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Karla Lisset Mora Pola

Exercise 1
1. Polar bears are going to become extinct if people ignore the problem.
2. Their habitat will disappear if the ice melts.
3. The ice will melt if the ocean temperature continues to rise.
4. People will try to protect the polar bears if they understand the problem.
5. It will be terrible if no more polar bears live in the wild.

Exercise 2
1. If the ice doesn’t stop melting, the polar bears will lose their habitat.
2. If the polar bears lose their habitat, they will die.
3. If they become extinct, it will be a terrible tragedy.
4. If an animal is a predator, it will hunt for prey.
5. If a predator find prey, it will kill the prey.

Exercise 3
1. If people don’t protect some species c
2. If scientists learn more about climate e
3. If children watch nature shows a
4. If people use energy carefully b
5. If the population continues to grow d

Exercise 4
1. We will play baseball if the rain stops.
2. If the team wins this game, they will play in the final.
3. If we are quiet, we won’t scare the deer.
4. We will go to the zoo if it is open today.
5. I will call you if I find my cell phone.

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