GPA while I have 3.6 GPA.

My best friend and I both like ice cream.

Ice creams have many flavors.

My favourite ice cream flavour is mango while my best friends’ favorites ice cream flavour is __

After this exam we will both have our favourite ice cream flavours to celebrate.

We both will wonder what our teachers favourite ice cream flavour is.

‫علیم الحسن‬
‫علیم الحسن‬
‫علیم الحسن‬
Part c:
Conceptual graph is bater
Conceptual graphs serve two purposes: like other forms of semantic net- works, they can
be used as a canonical representation of mean- Ing in natural language; but they can also
be used as building blocks for constructing abstract structures that serve as models in the
model-theoretic sense.

‫علیم الحسن‬
Question 3:

Given that


‫علیم الحسن‬
‫‪Boones 4:‬‬

‫بدل کے بھیس پھر آتے ہیں ہر زمانے میں‬

‫اگرچہ پیر ہے آدم جواں ہیں الت و منات‬

‫یہ ایک سجدہ جسے تو گراں سمجھتا ہے‬

‫ہزار سجدے سے دیتا ہے آدمی کو نجات‬

‫علیم الحسن‬

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