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Ass wr wb

Good Afternoon Mr and my lovely friends

Today i will give you a information about medical record for our exercise from mr jay.

This is the patient’s medical record from Puskesmas Muara Basung, Bengkalis. Addess at 12
Bathin Taratak street Muara Basung district.

a. Patients name is Saul, he is a driver, with Gender is male, Religion is christian, live in
pinggir district. He get hospital on 1 descember 2017 with register number 102.
b. Annamnesa or complaints get from general condition of patient, that is : cough with
bleeding, weight loss, decreased appetite.
c. Check result or objectif : blood pressure is 110/70 mmHg, Heart Rate is 80x/menit
(eighty times per minute), Respiratory rate is 20x/menit (twenty times per minute)
d. Diagnoses : from the annamneses complaints from the patient, i’m get diagnoses that
is TBC (tuberculosis).
e. Therapy given : give the patient amuxicilin, give the patient vitamine K and than give
f. Physical examination that is laboratorium test, sputum test and radiology

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