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During the webinar, I’ve learn some new things but actually we’ve
already knew that HIV is really something serious that we shouldn’t
ignored this days even though that we also have a serious problem right
now which is the Covid-19. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a
virus that attacks the body's immune system. If HIV is not treated, it can
lead to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). Once people get
the HIV, they have it for their entire life. HIV is still one of our biggest
problem in our country because there is currently no effective cure just
like the Covid-19. Most of people get the virus by having unprotected
sex with someone who has HIV. HIV transmitted into 3 ways, the first
one is through blood transmitted, the second one is through sexually
transmitted and the last one is through giving birth to child. Male
condoms are effective in preventing HIV and certain other STDs when
used correctly from start to finish for each act of vaginal sex. It is really
difficult if you have the virus especially we have the most toxic people
and their toxic mindset. It is really difficult to a person who has HIV but it
is their sequences of what they’ve done or it is just a result of what
they’ve done. Using our mindset will make us more smarter and wiser.
And also the story of charles having multiple woman in his life and at the
last he’s positive of HIV, what he experiences is actually hard but he
accept the fact that it is just a sequences of what he have done. Own
your mistakes. You can't learn anything from a mistake until you admit
that you've made it and you can start again your life without regrets if
you’ve own and learn your past mistakes.

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