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Nowadays the majority of adults spend amount of their time at work so job satisfaction

create hapiness and pleasance for an individual. This essay will discuss what factors
contribute to job satisfaction, and it will then answer the question of how realistic it is
that everyone will be happy with their jobs.
Employees get job satisfaction in many ways. Firstly, a person needs to feel comfortable
when he or she works in organization so working conditions is very important. Secondly,
when someone feels they are improving or developing their skills through training and
promotion opportunities, for example, they make much progress in their working and
have many rewards which make them pleasant and happy with their job. Fair bonus is
also an important consideration because feeling underpaid can cause people to look for
another job.
However, it is not possible to make all of the workers satisfied in a organization because
anyone has a different character and individual aspects, at present many ways to get job
satisfaction have been recognized and developed and a successful manager is someone
who can find the best way to increase the average of job satisfaction in organizations .
In my opinion, job satisfaction should be considered as the most important problem in
management and managers should develop some meeting to share their experiences about
the factors contribute to job satisfaction to each other. Perhaps in this way, they can find
some similar strategies which can be affected by all workers’ job satisfaction in different

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