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Po. ENGLISH IELTS SPEAKING ACTUAL TESTS Suggested answer Chong 4 Phan 2 Sau khi gidm khdo néi: Now you can start talking for one to two minutes, thi sinh sé bat dau bai ndi. Gidm khdo sé kh6ng ngit [di cho dén khi thi sinh két thtic phan trinh bay cla. minh trong vong 1-2 phut. : Ban nén ding c4u sau day dé mé du bai ndi: Well, the... (tit then chét) want to share with you is (called) ... (ten déi tugng can mé ta, tigp theo la ménh dé phu) Y which is a. (dc diém, tinh ch&t), specialising in ws (théng tin cy thé) V which is one of the most ... (cw tric so sinh nhat) in... these days. ¥ which/who is... (dac diém:co ban hay diém néi bat nhat) (tra 181 xong cau héi tht nhat) Dusi day la mét s6 dé dién hinh va cau mé dau goi y: Well, the restaurant ! want to talk about is called Pizza Hut, which is a Western-style restaur- ant, specialising in pizza and spaghetti. It is one of the most popular and famous restaurants in Vietnam these days. Pes Well, my most favourite shop is called Amazon, which is actually a website, specialising in selling books. Describe a famous person. Well, the famous person | want to talk with you about is Michael Jackson, who used to be a world-renowned singer, dancer, performer, entertainer, and the "King of Pop". PEs Well, the leader | want to talk with you about is Steve Jobs, who was the founder of the Apple company and a world-renowned entrepreneur. Peres Well, the small child | want to talk about is called Rainy, who is my sister's daughter; she is, currently 7 years old and studying in a primary school. ait Prov ewcsisn Redesigned by er Well, the park | want to talk with you about is Tao Dan Park on the opposite side of my neigh- bourhood. It is a handy place, and it only takes me 5 minutes to walk from my house. Luu y: Ban nén mé dau bai ndi va tra 16i cau héi thi nbét trong khodng 25 gidy. Gus aah Cau héi thi hai hoac ba trong thé dé bai thudng 1a cau hdi c6 tir nghi van what. Voi cau hdi nay, ban c6 thé trd di theo mot trong hai cach: dua ra vi dy hoac tuéng thuat cau chuyén. What special dishes do they serve? What can you learn from this good student? What kinds of things do you often buy from this shop? What can you see from this garden? Cau tra Idi theo cach nay c6 bé cuc nhur sau: gidi thiéu khdi quat, liet ke. Vi dy: Drees eee ‘There is/are a variety of /a wide range ot /heaps of /loads of contents on this website, Including/such as /like a search engine, a music download service, video clips, and maps. DIS e& ‘Well, they serve a variety of special dishes, ED 250s 01 pst, sa, stat ana ie DOLENGLISH Redesigned by Chwong 4 Phan 2 What does the film talk about? What did people do at the wedding? What does this advertisement talk about? Ban cé thé tudng thuat céu chuyén theo trinh tu sau: béi cdinh xay ra céu chuyén, dién bign ciia cu chuyén, dinh diém ciia cdu chuyén, két thic cau chuyén. Hay sti dung cdc té/cum ti then chét dudi day: v At the very beginning, ... : After that /Afterwards/And then, ... ¥ During /Whi ¥ Towards the end/In the end/Finally/Eventually, .. Vi du: Ere Well, at the very beginning, | was standing in a queue at the airport, waiting for a taxi. During this period, every passenger was complying with the rule of “first come, first served" but for a middle-aged man. He then tried to take advan- tage of the rule-abiding people by jumping the queue. I was so annoyed that | had to come olose and havea talk with him. Véi cdu héi lién quan dén noi chén, ban cé thé tra [di nh sau: ¥ This place is located/situated in ... (néu dia diém cu thé) ¥ This place is very handy; it is just on the ground floor/ around the comner/on the opposite side of my neighbourhood/in a shopping mall called Parkson Plaza. (mé t4 noi dé trong méi tuong quan véi mét dia diém khac) ¥ Itis only 5 minutes’ walk/10 minutes’ drive from ... (mné ta noi chén bing thoi gian di chuyén) Prov ewcsise Redesigned by v The place | want to travel to in the future is Las Vegas, which is a world-renowned gambling destination in the States. (ding ménh dé phu dé gidi thiéu vi tri dia ly) Hay sit dung mu cu itis .. who .. dé tra I8i cu héi lién quan dén con ngudi. Bay 18 cu tric cau dugc ding dé nhdn manh déi tuong duge dé cap. v Who do you want to travel with? Well, itis my boyfriend who I want to travel with since we have so many things i common. ¥ Who took this picture? Well, it was my father who took this picture while | was riding a horse on the grassland. Cau héi lién quan dén.thdi gian duge chia thanh 2 loai: loai héi vé sy vide xay ra trong qué Khe (When did you travel to this place?) va loai héi vé su viée xdy ra trong tuong lai (When do you want to travel to this place?). Khi noi vé su vige xAy ra trong qui khif thi ban ding thi qué kit: | went to this place several months ago when | was having a holiday. Khi néi vé sy vide xy ra trong tuong lai thi ban c6 thé ding thi hign tai hoge thi tuong lai véi cdc dng tit khuyét nhu may, will, shall. | plan to travel ta the States this coming September. (su vic sé dién ra theo thdi gian da dinh) Well, | haven't decided my future timetable yet. Basically, after | graduate from university, | may/ will travel to the States. (suf vic sé dién ra hay khong tly thudc vao mot digu kién nao 46) Néu s6 lan thyc hin hanh dng [a c6 dinh thi ban cé thé tra li nhur sau: Normally, | often go shopping at Parkson Plaza during weekends. I go there once a month. Néu s6 lan thuc hién hanh déng khong c6 dinh thi ban tra Loi nhu sau: It depends. Whenever I need to buy some daily necessities, Ben Thanh market will be my priority. It depends. Whenever | am in the mood for pizza, Pizza Hut will be my first choice. & Pre cvcaic Redesigned by Chuang 4 cert: Trong trudng hop biét gid cua mén hang thi ban néu r6 mic gi: Basically, a smartphone would cost me roughly 300 USD. Trong trudng hop chua biét gid ctia mén hing thi ban c6 thé tra [di nhu sau; Frankly speaking, | have never done market research before, so | have no idea how much itis. Luu y: Ban nén tra Idi cau héi thi hai va ba trong khodng 20 gidy. Pcie PO hae Describe a restaurant: ‘You should say: where it is how often you go to this restaurant what special dishes they serve there Well, the restaurant I want to talk about is called Pizza Hut, which is a Western- > style restaurant, specialising in pizza and spaghetti. Itis one of the most popular and famous restaurants in Vietnam these days. (15s) ‘Speaking of the location, it is on the opposite side of my university. Normally, it takes me only 5 minutes to walk there. (108) When it comes to frequency, generally speaking, whenever | am in the mood for pizza, it will be my priority. (108) Talking about special dishes, they have a wide range of selections, like pizza, spaghetti, pasta (103) Dé bai va cau tra loi goi ¥ (2) Describe something expensive you want to buy if you have money? ‘You should say: where you can get it? how much it costs what you can use it for? Prov ewcsisn — éRedesigned reicinie OO which is presented by Mercedes-Benz and is currently the most popular car for fashion-conscious people. (15s) Regarding availability, generally speaking, it is available at some places like showrooms or private-owned shops. (10s) * In terms of price, honestly, | can't remember the exact price, yet | guess it is between 250,000 and 500,000 USD. (10s) Speaking of usage, | want to use it for a wide range of aspects, such as commuting, travelling, renting. (108) Dé trd ldi cau hdi cudi cing trong thé dé bai, ban cdn trinh bay (c4c) ly do va néu théng tin hé trg Lam 16 (cdc) ly do 46. Ban nén danh | phtit cho cau trd lai nay va str dung bo cue sau: Keen Well, something expensive | want to buy is a compact vehicle called Smart, Gi6i thigu khdi quit: 1... for some reasons. Ligt ké 3 1f do cing théng tin hé tro: 1. Firstly, | feel/find that ... 2. By this, [ mean ... 3. Besides, | also consider that .,. 4, simply because ... 5. More importantly /Most importantly, /What matters most is that ... 6. This is due to the fact that... Két Juan: In short/All in all/in summary/To conclude/To sum up/in a word, that's why Trong bé cuc trén, muc 1, 3, 51a cdc ly do, myc 2, 4, 6 IA cdc théng tin hé tro lam ro cdc ly do. aoe Reh oe er aa ese acc Ge DOLENGLSH Redesigned by Chung 4 Phan 2 Wea Khi vo mét nha hang nao dé, chting ta c6 thé dénh gié nba hang nay diva vao céc yéu 16 khéc nhau (tuong ting vi cdc gic quan ciia chting ta} What you see: decoration style, atmosphere, hygiene condition What you hear: background music *% What you smell and taste: flavour of the food What you feel: service, price, speed What you comment: location, nutrition of the food served Ban c6 thé chon 3 yéu té, chéng han flavour, atmosphere va service. Flavour: tasty and flavourful ihc din thorn ngon ‘Atmosphere: cosy and comfy iw khang Rhf dim cting wa thodi mdi Service: hospitable nhdn vién phe oy rét hidu hatch an tham Gigi thigu khéi quét: | love Pizza Hut for several reasons. Ligt ké 3 1f do cing thing tin hé rg: 3 1. Ly do 1: Firstly, the food there is really tasty and flavourful. ‘Thong tin hé tre: v Théng tin khaich quan (gidi thiGu khdi quat + ligt ke): It provides authentic flavour of Italian food, and they have all sorts of pizza, like Hawalian, Aussie, Roast Chicken & Potatoes, Vegetarian, and Meat Lovers. ¥ Théng tin chi quan: | am a big fan of pizza, and | always recommend my friends to enjoy it. 2. Lf do 2: Besides, also feel that the atmosphere is fairly cosy and comfy. ‘Thong tin hd trg: v Théng tin khach quan (néu vi du): The restaurant is spacious. We can have different options when choosing a seat, afd it also leaves some privacy for talking; itis pretty customer-oriented. V Thong tin chi: quan: | have @ fancy for peaceful places. Occasionally, | ean do some reading before or ater eating. a Pros cvcaicn Redesigned by 3, LY do3: More importantly, | always find that the staff there are quite hospitable. Thong tin hé erg: v Thong tin khéch quan (giai thich): They will give you reasonable advice and recom- mendations if you are uncertain about what to order, which Is very considerate, and a customer can feel very comfy in such an environment. v Théng tin chti quan: | personally focus more on the positive attitude and good service, for if not, they might ruin the good mood for a great meal Két lun: All in all, that’s why Pizza Hut is my favourite restaurant. Khi tra [oi cdu héi cé tit nghi van why, ban khong nén néu lién tuc cdc ly do ma can lam 0 tiing ly do bing cac théng tin khéch quan vaichti quan dé giém khio dé hiéu va dé chap nhin nhiing ly do ban dua ta. ‘Théng thudng, khi trinh bay théng tin khich quan, ban cs thé: iii vf do via néu: simply because/mainly because /since they provide customer- oriented service v m6 ta: The whole place is decorated in a bohemian style. v néu mot chi tiét cu thé: tt only costs me about 5 USD per meal on average. ¥ néuvi dy/stt dung bé cye gidi thigu khai quat + ligt ké: they've got all I want, such as ... Dé dim bio tinh logic va sy cn déi thi ngoai théng tin khéch quan, ban cdn dé cap. théng tin ch quan. Théng tin chi quan oé thé [&: v cam nhén ctia bin than: Whenever | am tired from study, | always set foot in this place. ¥ hain cdnh iia hin thin: You know, | am a poor student with tight budget, so 1 dollar per meal is really a bargain. ¥ si thich ciia bin than: | am personally a big fan of Italian foods. in my spare time, I learn how to cook them, using recipes I've read in magazines. dy{dinh cia bin thin: You know, | plan to spend at least two years studying in Australia, so Thave to get myself well prepared for that, starting with food. Tom lai, céu tra lai cho cu héi cé tit nghi van why sé cé trinh tu nhu sau: — Gidi thigu khai quat — Ly do 1 + théng tin hd trg (thong tin khéch quan + thong tin chit quan) ~ Ly do 2 + théng tin hé tro (théng tin khéch quan + thong tin chi quan) > Pros cvcaic Redesigned by, Chuong 4 Phe = Ly do 3 + théng tin hé trg (thdng tin khach quan + théng tin chti quan) ~ Két luan Céc ¥ khac khi néi vé nha hang: v The decoration style is classy and upscale. (phong cach trang tri trang nha va sang trong) * v The environment is hygienic and sanitary. (mdi truéng vé sinh sach s@) The price is affordable, and I rhay get a discount with my student card. (gid cd hap ly, duge gidm gid khi trinh thé sinh vién) ¥ The location is convenient, and it is easy to find a parking space. (vi tri thuan tién, dé tim ché dau xe) The service is speedy; all orders can be served in 10 minutes. (phuc vy nhanh chéng) ¥ The food is rather nutritious with low calories and less oily/greasy. (mon an kha bd dudng véi lugng calo thap va it dau ma), Lum ¥: Thai gian trinh bay mot ly do kém théng tin hé tro 1a khoding 20 gidy. Nhu vay, tra lai cdu hoi thef tu véi 3 ly do kém théng tin hé tro sé mat ft nhat 1 phutt. Thi gian tra Toi 3 cau hoi dau tién la 45 gidy. Viée phan bé thoi gian nhu thé sé dép ting duge yeu cdu cia Phin 2. very peer et ee oe See eee ere Cee ee eos Vi du ban thing mua hang trén mang. Véi dé bai trén, ban cs thé bay nhiing diém thu hut khdch hang ciia trang web bén hang nhu sau: st quality guaranteed. dam bdo vé chat Iuong lowest price gid thap nhdi sx door-to-door service dich ou giao hang tin nha # cash on delivery trd tién khi nhdn hang Pood Prov ewcsise Redesigned by X free shipping adn chuyén mién phi 4 return policy chil sich tra hang & 2-year warranty bao hank 2 nim + home installation service dich ow ldp dat tui nha ee Stee) Well, my most favourite shop is called ..., which is a kind of online shop, special- ising in home appliances, including TV sets, refrigerators, and other electronic => products. Besides, they provide a variety of products, stich as books, garmenta, snacks. (sit dung b6 cuc gidi thigu khdi quat + ligt ké dé tra loi cau hoi tht nat) ‘Speaking of frequency, well, whenever | need to buy some daily essential appli- ances, it will be my first choice. So, it depends on my personal needs. When it comes to shoppers, basically, itis attractive to various people, for S> example, housewives, students, bargain shoppers, you know, people from all walks of ie. (thai gian trinh bay nhiing noi dung tren la khodng 50 giay) | have a fancy for this online shop for some reasons. Firstly, | feel that ... Besides, | also consider that ... More importantly/Most importantly, /What matters most is that ... aS In summary, that's why ... Dé tra 1di cau hoi cé tr nghi van why vé ctta hang ban ua thich, ban chi cdn trinh bay 3 ly do bat ky trong sé nhitng ly do duge liét ké trong bang sau: ete apt ro siren ee nat ae meee nee nT) Pee ie Cae een ee) ee ren ne) juality. can be If the product delivered is not as coal iy popes | So, forme, itis really trustworthy. guaranteed promised, customers can retum it. ‘The price lly 1/3 fess than | be shor r, $0.1OW a 1 price is generally 1/3 les am a bargain shopper, the market price, price is very attractive. Prov ewcsis Redesigned by delivery is speedy | provide cash-on- delivery service shipping is totally | tree return policy provide home installation service * can pay the money. Once you place an order, your item will be delivered within 24 hours. ‘Once you are sure that the quality is, what they have promised, then you * Traditionally, | need to pay extra for the postage when I shop at a store. For any dissatisfaction, your order ‘can be refundable without any fuss Professionals can get everything done for me. Personally, | cannot even feel the difference between shopping online and at a real store, So, | don’t have to waste time trailing to shops and carrying purchases home. itis really a money saver. For clothes or other non- standard stuff, | may have a second chance to pick up. I don't have to worry about those technical issues. Chuong 6 ctia sdch sé gidi dé theo cach trén. Vi vay, sau khi hoc chuong nay, ban cn ndm ving céch tra [di cdc cdu héi trén thé dé bai cia Phan 2. Redesigned by Redesigned by Redesigned by i a — 1, Cau hdi yéu cau dua ra Iya chon é trd Idi céc cfu héi trong Phan 3, ban ciing trinh bay cdc y theo 6 bude nhu khi tri lai cau hdi cy thé 6 Phin 2 (xem lai myc Cau hi cu thé 6 Chuong 3). > . Dua ra quan diém Neuf do os . Neuvi dy ). Neu gid dinh Dé cap mat A6i lap cia van a2 Két nin mono Personally, | prefer X to Y simply because X is more ... than Y. Besides, through X, | may/can ... For example, if |... In short/All in all/In summary/To conclude/To sum up/in a word, | will go forX. 00000 a Redesigned by ieltsdinhlucn n i IELTS Speaking Recent Actual & Suggested Answers OREM msm UT Do you prefer eating at home or at restaurants? Which one is the most important, your relatives or neighbours? Do you prefer reading newspaper or watching TV programmes? Do you prefer travelling alone or with other people? What do you prefer, a high salary or job satisfaction? Do you prefer making a call or writing a letter? Do you prefer watching foreign films or Vietnamese films? Do you prefer several short holidays or a long holiday? 2. Cau héi vé tam quan trong Hay tr 1di true tiép néi dung cfu héi. Ban 6. thé dang cdc cfu tric gid dinh khi gidi thich: ... rét quan trong vi néu khong ¢6..., chiing ta sé. Yos, deftnitoly yos, | always believe that X is really essential and necessary for since without (doing) X, we would... (hau qua) Besides, ... So, obviously, there is no doubt about the significance of (doing) X. We merCpeere bitty Are computers important? Is art important? Is protecting animals important? Is doing outdoor activities important? Is reading important? Hay ghi nhé trinh ty 6 bude dé tra loi cae cu héi nhém 1 va dua vao phin hudng dan trén dé tra ldi cdc cau hdi nhém 2 nay. Prov ewcsis Redesigned by Chueng 5 e the most popular ‘Voi cfu hdi What is/are the most popular ... in your country?, ban khéng nén tra loi ngay stt vat, sy viée ... ndo dé la phé bién nhat 4 nude minh. Cach tra Idi cho cau héi trén 1a chia ngudi dan trong nude thanh 2 nhém va trinh bay siz khac biét 16 rang vé sé thich gitta 2 nhém ngudi nay. Vi du: young people and the elderly /older people (am nhac, thé thao, phim anh, dia diém tham guan du lich...) men and women (céch thu giai tri, vide mua sm...) children and adults (théi quen doc séch bdo, loai théng tin mud biét... students and office workers (st! dung may tinh/dién thoai di déng, viéc mua sim...) Northern Vietnamese and Southern Vietnamese people (mon an chinh...) Ban cé thé tra 1éi cu hdi trén theo trinh ty sau: It depends. (Vin dé nay ty trumg hop) For X (déi vai mot nhom ngudi), Yot, for ¥ (nhung d6i vdi nhom ngudi khac), I believe that they have a fancy for... I guess they tend to lke .. (gid thiéu khai quat) (gidi thiéu khai quat) such as ... (néu vi du) including ... (néu vi du) simply because ... That's probably because ... car Chia ngudi dan trong nude — chi thé thyc hién hanh d6ng lién quan dén su vat, su viéc... duge néu trong cau héi ~ thank 2 nhém (theo tudi tac, gidi tink...), trinh bay loai/ nhting su vat, su viéc... ma méi nhdém yéu thich va loai / nhang su vat, su viéc... duge cd 2 nhém yeu thich. It depends. For X, | beliove that ... is the most popular one for them, such as A, B, C, D, simply because ae Pros cvcaicn Redesigned by ieltsdinhluc.vrn IELYS Spea Tests & Suguested Answers ng Recent Actual Yet, for Y, I quess they tend to choose ..., including A, B, C, D. That's probably because ... Meanwhile, there are ... that are welcomed by all .., ike... PE SATIN} Leeper sicre ued ae What is the most popular way of relaxing for Vietnamese people? What are the most popular travel destinations for Vietnames people? What is the most popular sport in your country? What is the most common accommodation in your country? What is the most favorite music in your country? Pires Well, it depends. For young people, | believe that ball games are their most favourite sports, like basketball, soccer, tennis. Yet, for the elderly /older people, | guess they may have a fancy for some more relaxing sports, such as jogging, walking, or doing yoga. Trong phiin tra Idi trén, ban da thuc hién bude “phan chia”: chia ngudi dan trong nude thanh 2 nhém (nhém ngudi tré tuéi va nhém nguti Idn tuéi) réi néu nhiing mén thé thao ma ting nhém yéu thich. Néu mun dat diém cao hon, ban o6 thé thém bude “téng hop”: rnéi thém Ia c6 mét 96 mén thé thao ma cd 2 nhém déu ra thich. Meanwhile, there are some sports that are weleomed by all age group, like table tennia, ‘swimming, and cycling. os Emenee Well, it depends. For young people, | am sure they are in favour of popular music, for example, pop, rock, hop, fusion, funk, and stuff like that. Yet, for the elderly /older people, | suppose they are fond of more relaxing music, such as country and classical music. ‘Atthe same time, some types of music are universally loved by all people, like light music and folk music. % Prov ewcsis Redesigned by 74. Cau hdivé su khac biét CIE ee Dé trd Ii cau hdi trén, ban cdnz ‘+ tim nhting diém khac nhau gitta X va Y. Vi du, khi dugc héi vé su khéc biét git 2 thanh phé, ban cé thé trinh bay nhtng diém khéc biét xét tit cdc khia canh nhu: quy m6 ctia thanh phé, co sd ha ting, tinh trang giao théng, chit Iuong khéng khi, chi phi sinh hoat, 4p luc cila cue séng, nhip s6ng, eo hdi nghé nghiép, v.v. © ding céc tit//cum tit din 18 sy so sanh, tit tréi nghia Unlike X, ¥ tends to... (tit/cum tir dign tA sir so sénh) X is ..., while ¥ is more likely to ... (ttt trai nghia) Compared with X, Y is less likely to ... eee esceacre ns What are the differences between men and women when considering relaxation? What are the differences between men's and women's shopping habit? What are the differences between big shops and small shops? What are the differences between living in big cities and living in small cities? What are the differences between living in a big family and living in a small family? What are the differences between young people and the elderly/older people in ways of expressing anger? What are the differences between single-player sports and team sports? What are the differences between watching sport live and watching sport on TV? What are the differences between big weddings and smalls wedding? What are the differences between Vietnamese films and foreign films? What are the differences between self-teaching and being taught by teachers? a Prov ewcsis Redesigned by Loe eee eae Ban c6 thé néu nhitng diém khéc bigt gitta 2 loai cita hang nay xét vé quy mé, wy tin, 36 lugng cht htgng hang héa, gid ca, thai gian mé ctta, khodng céch gita cita hang va khu dan cu... Well, compared with big shops, small shops definitely have a smaller range of goods since they only focus on daily necessities, like vegetables, snacks, beverages, kitchen stuff. ' Unlike small shops, big shops tend to have lower price due to their bargaining power. What's more, it may take a longer time to shop in a big shop, while a small shop is much handier. For example, suppose that | am cooking and | realise that I have run cut of salt; It is impossible for me to get it from a big shop since it is too crowded at the time and I have to queue, waiting for paying, while the grocery store near my house rapidly helps deliver it straightaway. IER one rte Biém Khéc biet: nam gidi béc 19 con gién mét céch truc tiép, nam gidi thudng tim cach quyét van dé trong khi phy nit chon céch tam sy vdi ban be. i Personally/As | see it/From my point of view, there is/are a variety of /a couple of/heaps of/a few differences between them. Firstly, unlike women, men are more likely to express anger in a direct way, such as arguing or fighting. Besides, | also consider that men tend to find a solution to the problem, while women choose to pour their heart out to a soul mate. Prov ewcsis Redesigned by Chyong 5 Phan 3 DIEoee Bat kj sur viée gi cting cé hai mat nhung thusdng sé c6 mét mat néi bat hon. Dé dé nhé, ‘ban cé thé tra 1éi cu hdi trén nhu sau: @ néu 2-3 wu diém e néu 1-2 khuyét diém dé thay nhét Sau day la 4 cap tt ndi vé uu khuyét diém: advantages and disadvantages/benefits and drawbacks/merits and demerits/pros and cons. ‘Néu 3 wu diém: Well, ... is beneficial in many/a variety of ways. Firstly, Besides, ... More importantly /Most importantly, ... ‘Néu 1-2 khuyét diém: Yet, when it comes to the drawbacks, | have to say that ... LO ee eMC Hm Ent Ey Meta Woke ee aaah Noe ete cece Re Rae Mcgee td eee eee nee Reet Sao ra gd eka eee eRe ca Me Rogge Re ace U Re arg UTES Well, it is beneficial to live with old people for a variety of reasons. Firstly, they can take care of you, such as providing meals and doing laundry for you. Frwy = Redesigned by Ha aponinng secon nese Ce A ene Besides, they may give you family companionship. Whenever you feel down, they can give you comfort or provide recommendations and suggestions. Plus, itis really important to have someone to sign for your parcels. Yet, when it comes to the drawbacks, I have to say that (there probably will be) ... > less room for parties and home events jf khidng gian dank cho ede bita tiée wi ede ste kién due 16 chute t@i nha hon % old people might be talkative and wordy, and they may keep talking all day long nguei git 66 thé noi nhiéu, ndi dai dong vd 6 thé néi sudt ngay } they might interfere in your personal affairs ig c6 thé'can thiép odo viée riéng ctia ban { > their timetable may not be synchronised with your daily schedule, and you might be reluctant to make a change tii giaw biéw ctia ho eo thé khéng khép wai thoi gian biéu hang ngay ctia ban va ¢6 thé ban phai mién cudng thay dot PIneEerre reece Well, raising pets is advantageous in a variety of aspects, such as ... ¥ close/intimate companions of people — have fun together ngidi ban than thiét cia con gui — oui dita ciing nhau ¥ chase away loneliness — enrich one’s life xua di sw cd don ~ lam phong plui cube song ¥ more vibrant lifestyle — cheer you up when they play around cue sdng sdi déng han - ban oui khi chiing choi dita ¥ personal assistants — can be trained a8 guides for the blind or for searching for the survivals in a disaster nhiing phu td riéng — (vdt nudi) c6 thé’ duage hudin luyén dé dén dutmg cho ngubi Rhiém shi hode dé’ tim kiéim ngudi song sét rong mét tham hoa Yet, when it comes to the disadvantages, I have to say that they might be ... > noisy — dogs might bark in the deep dark night, which can be disturbing and annoying 6n do — ch6 c6 thé stia wao dém khuya, diéu nay c6 thé gay phién todi, hd chiu > dangerous — mad dogs might attack owners and passers-by nguy hiém — cho dai cé thé’ tdi cing chai va nguabi qua dvong > insanitary — they may spread diseases or infections /be inappropriate for pregnant women and infants kitdng v6 sinh ~ cling c6 thé truyén bénk /khéng thick hop odi phu me mang thai va tré em Pre cvcaic Redesigned by Chuong 5 Phan 3“ . Cau hdi vé ee su thay d6i Day 1a mét trong nhiing cau héi thutng gap nbat. Khi tré Ioicdu hoi nay, ban ca > néu vi du cho thay su vat, suf viée, cdch thite thyc hign hanh dng... nio dé 6 thei idm hign nay e6 khéc biét so véi trong qué khtt > c6 thé nhan xét ring su thay Ai hign nay 1A rét Ién va dé cap nguyén nan cita sw thay déi dé (abut do Internet hodc sit phat trién ciia khoa hoc ky thuat) > chi ra ring con nguéi ngay nay khéng con nhan thiic va cé quan diém mot chiéu vé cic gid tri ma biét suy xét vdn dé ti nhiéu khia canh Generally speaking, people used to ... in a traditional and conventional way, such as ... But now, an increasing number of people choose to... including ... hay nghi din anh hudng cia Internet va khoa hoc ky thudt) CECB RU Co Te tT Be en en rat mre Re a eam Ee Ree ura cheat ks How has people’s way of reading changed recently in your country? Ps ed tae cu Le De he one aes B22 Prov encsisn Redesigned by ieltsdinhluc.vrn TEL ID Dpeaking Recent AcrIEA Lest ec SuyyEDtEU aroWer> LAT eR Well, in the past, people used to communicate with each other in traditional ways, such as making phone calls, writing letters, and sending telegrams. Yet today, because of the proliferation of Internet, people's way of communicating has been nhém cau héi you cau lige ké céc su vat, yéu t6, nguyén nhan cita sy vige nao dé > nhém cau héi ngim yéu cau ting ho hanh dng nao 46 > nhém cau héi di héi thi sinh tra 16% theo 2 trudng hgp ‘Trudc khi tim hiéu vé céc nhém cau hei trén, ban hay 6n lai nhiing céch trinh bay quan diém thong thudng: # When it comes to .../ Speaking of .. just think .../l always consider that... @ From where | stand, | feel that ... @ From my perspective, | find that... ™ Prov ewcsis Redesigned by Chung 5 Phin 3 Nh6m cu héi yéu cau liét ké cde su vat, yéu t6, nguyén nhan cua su viée nao dé CEL ee eee re a OEeacece var ee eee XKhi tré [61 Jogi cau ho1 nay, ban nén trinh bay theo trinh ty: gici thieu khai quat, ligt ké cc danh tit hoc danh dng ti Gigi thieu Khai quét: Well, people often do ... for a variety of reasons ... (chuyén cau héi ciia gidm khdo thanh cau trin thuat va thém tit/cum ti nhu many/loads of/heaps of//a variety of/a wide range of ...) Ligt ké: such as/like/including ... Mao mce rt Ne Re eases eta Meg Mek Rea nnn ca What Kinds of shops are there near your house? Ree ee hts Ge Raa Ram ker Recs Oe ee ‘What are the common festivals in your country? Rage ede tt aad else era ed at are the factors people consider ‘Well, speaking of buying a piece of furniture, | guess people would take a var- &p iety of factors into consideration, such as... (ligt ké danh ti, c6 thé néu ly do vi sao ban €8 cap yéu t6 nao ds) pas Prov ewcsis Redesigned by IELTS Speaking Recent Actual Tests & Suggested Answers &> > room size and room layout ich thude phong va cdch bai tri trong can phong + colour co-ordination sie phéi hgp man sife > price gid én > design mau thidt ke” > quality chat ling » texture Réi cau * ‘What are the efficient ways of learning English? ee Well, talking about learning English, | consider there are many efficient ways, such as .. = soaking into a pire English environment by living in @ native-speaking country for awhile. wm copying the way natives speak through watching English TV programmes or movies. 1m getting started by studying an aspect of the culture, such as music, painting, or literature, Trong s6 céc cau hoi thude loai nay, ban edn chi ¥ céu héi vé phém chat. SEM Day la céu di yéu cdu trinh bay ohitng phdm chét can c6 dé tré thinh mot ngudi nao 6 (vf du: politician, loader, high-salary worker, celebrity, journalist, successful person). 6208 tr V6i cau hdi vé phdm chat, ban c6 thé tra 181 theo cdc bude sau: + Firstly, .. + Besides/Plus, + One more to add/mention, ~ More importantly /Most importantly, Vi dy: Woll, firstly, @ qualified ... should be ... simply because Besides, they also need to be... since... More importantly, | always think ... is essential for a(n) ... Prov ewcsis Redesigned by Chusng § Phan 3 TU msitcsem TN Pero cee Rea er oa Pues re Mea ccd ENA ee Well, 2 good journalist shaulri be responsible for what he has reported. Besides, a good journalist also needs to be insightful because the public want to know the truth and justice behind the stories. ‘Moreover, | always think that persistence is essential for a reporter, he should be able to ‘overcome every kind of obstacle to report the truth. 0 d Hanh dong duac dé cap trong cau héi la hanh dong tich cyc. Voi loai cau héi nay, ban cdu thé hién 16 minh ding hé hanh déng duge néu trong céu héi bang cach tra 1di: Yoo, definitely yes, simply because ... Sau cum tt simply because, ban cé thé trinh bay ede ly do dé khing dinh quan diém cia minh hoac dua ra gia dinh tréi ngugc vdi hanh déng minh ting hé réi chi ra hau qua hoac Anh huéng tiéu cuc, tir dé nit ra két lun 14 moi ngudi nén thyc hién hanh dong do. Pee ORB NTT Ce ee re CL roe ae Le Do we need to do outdoor activities? Bere en Geek cc Frwy ad Redesigned by HELIS Speaking Kecent Actua 1ests 6 SugResieu Ausweers ENT rer ign ‘Yes, definitely yes, | do believe that parents should have supervision of their children's use of ‘computers. 4 Trinh bay céc ly do dé khang dinh quan diém: V Firstly, children tend to lack the ability to tell right from wrong, they need adults’ assist- ance to make judgements. ! ¥ Besides, some of today's websites contain inappropriate Information for children, such as violence and pornography. ¥ Moreover, children are likely to be addicted to online games, which may bring them a sense of satisfaction and over excitement, ‘Dua ra gid dinh tréi nguoc dé gidn tiép khing dinh quan diém: ¥ Without parents’ control, children were very likely to become addicted to ... ¥ Without parents’ control, ehildren were more likely to be affected by some undesirable websites, such as ¥ Without parents’ control, children might tend to spend an excessive amount of time on ‘computers, playing ... Hanh déng duge dé cép trong ciu héi trén tuy mang tinh téch cxye nhuing r&t khd c6 khA nang xdy ra trong thy té. Cach t6t nat dé trd 16i logi cau hdi nay 1a ban hay bay t6 sie ting ho hanh déng dé r8i trinh bay cac ly do dé bao vé quan diém ciia minh. Yes, definitely yes, if all people took public transport, there would be fewer cars/much smoother roads /less gas emission/less congestion/more efficient traffic control/less pollution. Pro ewcsise Redesigned by Chuong 5 Phan 3 _ - Day 14 cu héi mang tinh tranh luan. Chiing ta kho cé thé khang dinh van dé, hanh dong duge néu trong cu héi Ia dving hay sai, nén thyc hign hay khéng nén thyc hién vi diéu nay con tay thudc vao tinh huding va mot sé diéu kign. Do vay, ban o6 thé trd 10i theo céch sau: ¥ chia ra 2 trudng hop ¥ 6 méi trudng hop, hay néu didu kign va két qud/céch gidi quyét van'dé twong ting OER BN meiCemetbetey Should parents buy expensive product for their children? Should all children learn how to play a musical instrument? Do Vietnamese people usually express their opinions? Should public transport be free of charge? Is tourism always good for places? cert Prec et Yes, generally speaking, tourism may be good for places because it brings ... > money > jobs However, if we rely too much on tourism, > the ecosystem might be destroyed hé sinh that co thé’ bi tan pha > local people's life might be disturbed sinh hoge ciia nguisi dn dia phuong co thé bi xdo wn » the air may be polluted Riding hihi co thé’ bi d nbiém a Prov ewcsisn Redesigned by ieltsdinhluc.vrn [b IRLI Speaking Kecent Actual tests & suggestea answers, EMI ee ete eee Well, it depends. For kids who are interested, we should give them a try to see how good they can be since interest is the best teacher. Yet, for those who are not interested, | don’t think compulsory teaching will be a good idea since people are born with different talents, and they might do better in sport or handicraft rather than playing the piano or violin. So, it totally depends on their preference and choices. ould school libraries be free of ch: No, | don't think that school libraries should be free of charge simply because they need a funding source to ... Yet, for registered students, they should be free of charge simply because those expenses have already been included in the tuition fees. Lin y: Dé tra Idi cau héi lién quan dén viéc mién phi hay thu phf, ban co thé trinh bay 2 tru@ng hop tuong ting véi 2 nhém ngudi: ahém ngudi phai dng phi va nhém ngudi c6 thé duge mién phi, chdng han nhut Libraries — registered students and their own staff Parks — local residents Public transport — senior citizens, kids, and disabled people ENGLISH Redesigned by ieltsdinhlucvn Chuiong 5 Phan 3 . we eee te reac) PAT maces giclee Phan 3 cdia bai thi Noi IELTS 1a phdn thao lun nén cdc cau héi thudng lién quan dén mat tich cyc va tieu cyc cia mot vin dé hoae dai hdi phai cé st tranh Iuan. Nhiing cau hoi ma gidm khdo thudng hi cé thé duoc phan loai nhu sau: @ Neudi tré tudi, ngudi gid, mdi quan ‘What are the pros and cons of living with old people? How do young people treat their elders in your country? ‘What do you think of the problem of population aging? é gitia 2 nhém nguéi nay @ Tré em, méi quan hé gitta cha me va con cai ‘Should parents give their children whatever they want? Are today’s children more stressed than before? Should children do outdoor activities? ‘What are the pros and cons of watching TV programmes for children? @ Sukhdc biét gitta nam gidi va ni gidi ‘What are the differences between men and women in ways of expressing anger? ‘What is the most popular way of relaxation of men and women in your country? What are the differences between men and women in sports preference? ® Swkhdc biét vé van hoa gida Viet Nam va nutdc ngoai (nhat la cdc nude phuong Tay) What are the differences between Vietnamese films and foreign films? What are the differences between Vietnamese music and foreign music? ® Su thay déi trong cudc sing, su khac biét gitia l6i sing trudc day va hién nay How has the way of travelling changed in your country? How has the way of finding a job changed in your country? @ Cac van dé thu hit suf quan tam cia mét sé hodc nhiéu ngudi trong xa hdi hién dai Why do some people like buying luxury goods/stuff? Will iPad replace real/paper books? Prov ewcsisn Redesigned by JELTS Speaking Recent Actual Tests & Suggested Answers, @ Cécnganh nghé va nhing phdm chat cin cé cia ngudt lao dong trong mét s6 nganh nghé What kinds of qualities should a good leader have? What are the qualities of a good journalist? What kinds of people can become successful? What kinds of people should earn a high salery? ® Cac van dé lién quan dén ké hoach, dy én hodc tréch nhiém cia chinh phi ‘Should parks be free of charge? ‘Should libraries be free of charge? ‘Should public transport be free of charge? ‘Should all people take public transport? Is tourism always good for places? ‘Should we protect animals? ENGLSH___ Redesigned by ieltsdinhlucvn hinh A trong Phan 2 va Phan Gidi thiéu cac dé dién 3 Prices Redesigned by fi thigu cde d8 dién hinh trong Phan 2 va Phin 3 Cee eereoans 7 @ Mén hoc yéu thich: Describe your favourite subject. ® Céng vige Ij tung: Describe your ideal job. © Lép/gid’ boc mén hoa hoc yéu thich: Describe your favourite science class. @® Nghé ban mudi lim khi Idn lén: Describe a job you wanted to do when you were young/ little. ® Vige kinh doanh nhé Ié ban much Lam trong tutong lai: Describe @ small business you want to do in the future. ene CRONE HT thick: Describe your favourite subject. Me ae Ra eee nc Se acs Eicon sr PISS Prov ewcsisn Redesigned by LELIY Speaxing Kecent ACU! 1eMty 6 URREDICU AURWeES Phan tich dé © Cau hdil » Cée mén co ban: language, mathematics, literature, physics, chemistry, history, geography, etc. + Céemén chuyén nginh: management, psychology, philosophy, archaeology, economics, computer studies, etc. > Cie mon van thé: fine arts, music, PE, speciality class, etc. © Cau hdi2 Ban néu méi lién quan giifa mén hoc do vot cac link vc Khac, vi du: ¢ m6n hoc history /culture/ geography véi chuyén du lich ban yeu thich ‘® mén hoc literature/philosophy/ psychology véi quyén séch ban yéu thich ‘* mén hge economics /finance/management/accounting véi ude ma tré thanh chuyén gia trong Jinh vue tai chin Cée thé loai, fink vye ign. quan ‘Thos gian Cie Kido Lydol Thong tin Ehéch quan ‘Théng tin hd quan, 1 dod ood Pravei Well, one of my favourite subjects is literature, which is the foundation and basis for almost every other subject. Basically, literature covers a wide range of fields, including history, poetry, philosophy, novels, short stories, drama, and language. ‘Speaking of when | learned the subject, | must say that | have been studying literature since primary school, and strictly speaking, the time | spend studying literature is not confined to any certain period but every phase ot my Ife, am partial towards literature for a number of reasons. ‘As mentioned above, literature is an important aspect of a variety of educational programmes. So, how could one communicate with others in a highly respected manner without being literate? Moreover, literature can help us be more educated and informed and, at the ‘same time, can help pave the way for opportunities in study and work. Besides, | feel that literature can motivate a person to think critically /creatively/ innovatively /independently logically /systematically.. Redesigned by Cuong 6 Gidi thien ede 48 dién hinh trong Phin 2 Thong tin Through studying literature, one may develop a strong sense of logic, morality, khdch quan etiquette, principle, and so on. Thong tin And that’s really crucial for a person to function appropriately and effectively in chiiquan society. Lydo3 More importantly, | always believe that literature contains the historical background of the time in which it was written ‘Thongtin simply because literature is the record of the past; itis necessary for inheriting khdch quan and passing on knowledge to the next generation. Théngtin For me, | am quite interested in all aspects of the humanities, and literature cht quan helps me understand them more insightfully and thoroughly. Két han In summary, considering the above-mentioned reasons, I'm strongly in favour of literature, PrN ea what you will need to do this job Cee gk Rd Phan tich dé ‘Voi dé bai vé nghé nghidp, ban cé thé nght dén cac ng’nh nghé sau: > nganh nghé lién quan dén du lich: tour guide /naéng ddn vién du lich, adventurer nha cham hiém rginh nghé ign quan dén m6i trudng: environmentalist nd méi mudng hoc nganh nghé khéc: hotel assessor vién chifc thdin dink chat tung khach san, island caretaker nguii phu trich bién déo, fashion designer nha thiét ké thei trang Pe v Khi ndi vé nghé ly tudng, ban cé thé néu cdc ¥ sau: dé la nghé ban yéu thich, ¢6 ich cho xa h6i dng thoi mang Iai thu nh4p cao. Prov ewcsise Redesigned by es ‘ IELTS Speaking Recent Actual Tests & Suggested Answers Eats Cau mé dau Dia diém Yeu cdu cia cong vige Cie If do Lydol Ly do2 Lfdo3 Két lun ‘Well, the ideal job that | am dying to do is being a caretaker, to be more specific, an island caretaker, which was once called the best job in the world. Speaking of the location, | guess it depends. Wherever there is an island with a stunning view and sensations shoreline, I'm ready to devote myself to this, job. When it comes to the job requirements /criteria, basically, it calls for two main skills. First, [have to speak fluent English or a local language since | have to blend in _ smoothly with the local life. Besides, it wil be necessary for me to be a skilful swimmer, which is fundamen- tal if | want to survive near the ocean. ‘More than that, creativity, passion, persistence, and courage are also highly desirable to really do my job well. Being an island caretaker is my ideal job for the following reasons. Firstly, | am a big fan of the ocean and all kinds of water sports, like surfing, swimming, scuba-diving, snorkelling, and being an island caretaker is all about these things, and this job will really meet my recreational needs. Besides, | also think that the job is pretty easy. Writing a weekly blog will be the main thing | need to do. Beyond that, | may spoil myself as much as | like. ‘Most importantly, the pay is incredibly attractive. If | stay and work for six months, | will receive $110,000. Wow, that would be fantastic. Though | am fully aware that this job is impossible for me, | am still lon« for this kind of job, which is the perfect combination of having fun and making money. In short, | always dream of becoming an island caretaker. Ora Describe a job that can make our world a better place. Describe something you want to make a success of in the future. Describe a working place. Describe a small but successful company. DOLENGLISH Redesigned by Luong 0 widk thigu ede dé dign hinh trong Phan 2.v8 Phan 3 Describe a job that can make our world a better place. You should say: what it is what the job involves where the work is done and explain why the job can make our world a better place. Ban c6 thé chon mét trong sé cdc nghé sau: doctor bac si designer nha thiét ke artist liga si technician Ay thud vién police can sat firefighter link créw ha entrepreneur/businessman doavih nhan architect Rich wtic sie teacher gido vién politician chink tr gia Ban cé thé két hop dé tai nay voi dé tai vé vic lim ly tudng hoc nganh nghé yéu thich. ‘Cau md dau Cong vige Dia diém Cie’ 1ydo1 ‘Thong tin khéch quan Théng tin eh quan Lydo2 Boe eemeeyemaret _ a Well, the job | want to tell you about is being a doctor, which is one of the most essential and indispensable occupations in human life. Regarding doctors’ job, | reckon it involves saving people's and animals’ lives, curing diseases, and easing pains. Normally, they work at medical facilities, such as hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, and treatment centres. | believe that this job is invaluable for the following reasons. Firstly, doctors play an important role in everybody's life. Without doctors, how could we be treated promptly and competently when we get sick? Being robust and healthy is quite fundamental to everyone's well-being, not to mention those who are facing the threats of death. Besides, doctors are those who have the right to provide us with medical advice. Fis Pros cvcaic Redesigned by IELTS Speaking Recent Actual Tests & Suggested Answers Thingtin By this, I mean doctors are authoritative in making recommendations and Khdch quan giving advice on different aspects of life, such as nutritional advice, health care tips, diet therapy, or just common sense of first aid. ‘Théngtin Undoubtedly, we live a more well-rounded and well-balanced life under doctors’ chigquan instructions. Lido3 More importantly, | always believe that general practitioners are increasingly necessary in today’s life. ‘Thongtin Obviously, people today tend to live an unhealthy lifestyle and are more likely Khich quan — to live under all sorts of pressure or anxiety and suffer from various diseases. ‘Théngtin So, general practitioners are more in demand than ever before to help and chi quan support those who are unable to be hospitalised. Kétluin Allin all, doctors are really in great demand and make a great contribution to a better world. Vide kink doanh nbé 18 Describe a small business you want to do in the future. You should say: what the business will be where the business may be located how many people it may need and explain why you want to do this. ‘Mét sé loai hinh kinh doanh nhé 1é: barber shop higw edt t5e hairdresser’s riém lim t6c repair shop sign sta chia milk tea shop gud trd sita bakery cila hang bein online store/e-store cila hang sruc tuyén cafe gucin gidi kat butcher's cia hing thit florist’s cvia hang hoa bookstore /higu sdch nail salon tim lam mong boutique cia hang thai mang Pres cvcaic Redesigned by ‘aay oven thigu ef 48 dién hinh trong Phan 2 va Phan 3 Ban c6 thé trinh bay céc y sau: > profitable 6 loi nig > personal interest séthich ed nhén » flexible working hours gid Lamm vide Linh hogt > self-employed tequan > low threshold investment mui dw ne ban du hap > fast cost-recovery thw Adi chi phi nhanh > highly demanded 6 nhu can cao > promising market thi truémg tiém nang " Ngoai ra, ban c6 thé dé cép dén nhting van dé sau: + market analysis phn rich si aring * personal strengths si digh cila ban than # profit model md hink foi nkudn * risk management gudn bj ri to * target consumers gui tiéu ding muc tiéu Direkirwett _ ‘Cau md du Well, the small business | want to do in the future is to open a cafe, specialising in espresso and cakes, which has been my lifelong dream. Piadiém Regarding the location, basically, | guess it may be more appropriate to be located in a commercial complex or shopping mail simply because our target consumers may be office workers, students, and foreigners, who are more likely to be hanging around in such places. Nhan vin Speaking of the number of employees, | can be the barista myself, but then, | will need one or two to give me a hand with serving or cleaning if necessary. Céelf'do Generally, there are a couple of reasons why | am longing so eagerly to own a cate. Lydol Firstly, | consider that a cafe business calls for less investment and is less laborious. ‘Théng tin Compared with other small businesses, like a restaurant, it is less messy and Khdch quan troublesome; all | need to do is make a cup of drink for my guests. Pro cvcaicn Redesigned by Thong tin hii guan Ly do2 ‘Thong tin dh quan ‘Thong tin cht quan 1ydo3 ‘Thong tin khéch quan ‘Thong tin chi quan két hudin Since | have a strong preference for coffee, especially espresso, | feel that | am doing something artistic and creative while | am making a cup of coffee, Besides, | also feel that the coffee shop sector will keep booming. Given that the westernised lifestyle is getting popular these days, espresso has become enthusiastically welgome; the success of Starbucks is a good illustration. So, based on my market analysis, | believe that this business will be profitable with a short cost-recovery term. ‘More importantly, this has been my lifelong dream. ‘You know, mesting with friends and catering to like-minded cuistomers can ba great things to do. I have always been dreaming that | will have my own little heaven, where | can decorate and design in my favourite way. In short, those are the reasons why I want to open a cafe. Redesigned by ieltsdinhluc.n ‘Tra Jot cau hoi theo wink cu: dua ra quan digi, uwly-do, néu vi dy, néu gid dinh, de cp mat d6i lap ciia van dé, két lua ‘Dua ra quan diém: Personally, | think ... Neulf do: simply because ... Neuvid For example, ... Néugiidinh: Without... ‘Dé cap mat déi lap: On the other hand, Két Iudn: In short/All in all/In summary/To conclude/To sum up/tn a word, ... Which one is more important, salary or job satisfaction? Personally, | find job satisfaction more important simply because if people don’t like what thoy do, it will bo a torture for thom, and { don't believe that they can be persistent and productive under such a n. So, how can they become excellent and improve themselves? Yet, | do admit that salary is almost everyone's concern when they get a job because people need to mest their expenses on a daily basis. In short, if | have to choose only one out of the two aspects, I'd rather select job satisfaction, ss Prov ewcsis Redesigned by ieltsdinhluc.vrn What are the most popular majors in your country? What are the most popular jobs for young peopl your country? ‘Tra loi cit hdi theo 2 bude: “phiin chia” va “téng hop” (chia chi thé thuc hién hanh dong lién quan dén sy vat, su vie... duge néu trong céu hdi thanh 2 nhém, trinh bay logi/ nhiing su vat, sit vigcu. ma méi nhém yéu thich va loai/ nbitng sy vat, su vige... dua cA 2 nhém yéu thich). Well, it depends. I consider/think ... is quite popular for them, such as ..., simply because ... That's because ... For. Yet, for ..., | guess they might fancy /have a fancy for .., including For both, ... What are the most popular jobs for young people in your country? Wall, it depends. For boys. | fee! that they are more likely to be concemed about areas where they believe they will be successful sooner or later, such as banking, IT, engineering, and construction. Yet, for girls, | guess they tend to focus on job satisfaction. Quite a number of girls dream of working in areas that are related to fashion or modem lifestyles, including fashion design, tex- tiles, hospitality sector, and even show business. For both, | think that being in business is pretty attractive since young people nowadays long {ot financial freedom so that they can choose their favourite lifestyle and do whatever they want. Prov ewcsis Redesigned by ‘Guang » ius thigu cde dé dign hinb trong Phan 2 va Phan 3 4 arr? v7 f Cac cau héi dign hinh Peers RUE aera ed Pe ee aaa akan Néu su khac biét 6 su vat, sy viéc, céch thie thuc hién hanh déng... gita thoi diém qué khié va trong hién tai, Generally speaking, people used to ... in traditional and conventional way, such as ... But now, an increasing number of people, especially young people, tend to ... ina more diver- sified way, including ..., simply because our way of life has been deeply transformed by the Internet and technology. How have people’s ways of finding a job changed? Well, people used to find a job in some traditional and conventional ways, like sending résumés to companies, being recommended by some acquaintances, or looking for job vacancies in newspapers or on noticeboards. But now. job hunters are more likely to turn to the Intemet for help. such as posting their CV on some recruitment websites or attending a job interview online. More than that, it now is a trend to join job-hunting fairs, which can greatly gain the publicity from potential businesses nationwide. However, the employers might be extremely critical and strict, 20 only one in a hundred applicants could be chosen, How have people’s ways of studying changed? Well, in the past, people used to study in traditional ways, such as attending a class and listening to teachers’ lectures or studying through reading books. But now, an increasing number of leamers are studying on the Internet or through distance education, and there is also a tendency for today's students to study in different countries. aaP Prov ewcsisn Redesigned by Is equipment necessary for teaching What kinds of people should earn a high salary (and why do they deserve a high salary)? What kinds of bosses are desirable for employees? How may the government help people to run a small business? ‘Tr4 Idi céu héi theo trinh ty: gidi thiéu khai quat va liét ke. In terms of .. I think that .. > When it comes to ..., | just think that ... % I eel/find that ... + Regarding ..., my point is that ... > Personally, | believe that ... Sau khi néu quan diém 6 c4u gidi thiéu khai quat, ban phai dita ra it nhat 2 thong tin dé lam 1 quan diém dé. Ban cs thé ding cdc tit firstly, besides, cum tit more importantly/most importantly dé mé du cu khi trinh bay nhitng théng tin nay. What factors will people consider when seeking a job? Personally, | believe that there is a variety of factors people will consider when hunting for a job. Firstly, salary is the essential one that most people will consider since they believe that their value can be judged by what they are paid, Besides, job satisfaction is also vital simply because people need to make sure that they will do their work with passion and energy. More importantly, there are other factors, such as ... Prov ewcsiss Redesigned by ieltsdinhluc.vrn saving uv ie utigu cée 48 ign hinh trong Phan 2 va Phén 3 promotion opportunity co Adi thang sign om > training sessions cdc Rha dio igo > annual leave phép nghi vide hang nam (co hudng lumg) > welfare structure co cdi phic loi % working environment — midi trang Iam vide > colleagues déng nghiép ci > working hours gia lam vie > salary tién emg > working location diadiém lam viée ‘Tra loi céu hoi theo trinh te: dua ra quan diém, néu ly do, néu vi dy, néu gif dinh, 4 cap mat d6i lap cia vn dé, ket ludn. ‘Duara quan diém: Personally, | think ... Neu do: simply because .. Neu vi du: For example, .. Neugiédinh: Without... ‘Dé chp mat déi Lip: On the other hand, ét ludn: in short/ Allin all/in summary /To conclude/To sum up/in a word, va tra 16 Is the working location important when people are seeking a job? Yes, definitely yes, for most people, | think the working location is very significant => mainly because it is directly related to the time you will spend commuting. For example, if a person has to spend two hours commuting, | guess he is more likely to be frustrated and exhausted with the dally work. Personally, 'd rather put that amount of time into my work. & In a word, the working location is important. uP Prov ewcsise Redesigned by IELTS Speaking Recent Actual Tests & Suggested Answers eons Do you think that more and more people will work at home? Yes, | do believe that an increasing number of people will be freelancers, working at home since the internet has greatly changed the way people work today, and some ep jobs don't call for working in a fixed office, ‘such as being a designer, writer, distance education instructor, and even an accountant. Provided that they can hand in their work by the agreed/consensual deadline, the working location isn't important any more. Besides, efficiency is most people’s first consideration, and working at home is very time-saving and labour-saving, They can focus more on their work instead ot tacing congestion on the road: aS In shor, | believe working at home is likely to become more popular. Tom tat Néu ly do, néu vi du, néu gid dink, dé cap mat d6i lap cia vin dé Ta 4 bude gitip ban [am r6 quan diém ciia minh, Khi trd loi dang céu héi yéu cdu trinh bay quan diém, ban khéng nhét thiét phai theo trinh ty nhu vita néu ma cé thé két hgp céc bude mét ch linh hogt (nhumng phai dim bio tinh logic). Trong mét sé trudng hyp, cach nay sé mang lai nhiéu hiéu qua: cau tra Idi cia ban o6 site thuyét phuc hon, gay én tuong manh hon v6i gidm khéo. Prov ewcsis Redesigned by

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