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Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)

data$Treat1 4 20644 5161 39.364 1.57e-11 ***

data$Treat2 2 164 82 0.627 0.54099

data$Treat1:data$Treat2 8 3702 463 3.530 0.00544 **

Residuals 30 3933 131


Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

> db<-df.residual(AOV)

> mserror<-deviance(AOV)/db

> out<-with(data,duncan.test(data$Yield,data$Treat1,db,mserror))

> out1<-with(data,duncan.test(data$Yield,data$Treat2,db,mserror))

> out2<-with(data,duncan.test(data$Yield,data$Treat1:data$Treat2,db,mserror))

> print(out$groups)

Perlakuan EC WP G Rata-rata
Etanol 73.33333 ab 86.66667 a 90 a 83.33333

1 Etanol : 3 60.00000 bc 63.33333 bc 53.33333 bc 58.88889

3 Metanol : 1 73.33333 ab 73.33333 ab 43.33333 c 63.33333
Metanol 86.66667 a 60.00000 bc 86.66667 a 77.77778

Air 23.33333 d 23.33333 d 20.00000 d 22.22222

Rata-rata 63.33333 61.33333 58.66667 (+)

data$Yield groups

a 83.33333 a

d 77.77778 a

c 63.33333 b
b 58.88889 b

e 22.22222 c

> print(out1$groups)

data$Yield groups

m 63.33333 a

n 61.33333 a

o 58.66667 a

> print(out2$groups)

data$Yield groups

a:o 90.00000 a

a:n 86.66667 a

d:m 86.66667 a

d:o 86.66667 a

a:m 73.33333 ab

c:m 73.33333 ab

c:n 73.33333 ab

b:n 63.33333 bc

b:m 60.00000 bc

d:n 60.00000 bc

b:o 53.33333 bc

c:o 43.33333 c

e:m 23.33333 d

e:n 23.33333 d

e:o 20.00000 d

Kecepatan Kematian


Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)

data$Treat1 4 15.402 3.851 15.540 5.43e-07 ***

data$Treat2 2 1.048 0.524 2.116 0.138

data$Treat1:data$Treat2 8 2.574 0.322 1.298 0.282

Residuals 30 7.433 0.248


Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

> db<-df.residual(AOV)

> mserror<-deviance(AOV)/db

> out<-with(data,duncan.test(data$Yield,data$Treat1,db,mserror)

+ out<-with(data,duncan.test(data$Yield,data$Treat1db,mserror))

Error: unexpected symbol in:


Perlakuan EC WP G Rata-rata
Etanol 2.466667 2.466667 2.566667 2.5000000 a
1 Etanol : 3 Metanol 1.966667 1.966667 1.566667 2.2666667 ab
3 Metanol : 1 Etanol 2.633333 1.733333 1.566667 2.1777778 ab
Metanol 2.666667 2.333333 2.400000 1.8333333 b
Air 0.900000 0.900000 0.700000 0.8333333 c
Rata-rata 2.126667 a 1.880000 a 1.760000 a (-)

> print(out$groups)

data$Yield groups

a 2.5000000 a

d 2.2666667 ab

c 2.1777778 ab

b 1.8333333 b

e 0.8333333 c

> print

function (x, ...)

> print(out1$groups)
data$Yield groups

m 2.126667 a

n 1.880000 a

o 1.760000 a

> print(out2$groups)

data$Yield groups

d:m 2.666667 a

c:m 2.633333 a

a:o 2.566667 a

a:m 2.466667 ab

a:n 2.466667 ab

d:o 2.400000 ab

c:n 2.333333 ab

b:m 1.966667 ab

b:n 1.966667 ab

d:n 1.733333 abc

b:o 1.566667 bcd

c:o 1.566667 bcd

e:m 0.900000 cd

e:n 0.900000 cd

e:o 0.700000 d


> AOV<-aov(data$Yield~data$Treat1+data$Treat2+data$Treat1:data$Treat2)

> summary(AOV)

Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)

data$Treat1 3 6197 2065.7 9.260 0.000299 ***

data$Treat2 2 241 120.4 0.540 0.589690

data$Treat1:data$Treat2 6 5850 975.0 4.371 0.004045 **

Residuals 24 5354 223.1


Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

> db<-df.residual(AOV)

> mserror<-deviance(AOV)/db

Perlakuan EC WP G Rata-rata
Etanol 65.47619 ab 82.73810 a 87.14000 a 78.45143
1 Etanol : 3 Metanol 47.02381 bc 49.40476 bc 40.47667 bc 45.63508
3 Metanol : 1 Etanol 65.47619 ab 63.69048 ab 29.04667 c 52.73778
Metanol 83.33333 a 45.83333 bc 80.95333 a 70.04000
Rata-rata 65.32738 65.32738 59.40417 (+)
data$Yield groups

a 78.45143 a

d 70.04000 a

c 52.73778 b

b 45.63508 b

> print(out1$groups)

data$Yield groups

m 65.32738 a

n 60.41667 a

o 59.40417 a

> print(out2$groups)

data$Yield groups

a:o 87.14000 a

d:m 83.33333 a

a:n 82.73810 a

d:o 80.95333 a

a:m 65.47619 ab

c:m 65.47619 ab

c:n 63.69048 ab

b:n 49.40476 bc
b:m 47.02381 bc

d:n 45.83333 bc

b:o 40.47667 bc

c:o 29.04667 c

Hambatan Pakan

> leveneTest(data$Yield,data$Treat1,center = mean)

Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance (center = mean)

Df F value Pr(>F)

group 3 4.7098 0.007814 **



Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

> leveneTest(data$Yield,data$Treat2,center = mean)

Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance (center = mean)

Df F value Pr(>F)

group 2 1.7125 0.1961


> AOV<-aov(data$Yield~data$Treat1+data$Treat2+data$Treat1:data$Treat2)

> summary(AOV)

Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)

data$Treat1 3 11344 3781 25.281 1.32e-07 ***

data$Treat2 2 70 35 0.234 0.793

data$Treat1:data$Treat2 6 10949 1825 12.201 2.78e-06 ***

Residuals 24 3590 150


Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Perlakuan EC WP G Rata-rata
Etanol 63.46729 b 86.25518 a 88.15055 a 79.29101
1 Etanol : 3 Metanol 25.40119 c 71.78703 ab 60.35225 b 52.51349
3 Metanol : 1 Etanol 37.13902 c 25.69516 c 30.29995 c 31.04471
Metanol 78.73094 ab 16.25054 c 34.66727 c 43.21625
Rata-rata 51.18461 49.99698 53.36751
data$Yield groups

a 79.29101 a

b 52.51349 b

d 43.21625 b

c 31.04471 c

> print(out1$groups)

data$Yield groups

o 53.36751 a

m 51.18461 a

n 49.99698 a

> print(out2$groups)

data$Yield groups

a:o 88.15055 a

a:n 86.25518 a

d:m 78.73094 ab

b:n 71.78703 ab

a:m 63.46729 b

b:o 60.35225 b

c:m 37.13902 c

d:o 34.66727 c

c:o 30.29995 c

c:n 25.69516 c

b:m 25.40119 c

d:n 16.25054 c

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