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 Adjectives to describe houses:

 Economical: spending money or using something in a careful way that avoids waste.
 Impractical: not sensible or realistic.
 Cold: having a lower than usual temperature.
 Spacious: large and with plenty of space for people to move around in.
 Cramped: does not have enough space for people in it.
 Airy: with plenty of air because there are a lot of space.
 Comfortable: making you feel physically relaxed; pleasant to wear, sit on, etc.
 Attractive: pleasant.
 Eccentric: considered by other people to be strange or unusual.

 Words in bold in the text “in search of the perfect home”.

 Out of ordinary: unusual or different.
 From scratch: from the very beginning, not using any of the work done earlier.
 Brand new: completely new.
 Keep: a large strong tower, built as part of an old castle.
 Moat: a deep wide channel that was a dug around a castle, etc. and filled with water to
make it more difficult for enemies to attack.
 Drawbridge: a bridge that can be pulled up, for example to stop people from entering
a castle or to allow ship to pass under it.

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