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Subject: Área: Idioma Extranjero Inglés. Teacher: Carmen Ramos Corrales CICLOS: 4.1- 4.2
TOPIC: Presente Simple. Información de Contacto:
OBJETIVO: Describir actividades, eventos y Whatsapp3175284904 Horarios de atención 2pm-5pm
experiencias en el presente simple 6:30pm-9:30pm


Simple Present: Affirmative Statements

Subject verb Complement

I Subject Verb Complement
You He
We work everyday She works everyday
You It
They My brother
Tom and I. Circle the correct form of the verb to
Sue complete each sentence. (encierra la
forma correcta del verbo en presente
Habitos or Rutinas: I simple)
1. Usamos el presente exercise every day.
simple para hablar Horarios: She starts
sobre hábitos o rutinas, work at eight. 1. Doctor Moffett love / loves his job.
horarios y hechos Hechos: It rains a lot in
April. 2. He study / studies ants.

2. Agregamos -s al He drives to work. 3. A salesperson sell / sells products for a

verbo para he, she, it y She works in an office. company.
sujetos singulares. The bank opens at 9:00
4. You and Anita work / works on weekends.
5. Nurses help / helps people.
3. No se usa “BE” ✓ He works at a bank.
delante de otro verbo ✗ He is work at a bank 6. We write / writes science books.
El presente simple. 7. Our office close / closes at 7:00 p.m.
8. She take / takes classes at the business
Simple Present Spelling Rules: -s and -es Endings

close–closes love–loves stop–stops dance–

dances open–opens take–takes exercise–
1. Agrega “S” a la mayoría de los verbos.
exercises play–plays write–writes feed–
feeds put–puts work–works

2. Agrega “es” al final de los verbos cuando wash–washes dress–dresses buzz–buzzes

terminan en -sh, -ch, -s, -x, -z teach–teaches relax–relaxes

3. Cambia “y” por “i” y agrega “es” a los verbos

terminados en una consonante + y carry–carries copy–copies study–studies
ACTIVITY 1: escriba la terminación correcta del verbo en presente simple agregando “s” – “es”
– “ies”) Write each verb with the correct -s, -es, or -ies ending.
1. study: _______________ 8. Help: _______________ Irregular Verbs: cuando el
pronombre es He – She –
2. fish: _______________ 9. Miss: _______________ It estos verbos cambian a

3. pass: _______________ 10. Fly: _______________ Do: Does

Go: Goes
4. worry: _______________ 11. Fix: _______________
Have: Has
5. explore: _______________ 12. Watch: _______________

6. bite: _______________ 13. Like: _______________

7. buy: _______________ 14. Pay: _______________

ACTIVITY 2: Completa las oraciones con la forma correcta el verbo en paréntesis. Analiza si
queda igual o debes aplicar las reglas que se te explicaron al inicio.

1. I _______________ to school every day. (come)

2. He_______________ his face every morning. (clean)
3. We_______________ Chinese on Tuesdays and Thursdays. (study)
4. She_______________ in Thailand. (live)
5. He_______________ his bicycle at the weekend. (ride)
6. They_______________ their English teacher. (like)
7. He_______________ in the park after school every day. (run)
8. We_______________ football after school on Fridays. (play)
9. I_______________ English every day. (learn)
10. We_______________ to Pattaya every weekend. (go)
11. He_______________ to the gym every Monday. (come)
12. Scott_______________ to watch a movie on Saturdays. (like)
13. Mary_______________ to school five times a week. (go)
14. We_______________ in Thailand. (live)
15. They_______________ their classroom on Fridays. (clean)
16. She_______________ the guitar on Saturdays. (learn)
17. I_______________ to school every day. (run)
18. We_______________ our bicycle to school every day. (ride)
19. John_______________ tennis on Sundays. (play)
20. She_______________ computer every Monday. (study)
ACTIVITY 3: Read the e-mail about Rosa’s new job. Then answer the questions. (lee el e- mail y
responde las preguntas)

To: Sato, Akiko

Subject: New Job!
Hi Akiko, Good news! I have a new job. I work for an office supply company. I have a busy
schedule, but I love the work. On Monday, I go to the office. I meet with my boss and plan my
schedule for the week. I visit customers and sell our products during the week. I drive to
different cities here in New York. I also fly to California every month. I work really hard, but
the job pays well, so I’m happy.
See you soon!

1. What is her job? __________________________________________________________________

2. Where does she work?
3. Does she have enough free time? ____________________________________________________
4. What does she do on Monday? ______________________________________________________
5. Where does she live?

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