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Crouzon syndrome sutures-all 3

2. Apert syndrome timing
3. Ramus and body of mandible growth-1-2mm ramus 2-3mm body
4. Anterior/posterior crossbite appliance
5. Thumb sucking at 3 years management
6. Diastema 3mm… retention protocol
7. Class 2 div 2 features
8. Class 2 molar relation left/right (class 2 molar relation on one side and class 1 on the other)
9. Growth sequence-width length height
10. Removable appliance active components-bows and springs
11. Open bite management -intrusion extrusion
12. Deep bite management-intrusion extrusion
13. All first premolars extracted-anchorage needed?
14. One more scenario -type of anchorage needed
15. Hyalinization removed by-election macrophages and osteoclasts
16. 1 mm intrusion of posteriors contributes to how much extrusion of anteriors in open bite
17. Type of headgear scenario
18. Canine nolla stage 6-7 about calcification I think
19. Ugly duckling stage correction
20. Late lower anterior crowding cause-late mandibular growth
21. Unilateral asymmetry appliance
22. MMA value 24+-5
23. Functional component of twin block
24. Nasomaxillary resorption site
25. Anterior resorption and posterior depsition in maxilla
26. Sutures ki definition either they have osteogenic layer or chondrogenic
27. Cleidocranial dysplasia-supernumerary teeth
28. Two most authentic radiographs in orthodontics?
29. Measure of skeletal age-cvmi
30. Golden proportion-lateral About 62 Of central
31. Difference of permanent and deciduous incisors width
32. Facial form diagrams… macroesthetics
33. Distance from source in ceph-5 feet
34. Fr2 indicated when
35. Force type in headgear
36. Class 1 elastics .upper molars to upper canines
37. Prevention of relapse.. Hawleys retainer
38. Activation in rme… two times daily maybe
39. Appliance for rme… hyrax in the options
40. Compensation in class 3- lowers retroclined uppers proclined

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