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If a business wants to be successful in the 

marketplace, it is necessary for them to fully

understand what factors exert impact on the development of their company. Once they know
about both positive and negative effects within and outside the company, they can produce
suitable strategies to handle any predicted situation. Therefore, examining internal and
external factors is considered the most important task for an enterprise before launch any
strategic marketing plan.

As an entrepreneur who is new in the business, there are numerous factors within the
organization that we need to take into account to enhance the development of the company.

Internal factor
We always believe that human resource is the company’s greatest treasure. In general, the
employees can be either a strength or weakness of the company depending on the level of
practical skills, attidtudes toward work and performance. With our company, we have staff in
charge of producing products, replying customer’s feedback, delivering products and
performing other tasks as well. Employees with different responsibility will mutually support
the whole process from scratch till the end users sucessfully receive orders. As a matter of fact,
we always put attention in training employee’s technical skills and attitudes for the sake of our
company growth and staff’s personal growth.

Capital resources is of great importance when it comes to sustain and enhance one’s business.
That goes the same for us as we takes financial capital to invest in not only tangible goods such
as machines, tools and other productive equipment but also intangible resources such as
marketing, employee training, workshop, etc. Only when necessary budget is enough that we
can lauch the project, expand our scale and make a hefty business.

Management values also play an important part in our business. Sometimes, values compete
and various roles are in tension because a decision can not satisfy everyone. For example,
employees want more time to do their jobs; customers want products and services delivered
quickly and at high quality levels. Customers want cakes baked with the freshest ingredients
and is eco-friendly with the environment, yet demand products at affordable price along with
promotion. Such dilemma is inevitable, therefore we carefully set up a system to work
smoothly within the company so that the information flow is widely conveyed to all customers.
Rules are applied to ensure the benefits of employees and the business as well. Long-range
planning and environmental scanning are used to communicate between stakeholders.

External Factor
Besides within factors, company encounters outside factors that have no control over as well.
In company, we see customers and demographic forces are factors that need most attention.

Satisfying customer demand is a must for every business survival. Our goal is to create value for
customers and build profitable customer relationships. A complete understanding on
customer’s preference is necessary in building up an effective strategy in producing and
marketing process. For example, clients are becoming more price-conscious while demanding
high-quality products. Also, there is a decrease in customer’s loyalty lead to unconstant brand
equity. A company has to try its best to get a foothold by minimizing all negative aspects that
result in a plateau or decline in sales.

Demographic forces related to the people who buy our products or services.  Knowing the
demographics of current and potential customers is crucial. Changes in the demographic
environment have major implications for business. Thus, as a marketers we always keep a close
eye on demographic trends and the development in the market. Our products focus on certain
features such as age and gender. With age, we focus on millennials and generation Z because
they are young consumers that make up a huge and attractive market. They embrace
technology easily and that fit our digital marketing perfectly. Our targeted customers are
therefore children and female. They are sweet tooth-oriented consumers and see bakery as an
incentives for their hard work and effort. With gender, most female shoppers are sensitive
when it comes to product choices before making a purchase. They prefer quality to quantity
and that’s also the reason why we want to emphasize the importance of hygiene and high-
quality ingredients in production.

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